The World is One Place

The World is One Place

The World is One Place is an organization dedicated to building a 6 classroom school in a small moun

To give to the building fund for the 6 classroom school in Bwa Chandel, Haiti checks can be sent to The World is One Place 2401 Pleasant Grove Road Loris SC 29569.

$70 a month supports a teacher
Any amount contributes to supplies and repairs

Kenyan court says police cannot deploy to Haiti mission 27/01/2024

This just in:

Kenyan court says police cannot deploy to Haiti mission A Kenyan court on Friday rejected a plan to send police officers to Haiti to lead a U.N.-approved mission, throwing into doubt the future of an initiative aimed at tackling gang violence in the Caribbean nation.

Kenyan court says police cannot deploy to Haiti mission 27/01/2024

Kenyan court says police cannot deploy to Haiti mission A Kenyan court on Friday rejected a plan to send police officers to Haiti to lead a U.N.-approved mission, throwing into doubt the future of an initiative aimed at tackling gang violence in the Caribbean nation.


Last summer dancing with my English class at the School of Nursing on La Gonave. Waiting for Haiti to figure it out. Miss you all. 🇭🇹

Philadelphia priest brokers truce between rival gangs in Haiti 19/07/2023

Praying this lasts

Philadelphia priest brokers truce between rival gangs in Haiti After living and serving in Haiti for decades, Father Tom Hagan has convinced four dangerous gangs in Haiti to agree to a truce.

Photos from The World is One Place's post 16/07/2023

Adirondack friends

Photos from The World is One Place's post 24/06/2023

Thank you to all my friends, children and grandchildren, cousins, siblings, students and former students, colleagues and former colleagues who took the time to wish me a happy birthday. And a special thanks to the 3 wonderful people and 2 darling cherubs with whom I spent the day--- grazie, mesi anpil, gracias, thanks💕

Photos from The World is One Place's post 19/06/2023

Last week the children at the little school in Bwa Chandel were told about my camino. The gathered on the school gallery to take some pictures to cheer us on. Mesi anpil timounyo. You are part of our Camino.

Photos from The World is One Place's post 19/06/2023

Thank you Maria Lamas Villar for being a wonderful host to us in Santiago. You are most definitely part of our Camino.

Photos from The World is One Place's post 19/06/2023

Finisterre- the end of the world

Photos from The World is One Place's post 18/06/2023

Santiago de Campostela

Photos from The World is One Place's post 17/06/2023

Padron to Santiago de Campostela Today's intention: for peace and the rule of law in Haiti, for the doctors and nurses at the Wesleyan Hospital Dr. Destin Badio, Dr. Ferdinand, and all of you who give help in conditions that would discourage others. " My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry..." James 1:19

Photos from The World is One Place's post 16/06/2023

Caldas de Reis to Padron
Today's intention: for my Ydson -the little Y, the Greek I, sonson- and your teachers Heather Meyer Gabaud , Laura Hutchings , all the Footprints family, and your foster family. Ydson I'm carrying you and you are light as a feather. " Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. " James 5:13

Photos from The World is One Place's post 15/06/2023

Pontevedra to Caldas de Reis
Today's intention: for my fellow missionaries to Haiti, the Vermaires, the Thedes, Greg Edmonds , Daniel Stanley, Janice Cotrone and all those who serve in that mission field even if you cannot be there now. "...and by works, faith was made perfect" James 2:22

Photos from The World is One Place's post 14/06/2023

Arcade to Pontevedra
Today's intention : for the faculty and students at the Wesleyan University School of Nursing and for its director Dr. Janice Cotrone , that the school can continue to provide excellent education to young people of Haiti. "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22

Photos from The World is One Place's post 13/06/2023

O Porrino to Arcade
Today's intention: for the children and the teachers of Bwa Chandel who have worked hard all school year in spite of enormous privation in Haiti. " For you know we count as blessed those who have persevered. " James 5:11

TWIOPIncAllPictures 16/01/2023

Take a look at our new film created by long time friend Keith Bardwell.



Subject: Port au Prince 10/31/22

The streets -- normally teaming with people, roadside vendors, and colorful vehicles overloaded with passengers, bags of rice and charcoal and sugarcane -- were devoid of life.

Three of us, my two mission colleagues and I, moved quickly from the airport to a secure hotel across the main airport road in the Mais Gate zone of Haiti's capitol city. We carried six heavy bags of hospital supplies, food, and payroll cash for our hospital, school, and mission employees. That road is the only heavily policed area of Port au Prince. Outside of Mais Gate and the area immediately surrounding Guy Mallory and Toussaint L'Ouverture airports, increasingly powerful gangs control the roads, the neighborhoods, the fuel trucks, the supply chain, and every other aspect of life in Haiti. Children stay home from school. Essential workers go in on foot and pray to get home before dark.

Haiti should be a shining example of modern democracy. It was the first truly free nation in the Americas. The slaves of Haiti defeated Napolean's army with sticks and cunning to become the first slave free republic in the western world. In fact, Haiti is the only country in history to have a successful slave revolt and establish an independent nation. What should be a beacon of freedom is now a grim reminder of what greed, corruption, and the failure to accept the rule of law can do.

Our mission driver, Fre Judain, met us at the hotel. He walked. Though he is our driver and has access to several vehicles, he walked. "Pa gen gaz," he said. There is no gas. He walked through empty streets where daily people are kidnapped for whatever meager ransom their families can cobble together or shot outright. He walked to meet us so that he could accompany all the supplies and money to La Gonave the next morning on an MAF flight—our only chance of getting any immediate relief to the hospital, the nursing school, and the little school in Bwa Chandel.

In Bwa Chandel and in many other remote areas of Haiti, food is hard to come by. The usual depots of rice, wheat, and beans are depleted because boats and other vehicles that transport bulk food are not moving. What gas and diesel there is costs over $20 a liter; that's nearly $100 a gallon. And the food that is locally grown sells for 30 percent more than it did even four months ago. Our school lunch program has not been able to buy enough rice for more than a few days of the month. That lunch is the only actual meal most of our students have each day. The food and money to purchase more food was successfully delivered to Met Benito, the principal. He and some community volunteers will see that food is distributed to all of the school families. And we would like to do this kind of emergency relief every other month for as long as the area around the airports remains a safe corridor.

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who gave money for food for our families and pay for our teachers. In spite of the very difficult living conditions right now, the teachers at the little school in Bwa Chandel are showing up every day. If you would like to continue your support or give one time, please go to This little community is thriving against all odds because of your love and support.

Mesi anpil—thank you very much--Nancy Lanni

The pictures are of La Gonave from the air, the unusually empty streets in Port au Prince, Fre Judain, and some of our kids in Bwa Chandel the day they got their new notebooks.
The World is One Place
The World is One Place - 2401 Pleasant Grove Road, Loris, SC 29569 - [email protected]

Misery deepens in Haiti as unrest rages and water shortages bite 22/09/2022

Real news from Haiti that is affecting La Gonave

Misery deepens in Haiti as unrest rages and water shortages bite Thousands in Haiti are facing water shortages after days of protest over fuel prices and crime halt distribution.

Haiti pushes back school year start as economic crisis bites 31/08/2022

Haiti pushes back school year start as economic crisis bites Haitian authorities are postponing the start of the school year by one month, as the Caribbean nation grapples with an economic crisis that has caused a fuel shortage and soaring prices.


Very sad news out of Bwa Chandel yesterday. One of our 3rd grade students, Rafayel Etyenn, passed away after a prolonged fever. Please join this little community in prayer for his family, his classmates--who are terribly sad-- and his teacher Pwofese Krisla. Rafayel was a vibrant little guy who loved school. Though this is not the first loss in our school community, it is the first active student who passed away during the school year-- a hard blow. Rest In Peace Rafayel.💔

Haiti gang releases all 12 Christian missionaries held captive for two months 17/12/2021

Haiti gang releases all 12 Christian missionaries held captive for two months A Haitian gang has released all of the remaining hostages that were kidnapped on Oct. 16 outside the capital of Port-au-Prince, the State Department and Haiti National Police confirmed on Thursday, ending a two-month hostage crisis that gripped the Caribbean nation.

‘Descent into hell’: Kidnapping explosion terrorizes Haiti 05/05/2021

‘Descent into hell’: Kidnapping explosion terrorizes Haiti A wave of kidnappings is sweeping Haiti. But even in a country growing inured to horrific abductions, the case of five-year-old Olslina Janneus sparked outrage.

As Haiti plunges deeper into turmoil, a social media rallying cry emerges: #FreeHaiti 18/03/2021

As Haiti plunges deeper into turmoil, a social media rallying cry emerges: #FreeHaiti It was born out of collective frustration and helplessness, springing to life in a shocking act of violence: a botched raid on a gang stronghold in a Port-au-Prince slum that left at least four Haitian police officers dead, another missing, and their armored vehicles and high-caliber automatic weapo...