The Drone Rebels

The Drone Rebels

Formerly the Worlds Greatest (only) 'PARTY-PUNK-FUNK' Band! We’ve split up now....

The Drone Rebels 11/09/2022

Been a bit quiet lately....
Drew's been busy learning how to play the guitar again, so we can finish polishing up our old demo recordings.
While you're waiting why not check out all the tunes that are already on our bandcamp page?
Everything is free to download (although you can pay if you want.... hint, hint). What have you got to lose?

The Drone Rebels The Drone Rebels. UK.

The Drone Rebels 31/03/2022

A quick reminder that tomorrow is BandCamp Friday! We're donating any money we make from sales to the Trussell Trust, and on BandCamp Friday we get more of whatever you decide you want to pay. All of our music is available on a 'pay what you feel' basis so you can pay as little or as much as you like (or even download it for free if you want). Have a listen here:

The Drone Rebels The Drone Rebels. UK.

The Chocolate Factory Sessions pt.1, by The Drone Rebels 18/03/2022

Many, many moons ago I was in a band. We are currently remastering and releasing a load of our back catalogue and donating any sales from it to charity. If you fancy having a listen, this was a live session we recorded in a studio called the Chocolate Factory.

The Chocolate Factory Sessions pt.1, by The Drone Rebels 3 track album

The Chocolate Factory Sessions pt.1, by The Drone Rebels 18/03/2022

'The Chocolate Factory Session pt.1' is here!
If any of you actually decide that you'd like to own this mini e.p. you can pay whatever you think it's worth. If you actually pay some money for it we'll donate every penny to the Trussell Trust, to help all the people who are struggling to make ends meet in the 5th richest country in the world....
All of our other music is now available on a 'pay what you feel' basis too, with every penny going to charity (after BandCamp take their bit).

The Chocolate Factory Sessions pt.1, by The Drone Rebels


In a couple of days time we'll be releasing part one of 'The Chocolate Factory Sessions', which will be available on our BandCamp page.
To try and do our bit to help some of the people who are struggling in the world right now, we've decided to make this release, along with 'Resister' and 'Burn Parliament', available on a 'pay what you want' basis, and to give 100% of the proceeds to charity. We haven't decided which charity yet, but we'll let you know when we post the release!
If you do decide that you'd like to buy some of our music and help some people out in the process, then the absolute best day to do it is the first Friday of the month - BandCamp Friday - because that's the day BandCamp waive their admin fees and send us 100% of whatever you've decided to donate.
Watch this space for more details....