Patriarch Kirill of Russia

Patriarch Kirill of Russia

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church since 1 February 2009


"In the light of Pascha everything is different: we are not afraid of any mundane sorrows, afflictions and worldly troubles, and even difficult circumstances of these troubled times do not seem so important in the perspective of eternity granted unto us.

St. Ephraim the Syrian had a remarkable thought that during the creation the Lord had put into the depths of man the entire Heavenly Kingdom which only waits for us to discover it like a precious pearl. The Kingdom is written in the soul and placed therein as a dowry, in order that, when the Heir of the Kingdom comes, He may take it with Him into the bridal chamber (Commentary on “Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth…”). And this Heir – Christ – did come and rise from the dead, saving people from sins and giving us power to become the sons of God (Jn. 1:12), that we may walk before the Lord in holiness and truth, live in chastity, worthy to be called Christians, and be the salt of the earth,.. the light of the world (Mt. 5:13-14)."


Paschal Message of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the archpastors, pastors, deacons, monastics and all faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church Department for External Church Relations

LIVE: Patriarch Kirill leads Orthodox Christmas mass in Moscow 06/01/2022

United in prayer and celebration with Orthodox Christians everywhere 🙏

May the birth of Christ fill us with joy and hope amidst the poverty, cold and darkness, just as it filled that little stable in Bethlehem on that first Christmas!

Christ is born!

LIVE: Patriarch Kirill leads Orthodox Christmas mass in Moscow Head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill leads the traditional Orthodox Christmas Eve mass at Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral on Thursday, ...

Patriarch Kirill Gives Grave Warning About New Tech: “A System For Controlling the Masses" 15/11/2021

We must control the machines otherwise they will control us.

Patriarch Kirill Gives Grave Warning About New Tech: “A System For Controlling the Masses" Subscribe to Vesti News a tour of an Orthodox church in a VR headset, learn h...

Christmas Message by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia | The Russian Orthodox Church 08/01/2021

"Let us recall that no problems are ever capable of breaking the human spirit if we retain our living faith and place our hope in God for all things. Let us therefore accept without murmuring the afflictions that have befallen us, for “if I put my trust in Him, He shall be my sanctification: for God is with us” (the Office of Great Compline), as Christ’s Church sings during these holy days of the Nativity. Let us pray that the lowly cave of our life be illumined by the incorruptible light of the Godhead, so that our contrite and humble hearts, like the manger in Bethlehem, accept with reverential awe the Saviour Who has come into the world."



Christmas Message by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia | The Russian Orthodox Church 06.01.2021 12:45Christmas Message by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia News, New documents, Patriarchal MinistryShare the post "Christmas Message by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia"FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInVKontakteE-mailChristmas Messageby Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All R...

LIVE: Patriarch Kirill leads Orthodox Christmas Mass in Moscow 06/01/2021

Holy and joyful Christmas1

LIVE: Patriarch Kirill leads Orthodox Christmas Mass in Moscow Head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill leads the traditional Orthodox Christmas Eve Mass at Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral on Wednesday,...

Святейший Патриарх Кирилл возглавил работу последнего в 2020 году заседания Священного Синода 05/01/2021

Many things have changed but we must continue find the means to move forward

Святейший Патриарх Кирилл возглавил работу последнего в 2020 году заседания Священного Синода 29 декабря 2020 года Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл возглавил работу последнего в 2020 году заседания Священного Синода Русской Православно...

Paschal Message of Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia / Patriarch / 18/04/2020

"... And yet, “pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father” (Jm. 1:27) is this: to treat each other with love and patience, to help and support one another in tribulations, following the example of the Good Shepherd shown to us in the Gospel. No outward restrictions should ever tear apart our unity and take away from us the true spiritual freedom which we have obtained through coming to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Who has conquered death and granted to us the chance to “be called the children of God; for that is what we are” (1 Jn. 3:1)."

Christ is Risen!

Paschal Message of Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia / Patriarch / Paschal Message of His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow and All Russia to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monks and Nuns and All the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch Kirill calls on faithful not to go to church 31/03/2020

Appealing to the virtue of obedience

Patriarch Kirill calls on faithful not to go to church “I call upon you, my dear ones, to refrain from going to church in the coming days, until there is a special Patriarchal blessing,” the Patriarch said, though clergy will continue to celebrate the services.

Unbelievably Beautiful Hymn: Open the Door of Repentance, O Lifegiver 29/03/2020

Whether in times of peace or times of conflict and suffering, Christ is always with us. If we have Christ, we lack nothing.

Unbelievably Beautiful Hymn: Open the Door of Repentance, O Lifegiver
