EA-Z Nutrition

EA-Z Nutrition

Offering you the best nutrition in the world! We have everything you need to look and feel your best


Why Your Weight Isn’t Budging Even Though You’re Exercising

Are you working out endlessly only to have the number on the scale never budge — or even worse, go up? This frustrating effect is actually quite common. Before you give up on working out, see if any of these reasons might be to blame

Make sure your workouts fit your body goals. Take a look at bodybuilders, swimmers, distance runners and cycling sprinters, and you’ll notice their body shapes are very different. The style of your fitness training can dictate whether you’re breaking down tissue or building muscles and which muscle areas are targeted.

Fit bodies need fuel to burn. Having too strict of a diet while engaged in a heavy fitness routine can leave your body in conservation mode. To keep your engine burning, make sure your diet is loaded with high-quality, nutritious foods and balanced meals throughout the day. Try tracking your intake to make sure your daily calorie deficit is not too large.

Even top athletes struggle with this one, but taking time off is crucial. Chronic training can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, which is known to prevent weight loss, especially around the midsection. Taking a day or several off can keep hormone levels in check.

Sleep is essential for keeping pounds off. However, struggling to fit workouts in might be detrimental to your sleep schedule. Waking up earlier than your natural wake time to fit in that morning jog or having your system revved up late from an evening basketball game can mess with your sleep rhythm. Craving sugar, constant fatigue, a cranky disposition and weight gain can all be signs that you’re not sleeping enough.

Most general fitness routines do not require a high carbohydrate intake. Filling up on high-sugar sport foods can leave you craving more. While many carbohydrate-rich foods are healthful (Think: Complex carbs), your body needs extra water to process this macronutrient, which can lead to a puffy, swollen feeling and higher number on the scale. Time your carb intake to promote high energy with your training and stick to non-processed carbs (vegetables, brown rice), protein and healthy fats outside of workouts.

Cardio machines and online calculators can overestimate how much energy you’re really burning during your workout. Eating to match these numbers can have you taking in higher than necessary calories throughout the day. Also, the more trained your body, the more efficiently your body can complete workouts so less energy is burned. Invest in a fitness tracker that uses heart rate to help accurately track your burn, switch the type of workouts you do and make sure you are challenging yourself often.

READ MORE: Is it Better to Do Full- or Split-Body Strength-Training Workouts?
The “but I earned it” mindset can get even the most fit athlete in trouble. Sure, sweating it out at the gym gives you a little diet leniency, but it isn’t a free for all. If, after each workout, you give yourself permission to have an extra latte, cocktail and dinner roll, you might be consuming more than is needed by your body and negating all your fitness gains. Tracking your intake on MyFitnessPal can provide insight into how often you’re treating yourself with food and if it is contributing to your stalled results.

Bottom line, there are many factors that can contribute to not seeing the weight loss you desire when starting a new fitness training routine. The best approach is to assess your eating, training and goals with a professional to make sure everything is working together for a successful outcome.


The Most Dangerous Fat Is the Easiest to Loss

It’s every weight loss enthusiast’s dream to zap belly fat but, far from pure vanity, there’s actually a reason why having a lot of fat in the abdominal region can be dangerous. Fat is stored all over our body, but how does an expanding waistline grow your risk for chronic illness?

Your body’s fat impacts your health differently depending on where it’s stored. While most fat found on other parts of our bodies (think arms, legs, buttocks) are considered “subcutaneous fat,” belly fat is more likely to be “visceral.”

“Subcutaneous fat” is the pinchable, squishy fat right between your skin and muscle that helps keep you warm, cushions you against shock, and stores extra calories. “Visceral fat” stores calories too, but isn’t as pinchable because it is located in and around your organs. It’s hidden deep within the belly region, which is what makes it firm (rather than squishy) when you press it.

Fat doesn’t just store calories—it’s a living tissue capable of producing and releasing hormones that affect your other organs. Because visceral fat sits near our organs, its release of these chemicals is poorly situated. Having more visceral fat can raise your LDL (a.k.a. “bad” cholesterol) and blood pressure. Visceral fat can also make you less sensitive to insulin, which increases your risk for Type 2 Diabetes.

READ MORE: Your 6-Week Belly Fat Blasting Walking Plan
Even if you’re thin, you can still have visceral fat around the abdominal region—being “skinny” doesn’t necessarily mean you’re healthy. There’s no sure-fire way to tell visceral from subcutaneous fat short of an expensive CT scan, but it’s important for you to get a rough idea of what your visceral stores are. Here are a few tricks to figure out where your belly stands:

You’re probably wondering, “What does fruit have to do with it?” These two fruits give a quick visual of where most of your fat is stored on the body. Pears tend to store fat in the lower extremities (hips, thighs, buttocks) as subcutaneous fat while apples tend to store fat in the upper region (belly, chest) as visceral fat. It takes a quick inspection, but this is an imperfect way to tell these two fats apart.

Feel for the top of your hip bone (it’s at the same level as the top of your belly button) and circle a tape measure around this point. Remember to relax and don’t suck in your gut (be honest!). Take 2-3 measurements and figure out the average. Men should have a WC of less than 40 inches (102 cm) and women should have a WC of less than 35 inches (89 cm).

The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) takes the circumference of your waist (see above) and divides it by the circumference of your hips. To measure your hips, stand in front of a mirror then figure out the widest part of your butt and measure that circumference. Then use this formula:
WHR = (Waist circumference) / (Hip circumference).
Men should have a WHR of less than 1 while women should have a WHR of less than 0.8.

If your parents or siblings have insulin resistance, heart disease or non-alcoholic fatty liver, you may be at a greater risk for storing visceral fat. Keeping an eye on your visceral fat may be beneficial, but know that the causes of these chronic diseases are complex. If you’re in doubt, it’s best to speak with your healthcare provider.

If you fall in the normal range for WC and WHR, that’s great! Keep working at your weight goals as you see fit. If you’re not there, don’t despair. Because of its proximity to the liver, visceral fat is usually the easier fat to burn. It’s the less risky subcutaneous fat that likes to stick around.

Unfortunately, you can’t forcefully spot reduce fat around your belly no matter how many crunches you do. The next best thing is to live a healthy lifestyle:

Go beyond weight tracking. You can track your waist, hip and even neck circumference in the app. Use this feature to see how your measurements change over time as you lose weight.
Sweat for 30-60 minutes each day. Visceral fat responds well to regular endurance exercises, such as running, biking, rowing, swimming, that elevate your heart rate. As your body uses fat to fuel exercise, it’ll start using up your visceral stores.
Eat a well-balanced diet. Eat a diet high in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean protein with calories set for gradual weight loss (e.g. about 1-2 pounds per week). Cut way back on added sugars and alcohol since these nutrients will more likely end up as visceral fat.
Sleep more, stress less. It’s easier said than done, but in order to take care of your physical body, you have to take care of your mental state. Sleep loss and stress can sabotage your health and fitness goals, so learn more about getting a quality night’s rest and use meditation or yoga to calm your mind. Remember, it’s not just about your health; it’s about your happiness, too.


Things you should Know: Diet & Exercise

Diet: Eating More Produce Linked with Weight Loss.
In this study, researchers reviewed the dietary habits of 4,357 adults five years apart and found that participants who increased their fruit and vegetable intake during this time were more likely to lose weight than those whose produce intake remained the same or declined.
Public Health, March 2018

Exercise: Is Exercise an Antidote for Aging?
Exercise may be the best option to counter the physical effects of aging. In this study, investigators assessed both female and male cyclists, aged 55 to 79, and found that compared with non-exercisers, the cyclists did not exhibit age-related muscle mass or strength loss, they did not experience age-related increases in body fat or cholesterol levels, and their immune system was as robust as that of a younger person. Researcher Dr. Janet Lord writes, “Our research means we now have strong evidence that encouraging people to commit to regular exercise throughout their lives is a viable solution to the problem that we are living longer but not healthier.”


Start by doing 10 reps of each exercise on Day 1, and then add one rep per exercise every day for 31 days. By Day 31, you’ll be doing 40 reps of each exercise, adding up to a whopping 120 reps that day — and 420 reps over the course of a month.


Health Alert: Big Men More Prone to Aggressive Prostate Cancer.
A new study suggests that both taller and heavier men have a greater risk of getting and dying from aggressive prostate cancer. An analysis of data concerning nearly 142,000 men indicates that for every additional four inches of height (10.16 cm), a man’s risk of being diagnosed with high-risk prostate cancer increases by 21%. Furthermore, for every four inch (10.16 cm) increase in waist circumference, his odds of developing aggressive prostate cancer increase by 13% and the risk of dying from prostate cancer increases by 18%. Lead researcher Dr. Aurora Perez-Cornago believes that results of the study will help persuade men to achieve a healthy weight, as well as encourage public health policies to prevent obesity.

Exercise: Manage Knee Pain with Exercise.
People who have knee pain are often tempted to rest instead of exercise; however, regular exercise can help strengthen the knees and ease pain. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends: start exercising slowly and increase repetitions or weights as you get stronger; some discomfort is normal, pain isn't, so stop if you feel pain; don't push yourself so hard that you're in pain the next day; and consult with a therapist or doctor about how often to exercise and the types of exercise you should perform.

Everyday is an opportunity to compete against yourself. The previous you cant win, we must strive to better ourselves in all aspects of life, with God always first.
3 part beings, Mind, Body, Spirit.
Have you fed all 3? Try it, your day will feel more accomplished
✔️Boost Your Energy
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✔️Boost Metabolism
✔️Soothe Your Digestive Tract
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Timeline photos 14/06/2017

For most of us, the idea of grilling runs hand-in-hand with warm, lazy summer weekends. Very rarely do we think about it as a way to whip up healthy, tasty dishes when we’re in a rush. But in reality, that’s exactly what it can be!

Grilling is easy and makes cooking-times much faster--plus, foods hot off the grates have their own special, smokey taste that can make healthy eating even more enjoyable. Here are 8 tips for making grilling your best healthy, convenience-cooking style of the summer!

Timeline photos 01/06/2017

9 Mood-Boosting Food Pairings to Lift Your Spirits
It can be tough to stay on a clean-eating track when your spirits drop. Your first instinct might to be to reach for sugary treats and trans-fat laden junk food to pull you out of the doldrums. The inevitable upshot of your moment of weakness will be a blood sugar spike, then a mood crash and brain fog that sticks around for much longer.

The smarter solution to the occasional bout of the moody Eeyores (the gloomy donkey from Winnie-the-Pooh books) is a more measured approach. When you eat the following nutrient-dense combinations, you’re getting what your body needs to build, protect and mend your brain. Feed thy brain and thy brain will reward you with sustained laser-focus, a more cheerful disposition and an improved ability to deal with stress. Eat well and be happy about it? That’s a prescription even Eeyore would love.


Sprinkle up to a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder into your morning oatmeal for an extra boost to your first meal of the day. Oats contain beta-glucan, which steadies blood sugar, so you’re less likely to get hangry mid-morning if you have oats for breakfast. Compounds in cocoa powder release endorphins and boost serotonin, the neurotransmitter that contributes to good moods when you’re under stress. With a breakfast like this, who needs a doughnut?


Eggs are full of B12 and studies have shown deficiencies in the vitamin can lead to low energy. Salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to work like antidepressants in the brain. Pile a creamy salmon-and-egg scramble on top of whole-grain toast, which offers a slow release of feel-good serotonin, sprinkle the top with chives and you’ve got an Instagram-worthy good mood on a plate. The “likes” on your feed are an added boost.


If you’re short on time time for breakfast and about to start your period, whirl up a smoothie with Greek yogurt, vitamin D-fortified milk, banana and honey and take it to go. The calcium in yogurt paired with the milk’s vitamin D helps fight off mood fluctuations related to the menstrual cycle. Bananas contains a good dose of B6, which studies show can help with depression and mood swings, especially if you’re suffering from PMS.


The folate in asparagus partners with the B12 in the egg to create new brain cells and support serotonin regulation; the duo is being investigated as a natural way to help treat depression. Steam or grill asparagus and top with a finely chopped hard-boiled egg. Add a squeeze of lemon juice for a dose of vitamin C (linked to mood enhancement) and a drizzle of lemon-flavored olive oil, and then gaze at all the pretty promise of spring on your plate — another way to lift your mood.


Ground turkey is a lean alternative to ground beef and it delivers the amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine, both of which have been shown to chase away the blues. Turkey and beans are also good sources of iron, which can protect you against iron-deficiency anemia, a common blood cell disorder that can make you grumpy and apathetic … in a word Eeyore-ish. Try them together in this recipe for white bean chili with a hit of lime.


These briny bivalves aren’t just an easy-to-prepare seafood treat, they’re packed with DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid linked to alleviating depression. Mussels are also a good source of selenium, a mineral associated with better moods and healthy thyroid function. Turmeric has been found to boost dopamine and serotonin production, and curry spices like cumin, cinnamon, fenugreek and chile peppers are all powerful antioxidants, which help our brains fight inflammation, a leading cause of dementia and memory loss. Try them together: Sauté a tablespoon of curry powder, or better yet, homemade curry paste, and whisk in a can of coconut milk. Add 2 pounds of mussels, cover, and cook until the mussels open, about 7 minutes. Not only will your tongue be tingly, so will your brain.



Mackerel is one of the “oily” fish doctors recommend we eat more of. That’s because they’re packed to the gills with omega-3s, the fatty acids shown to improve mood and mental function in several studies. A quick trip under the broiler until flaky and a squeeze of lemon is all the flavorful fillets need. Serve the fish alongside sautéed kale, a top source of vitamin K, shown to protect against crabby “senior moments.” Finish the dish with nitrate-free bacon crumbled over the kale, because if there’s one thing that’ll give you a positive outlook on life, it’s bacon.


Spinach is high in magnesium, a key mineral for energy. To get your full RDA of magnesium, toss 2 cups of baby spinach with 2 tablespoons of almonds, a little lemon juice and a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil. Add some raspberries for a dose of anthocyanin; the flavonoids help you remember things like where you put your keys, a leading cause of irritability among adults.


Nori seaweed is an excellent plant-based source of B12 (see number 3), a brain-healthy nutrient that can be a challenge to get enough of if you happen to be a vegetarian. It’s also full of taurine, a brain stimulant that can help you feel relaxed and happy. Avocados are full of monounsaturated fats, precursors to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps us learn and remember things. Be sure to order your brain-expanding roll with brown rice for a slower release of feel-good carbohydrates so you feel full … and mellow longer. Bring them all together in these Avocado Asparagus Rolls.

Photos from EA-Z Nutrition's post 09/04/2017

Forget Gatorade and all the other sports drinks. For my kids heavy sports workload, we use H30 for maximim hydration.


Diet: What You Eat Can Improve Your Sleep.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following dietary tips to raise your odds for getting a good night's rest: reduce saturated fat and increase fiber intake; reduce sugar consumption, as too much sugar increases the likelihood that you'll wake up in the middle of the night; avoid food and drinks that are spicy, greasy, sugary, or alcoholic to reduce your risk of sleep-interrupting heartburn; and consume more B vitamin-rich foods, such as dairy, eggs, meat, poultry, and fish, as they can regulate melatonin and help stabilize your sleep.
National Sleep Foundation, February 2017

Exercise: Regular Exercise Reduces Depression Risk in Children.
In a new study, researchers assessed about 700 children at ages six, eight, and ten and found that kids who participated in regular moderate-to-vigorous exercise were less likely to develop depression over those four years. Lead study author Dr. Tonje Zahl explains, "Being active, getting sweaty, and roughhousing offer more than just physical health benefits. They also protect against depression."

Photos from EA-Z Nutrition's post 17/01/2017

2 Diabetes-Friendly Creative Snack Recipes

Diabetes, Snacking, & Weight Control

If you have diabetes sometimes you need a little extra to carry you between meals. Planning your diet so that you don’t have extreme dips in blood sugar is not only a smart choice for weight loss, but it’s critical to your health.

That’s why, when you have diabetes and you’re trying to lose weight, choosing the right snacks can get a little tricky, especially if you want to work in some new flavors.

The key, as with all weight loss, is to eat fewer calories than you burn. (Not sure how many calories you should consume each day? Try our Free Diet Analysis tool.) As long as you’re adding snacks that fit into your personal calorie budget, you’re okay to eat snacks in addition to your meals.

Expert Advice
There are lots of great options for diabetes-friendly, quick snacks as shown in the chart to the right— almonds, blueberries, olives, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, cucumbers, to name a few! Click at the right to enlarge our quick and easy Diabetes Snack Idea List.

“It's always tempting to snack on something you love and used to indulge in freely, like potato chips. With diabetes, you need to be aware of carb numbers,” she cautions.

Okay, So No Chips. But craving Something A Bit More Creative?

We’ve rounded up 2 yummy diabetes-friendly, low-calorie snacks that you can munch on to tide you over until the next meal.

Peanut butter protein balls for diabetes
Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Can we say OMG? These things are easy to make, pack alongside your lunchtime Diet-to-Go meals and pop in your mouth when you start to get that 3 p.m. feeling.

Servings: 16 balls

Net Carbs: 3g
Calories: 167


3/4 cup natural peanut butter
1/2 cup vanilla protein powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup slivered almonds


Place all the ingredients into a bowl and mix together to combine.
Next get your hands dirty and roll the balls into 1/2" (1.5 cm bite sized balls) - makes about 15 balls.

Place them into a container as you go and store them in the fridge. These will keep for months like this - but I hope you'll eat them before then.

Recipe Courtesy: Diabetes Meal Plans

Diabetes-friendly stuffed mini peppers
Stuffed Mini Peppers

Take scrumptious little sweet mini peppers to the next level. All you have to do is add a little cream cheese!

Servings: 12-16 (Depends on size).

Calories: 90
Net carbs: 1g


1 lb. mini bell peppers
Full fat cream cheese
Herbs (optional)


Wash each baby pepper and slice the top off and scoop out any little seeds that may remain.
With a blunt knife (like a butter knife) slowly stuff each pepper with cream cheese until they are completely full.

Store in the fridge for up to 3 days


Benefits of Supplements & Protein

I recently had a friend tell me that she doesn't feel that a person needs to take supplements and about 50 years ago I may have agreed with that. But with the way foods are grown and animals are cloned, the way companies care more about food preservation instead of food freshness has changed over the last 50 years or so. Our body needs certain things and unless you are willing to buy every piece of food that the body needs on a daily basis then a supplement is your best options. A true supplement isn't a medication, true supplements help assist the body where things are lackinig. For example, if someone has weak joints they would take Glucosamine not because it is a medication but because it contributes to stregnthening joints and how fluid the joints are. Sometimes decreases swelling in the joints. I will continue with the benefits of supplements over the next month or so. I will try to speak on various supplements out here that may help an individual. Hope this helps.

Protein is an essential nutrient needed on a daily basis by the human body. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believe that most Americans consume more protein than they need to meet their daily requirements. There are occasions, such as pregnancy and in conjunction with certain medical conditions, that additional stress on the body causes higher protein demands. While obtaining extra protein from food sources is ideal, occasional use of protein supplements may be necessary.
Functions of Protein

Protein has a major role in the body, such as building and repairing muscles and bones after times of stress or injury. These times include vigorous activity when muscles are damaged during extreme exercise, and in relation to medical conditions such as surgery and dialysis. Georgetown University educates its students on the importance of protein for immune function to keep the body healthy to resist illness. Protein provides the body with energy in the form of calories. Protein is also made up of nitrogen, essential to all living beings.

If you cannot consume adequate amounts of protein, a supplement like protein powder can be a convenient source of nourishment. Protein deficiency is dangerous to your overall health and can lead to loss of muscle mass, hair loss, and a weakening of the immune system. The American Association of Kidney Patients acknowledges that many dialysis patients cannot meet their high protein needs from foods alone, particularly because of problems with taste related to their kidney disease. They recommend the use of protein supplements under the general direction of a Registered Dietitian to replace the protein lost during dialysis and meet their daily needs.
Fitness and Nutrition Benefits of Protein Supplements

Grocery stores stock their shelves with high-protein products to target low-carb diet followers. The advantage of the extra protein is the feeling of satiety you receive as your body works to digest them, a great benefit for someone looking to lose weight. Protein supplements can also provide an easy, nourishing meal replacement for dieters.

Open any fitness magazine in your local bookstore and you will see the popularity of protein shakes and other protein supplements. When used correctly and in conjunction with a healthy diet, body builders and athletes can benefit from protein bars in between meals to repair tissue damage caused by workouts. Science Daily reports that many athletes do not understand the role of protein and ultimately overconsume, stating that greater than 80 percent have consumed adequate protein from meals. Athletes should consult with a sports nutrition professional to determine how much protein they need.

Timeline photos 28/12/2016


Why do we like exercising with others?

Easy — the camaraderie, the support, the motivation, the like-mindedness, heck, even the ability others have to get our minds off how tough it is sometimes.

So it should go without saying that working out with someone close to you has even more benefits — including a host of them for your relationship. Yes, it turns out that exercising with your significant other has some significant positive effects on you both!

How, exactly? We’ve rounded up 6 reasons exercising with your partner can be a bonding experience and a way to keep you on-track.

1) Happy and healthy go together like you and your loved one.

Doing a regular fitness routine with your partner makes you happy. And we’re not just saying that — there’s real science behind it. A study released in 2000 found that couples who did physical activity together reported greater overall satisfaction with their relationship in general.

“When a couple works out together, the actual exercise itself can physically and emotionally have a positive impact. … Both partners come away with feelings of synchronicity, cooperative spirit, and shared passion. Then you throw in some spicy endorphins, and it can be a real power trip for the relationship.”

2) Exercising and falling in love are one in the same.

exercise together is like falling in love
Your palms start to sweat, your heart rates increases, your breath gets short … wait, are we talking about exercise here, or falling in love? The way your body reacts to both are nearly identical.
That means that the attraction you and your partner feel for one another is likely to go up the more you work out together.

3) You can enjoy guilt-free fitness.

According to certified personal trainer, Helen Ryan, in a 2013 Daily News Interview, one of the main benefits she's seen for couples who workout together is what she calls "guilt-free workouts." Doing it together means you don't have to choose fitness over time with your partner, she explains.

Making workout time, together time means that the hours you spend enriching your health also become time-well spent nourishing your relationship.

4) The one who knows you best knows how to motivate you best, too.

Couples who exercise together find more success
Are you the kind of person who wants to be cheered on and encouraged during a fitness routine, or would you rather be left alone and maybe patted on the back after?

Whatever your cup of tea, your significant other probably knows you well enough to give you the exact kind of motivation that fits with your personality. And together, you can leverage that inside knowledge to stay dedicated.

5) Commitment goes beyond the gym.

Anyone who’s ever been in a committed relationship knows, the more you have in common with one another (or are able to compromise with one another), the more likely you are to stay in it for the long haul. Whether your partner likes to work out or not, finding that compromise to go at it together will help you stay committed not just to the gym, but to each other, too.

6. You enjoy more success!

Couples who exercise together find successWhile we already know from many past studies that couples can share bad habits, in an unprecedented 2015 study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers finally studied the beneficial effects spouses have on their partner’s fitness.

The study looked at more than 3,700 cohabiting and married couples, all over the age of 50. The participants had been given questionnaires every four years since 2002! The team found that

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