The club is based out of South Eastern PA. We race at Lincoln Speedway, Path Valley, BAPS, Bedford with its headquarters in South Eastern Pennsylvania. affairs.

This association shall be known as PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. The governing body shall consist of five or seven board members (President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, Safety Tech.), who will volunteer to serve at least a two year term starting in November of each year. The board members will discuss and approve all PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. All affairs will be

Our Story

This association shall be known as PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. with its headquarters in South Eastern Pennsylvania. The governing body shall consist of five or seven board members (President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, Safety Tech, Public Relations and two (2) trustees), who will volunteer to serve at least a two year term starting in November of each year. The board members will discuss and approve all PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. affairs. All affairs will be a board member group approval (majority will rule on any vote). The board members can resign at any time with written notice to other board members.

Qualifications to be a board member: you must have been a member of the club for no less than two years. Your membership must be in good standing with the Club.

If a board member has a certain responsibility, he or she will be in charge of it. All questions will be directed to them and their decision is final.

A board member may lose his or her status if membership dues are not paid, their car does not meet all rules and/or if they engage in any unsportsmanlike conduct.

Membership Dues are $25.00 paid annually, in full, by March 1st of each year and/or before a member can race with the Club. No refunds will be issued upon leaving, suspension, expulsion or any other condition from PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. An associate membership will be available for $5.00. An associate member will receive all mailings and be able to attend all events, banquets, etc but will not be able to vote or drive. If there is a new driver that wants to race but is not yet certain that they want to join the club, there is a $10 Temporary Membership fee and form to be completed prior to racing. If after that event they would like to join they will then only owe the remainder of the membership fee. This Temporary Membership is good one time only.

All PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. monies are to be used for club use only. Any out-of-pocket expenses by members pertaining to the PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. will be reimbursed upon providing receipt of such purchase.

Drivers of the PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. must be 18 years old or older to operate a car in any event.

All members must sign liability release form before participating in a PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR ACLUB, INC. event.

The PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. will not be liable for any injuries or damages accruing to prIvate property of its members at any time.


There is to be NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES or glass bottles of any kind in the pits. This is a zero tolerance rule. If you or any person accompanied with you in the pits are found with alcohol before OR after a race event your membership will be cancelled and you will be no longer allowed to race with us. Special circumstances will be reviewed by the board members on a case by case basis.


Aggressive behavior and unsportsmanlike conduct amongst Club members or by any driver, car owner, or crew member will result in immediate suspension from the PENN-MAR VINTAGE RACE CAR CLUB, INC. for a period of time to be determined by the board. THIS RULE WILL BE ENFORCED BY SPOTTERS AT ALL EVENTS.

Any aggressive behavior of any kind must be reported to a board member within thirty (30) minutes of incident in order to investigate the incident.


All cars need to be signed in thirty (30) minutes before start of program. A crew member may sign in the driver. Any car arriving late or forgets to sign in will start in the rear for all events that night. It is the responsibility of the driver or crew member to notify the person in charge of the line-ups.

LINE-UPS DONE BY THE CLUB: Line-ups will be done by pulling pills for the HEAT ONLY. The driver with the highest pill will start in the rear of the heat with the driver with the lowest pill starting up front. The feature line-up is done by the finishing order of the Heats. However, if you are not a regular participant at the racing events, you will automatically start in the rear of both events; you must have attended three races to be able to pull pills for starting position. If a car doesn't show for position for the heat or feature, the line will slide up.

POINTS: Ten points will be given for attending a racing event. Ten points will be given for taking the green flag in the heat race. Fifteen points will be given for taking the green flag in the feature race. Points in the heat race will be 15 points and down by one for each finishing position. Feature race points will be 30 and down by two for each finishing position. Points are given to the driver not the car.
If a driver spins out twice during a particular event (heat or feature), you must leave the track immediately and you will lose your points for that particular event (heat or feature) in which you spun out.

All races are point races. If a rain-date is given those points will count.


Any drivER receiving the black flag should immediately report to the pits. The board will then review the reasoning for the black flag and make a points determination.

After the start of the race, the flagman has complete control of that event and their decisions are final.

Any car that comes to a complete stop on the track should automatically go to the rear of the field. If you don't go to the rear you forfeit any points for that event.


All cars shall have a number, not more than three (3) numerals painted legibly on both sides.


PROTEST: Members may protest any car/driver relating to the general and class rules. All protests must be lodged within thirty (30) minutes of the checkered flag of the event in which the car is entered. Only drivers and car owners entered in the same event may lodge protest. The protest will be investigated by a board member and their decision is final. If you are protested and found illegal, all points for heat and feature will be forfeited.

RULE VIOLATION: if a car comes to an event with clearly excessive general rule violations the car will not be allowed to race at that event. The car must meet ALL RULES in order to run.

INSPECTED: all cars will be inspected once each year for rule compliance. When there are rule violations, you will NOT be allowed to participate in ANY event until ALL violations have been corrected and the car re-inspected by the Safety Tech. If you refuse to repair violations you will be suspended from the club, no dues will be refunded and you MUST vacate the pit area immediately.

SAFETY APPAREL: all drivers MUST wear all necessary safety apparel and seat belts when operating their car on the track whether running slow laps, warm-ups or racing. Seat belts must be worn if operating your car in the pit area. This is not required when unloading or loading your vehicle.