Aderarea la un sindicat

Sindicatele sunt organizaţii ce apără drepturile persoanelor la locul d


As the trade union for foodworkers, keeping you safe at work is our number one priority. If you have any concerns at work, we can help. Join BFAWU today to receive advice and support when you need it most 👇

Photos from's post 18/01/2024

Benefits of union in the UK include:

1. **Representation and Negotiation:** The union offers employee representation to employers and negotiates better working conditions, including pay and benefits.

2. **Legal Protection:** The union provides legal assistance to its members in case of work related issues, providing support in employment disputes.

3. **Wages and Benefits:** Through collective bargaining, unions contribute to the establishment of equitable levels of pay and to improving employee benefits.

4. **Safe Working Conditions:** The union works to ensure safe and healthy working conditions by monitoring compliance with occupational safety and health regulations.

5. **Training & Professional Development:** The union can provide resources and opportunities for training and professional development, supporting members in career advancement.

6. **Insurance and Supplemental Benefits:** Through union, employees can access various insurances and additional benefits, such as health insurance or respite facilities.

7. **Solidarity and Community:** The union promotes solidarity between employees and contributes to building a supportive community, providing emotional and social support to its members.

Besides, it's extremely rewarding to be a union member. By joining forces within a union, employees have more negotiating power and positively influence changes in the workplace. We encourage anyone interested in joining a union to benefit from these benefits and to contribute to creating a more equitable and safe work environment.
BFAWU Greencore Tamworth Distribution Centre Branch BFAWU Greencore Boston BFAWU Greencore Northampton BFAWU Greencore Warrington Greencore Hatfield Union BFAWU AT WARP BFAWU at PUKKA Samworth Brothers BFAWU Samworth Brothers Manton Wood BFAWU for Samworth Brothers Workers BFAWU for Samworth Brothers Supply Chain Saladworks Romani in Wellingborough TMI Foods Tmi Foods Ginsters


Beneficiile sindicatelor din Marea Britanie includ:

1. **Reprezentare și Negociere:** Sindicatul oferă reprezentare angajaților în fața angajatorilor și negociază condiții de muncă mai bune, inclusiv salarii și beneficii.

2. **Protecție Juridică:** Sindicatul furnizează asistență juridică membrilor săi în cazul unor probleme legate de muncă, oferind susținere în disputele de angajare.

3. **Salarii și Beneficii:** Prin negocierea colectivă, sindicatele contribuie la stabilirea unor niveluri echitabile de salarizare și la îmbunătățirea beneficiilor angajaților.

4. **Condiții de Muncă Sigure:** Sindicatul lucrează pentru asigurarea unor condiții de muncă sigure și sănătoase, monitorizând respectarea normelor de siguranță și sănătate ocupatională.

5. **Training și Dezvoltare Profesională:** Sindicatul poate oferi resurse și oportunități pentru formare și dezvoltare profesională, sprijinind membrii în avansarea în carieră.

6. **Asigurare și Beneficii Adiționale:** Prin intermediul sindicatului, angajații pot avea acces la diferite asigurări și beneficii suplimentare, precum asigurarea medicală sau facilități de odihnă.

7. **Solidaritate și Comunitate:** Sindicatul promovează solidaritatea între angajați și contribuie la formarea unei comunități de sprijin, oferind suport emoțional și social membrilor săi.

În plus, este extrem de benefic să fii membru al unui sindicat. Prin unirea forțelor în cadrul unui sindicat, angajații au mai multă putere de negociere și influențează pozitiv schimbările în mediul de muncă. Încurajăm pe toți cei interesați să se alăture unui sindicat pentru a beneficia de aceste avantaje și pentru a contribui la crearea unui mediu de muncă mai echitabil și sigur.


Happy birthday to all of you ❤️


BFAWU wish the people of Romania a happy national day and peace and prosperity in the year ahead.


Your right to join a union

The right to join a union is protected by UK law and an employer cannot discrimate against you for joining one.

All workers have the right to:

• choose to join, or not to join, a trade union;

• decide to leave, or remain a member of, a trade union;

• belong to a trade union of their choice, even if it is different from the one recognised by their employer;

• belong to more than one trade union.

An employer cannot discriminate against you for joining a trade union. You cannot be refused employment, treated unfairly at work or dismissed for joining a trade union.

If your employer does discriminate against you, you may be able to make a complaint to an employment tribunal.


George Atwall, BFAWU Regional Officer on 07739326009 or [email protected]

Lukasz Bemka, BFAWU Organising Regional Secretary on 07912760261 or [email protected]

Duggy Johnstone, BFAWU Region 3 Resident on 07497766828 or [email protected]

Photos from BFAWU Greencore Northampton's post 30/08/2023

These are challenging times, but the Legal service has got your back.
BFAWU members get free legal support - from specialists - for accidents and injuries at or away from work, industrial disease claims, serious injury claims and more.


As part of your union's determination to be Here for You during these difficult times, we have set up a helpline. If you have urgent concerns about what is happening in your workplace and can't reach your workplace rep, we'll try to help.

TEll: George atwall Regional officer
Tel : 07739326009

TUC Black Workers Conference – Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) 31/05/2023

TUC Black Workers Conference – Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) The BFAWU was able to take an active role in the recent TUC Black Workers Conference by sending delegates George Atwall (Regional Officer for Region 3), Adrianna Kara and Mohinda Badhen. All of our delegates were proud to take part in the conference and to show how the Bakers union has fought agains...


22-27 May Organising Week.


Please join us and support our Organising Week. Strength in Unity

Photos from BFAWU for Samworth Brothers Workers's post 03/05/2023

Join The Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union online today!
BFAWU is a campaigning trade union. Its job is to get the best deal for BFAWU members at work and is committed to building a strong organisation in every BFAWU workplace and so help make every workplace safer. Whoever you are, wherever you work: joining BFAWU is the right decision
Join BFAWU - have a voice, take action and play a part...BFAWU the union - the union for all
Join the BFAWU

Join BFAWU today! 06/04/2023

Join BFAWU today! Join the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU), the largest independent Trade Union in the food sector in the British Isles.


“ BFAWU Region 3 wish you all a happy Easter to our members we hope you have a fun-filled Easter with your family and friends!”

George Atwall
Regional Officer


Pasties can be eaten hot or cold, but the workers don't get a choice if they can't afford to pay their bills.

This Heart Pasty week, we're campaigning for fair pay, better conditions and trade uinion recognition at Ginsters in Cornwall 👩‍🍳

Join us at

Photos from BFAWU Greencore Tamworth Distribution Centre Branch's post 21/02/2023
Trade union bid by workers at one of Leicester's major firms 21/02/2023

With the looming threats facing workers rights, unions matter now more than ever. Sign our petition and support our campaign for Samworth Brothers workers’ trade union recognition.

Trade union bid by workers at one of Leicester's major firms Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been involved in the workers' campaign


Join The Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union online today!
BFAWU is a campaigning trade union. Its job is to get the best deal for BFAWU members at work and is committed to building a strong organisation in every BFAWU workplace and so help make every workplace safer. Whoever you are, wherever you work: joining BFAWU is the right decision
Join BFAWU - have a voice, take action and play a part...BFAWU the union - the union for all
Join the BFAWU


This week is weeks: a time to share how vital trade unions are, and encourage those yet to join a union to do so. ❤️

The past year has seen unprecedented challenges for workers. Unions have been there every step of the way, fighting to save jobs, uphold workers’ rights and make workplaces safe.

There’s never been a more important time to Join BFAWU .

Join The Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union online today!

BFAWU is a campaigning trade union. Its job is to get the best deal for BFAWU members at work and is committed to building a strong organisation in every BFAWU workplace and so help make every workplace safer. Whoever you are, wherever you work: joining BFAWU is the right decision

Join BFAWU - have a voice, take action and play a part...BFAWU the union - the union for all .

Join the BFAWU


Solidarity to Amazon workers going on strike for the first time in the UK with GMB Union ✊

From Coventry to Kettleby workers are making a stand for better pay and conditions.

Join a union and get organised 🤝


Sarah Woolley Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union - BFAWU general secretary is among the confirmed speakers so far for the Fighting For Anti Racist Workplaces trade union conference on Sat 4 Feb, SOAS London & fully online, co sponsored by Trades Union Congress (TUC)

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