NewGen Surgical, Inc.

NewGen Surgical, Inc.

Using Smart Sustainable Design™ to create a new generation of medical devices.


Excited to share NewGen Surgical is shortlisted for the 2023 Sustainability Partnerships Awards in two categories! Nominated for the Circular Economy Award and the Sustainable MedTech Innovation of the Year Award, sharing the stage with organizations leading sustainable change in the healthcare sector and driving environmental impact solutions for the NHS and the people and planet.

At NewGen Surgical, we made it our mission to provide circular solutions to the healthcare space by replacing single-use plastic disposables with upcycled, bio-based alternatives. We’ve spent over a decade ensuring our products are at the same quality and clinical performance as traditional, plastic disposables, and it’s an honor to be recognized.

Congratulations to @ Sharpsmart UK, Holdings, @ Wellspect HealthCare, and Stryker's Sustainability Solutions for their award nominations, and thank you to Sustainability Partnerships for highlighting partnership- a critical factor to driving meaningful impact.

Join us on January 31, 2024, to recognize those playing a part in bringing the healthcare sector closer to sustainability. Register here:


The results are IN! NewGen Surgical customers eliminated 7.76 tons of plastic (NEARLY 8 TONS!) and 14.06 metric tons of CO2e this ! Small changes making a BIG impact with simple product substitutions that reduce the reliance on single-use plastics and bring us one step closer to and decarbonization. NewGen Surgical is honored to be a part of this annual collaboration in single-use plastic reduction to inspire individuals and healthcare systems to end plastic use in and outside of the O.R. as we aim to achieve larger plastic reduction goals each year. Millions of people across the globe take part every year in Plastic Free July, with many committing to reducing plastic pollution far beyond the month of July. This challenge serves as a reminder that we should all aim to eliminate plastic and set plastic reduction goals every day of the year.


There's still time! Join the healthcare systems who have already eliminated 6 tons of plastic this month with simple upstream bio-based product substitutions. Take part in the challenge and be a part of the solution to plastic pollution today.

Send an inquiry: [email protected]
Request a sample:


is a core driver of our founding mission. Containing over 4,000 chemicals, 148 known to be highly hazardous to human health, single-use plastic threatens our environment on a global scale, leaching toxins into our waterways, air, groundwater, and oceans. In the U.S. alone, healthcare facilities generate 14,000 tons of waste daily, with 20-25% of that plastic. 91% of those plastics are not recycled and end up in landfills or have already infiltrated natural environments.

With plastic set to outpace coal plants as a driver of climate change by 2030, this year’s theme for is so important and the time critical. Global solutions to combat plastic pollution and organizations like 's focus addressing plastic pollution within the health sector is critical and timely.

A clear solution to is to keep plastics from being produced in the first place. Bio-based, up-cycled alternatives are not just an option- they are an immediate and impactful solution for the future of our planet’s survival.

@ HealthCareWithoutHarm @ Practice Greenhealth

Article link:


“Invest In Our Planet”-Earth Day 2023, engaging governments, institutions, businesses and all to do our part “everyone accounted for, everyone accountable.” Eliminating plastic, using bio based products is a measurable action to first do no harm, for people & planet. We're All In!


Act boldly, innovate broadly, recognize every day offers opportunity to lower our environmental impact. Actions: Earth Day: Climate smart purchasing: bio-based products reduce plastic, Scope 3 emissions and chemicals of concern.


Today kicks off Earth Week – building momentum with informative and actionable ideas. We need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably) - a reminder that every day presents an opportunity to take measurable actions in bettering the future of our planet and the people on it.

“Invest In Our Planet”, this year's theme focuses on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and the more than 1 billion citizens who participate annually in Earth Day to do their part — “everyone accounted for, everyone accountable.”

As a major contributor to global carbon emissions and as the industry dedicated to human wellbeing, the healthcare sector can lead by example. “Invest in Our Planet” prioritizes investments in sustainable products, supplies, and practices.

Healthcare has the opportunity to lead the way in its critical and unique position of being at the forefront of healing patients most effected by a warming and over burdened environment.

Look for our posts this week on climate smart development, products and procurement for impact.


Honored to be nominated as a 2023 Edie Awards finalist for SME of the Year!

“As the backbone of the economy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a huge part to play in developing sustainable products and services and achieving a net-zero carbon economy. This award shines a light on the small-but-mighty organizations and social enterprises that have taken their environmental, social, and financial performance to new heights in an effort to achieve a sustainable future, today.”

Recognized by UK’s largest sustainability awards for the second time as a finalist, we celebrate all the work and people recognized by the awards working towards making the world a better and more sustainable place for current and future generations to come.

National Biobased Products Day | NewGen Surgical, Inc 08/03/2023

It's National Biobased Products Day ! Promoting products that bring us closer to decarbonizing the U.S. economy. NewGen Surgical, a USDA BioPreferred Champion, is the first company to offer O.R. essentials, healthcare packaging, and patient care products certified by the program.

The benefits of using bio-based products include but are not limited to:

- Reducing the reliance on fossil fuels

- Provide a cost-competitive alternative to petroleum-based materials

- Reduce energy, water consumption, and toxic waste

- Biofuels can provide greenhouse gas savings and improve air quality

- Perform as well or better than their petroleum-containing counterparts

NewGen Surgical products help meet climate initiatives set industry-wide and through the Biden Administration with bio-based products that are as simple as a like-for-like substitution – using upcycled plant-based material as an input vs plastic.

With plastic set to outpace coal as a climate driver by 2030, alternative bio-based products are a critical part of the solution to the carbon-driven climate crisis. With leading healthcare organizations and hospitals signed on to the HHS Pledge to Decarbonize the Health Sector, backed by President Biden’s Federal Sustainability Plan and Executive Order #14057, NewGen Surgical is one of the few companies to offer signatories product solutions that help decarbonize their supply chain or climate-smart procurement strategies.

With the demand for sustainable alternatives increasing across all markets, National Biobased Products Day signifies the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy across all industries with NewGen Surgical at the forefront of biobased healthcare products.

@ U.S. Department of Agriculture

National Biobased Products Day | NewGen Surgical, Inc Designated and registered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), March 8 is recognized as National Biobased Products Day. The observance is intended to


Important to our founding mission, NewGen Surgical endeavors to inspire young people and educate each one to be an integral part of leading change for the environment. Every year we offer specialized internships to area college students. In 2022, Sharon Simon, an exceptional high school student with a passion for science, the environment, and health, joined our team under a mentorship program with Co-Founder, Kimberlee Luedee-Chase.

Sharon was a part of the STAT biomedical program at Stafford Academy, VA, a four-year program of study utilizing hands-on, project-based instruction focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). While working at her local animal hospital, Sharon realized how much plastic waste the veterinary field generated. For her capstone senior project, Sharon set out to learn about the value of biodegradables in healthcare; eager to learn about how NewGen Surgical’s biobased products can be used to reduce single-use plastics and carbon emissions in the healthcare setting.

In her capstone final reflection, Sharon said, “So many disposable plastic products are used every day in order to keep the hospital and its items sterile, however, all the trash and plastic ends up polluting our environment. That is when I started my search for an innovative company like NewGen Surgical for my internship that could help me change what was happening.” Sharon learned how valuable the use of biodegradables is not only for the future of healthcare but for the future of our planet.

“The many students who have come through our internship program over the years are a constant inspiration to me – they’re smart and determined to contribute to environmental solutions for their future. Sharon is an extraordinary high-school student who added so much insight to the team here”, added Kimberlee.

Read more about Sharon Simon and mentorship/internship opportunities in our newsletter here:


With the new year underway, it is a perfect time to reflect and explore opportunities in healthcare sustainability in 2023 and beyond. Industries around the world are mobilizing to reach global net-zero goals. The healthcare sector is no exception.

Stay in the loop and get the latest NewGen Surgical news

America Recycles Day: Is Plastic Recycling the Solution You Think it Is? - Earth Day 15/11/2022

We say no.

Plastic will outpace coal as a driver of climate change, has chemicals of concern, been found at highest peaks, the lowest depths, and in the human body. We take a circular approach to eliminate plastic in healthcare w/ our plant-based products.

The problem is big. According to, “American hospitals generate more than 400,000 tons of plastic and other packaging waste every year, and the percentage recycled is close to zero.” NewGen Surgical offers products that eliminate the need for single-use plastic to be generated in the first place - utilizing renewable, bio-based material certified USDA’s BioPreferred Program Products made with upcycled sustainable feedstock and free of chemicals of concern.

Plastic waste takes upwards of 450 years to fully degrade, releases microplastics, and contains 148 chemicals of concern known to be hazardous to human health and the environment. As stated in a National Geographic article, “Plastic production has skyrocketed in recent years, with 50% of all plastics ever made produced within the last 2 decades.”

So little can be recycled in the healthcare, NewGen Surgical reduces plastic production and plastic waste with healthier healthcare products.

America Recycles Day: Is Plastic Recycling the Solution You Think it Is? - Earth Day The messaging surrounding plastic recycling is confusing. How effective is it? Does it even matter? Can it be done safely?

HHS Shares Health Sector Emissions Reduction and Climate Resilience Announcements at COP27 10/11/2022

Glad to see some many great organizations have joined the . NewGen Surgical was recognized at the White House last June for our commitments and its inspiring to learn over 100 organizations have now signed on. Proud to be recognized by officials at COP27 as a leader in decarbonization and resilience. Fighting for a better future and healthier world drives our mission to develop healthier healthcare products.

HHS Shares Health Sector Emissions Reduction and Climate Resilience Announcements at COP27 HHS Shares Health Sector Emissions Reduction and Climate Resilience Announcements at COP27

How might healthcare supply chain stake claim on sustainability? 03/11/2022

Every year we look forward to the HPN’s feature on addressing healthcare sustainability and climate crisis. In this article, leaders in the healthcare and sustainability market, including NewGen Surgical founder Rob Chase, recommend how the healthcare supply chain can stake claim on sustainability. Specifically, Chase speaks on how the pandemic has changed thinking priorities, strategies, and tactics in business, yet the sustainability issue remains consistent. In the past, Supply Chain has been focused on cost and finding the best products at the best price; however, it has become clear that acquisition cost is not only the deciding factor. Now, sourcing decisions heavily rely on how a product is made, where it is made, and the materials used.

Given the influential role of supply chain leaders, they are in a great position to create a positive impact and make a difference for us now and future generations.

To read the full article:

How might healthcare supply chain stake claim on sustainability? Attitudes, motivations may matter more than experiences, skills

NewGen Surgical Needle Counter 01/11/2022

Great to see our best-selling 40 ct needle counter line featured in OR Today magazine!

NewGen Surgical Needle Counter For health care systems looking to decrease the amount of plastic in single-use products in the OR, the NewGen Surgical Needle Counter (NGSNC) outer box is made with 100% plant-based bagasse, a post-agricultural by-product from sugarcane upcycled to create fiber pulp; giving the needle counter a 95%...


NewGen Surgical is the first company to have a product GreenScreen Certified™ through Clean Production Action’s new standard for Medical Devices & Supplies. GreenScreen is a globally recognized tool designed to assess and benchmark chemicals based on hazard. The latest extension of the program, GreenScreen Certified™ Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices, outlines extensive criteria equipment manufacturers must meet to ensure their products do not contain any chemicals of concern. Working directly with CPA, NewGen Surgical is the first healthcare products company to earn certification for the 100% biobased Ring Basin through the new GreenScreen standard for Medical Supplies & Devices. The GreenScreen Certification is a significant step for the company towards providing further product transparency to hospitals and healthcare systems, allowing customers to ensure they are purchasing chemical-free products safely and sustainably.

To read the complete press release, visit:

To learn more about GreenScreen Certified and register for the upcoming webinar, visit:


Kyle Yue joined the NewGen team as a R&D and Materials Engineer. With a Master's Degree in Materials Science & Engineering, and a focus on Biomaterials at Penn State, Kyle is perfectly aligned with NewGen Surgical's push for circular design and new materials clinically suitable for healthcare environments.

Kyle was born and raised in the Sacramento area and is happy to start his career in a rapidly growing field, where he can use his knowledge and background to do impactful work for the future of the planet and generations to come.

At NewGen Surgical, we want to give the next generation the ability to contribute to changing their futures and knowing that they are making a difference in the world by helping transform one of the largest industries of plastic pollution and carbon emissions- healthcare.

Read the full press release here:

ESG Leaders Roundtable Discussion On Making MedTech More Sustainable | NewGen Surgical, Inc 23/09/2022

Informative panel yesterday! Driver & catalysts behind MedTech’s acceleration towards sustainable products challenges designing for sustainability, and key levers to pull when designing. ESG Leaders roundtable discussion on making MedTech more sustainable.

ESG Leaders Roundtable Discussion On Making MedTech More Sustainable | NewGen Surgical, Inc McKinsey’s Values and Value event series, where ESG leaders from across the Life Sciences industry discussed trends, questions, hot topics, accomplishments,


NewGen Surgical will be on this panel - talking design and sustainability tomorrow!

McKinsey & Company’s Values and Value series on Design for Sustainability tomorrow, September 21st from 9-10 am PST (12-1 pm EST), for a session that convenes ESG leaders from across the Life Sciences industry to discuss the hot topics, questions, wins, and challenges that arise on the path to improving the industry’s environmental and social impact.

During the session, Rob Chase, Founder and President of NewGen Surgical and Samantha Smith, Director at Medtronic’s Sustainability Development Center will discuss the driving catalysts behind MedTech’s acceleration towards more sustainable products and packaging, challenges organizations are facing in designing for sustainability and key levers to pull when designing products and packaging today.

Register for the session –

NewGen Surgical™ Earns USDA Certified Biobased Label On All Products | NewGen Surgical, Inc 24/08/2022

“With the BioPreferred labeling, customers will now be able to clearly see the biobased content of our products as well as ensure they are purchasing sustainably.”

As the first company to have O.R. essentials, healthcare packaging, and patient care products to be certified through the BioPreferred Program, NewGen Surgical is optimistic for the future in building on sustainable purchasing throughout healthcare and reaching new markets.

NewGen Surgical’s mission is founded on offering sustainable solutions to eliminate single-use plastic in healthcare and is directly aligned with the USDA BioPreferred Program’s goals. The Program has outlined plans to reduce the reliance on petroleum, increase the use of renewable agricultural resources, and contribute to reducing adverse environmental and health impacts.

HealthCareWithoutHarm Practice Greenhealth U.S. Department of Agriculture

NewGen Surgical™ Earns USDA Certified Biobased Label On All Products | NewGen Surgical, Inc San Rafael, California, August 23,2022 - NewGen Surgical™ Inc. announced today that it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified

Plastic Free July And Beyond! ‘Turn The Tide, One Choice At A Time’ | NewGen Surgical, Inc 11/08/2022

Plastic Free July And Beyond! ‘Turn The Tide, One Choice At A Time’ | NewGen Surgical, Inc This year’s Plastic Free July challenge, ‘Turn the Tide, one choice at a time’ perfectly suits our mission at NewGen Surgical to green healthcare one product


We're almost there! Ready to take the Plastic Free July challenge?

With over 140 chemicals of concern and microplastics now found on the highest peaks in the world to the lowest depths of the ocean, and even in our blood, the human placenta, and umbilical cord. Plastic permeates every aspect of health and the balance of delicate ecosystems. Our company is founded on a mission to
provide healthier product choices for healthcare.

Join NewGen Surgical and over 150 of our customers in Plastic Free July by refusing single-use plastic in the O.R. and choosing our plant-based alternatives.

Last year, our customers eliminated 1 ton of plastic during July alone. So let’s surpass last year’s benchmark this July by making a small change to create a big impact!
@ Plastic Free July @ Practice Greenhealth

NewGen Surgical Signs HHS Pledge To Mobilize Healthcare Sector To Reduce Emissions | NewGen Surgical, Inc 15/06/2022

NewGen Surgical signed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) climate pledge to mobilize the healthcare sector to reduce carbon emissions. "Plastics will outpace coal as a climate driver by 2025 - offering upcycled plant-based products have the added benefit of Scope 3 emission reduction - a main goal of ours to mitigate throughout the healthcare sector and plays a leading role in healthier people and a healthier planet.”
@ Practice Greenhealth @ Department Of Human And Health Services

NewGen Surgical Signs HHS Pledge To Mobilize Healthcare Sector To Reduce Emissions | NewGen Surgical, Inc NewGen Surgical Inc. develops and manufactures plant-based, single-use medical devices and products. With Smart Sustainable Design™, the company’s


What a great notification on Earth Day! NewGen Surgical was accepted as a NAM network organization for decarbonizing healthcare collaborative! We join 110 other organizations around the world have committed to address climate change and ensure a sustainable and resilient health sector with the National Academy of Medicine. By becoming a Network Organization of the NAM’s Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector, we are committing to work collectively on solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change, while centering on and maximizing human health and equity. Read more and join the movement at:


Meet the women at NewGen Surgical. The theme for International Women's Day 2022 “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.” Honoring all women today but especially we honor the women at NewGen Surgical – working on solutions for healthy planet and people. Women here at NewGen Surgical are 2 to1, the changemakers and the trailblazers – starting with the co-founder Kimberlee Luedee-Chase. Kimberlee encourages women to be powerful and have a voice and leaves a lasting impression on those around her with her passion for healthy people and planet with plant-based products to eliminate single-use plastic in healthcare. Medical Director Dr. Anne-Marie Regal, has over 45 years of experience in the medical field, pioneering the industry as the first woman of color cardiothoracic surgeon in the country. Throughout her career, Dr. Anne-Marie Regal has made her mark in the medical/surgical field implementing her expertise as a general surgeon, thoracic surgeon, cardiothoracic surgeon, as well as a medical executive and director. Dr. Anne-Marie Regal inspires all of us women to never let male-dominated spaces discourage us from reaching our full potential as successful, independent, strong-willed, smart women. Silvia Bergamin began her journey here at NewGen Surgical after interning as an international exchange student from Italy to complete her education and achieve her master’s degree in Business Analytics at Dominican University of California. Silvia has not only mastered her craft of Business Analytics here at NewGen Surgical, Silvia is also Supply Chain and Logistics planner and coordinates shipments from overseas during what is one of the most challenging times. Ally is a first-generation Asian American woman that began her marketing career at NewGen Surgical as a marketing intern. As marketing and business operations associate, Ally is full of ambition and wants to defy any odds that are placed on minorities through her hard work ethic and strong-willed determination to accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. Paulina is our Corporate Communications Manager, and lives in Mexico. She hopes to leave the world a better place for her daughter than she found it, which includes continuing to advocate for the success and recognition of women in the workforce. Sara Webster has over 20 years of experience in the quality system arena where she specializes in implementing Quality Systems , particularly in Start-Ups in the Biotech/Pharmaceutical industry. Here at NewGen Surgical, Sara shines in the with her unwavering strong work ethic. She uplifts those around her on a constant basis. empowering the women around her to reach their full potential and never hold back what from they are capable of. NewGen Surgical is committed to accelerating careers and mentoring women in important and executive roles since its inception.


As a member of the American Sustainable Business Council and the Energy Working Group, was so excited to be part of this briefing before the State of the Union. Emily Horne of the NSC spoke about what we are doing as we globally come together with over 30 countries to put severe sanctions on Putin and Russia and the progress made this year with Covid, Climate Action and Social Equity across all people, and especially the most vulnerable - our children. We like the new inititiave Made in America office, and focus to bring supply chain and products and support for small businesses like NewGen Surgical. "Never a good idea to bet against the American people." is a line of Biden's I couldn't agree with more. Thank you ASBC for the invite, and Cedric Richmond, Julie Robriguez Chavez...looking forward to hear from President Biden at the State of the Union.

Earth Day Every Day

NewGen Surgical, Inc. designs and manufactures medical devices and products. Through a process we call Smart Sustainable Design™, single-use O.R. products are redesigned to offer sustainability, value, and performance. Our focus is on the many single-use products used in the millions that end up in the landfill or get incinerated, creating unhealthy impacts in communities around the globe.

Videos (show all)

Healthcare's impact on the environment.
Small Change,Big Impact on #beatplasticpollution #worldenvironmentday
Smal Change Big Impact EPP
Simply NewGen Surgical.
Say No To Plastic Waste in Healthcare
We celebrate EarthDay everyday