

Le bien-être par le rythme! Apprendre à jouer des percussions. Happiness through rhythm! Learn to play percussions. Vous souhaitez apprendre à jouer des congas?

Apprendre à jouer des percussions pour le plaisir, pour apprendre, pour se perfectionner…
Congas, bongos, timbales, cajones, cloches…Apprenez à jouer, lire et écrire les rythmes. Learn to play percussions for fun, to learn something new or to improve your skills. Congas, Bongos, Timbales, Cajones, Shekeres, Bells… Learn to play, read and write rhythms. Vous cherchez une activité pour enfants diffé


Best skins!


Good advice!

The best period to practice! 🦠🔥

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Timeline photos 17/12/2019

1er Moperc en cèdre.

What about the first Moperc cedar drums ever ?


1er Moperc en noyer noir. Superbe!

The First Moperc in American Black Walnut
Give your impression


Great congas skins

Manufacturing conga skins. These are made of the world finest bull leather. All my skins comes from very old bulls from Sweden.
Believe it or not but this hide is going to be dark when it's dried. That's how it looks when it's wet.

Photos from Moperc's post 02/02/2019

Ha ha



The Lady of Percussion 03/07/2017


The Lady of Percussion 2014, Cuba (10min) Documentary short film about Deborah del Carmen Méndez (63), a female percussionist from Old Havana who has had to fight to be part of…


Ça sonne!


Ça c'est de l'or! véritable cours de rumba


Rumba avec les différentes parties...excellent

How Drumming Heals The Body, Mind And Soul 23/04/2015

Sounds good!

How Drumming Heals The Body, Mind And Soul Drumming is as fundamental a form of human expression as speaking, and likely emerged long before humans even developed the capability of using the lips, tongue and vocal organs as instruments of communication. The first sound we ever heard while still in our mother’s womb, was the beating of...

Clayton Cameron: What Are The Mathematics of Jazz? 07/03/2015


Clayton Cameron: What Are The Mathematics of Jazz? Percussionist Clayton Cameron dissects the mathematics of improvisational jazz, demonstrating how numerical patterns make him a better musician.

The Scientific Case That Music Really Is the World's Universal Language 04/03/2015

Language universel

The Scientific Case That Music Really Is the World's Universal Language There's a reason it affects you so powerfully.

La musique et les enfants : un duo naturel 09/02/2015

Bon article...

La musique et les enfants : un duo naturel La Scena Musicale Online est un magazine de musique classique mensuel gratuit contenant des entrevues, des articles, et des critiques de CDs en format HTML et PDF. LSM Online contient aussi toute l'actualit musicale, des liens audio et vido, et le calendrier des vnements musicaux au Canada. LSM Onli…

Des personnes muettes retrouvent la parole grâce à la musique | Sciences 09/02/2015


Des personnes muettes retrouvent la parole grâce à la musique | Sciences Des personnes devenues muettes à la suite d'une attaque cérébrale ont pu recouvrer l'usage de la parole grâce à la musique, selon des expériences menées par des...


Âgé de 6 ans, M. 'x' possède un talent naturel, le voici au djembe. Maintenant il veut des congas! Beaucoup de plaisir à jouer avec lui...

6 years old, Mr 'x' has a natural feel...here he is playing Djembe. Now he wants conga drums! so much fun to jam with him...

Learning music as a child protects brain's speech and auditory functions as you age, study finds 05/02/2015

Learning music as a child protects brain's speech and auditory functions as you age, study finds Starting formal musical training at a young age might get you one step closer to being a musical protégé, but according to a recent study, it could also be the key to preventing decay in speech...

12 Amazing Things Scientists Discovered This Year About People Who Listen to Music 22/01/2015

L'apprentissage de la musique...

12 Amazing Things Scientists Discovered This Year About People Who Listen to Music The power of music is undeniable.

El Duo Peligroso de La Habana de Hoy - Parte I 20/01/2015

Incroyable conversation...Du grand art!

El Duo Peligroso de La Habana de Hoy - Parte I La inovacion y la comunicacion en la percusion Afro-Cubana de hoy en maestria! Pienso que ningun percusionista que se dedica a la tumbadora puede escapar de ...

Bienfaits | Faites de la musique 10/01/2015


Bienfaits | Faites de la musique Bienfaits LES BÉNÉFICES RELIÉS À L’APPRENTISSAGE DE LA MUSIQUE POUR UN JEUNE «La musique n’a que des effets positifs sur le développement de l’enfant. Les recherches vont souvent dans le même sens : des programmes de musique à l’école ou des écoles spécialisées amènent les enfants à mieux performer…


Bonne année å tous!


Teaching a 6 year old today, new student, the little guy had perfect time...he would not do what i was trying to show him, instead we ended up jammin' on his beats...i could solo and he was rock steady...amazing!

Timeline photos 18/12/2014
How playing an instrument benefits your brain - Anita Collins 18/12/2014

Pas nouveau mais excellent!

How playing an instrument benefits your brain - Anita Collins When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout. What’s going on? Anita Collins explains the fireworks that go off in musicians’ brains when they play, and examines s…


You want to learn how to play conga drums?
Looking for a different and fun activity for kids?
You play drums, you sing and would like to play percussions?
You want to have fun with friends and family?
Looking for a team spirit building activities with collegues at work?
ExploRitmo will go to your home, with drums.



LA MUSIQUE ET SES EFFETS SUR LE CERVEAU - INEXPLIQUÉ EN DÉBAT La musique et ses effets sur le cerveau, est un documentaire (0h26) du magazine de découvertes X-enius, qui s'intéresse à l'influence que la musique a toujours provoqué sur les humains, pourquoi elle est appréciée et nous est indispensable dans notre...

Videos (show all)

Âgé de 6 ans, M. 'x' possède un talent naturel, le voici au djembe. Maintenant il veut des congas! Beaucoup de plaisir à...
variation sur rythme songo

