Finding Cloud Nine

Finding Cloud Nine

Finding Cloud9 shares inspiration, education, tips, advice, and thoughts on living a rewarding life. Read our blog on Psychology Today! Welcome, cloud niner!

Finding Cloud Nine is written by a psychologist, Dr. Jamie Long, Psy.D. who is passionate about assisting men and women improve mental health and wellness. On the blog [ or] you will find posts dedicated to self improvement, healthy relationship and overall happiness.

Ryan Reynolds opens up about his lifelong battle with anxiety 05/05/2018

Ryan Reynolds opens up about his lifelong battle with anxiety The "Deadpool" star discusses his struggles with the disorder in a New York Times profile


This quote from Dr. Sue Johnson's book "Hold Me Tight" really stuck with me. I think that it's a fairly common misconception that a good relationship is effortless.
That's simply not true. True love requires active participation. It requires awareness and choosing to respond in ways that tell your partner, "I'm here for you."
Just when you think you have it all figured out, one of you changes or grows and you work through it all over again.
Hard work? Yes.
Worth it? Hell yes.


Because searching for someTHING or someONE to make you feel good is not how to build a life.


Next time your child is upset or out of control emotionally, we recommend that you try the “below eye level” technique. Not only will your words and body language combine to convey empathy and connection, this relaxed, nonthreatening posture can actually calm down you as well.

How To Stay Calm When You’re A Frustrated Parent 23/10/2017

How To Stay Calm When You’re A Frustrated Parent “The uncertainty of parenting can bring up feelings in us that range from frustration to terror” – Brené Brown Parenting has more than its share of frustration. This important and unrelenting job…

One Mother Has The Most Brilliant Idea Of Explaining ‘Santa’ As Kids Grow Older… 09/10/2017

This is really cool! 🎅

One Mother Has The Most Brilliant Idea Of Explaining ‘Santa’ As Kids Grow Older… “In our family, we have a special way of transitioning the kids from receiving from Santa, to becoming a Santa. This way, the Santa construct is not a lie that gets discovered, but an unfolding series of good deeds and Christmas spirit.


This is awesome!

Timeline photos 24/07/2017

The central question in any loving relationship: are you there for me?
Here's one of my favorite vows from our wedding ceremony:
“Each day, the choices I make reflect not only my wants, needs and dreams, but equally include my care and concern for the one I love most in the world.”
Our words, actions and choices are clues as to where our priorities lie. When we are truly emotionally available to our partner we choose to love them in a way that secures the bond and sends the clear message: Yes, I'm here. Heart, body, and soul.

Timeline photos 10/07/2017

When's the last time you unplugged?

Spend sometime outdoors this summer to disconnect...and reconnect.

Timeline photos 27/06/2017

To live life to the fullest, we must put our first things first. Think: why are we put on this earth? What matters most to you?

Relationships matter! What have you done today to connect with someone you love? Cant think of anything? Then go make it happen!!🤓

Timeline photos 21/06/2017

"When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the TRUTH just like you did."

How I Coped with My Wife's Infertility: A Male's Perspective - Dr. Jamie Long, Psy.D. 13/06/2017

Latest on the blog:

How I Coped with My Wife's Infertility: A Male's Perspective - Dr. Jamie Long, Psy.D. A rare, insightful and poignant glimpse into the emotional journey of infertility from the male's perspective. A must read!

Does Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' Elicit the Wrong Reaction? - Dr. Jamie Long, Psy.D. 12/06/2017

Latest on the blog roll.

Does Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' Elicit the Wrong Reaction? - Dr. Jamie Long, Psy.D. '13 Reasons Why,' a dramatic TV series about a teen's su***de elicits strong reaction. Did the creators send the right message?

This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Wait For 02/06/2017

It can be tough out there in the dating world. But good ones still exist. Hang in there.

This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Wait For by Emily Higgins Wait for the guy who reaches for your hand on the street and holds it proudly. Wait for …

7 Realities of Stepparenting: Are stepparents "real" parents? 30/05/2017

7 Realities of Stepparenting: Are stepparents "real" parents? Discover the harsh realities of stepparenting in response to the most offensive comment my mother-in-law has ever made. Are stepparents "real" parents?


What a great quote: “I've realized that one of the most unkind things I can do to somebody is to put them on a pedestal because very soon, inevitably, they’re going to do something that's going to knock them off it, and then I'm going to have a lot of trouble with that because I really needed you to be something else. And that's inhumane.” -Elizabeth Gilbert

Timeline photos 28/04/2017

For the most part; eat because you’re hungry, eat food you enjoy and eat food that nourishes your body.

If you’re a little unsure with what to eat to best nourish your body, could you…

– Increase your fruit & veg intake?
– Prepare or cook more of your own food from scratch?
– Be more mindful of your appetite and whether or not you’re eating for reasons other than hunger?

Start by doing any one of these and you’ll be heading the right direction to improving your nutrition and health.

If you remove yourself, even if just for a week or two, from all the media hype around how you should eat, and go back to basics, you might find that you know more than you think about how to feed yourself well.

This might include unfollowing people who are promoting specific diets that restrict foods, people who claim “their” way of eating is the best and/or people who claim they have the answer to weight loss.

If after doing this, you are still struggling to manage your eating and health, then perhaps seeking help from a non-diet/HAES dietitian could be the next step.

Zoe Nicholson - figureate Dietitian

BBC-Earth , Life Story Ep05 - Courtship - Puffer Fish (From Netflix) 24/04/2017

BBC-Earth , Life Story Ep05 - Courtship - Puffer Fish (From Netflix) Quick example of the beauty we can find in those new BBC-Earth documentaries. Captured with shadowplay



Get Down and Dirty With Your Dog: Bow, Hug, and Tug 13/04/2017

Get Down and Dirty With Your Dog: Bow, Hug, and Tug Playing with your dog is a great way to maintain a special bond on their terms.

Timeline photos 07/04/2017

An important reminder on World Health Day.

Cut Down the Advice-Giving and Lift Up Your Marriage 21/03/2017

Cut Down the Advice-Giving and Lift Up Your Marriage Why advice-giving hurts your couplehood.

The Stress (and Depression) of Over-Commitment 16/03/2017

The Stress (and Depression) of Over-Commitment When over-commitment is really under-commitment.

Timeline photos 08/03/2017

Direction is more important than speed.

Joan Didion on Self-Respect 17/02/2017

Joan Didion on Self-Respect “Character — the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life — is the source from which self-respect springs.”

These 6 Kids’ Drawings Of Kindness Nail The Best Thing About It 25/01/2017

These 6 Kids’ Drawings Of Kindness Nail The Best Thing About It “Kids are intrinsically kind”, says Dr. Michael Tomasello, a professor of developmental psychology at Duke University. They are also, as parents or...

Timeline photos 12/01/2017

Embrace imperfection.
Don't numb.
Tolerate the uncertain.
Accept Responsibility.
Let yourself be seen.
Love without guarantees.
Practice gratitude.
Lean into joy.
Believe you're enough.

Getting Kids Unhooked from Their Smartphones - Mindful 11/01/2017

Getting Kids Unhooked from Their Smartphones - Mindful Setting guidelines around kids' tech use starts with the habits and conscious choices of parents. Mark Bertin, MD, shares tips on how families can...

Mindfully Merry: How to Stay Present this Holiday Season - Dr. Jamie... 13/12/2016

Check out Finding Cloud 9's latest post!

Mindfully Merry: How to Stay Present this Holiday Season - Dr. Jamie... Mindfulness is knowing when to embrace life’s experiences and when to deliberately disengage. Here are 3 tips on how to practice it this holiday...