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1960 to 1969 03/12/2019

December 2, 1969, Spiro Agnew posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor to the wife of SSG Clifford C. Sims. On February 21, 1968, during an engagement with enemy forces near Huế in the Republic of Vietnam, Sims threw himself onto a triggered booby-trap device. He was killed in the ensuing explosion, but was successful in protecting the members of his squad

Click Link to Order Brothers in Valor: Battlefield Stories of the 89 African Americans Awarded the Medal of Honor

December 2, 1969, Spiro Agnew posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor to the wife of SSG Clifford C. Sims. On February 21, 1968, during an engagement with enemy forces near Huế in the Republic of Vietnam, Sims threw himself onto a triggered booby-trap device. He was killed in the ensuing explosion, but was successful in protecting the members of his squad

Click Link to Order Brothers in Valor: Battlefield Stories of the 89 African Americans Awarded the Medal of Honor

US taxpayers spent almost $1 billion incarcerating innocent black people 02/12/2019

This is why the 13 Amendment needs to be amended and make slavery illegal in this country and severe penalties like $10k a day for illegal incarcerations.

US taxpayers spent almost $1 billion incarcerating innocent black people Over the last few weeks, the Rodney Reed case has ignited a firestorm of interest, as celebrities, activists, and politicians worked to delay his Nov.

Black History 365 02/12/2019

Click Link To Order or Review Rosa Parks: My Story

December o1, 1955 , Rosa Parks, “the first lady of Civil Rights,” was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama . This act of courage and defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the pivotal events in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. In speaking about this historic moment, Parks said: “I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in."

This was not Parks' first, nor would it be her last, contribution to the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, she had been a member and the secretary of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP for 12 years prior to the bus boycott. She also attended the Highlander Folk School, a social justice leadership training school, the summer before refusing to give up her bus seat.

Parks and her husband moved to Michigan shortly after the bus boycott as a result of losing their jobs. There, Parks was hired as receptionist for U.S. Representative John Conyers Detroit office, where she worked until she retired in 1988. She received many awards and accolades in her life, most notably the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal.

Parks, who was called “the mother of the freedom movement” by the United States Congress, died in October of 2005 and was given memorial services to reflect her heroic legacy in Detroit, Montgomery, and Washington, D.C. She was the first woman in history to lie in state in the capitol rotunda, as well as the first American who was not a government official and the second African American to do so.

Rosa Parks’ impact on American history is undeniable. As she put it, “Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome.”

To introduce your children to this inspirational hero of the Civil Rights Movement, there are several excellent books for young readers including "I Am Rosa Parks" for ages 4 to 8 (, her autobiography for ages 9 to 13, "Rosa Parks: My Story" (, and "Who Was Rosa Parks?" for ages 8 to 12 (

There is also a new Inspiring Woman doll in honor of Rosa Parks for ages 6 and up at

For adult readers who would like to deepen their understanding of Parks' life and impact, we highly recommend the fascinating biography "The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks" at

For more books about courageous girls and women of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, check out our post on "40 Inspiring Books on Girls & Women of the Civil Rights Movement" at

And, for Mighty Girl stories for children and teens that explore racial discrimination and prejudice, visit


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HOME 01/12/2019

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Shopping, Gifts, Coupons 30/11/2019

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Be Thankful For What You've Got - William DeVaughn 30/11/2019

Hip Hop, Jazz and R&B Classic Photos
Published by William Barksdale · 2 hrs ·

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Be Thankful For What You've Got - William DeVaughn William DeVaughn - Be Thankful For What You've Got Diamond in the back, sunroof top, diggin the scene by William DeVaughn through visual expression by Bruce ...

1970 to 1979 29/11/2019

Click Link to Order or Review Reggie Jackson Becoming Mr. October

November 29, 1976 After listening to offers from the Expos and Orioles, Baltimore free agent Reggie Jackson, agrees to a five-year, $3.5 million deal to play for the Yankees, an organization where many had argued against signing him. During Mr. October's turbulent tenure in the Big Apple, the Bronx Bombers will win four divisions, three pennants, and two World Series.

Reggie Jackson wanted to stay in Baltimore because his mother lived there. He would have taken less to stay in Baltimore and but Orioles would not budge from their Original offer

Click Link to Order or Review Reggie Jackson Becoming Mr. October

November 29, 1976 After listening to offers from the Expos and Orioles, Baltimore free agent Reggie Jackson, agrees to a five-year, $3.5 million deal to play for the Yankees, an organization where many had argued against signing him. During Mr. October's turbulent tenure in the Big Apple, the Bronx Bombers will win four divisions, three pennants, and two World Series.

Reggie Jackson wanted to stay in Baltimore because his mother lived there. He would have taken less to stay in Baltimore and but Orioles would not budge from their Original offer. Not sure if this is true or not. but growing up in Baltimore it was rumored that once Reggie and the O's could not reach a deal, Steinbrenner took a train to Bmore and met Jackson with a briefcase with a Million dollars and worked out a deal right on the spot in the Baltimore Trainstation bathroom.

Shopping, Gifts, Coupons 29/11/2019

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Good Books 26/11/2019

Click Link to Order or Review African American Celebrations And Holiday Traditions


Click Link to Order or Review African American Celebrations And Holiday Traditions

The Rules and Revisions For Black Thanksgiving

By Michael Harriot--The The Root

For black families, Thanksgiving is an entirely different holiday than the traditional feast enjoyed by the dominant culture. When the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621, most black families in America weren’t invited to the festivities. In fact, legend has it that a particularly unruly enslaved African whispered to a Native Americans as they pulled up to the Plymouth Colony on Thanksgiving Day:

“Pssst. I’m not trying to throw shade, but I wouldn’t trust those pale skins with the buckles on their hats.”

No one quite knows the date of the first Black Thanksgiving but most historians agree that it took place shortly after the invention of seasoned salt. The holiday became popular in 1866 when Hattie Mae Jenkins combined pasta noodles with extra sharp cheddar in a casserole dish.

Although many people associate the Black Legislative American Cookout Council (BLACC) with barbecues, the organization is also the official regulating body for fish fries, homecomings and repasses (funeral afterparties). Each year, we revise our rulebook to keep up with the customs and traditions of black gatherings.

Here are the 2019 rule changes and revisions:

Food certifications
In 1962, BLACC’s executive macaroni committee decided to limit all macaroni and cheese making to grandmothers, aunts and anyone over 50 with a sufficient supply of the upper-arm fat known as “church lady muscles.” In 1984, we extended those qualifications to dressing and sweet potato pies.

However, this year, we have decided to loosen those restrictions. Henceforth, any family member whose macaroni has been approved at two or more family functions is eligible for mac & cheese certification. It should go without saying that all licensed macaronians must still pass a kitchen inspection because house needs to be cleaned before cooking and you automatically fail if your kitchen is nasty.

We have also removed the age limit for Kool-Aid, iced tea and other beverages technicians, although measuring cups are still not allowed. It does not matter if you are a STEM graduate from a prestigious HBCU, the “Holy Ghost technique” is still the official BLACC method for drink-making:

You pour the sugar into the container until God speaks to your heart and tells you to stop.

Menu requirements
While Thanksgiving meals vary depending on geography and tradition, all BLACC-approved Thanksgiving menus must have the following:

Turkey: This goes without saying. It can be fried, baked or even smoked but if there is no turkey, you’re just having a family meal. A big hunk of turkey breast does not count, but turkey wings or legs do.
Dressing: Not that stovetop either. That’s “stuffing.”
Macaroni & Cheese: Aside from the above rules, there must also be someone present to regulate the size of macaroni scoops so you won’t run out of the “good” macaroni. Mac & cheese should be served in descending order from best to worst because anyone who is late doesn’t deserve top-level, auntie macaroni.
Giblet gravy: Anyone who serves packaged gravy at Black Thanksgiving is eligible for excommunication and must immediately surrender their black card.
Greens: Turnips, collards, cabbage, mustard—it doesn’t matter as long as they are sufficiently cleaned.
Pies: Cakes are cool for church picnics and birthday parties, but there must be at least one pie present at Blacksgiving. After an emergency hearing, our sweets committee has determined that peach cobbler qualifies as a pie.
Pre-meal prayer
The Black Thanksgiving pre-meal prayer should only be given by a pastor, a board-certified deacon or an authorized family member who is saved, sanctified and filled with the Black Holy Ghost (preferably someone who has demonstrated the ability to speak in tongues). The family should hold hands during this ritual ceremony and it should last no more than six minutes.* Even if you believe in a different God (or none at all), all attendees should close their eyes and contribute at least one “hallelujah” or “praise him,” just in case.

Plus, everyone knows that the Bible says (I’m pretty sure of this) that Black Jesus can’t bless you if you keep your eyes open.

*If a family member catches the Holy Ghost during the pre-meal prayer, the entire family must wait 10 minutes or until the shouting dwindles down to an acceptable praise volume, whichever comes first.

Plate-fixing hierarchy
Here is the order that food should be served:

First-Platers: To qualify for first-plate privileges, you must be over 70, have a physical handicap or be listed at least four consecutive weeks on a qualifying house of worship’s “sick and shut-in” list. Until 2018, “first-platers” included all grandparents but for the past few years, too many 45-year-old dudes were getting first dibs on the dressing just because they were got someone pregnant in high school.
Elders: This includes deacons, board-certified ushers, candy ladies, tree-shade mechanics, men who carry pocketknives, any non-teacher who has a candy dish, and any black person over 50 who is commonly referred to as “mister___” or “sister___” (nuns not included).
Grown folks: “Grown” does not have anything to do with a person’s legal age. In the black community, grown-ness is subjective. A 45-year-old who still lives with his mama is not grown but a 30-year-old who has been on the macaroni team for more than 10 years is, indeed “grown.” This also includes non-genetic “aunts” and “uncles.” Furthermore, all first-time, non-related guests over the age of 30 are considered “grown.”
Young’uns: Includes “chirren,” teenagers, anyone whose bills are not in their name and children who “thinks they are grown.”
Late people: If you miss the pre-meal prayer, you’re late.
People who didn’t bring anything: You don’t get to eat until everyone has fixed their plate.
Dinner conversation
Unlike White Thanksgiving, no subject is off-limit at Black Thanksgiving. Feel free to talk politics, religion or even money. However there are some subjects that take precedent and others that should be approached with care:

Death: This is the only time BLACC advises anyone to lie. No black Thanksgiving meal is complete until the family discusses every single person who has passed on since last year. Even if you don’t know the person who has transcended to the great Wakanda in the sky, your family members will insist on making you remember that person. Therefore, if you don’t quite remember Sheila with the one short foot who used to go with Darnell who drove the burgundy Buick LeSabre who worked at the steel mill and used to sing alto in the men’s choir, just pretend you do. She died after a long battle with gout. And even if it is not medically proven, just admit that “you know how it is when them doctors start cuttin’ on you.”
Money: Until BLACC secures our deal with Equifax and Experian, you should take the opportunity to manually check your black credit rating before you meet with family members because uncle Jimmy is going to remind you of that $23 you borrowed in ’94, especially if you arrive at Blacksgiving in a new car. Speaking of the past...
Old Items : All Black Thanksgiving locations are designated as safe spaces from the past so don’t bring up your uncle Jimmy’s 12-year-bid for armed robbery. Even if you’ve seen the security footage and the fingerprint analysis linking him to the crime, when the subject comes up, you must acknowledge that he was framed. Also, please tell your cousin who struggles with addiction that she or he looks good. But keep an eye on your purse.
Prepare a rhetorical response: Everyone at Black Thanksgiving will pose a rhetorical question that ranges from, “How have you been?” to “I know you making all the money.” No one really wants to hear you, they’re just being nice. But you must reply in a similar manner. The list of BLACC-approved responses include: “Blessed and highly favored;” “I’m holdin’ it in the road;” or, my personal favorite, “I’m just trying to be like you when I grow up.”

Over the years, BLACC has issued many edicts concerning Black Thanksgiving-appropriate music. In 2019, we just want to note that Beyoncé’s version of “Before I Let Go” still has seven more years before it can be certified as part of the Black Thanksgiving playlist. And, while gospel music remains the dominant genre of music on our approved list, we have not yet qualified Kanye’s Jesus is King.

In previous years, we mandated that the evening’s festivities could not end until The Temptation’s “Silent Night” or Donny Hathaway’s “This Christmas” was sung off-key by at least one consumer of brown liquor. However, because of changing state laws, we now accept cannabis as a social lubricant for intoxicated carolers.

This is one of the biggest sources of conflict at black gatherings. For the 122nd year in a row, we want to reiterate that no plate can be fixed until everyone has eaten seconds, at which time, main menu items are up for grabs. However, when it comes to desserts, you are only allowed to take one piece of pie, which can only be fixed no more than five minutes before your departure.

As always, one cannot fix a plate for people not in attendance unless they had to work, are in jail or are have been nominated and accepted for a prayer list. Although the plate-fixing hierarchy does not apply to leftovers, first-platers still get preferred access to macaronis and dressings.

Here is the order for saying goodbye at Black Thanksgiving:

Your grandparents: They’re gonna ask you where your coat is, and then tell you that it is too cold to be outside without at least a light jacket. Then they will ask you if you fixed yourself a plate and inform you that they hid a whole pie that you can take with you.
Your aunts: You have to kiss them on their cheeks and thank them for praying for you. Assure them that you are still paying your tithes and offerings.
Uncles: Listen to them explain why this is the year that the Dallas Cowboys (The preferred team of uncles everywhere) will make it to the Super Bowl. The oldest uncle will ask if you need him to come to look at your alternator. Tell him no.
Cousins: This includes playcousins and all family members within a 10-year age range. They’re going to ask where you got a whole pie from. Tell them to mind their business and that grandma loves you more than she loves them.
Anyone on the porch: This includes the liquor drinkers, the weed-smokers, and all your nieces and nephews, whom you will have to give a dollar each and tell them that they can’t have any of your pie.
Your favorite cousin: He or she is gonna walk you to the car and you will sit in the car with one foot out and one foot in, talking for a minimum of eight minutes.
Whoever was in the bathroom: They’re gonna run out of the house and proclaim that they know you weren’t gonna leave without telling goodbye to your favorite aunt/niece/cousin. You’ll roll down the window and talk to them for 13 more minutes. Most of it will be explaining how you got a whole damn sweet potato pie to yourself.
*A brief word about white people
While all are welcome at Black Thanksgiving, all non-black attendees are required to pass an oral examination before arriving at the festivities. Usually, this quiz is given in the car on the way to the event. This is not racist. It is for everyone’s legal and physical protection.

The BLACC is still in litigation concerning the 2004 incident when Caucasian guest Amber Whitmore somehow wound up in the “elders” line between Sister Betty Jean, a licensed church secretary, and Uncle Peanut, who has repaired at least 2,203 alternators in his backyard. Amber admitted that she scooped a little bit of mustard greens during the pre-meal prayer while Sister Jean was speaking in tongues. After a brief hospital stay, Amber claimed that she thought Sister Jean was speaking a foreign language.

Amber remains on First Macedonia’s sick and shut-in list.

To be fair, she did have her eyes open.


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New Jersey is the ‘smartest’ state in America – yes, really 23/11/2019

New Jersey is the ‘smartest’ state in America – yes, really The Garden State is full of bookworms! New Jersey is the “smartest” state in the US — beating out New York and other areas supposedly packed with high-achieving brainiacs, according to …

Good Books 21/11/2019

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Shopping, Gifts, Coupons 21/11/2019

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4 Skinless boneless chicken breasts about 1 1/2 lb.
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Racial Profiling and the Loss of Black Boyhood 19/11/2019

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Holiday Cooking Outdoors: Special Equipment Can Cause Big Fires 16/11/2019

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Holiday Cooking Outdoors: Special Equipment Can Cause Big Fires In the last several years people have taken to cooking meals outdoors using specialized equipment. The increased use of this special equipment has led to more outdoor fires. These fires can have the potential to not only damage the equipment, but to damage your deck, shed, or even your home. These t...

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