Healing Elements UK - Leanne Hewitt

Healing Elements UK - Leanne Hewitt

Alternative Healing Therapies Sharing interests of the spiritual kind and covering techniques and tools for healing on a Mental and Emotional level.


As someone who sees through to the truth in people, I also know when someone lies instantly. I find this very very difficult to tolerate at times, but only when the lie is disrespectful to me or if it causes me problems on a personal level. That is when I will call people out on their lies.

There are times when I know someone has lied to me, but I don't say a word, because I always take comfort in the fact that the truth will come out anyway if it is needed to. So even when a person lies to try and hide the truth, it will be revealed in the end.

Know that sometimes you don't need to challenge someone on a lie. If there is something you need to find out for your own protection, it will be revealed to you when the time is right.

It's all about choosing your battles wisely, not using your time and energy unnecessarily.


I love this quote and it offers very wise advice. 🙏❤️

Setting boundaries is highly important. This is the case on a personal level and definitely a must on a professional level.

Over familiarity can be harmful to all involved, being too informal and friendly with people who are not a close family or truly close friends shows a lack of respect from all sides. There is a danger of damaging yours and others personal and professional reputations, by being over familiar in your behaviour, due to having a lack of boundaries.

It is important to understand that being friendly is not the same as being overly familiar with another person. When these boundary lines are crossed, this has an effect on everyone's morals, values and beliefs and brings these matters into question. It has an effect on your standing in society, it has an impact on how people see you and how you are perceived.

Setting boundaries with others, shows respect for yourself. This respect is then reciprocated by others around you.


Use the energy of the full moon to heal yourself and care for your heart.

Appreciate yourself and take back your power where it has been given away too freely.

Allow the energy to bring awareness and truth for your highest good.

Ask for guidance and protection, release any negative energy that surrounds you or that has been projected towards you.


People have freewill in life, you cannot manifest something with spell work against someone's will. The universe will always bring people or things that are meant for your life and path. This is also not a true divine spiritual way of working.

I see regular posts and scammers promoting how they can help someone to "get a lover back", to use spell work to "call in the person they desire" or to "make a person fall in love with you". This is against the law of attraction and also goes against a person's right to freewill.

If you try to use this type of work against another, trust me it will backfire. You cannot force someone or something to be in your life that is simply not supposed to be. You also cannot use this type of work, to sabotage someone else's life due to feelings of envy, jealousy and spite. If someone is inclined to attempt this, they need to self reflect, go within and heal deep seated wounds.

Don't mess with spell work, it has some seriously bad consequences. Just because you want something, doesn't mean you have the right to it.

What is truly meant for you, will come to you with ease.

Follow the divine path, not the dark path.

If you ever see posts of this nature avoid them at all costs and if you ever see someone post reviews of this kind on my page, report them please, I do not support or condone this type of spell work. I am a healer and well-being worker. I operate from the heart and with good intentions only.


Never compete with others in life, this is giving away your time and energy. The only person in life you should compete with, is your old self, for the sake of growth and development. This is the only way you advance in life and improve who you are.

~ Leanne Hewitt ~


Valentine's Day isn't just a day to show appreciation for loved ones and for others to show you that you are appreciated too, but to also remember to show some appreciation for yourself as well.

Remember to do something nice for yourselves today too. ❤️🙏


Your intuition never lies and will always show you what you need to know for your own protection and guidance, to ensure you head in the right direction.

Sometimes your intuition will scream at you inside, when you aren't listening and you will get signs all around you to show you something you need to be aware of, giving you much needed knowledge and guidance.

Never dismiss it.

Photos from Healing Elements UK - Leanne Hewitt's post 26/01/2024

Always trust your intuition, it never lies.


I've always been passionate about self development, adding new skills sets and any form of healing or well-being work always starts with self.

After a lot of hard work at the end of 2023 on yet another mission of my own personal development, I finally received this well earned achievement today!

2024 will continue to be a year of self development for me! 🥳🙏❤️🌈🥂


Let them judge you.
Let them misunderstand you.
Let them gossip about you.
Their opinions aren't your problem.
You stay kind, committed to love and free in your authenticity.
No matter what they say, don't doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth. Just keep on shining like you do.

~scott stabile~

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Walking Meditation
The snails journey.
Understanding your dreams rather than misunderstanding your dreams.
An Evening of Dream Analysis and Psychic Mediumship with - Wednesday 23rd June 8PM.
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Walk for wellbeing
Seals, Cornwall
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