Linguistic Ethnography Forum

Linguistic Ethnography Forum

Linguistic Ethnography Forum UK LEF is a Special Interest Group of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL).

The Linguistic Ethnography Forum (LEF) ( brings together researchers conducting linguistic ethnography in the UK and elsewhere. It seeks to explore a range of past and current work, to identify key issues, and to engage in methodologically and theoretically well-tuned debate. Linguistic Ethnography holds that language and social life are mutually shaping, and that close


Please check our new website for readings on linguistic ethnography


To register for the upcoming EELC5 conference , please go to the EELC5 registration page at the Manchester University online store.

Linguistic Ethnograpy: Benefits and Challenges Conference 2014 | University of Manchester The fifth in a series of biennial conferences on Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication (EELC5) The conference is held from 12 noon on Thursday 11 September to 5 pm on Friday 12 September. Refreshments and a conference dinner are included in the price.


Just a reminder : the dates for the annual e-seminar are: June 2nd 2014 – June 20th 2014 inclusive.

Our invited ‘speaker’ is Professor Rick Iedema, who is Professor of Communication in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. He has identified a book chapter that I will post to the list one week before the official opening of the seminar.

Our invited discussant is Professor Celia Roberts, who is Professor of Applied Linguistics at King’s College London, UK.

At the opening of the seminar I will formally introduce our speaker and discussant. Our discussant, Professor Celia Roberts will respond to the paper with some commentary and some ideas of interesting questions and areas for discussion before we open out the invitation more widely to the LEF forum to participate. All participation will be via this email list i.e. virtual and asynchronous.

You may have colleagues who are interested in this seminar. Do let them know about it and if they are keen to take part then please encourage then to join the Linguistic Ethnography Forum in good time! To sign up to the linguistic ethnography forum JISC Mail list they will need to register here:
Our topic is health care communication, but its scope is such that it should appeal more broadly to our LEF members by raising some interesting methodological issues. In addition we hope to address the ‘So what?’ question about linguistic ethnography, mindful that issues around impact and purpose are becoming increasingly pressing for us as researchers.

We will look forward to your contributions to the seminar.


Linguistic Ethnography Forum | Bringing together researchers conducting linguistic ethnography. 07/05/2014

Check out the new Linguistic Ethnography Forum website, .

Linguistic Ethnography Forum | Bringing together researchers conducting linguistic ethnography. Welcome to our new site!EditorFebruary 5, 2014No Comment2014-02-05T22:10:05+00:00Welcome to the brand new Linguistic Ethnography Forum web site. This new version of the site is powered by WordPress and sports many new features such as web-based submission...