Unique Phoenix

Unique Phoenix

I give a s**t about Leaders unlocking their purpose & experiencing infinite living. www.emamuir.com

I help Leaders, Business owners & Entrepreneurs create conscious leadership through EQ, mindset, connection and communication. Creating a new story of leadership, to move beyond the stereotypical style of leadership, for the new powerful leadership to emerge that elevates the whole business. With over 20years experience in coaching and development I know that people struggle to find balance in the


Becoming the master of your emotions is an important step in your growth.

Mastering your emotions allows you to see the truth.

You have an inbuilt intelligence system, I call it the EIS - Emotional Intelligence Structure that needs truth to allow you to connect deeply to it.

When you are mastering your emotions you will be able to respond to life.

When you are not mastering your emotions you will always reacting to life.

What is happening around you, outside of you will be guiding you, rather than what is happening within you.

For a long time I ignores what was happening within me and focused all of my attention on reacting to life, and I'll be honest I thought foe a long time that I was responding, to everyone and everything around me.

That pattern still shows up, particularly with Mt babes, reacting to them rather than responding.

My ego still has resistance and wants to make my emotions mean much more than they need to. My ego needs things to stay the same so it can continue to run the show....

But with awareness and knowing deeply that I am able to master my emotions

I can then master the moment.....and that is a truth.
All you need do is master the moment and master your emotions.....and then you begin to experience freedom.

This is what you will learn when you share a 6mth journey with me....mastering your emotions.

I'll be opening spaces soon, to step intona journey of freedom simply comment



I know you want to click your fingers and be in a place of peace. I know you want to skip ahead and come to a place where you are healed, whole, one within your life. Where all of your problems melt away and your life is simply ease and flow...

I know I did.

Believe me when I say I have tried everything....EVERYTHING.

At the time I was doing whatever I was doing, hypnotherapy, energy healing, kinaesiology, meditation, sound healing....I wanted it 'to work'. To click my fingers and to be 'healed', fixed, to be at peace.

The truth is I was chasing the high each session gave me and then I would have to come back down.

Under it all I thought I would never feel at peace or whole.

The truth is my core beliefs were playing out over and over again.

I am not capable of healing

I am not safe to be vulnerable

I am not worthy of wholeness

Once I could see this I could also see how each type of support I had sought out was a wonderful piece to my path to healing.

I use the word healing loosely....because it's not healing that's needed, it is loving yourself, your stories, all of you, in a whole way.

But whole-ing doesn't have the same ring to it ๐Ÿคฃ

Every piece came together when I choose to look at all of me....

Mind - understand and be aware of my thoughts

Body - understand and be aware that my body holds emotions and stories just like the mind.

Soul - understand, be aware and listen to the small voice always leading me to the best place for me.

That's how I have come to support every one I work with - in a whole-ing way.

Mind - Body - Soul

The truth is you can come to that place in your life where you do feel peace, you feel healed, whole, one AND there can still be 'problems', challenges, resistance, hard choices. Both of these can be in your life at once.....that is the truth. However its how you move through it, how you view it and most importantly what you do within all of it that brings to peace, healing, wholeness and oneness.

If you ready for a whole-ing experience message me to start the conversation


Feels like you're stuck in the same loop?

Different job, but still dealing with the same problems?

Different person, but feels like the same relationship on repeat.

Different day, same problems.

Different situation, same challenges.

I was stuck in the same loop for years, and one of the most challenging parts for me to see was my part in it.

Ooofffff did I put up my best resistance.

It's everyone else's behaviour....

If they hadn't done what they did, then I wouldn't have needed to react the way I did.

When they change I can change....

I was always waiting for the other person to change, the job, my health....everything else BUT me to change so that my life would change.

The same patterns kept repeating, over and over.

Until I came to understand, deeply and completely.

That they only way my life would or could be different is if I changed the actions I took. If I changed the way I looked at my life. I needed to deal with the pain of my past, and learn to understand the impact it continued to have in my life.

What my actions kept attracting....

Ooooffff the only way to change was from within me.


One of the biggest things that took me a long time to accept, was that I was creating my life.....and it was all being created from within.

The words are easy to say......change come from you.

BUT my goodness with all the resistance that you put up, chnage is one of the hardest things to do.

Real change, how you think and feel, and the actions you take.

That's when you get out of loop and start moving in the direction you truly want to go.......


I love being able to offer you a multi faceted approach to your healing and your growth.

It is an individual structured approach....

It is not just about moving, transmuting and releasing energy, but also calming the mind, and allowing your nervous system to get some much needed rest.

It is over 6 sessions that we work together, remotely, to go deep into the energy, thinking, feeling pattern's, to shift and release them.

Here is the link for you to begin...


If you are needing a payment plan option, please message me and you can begin that way.

It is my intention to serve you deeply through powerful healing sessions. Honouring each layer that we move through so that you can experience the healing that you desire. Opening you up to more love and your true infinite nature.


This is what I do.....

Walk with you through the darkness to find the lightness within you.

This is what I've done in my own life ๐Ÿ’š


Isn't time to stop selling versions of yourself in the hopes that someone will buy it.....

Is it time to be authentically, imperfectly, wonderfully you?

I'm available for connections that have no sales pitch, but only a deep desire for connection.....based on real.

Or are you waking up each day trying to sell yourself the latest version of you hoping this is the best one......

Yeah read that again.

Have a magic day beautiful soul xx


Controversial opinion, the truth often is.

People who need to be needed are needy and living life through pain.

People who need to be needed to feel important are not able to fill or meet their own needs so they need others to fill them.

We ALL need to feel loved, connected, nourished and safe BUT if you cannot find this within yourself, then you will never be able to find it others.

What's life reflecting back at you?

Masterclass โ€” unique phoenix 22/05/2024

Many years ago I needed my life to burn down to the ground, to emplode or explode for me to see that change needed to happen.

For years I tirelessly focused on the outside, the habits, the people around me thinking it all made a difference to what was happening on the inside of me....

I was exhausted, disconnected and felt very little love for myself...constantly pouring out of an empty cup.

Until I unlocked a secret, buried deep within me, under layers that I had ignored for years.....

That secret is made of a few things....

Mindset- understanding that what I let go on in my mind was created around me. Yup, whether it's positive or negative it came to life around me. This does not mean only positive thoughts....this means facing the truth of your mind and what goes on up there.

Connection - Deeply connecting to myself, what I needed, wanted, desired. Aligning constantly with that truth allows me to connect, see and feel others more deeply to live my truth and purpose. Serving myself and others deeply for growth, expansion and unlocking the magic within all of us.

Communication- This was huge. Once my mind was far more still than it had ever been, and I connected deeply to myself I was then able to LISTEN deeply, to discern and ask great questions. Communicating my truth allows others around me to do that same.....

EI - Emotional Intelligence was unlocked, unblocked and gave me the greatest freedom I had ever experienced before....and continues to. Its like switching on and connecting to an inner compass that's always leading you in the greatest direction for you. EI leads you through love, where you can stop taking steps through pain.

If you want to stop waiting for the next problem to arise before life explodes....this Masterclass is a wonderful first step.

There are so many ways for me to support and guide you to letting go of overthinking, over feeling, over working and most of paddling like crazy to keep afloat....

I've been there, and I can show you the way to make the change.....

The link is below for that step.....

Masterclass โ€” unique phoenix A small amount of time will bring a big shift, through effective, easy to take steps to reduce stress and allow more connection in your life.

Masterclass โ€” unique phoenix 20/05/2024

Emotions are NOT facts.

Just because you feel something, does not make it reality. It is easy to make feelings mean something that they are not.

You need to be able to discern between what is from your past stories, experiences, pain, trauma to be able to uncover that so much of what you feel is constructed in your mind. Based on a memory that you believe to be facts.

Emotions are merely information, to help you deepen your awareness of self and of others.

Emotions can help you check in or be present and see where you are at, whether your are creating your life through your pain or present awareness.

The waitlist is open for the next free masterclass - Mastering Your Emotions

This is a place for Men to come into and learn how to discern between real and constructed emotions.

All the information is in the link below....the first step to freedom from past pain is up to you.

Masterclass โ€” unique phoenix A small amount of time will bring a big shift, through effective, easy to take steps to reduce stress and allow more connection in your life.

Ema Muir on TikTok 13/05/2024

A little while ago I was helping remove a blackberry bush from my front garden. It had woven its way through everything.

As it was being removed I could see that it was a brilliant example of what the ego can do, impact, destroy, take over in our lives.
The ego is like the blackberry bush, it can grow wild and out of control unless consistent action to keep it to a minimum. To have the ability to remove it you first need to find the roots, and the blackberry can continually create new roots as it grow, which is much like the ego.

To be able to stop the ego taking over, to change behaviours you need to go to the core beliefs and once this is known to you, that you are awake and aware to it, I promise you simply can't unseen it.

Of course there is always the choice to ignore it, the old patterns and continue them, but like the blackberry bush, will create new roots and become out of control impacting every part of your life.
Much like cutting down a blackberry bush and removing it, this can be incredibly painful. However the result is is freedom, to grow and expand beyond your painful experiences and trauma.

Once the layers of the ego are moved through, being the root cause found then you can step wonderfully into your true nature and create beyond anything you've ever known.

I am sharing my story, it is something that I wrote in 2021, you could say it was part of removal process.

I call it Dark to Spark, it is me sharing how I found my way through being the Victim, to surviving, to thriving.

Can you heal from past trauma?

A few years ago I would have said a big NO. I would have answered that you'll always be moving through another layer of it.

I was wrong and I have come to know deeply that the truth is, you can. You can move through the layers and reach a point where you will no longer be activated, have behaviours around or walls up because of the trauma, or past experiences, like an accident, long help held grief, bullying....I have experienced all of these and some more.

I share my childhood trauma on a different platform Tik Tok, where I am reading out the words I wrote all those years ago. My voice may crackle, but I know this is clearing the way for so much more.


Love to read your comments and thoughts along the way....
Thanks for watching, listening, witnessing xx

Ema Muir on TikTok 227 Followers, 162 Following, 1655 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Ema Muir


I wrote a story years ago...its how I moved towards healing.

I'm sharing it through my Tiktok account

Find me here to listen along ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’š


This was at the start of my healing path, when I really set off and chose to heal....fully.

This was one of those moments in my life where I took a leap of faith, not knowing where it would lead me and the truth was, didn't believe that I could.

I had been holding onto this trauma, pain, habits, and beliefs since I was a young girl.

Was it possible.....

Yes it is and I'll be sharing this with you.

Not in one post, wow, that would be A LOT.

I'll share my steps, the path I've taken, and where it's lead me to.

For now I want you to know that healing, letting go and moving beyond your past is possible.....fully and completely.

With love and magic โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ’š

Waking Up: There is always love.... 05/05/2024

Wonderful gift idea for Mothers day this Sunday.

Loved receiving a message from a reader enjoying the book.

Think of your mum, all cosy, cuppa being able to sink into a delicious romance....mmm I can feel the serenity

Waking Up: There is always love.... After the tragic death of her husband Caterina poured all her focus to her two beautiful children and her business. With the support of her friends and family, the three of them made it to the other side of their grief. They had created a new normal, filling it with as much love as they could. Wa...


You can't change my mind on this...

I'm talking about emotional depth and the powerful way to deeply love.

There is a depth to how men love which is not comparable to women, it's different in every single way.

I'm able to expertly guide men beyond there layer and experience the depth of love that's within them.

Most men scroll on by not believing or even wanting to find this within themselves. I am not for you.....

I am here for the men that pause, even a moment, thinking I wonder what that would like to experience that....

I am here for you....

It begins this Sunday 8am.

60mins that will revolutionise your life.


I'm ready if you are willing.

Yes that's right, you only need to be willing because honestly you'll never be ready for what I will share with you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Real Men, Real Talk 10/04/2024

For men who want...
๐Ÿ’™ Deeply connected and loving relationships.
๐Ÿ—ฃ Be able to communicate their needs, wants, feelings.
๐Ÿ˜ถ Who want to stop holding their s**t together on the outside, while losing their s**t on the inside.

Real Men, Real Talk No more crazily paddling under water while holding your s**t together on the surface.


Next Masterclass for you....

You will find the link below the outline of the transformational masterclass.

Real Men, Real Talk....

This is about cutting through the layers of noise and redefining strength, for everyday men to improve everyday life.

It is for men whoโ€™ve been told to:
ร† Tough it out alone
ร† To dismiss their needs
ร† To hide their stress silently.

We are tearing down those cultural myths with:
ร† Strategies to dismantle stress, not just manage it.
ร† How to raise your communication to levels that allow support, not isolate.
ร† Real ways to gather the support youโ€™ve been told you shouldnโ€™t need.

Real Men?

Speak up,
Seek Help,
Stand together.

This isnโ€™t your average pep talk. Itโ€™s an evolution is 60minsJoin us for the revolution, Real Men, Real Talk.


Can't wait for me to share this with you....


My morning rituals are a choice I make each and every day.

Always beginning with meditation

Followed by yoga, I'll always find my way to the mat. Even though I've had a cold this week, I can still practice.

Set intentions, choosing where I want to focus my attention, choosing who I want to be, how I want to show up.....

My morning rituals are a grounding, energising and loving way to begin each day.

How do you begin your day?


You have to deal with your pain, your past trauma, feel it, allow it, acknowledge or you'll leak it out into all the relationships in your life, pouring it out into all areas of your life.

It may make keep you wondering why you keep having the same experiences, the same kinds of relationships, the level you can't seem to get beyond on your career.

Not dealing with your pain, keeps you locked out of the connection that you want, that you need but are to afraid to ask for

It's a programmed response, to keep your heart safe, but only serves to keep you away from what you really want....connection, love, respect and freedom.

I'd love to be invited to guide you through to connection, love, respect and freedom.

Message me to begin.....๐Ÿ™


This is for Men who want to feel connected, valued and respected....

It's a pravte space for men only, Real Men, Real talk.

It's for 1 hour only.....

It's for Men who are brave enough to admit that things need to change and that it starts with them....

To accept this, to step up and out of the old....

Click the link below....and invite me to share 1 hour that will change the direction of your life, relationships, work....everything.



I love the energy of words, understanding how you respond and make meaning out of them....beyond the dictionary meaning.

I mean the stories we attach to them.

It's like a name of a mean child as a kid and when you get older anyone you meet with that name you associate with their character.

When words become neutral then you have stepped into a powerful state of being.....

I guarantee that a word like change has a few meanings and stories attached to it....

Im ready to be invited on your quest for change, transformatio growth and expansion.

Link below to invite me to share 30mins with you



The truth is large companies and corporations will begin to slow and then stop growing.

Why, because they are not growing their leaders to develop relationship that go deeper than the impersonal surface of business focus.

The relationships lack trust and authenticity.

The next phase of life, business is depth in ALL relationships.

Are you developing your Leaders to go deep within themselves so they can develop business relationships that continually transform, grow and evolve businesses?


Whilst your busy comparing your life to others trying to do it their way, following their system, copying them...you're not creating your life, doing it your way.

Success is built on your unique steps.....


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.....

I'm not sure where that quote comes from and honestly it's not important, where the truth comes from never is.

Confidence creates a certainty, not because you have it all figured out. Because you don't and you're still heading in the direction with inner confidence.

Insecurity creates uncertainty, because for every step you take you'll want assurance that you're heading in the right direction. Doing and saying things the "right' way.

Your heart is where your inner confidence is found, its where you create faith in your life....trusting deeply in each beautiful unknown but known deeply step.

Those that follow there hearts will know what the last sentence means.....๐Ÿ˜‰

Your mind creates a system for you to follow, a list of the 'right' way, and is limited, ridged, never fully present, always in the next step. This only serves to create mistrust in yourself and others. It's like asking a question, but never listening for the answer......there is no unknown, but lots of uncertainty.

Which path are you taking to create your life.....the mind or the heart?

It's taken my 47 years to find my way to peace, to stillness, to calm.....and it was waiting for me under all the layers I'd placed over my heart.

Sure there will always be a little bit of layer to move through at times....but there not thick or hard to move through, to let go of....in fact I welcome it, love when it's shown to me.

Want to go confidently in the direction of your dreams?

This is your sign to start now.....


Your limitations have nothing to do with what's around you, only what is happening within you.

It is your connection within that creates the infinite around you


You gotta let them out, let them breathe, and speak them out. Then you can uncover what's real and what's imagined emotions...

Oh yes, there are definitely feelings that aren't real, based on past experience, trauma, attached to core beliefs.

Oh yes, they feel very real, and the more you can sit with your thoughts and feelings, the more you'll begin to learn what's real and what's imagined.

Not every feeling you feel is real, just a product of what your mind knows and continues to create.

Only the heart knows what's real and the soul is discerning..


If only life were as simple as deleting a photo, a social media account and be able to start with a fresh slate....

Becoming conscious to your unconscious patterns of dysfunctional behaviour is like a fresh slate, a new day to begin again and again.

The more awake you become to how they create your life, you will see how they support the things you think you need based on the past stories, pain, trauma, wounds. The more you choose to wake up to these patterns of behaviour will become aware to the truth that how others show up does not change how you show up.

You may not be able to simply delete a pattern, but you can create a new way of doing things....a new pattern in your life. One that supports functional, secure, loving relationships.

There is no one, easy, quick fix....

Get to know yourself
Focus on what you want
Slow down and breath deeply
Make small changes everyday.

Be prepared to let go of parts you that are part of your past, habits, perhaps people, relationships, things along the way....the more you let go, the lighter you feel.

Have I done this in my own life....yes, each every day I choose to become more awake and alive to my true nature, and let go the s**t ๐Ÿ˜‰


Refreshing and grounding all at once....

Emotional Polarity creates balance 18/02/2024

Calling all Tradies....anyone working in construction.

You work under a lot of pressure each and every day, that's simply the nature of the industry, time pressure to get the work done.

Sometimes it feels like you're a duck paddling crazy under water, and trying to keep your s**t together on the surface.

You want to support all the people around you, BUT who's supporting you.

I know the men in Trades need support, need tools to reduce stress, clear thinking and be able to manage themselves and their emotions.

This Masterclass - Polarity of Emotions will give you the tools to begin.

I'd love to be invited into your life, to share a little time so that I can share some wisdom that I've picked up over the past 20 years working with people and through my own mental health journey.

Look forward to seeing you tonight....

Emotional Polarity creates balance No more crazily paddling under water while holding your s**t together on the surface.

Emotional Polarity creates balance 16/02/2024

Calling all Tradies....anyone working in construction.

You work under a lot of pressure each and every day, that's simply the nature of the industry, time pressure to get the work done.

Sometimes it feels like you're a duck paddling crazy under water, and trying to keep your s**t together on the surface.

You want to support all the people around you, BUT who's supporting you.

I know the men in Trades need support, need tools to reduce stress, clear thinking and be able to manage themselves and their emotions.

This Masterclass - Polarity of Emotions will give you the tools to begin.

I'd love to be invited into your life, to share a little time so that I can share some wisdom that I've picked up over the past 20 years working with people and through my own mental health journey.

Look forward to seeing you Monday night....

Emotional Polarity creates balance No more crazily paddling under water while holding your s**t together on the surface.


Don't plan.....

The mind is the map, like a computer, no vision, no connection; simply a set of instructions, locations to get to.

Act on the whispers of your soul.....

You'll create from the heart, where your true compass lives. Your focus will be on what you want to create, not how you get there.

Where are you creating from....

The mind map


The heart compass

You'll see magic everywhere.....this is a little bit of magic from my day โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ’š

Our Story

I am a Transformation coach, helping women clear out the mental BS to live a Soul Full-Filled life with deep clarity.

Being authentically me, a fierce Mother of 3, loyal, loving friend, daughter, sister, busines woman I understand that coming home to yourself and living from within is the only way to find true balance.

Transformation is a lived experience and I know the depth of continually rising through challenges, trauma and joy.

I love helping women create strong, loving and high trust relationships with themselves and otherโ€™s where they can be authentic. With this amazing foundation they will know deeply that their choices are a true reflection of the loving voice that only comes from within. They embrace their uniqueness and thrive through it, recognising that they only need permission from themselves for every part of their life.

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Next Masterclass for you....You will find the link below the outline of the transformational masterclass.Real Men, Real ...
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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00