Coast 2 Coast Ringette Tournament

Coast 2 Coast Ringette Tournament

Aug. 2018 tournament based in NS hosting Canada Games Ringette teams from QC,MB,NB,BC,SK,PE,AB but we will keep the page running up to the Games


A family affair at the Canada Winter Games

Having family cheer you on when you’re competing is an important component of the Canada Winter Games. For three Nova Scotia families, the cheering will hit a new level in Red Deer as multiple siblings will be competing in the event.

Meredith Tulloch of Bedford, NS will be zipping from her ringette games to catch her younger brother Findlay compete in the short track speed skating events at the newly constructed Gary W. Harris Canada Games Centre. Meredith is no stranger to the speed skating world, as she competed in the long track event at the 2015 Canada Winter Games in Prince George. She’s proud of her brother for becoming involved in speed skating. “It will be neat to see him get to have similar experiences in competition that helped inspire me to continue to work hard on and off the ice.”

Grace and Anna MacKenzie of Stillwater Lake, NS are both competing on the ringette team and are thrilled to finally play together after years of being in different age divisions. When asked what it means to share the experience of the games with her sister, younger sister Anna says, “We have gone to a lot of tournaments together over the years and we were always watching each other from the stands. To be able to share this experience together with my sister means a lot. I loved getting the chance to cheer her on when she competed for the Junior National Team at the World Ringette Championships in 2017, and now I am happy to step onto the ice with her as my teammate.”

Taylor Gray also plays on the ringette squad and will be cheering for her sister Madison, who is on the women’s hockey team that will compete in week two in Red Deer. When asked if sibling rivalry has helped the Gray sisters get to where they are, Taylor shares, “Definitely, we played ringette together for two years, so we were always pushing each other and motivating each other to become better. Maddie was the reason I started ringette, because she had started at age five, and I made the switch from figure skating when I was eight after watching her play.”

Clearly the competitive drive runs strong in these families and the cheers in the stands are a little louder when the whole family is in Red Deer.

Une affaire de famille aux Jeux d’hiver du Canada

Avoir sa famille qui vous encourage pendant que vous êtes en compétition est un volet important des Jeux d’hiver du Canada. Pour trois familles de la Nouvelle-Écosse, les encouragements vont être à leur maximum à Red Deer, car plusieurs membres de mêmes familles concourent à ces Jeux.

Après ses parties de ringuette, Meredith Tulloch, de Bedford (NÉ), ira voir son jeune frère Findlay participer aux épreuves de patinage de vitesse sur courte piste qui vont se dérouler au Centre Gary W. Harris des Jeux d’hiver du Canada, récemment construit. Meredith connaît bien le patinage de vitesse car elle a participé aux épreuves de longue piste aux Jeux d’hiver du Canada de 2015 à Prince George. Elle est très fière que son petit frère fasse du patinage de vitesse : «Ça va être cool de le voir en compétition avoir les mêmes expériences que celles qui m'ont inspirée à continuer à travailler fort sur la glace et en dehors.»

Grace et Anna MacKenzie, de Stillwater Lake (NÉ) font toutes les deux partie de l'équipe de ringuette, et elles sont enchantées de finalement jouer ensemble après avoir été pendant des années dans des catégories d'âge différentes. Quand on lui a demandé ce que cela signifiait pour elle de partager son expérience des Jeux avec sa grande soeur, Anna, la plus jeune des deux, a déclaré : «Nous sommes allées à beaucoup de tournois ensemble au fil des ans, mais on se regardait toujours l'une l'autre depuis les estrades! Alors pouvoir partager cette expérience avec ma soeur signifie beaucoup pour moi. J'ai adoré la chance de pouvoir l'encourager quand elle a participé au Championnat du monde de ringuette de 2017 au sein de l'équipe nationale junior. Et maintenant, je suis très heureuse de pouvoir sauter sur la glace avec elle comme coéquipière.»

Taylor Gray fait aussi partie de l'équipe de ringuette, et elle va encourager sa soeur Madison, qui est membre de l'équipe de hockey sur glace qui sera en lice lors de la deuxième semaine des Jeux à Red Deer. Quand on lui a demandé si la rivalité entre les deux soeurs Gray les a aidées à parvenir à ce niveau, Taylor a expliqué que : «C'est certain. Nous avons joué ensemble à la ringuette pendant deux ans, alors nous nous poussions toujours l'une l'autre, et nous nous motivions à nous améliorer. C'est à cause de Maddie que j'ai commencé à jouer à la ringuette, parce qu'elle avait commencé à jouer à cinq ans, et je suis passée au patinage artistique quand j'ai eu huit ans, après l'avoir vu jouer.»

L'esprit de compétition court manifestement dans les veines des membres de ces familles, et les encouragements sont encore plus forts dans les estrades quand toute la famille est à Red Deer.»

Ringette Nova Scotia
2019 Canada Winter Games - Red Deer
Canada Games
Team Nova Scotia

Timeline photos 05/02/2019

❤️ Rep⭕️st
This post is to honour and remember all of the athletes and individuals who are unable to play the sport they love anymore. This post is to remind each and every one of us to reflect on all the years you’ve been playing and remember to never take those years and opportunities for granted.
Take it all in. Be thankful for the relationships that this sport has brought us and cherish the memories that came with it. Always live in the moment because you never know what tomorrow will hold. We think about you more than you’ll ever know and every shift is in honour of you. Cheer loud up there.
Here’s to playing for the fallen athletes who can’t play anymore. 💕


We loved having most of these teams come together in Wolfville this past August for our prep tournament. Now all of that hard work will be tested in Red Deer!

Photos from Coast 2 Coast Ringette Tournament's post 19/01/2019

Team NS Ringette Canada Winter Games plays at the Dartmouth 4Pad today as a part of the C**T tournament. There is a meet and greet session with these Ringette Nova Scotia athletes at noon before the game. Can't wait to see you there!


Another entry into the for our team. Hoping we posted enough for a December prize!

Photos from Coast 2 Coast Ringette Tournament's post 31/12/2018

Happy New Year Everyone from the East Coast! Pierrefonds tournament in a few days to kick off the final stretch on the We’ll miss seeing some of our western friends there, but February will be here before you know it!!!


Great game tonight between NSCWG Alumni and the 2019 team. Lots of energy and fan support for both teams! Also support for the

Photos from Coast 2 Coast Ringette Tournament's post 08/10/2018

It wasn’t quite the 30 degree temps. of August in NS wine country, but there was some amazing ringette with extended ringette families and friends in Winnipeg AND turkey dinner!! So nice to see all of the Canada Games Ringette teams in attendance with a sneak peek at the excitement to come in February. Huge shout out to the Winnipeg ringette community for putting on a great event. Team NS had a great time. Next stop Pickering. We will miss seeing our eastern neighbours there and Sask, AB and BC, but we still have more fun to come in Pierrefonds and of course Red Deer.


In the blue rink at Meet in the Middle there’s a big game between QC and AB. Currently tied at 3 in the 3rd with 3:25 remaining.


Watch this page for our NS vs MB game. We’ll see if the feed is better for the fans!




test red rink. AB vs NB Meet in Middle

NS CWG ringette on Twitter 01/10/2018

NS CWG ringette on Twitter “You can catch the pre action in Winnipeg this weekend by following on Periscope Cheer us on by following this schedule (remember to add 2 hours for the time difference”


Congratulations to the athletes named to the final roster of the NS Canada Winter Games Team. Next stop: Meet in the Middle Tournament in Winnipeg in October.

Reminiscing the good times from the farthest stop of my journey so far!! Oh where else have I been? Stay tuned Trace. 15/08/2018

We will be sure to keep the videos on this page for anyone wanting to re-visit the games from C2C. Team NS is missing our ringette friends from all over who came to discover NS while catching some excellent ringette. While we don’t have more games to post anymore, here’s a fun story. The Ringette Nova Scotia 2015 Canada Games team used Coach Tracey’s vest from her early playing days (c.1985) as the Player of the Game recognition (it was such an honour for them to don the blue corduroy 🤪).

Wanting to continue the tradition for the 2019 team, Tracey started hunting for the vest. Many of you know that organizing Open age ringette players is like herding cats. It has been a mystery who has it and the vest has definitely travelled around since Prince George. Give the Instagram account a follow and you can see where it might land next. Tracey is hopeful that it will surface in time for the 2019 players to proudly sport some blue corduroy.

Reminiscing the good times from the farthest stop of my journey so far!! Oh where else have I been? Stay tuned Trace.

Photos from Ringette Nova Scotia's post 12/08/2018

Nice to see some of our Canada Games training group players promoting our sport!


Team BC (blue) vs Team NS (white) post C2C exhibition game. August 8, 2018

Photos from Ringette BC CWG 2019's post 07/08/2018

The spirit of our tournament is still going, with an extended visit from Team BC. Team NS families are billeting their players, and enjoying their time together.

Photos from Coast 2 Coast Ringette Tournament's post 05/08/2018

We enjoyed having you visit!


That's a wrap. Team AB over Team MB 8-7 to finish the first of the Canada Games Ringette Prep tournament series. Next stop...Meet in the Middle!


Team MB vs Team AB-Final


Next up we will find out whether QC or MB will face AB in the final game of the tournament!


Apologies for the late post. The page manager was sidetracked with coaching Team NS!


Game 15- PEI- Green (Home/Acadia)
vs. BC- White (Visitors)


Game 14 - Alberta (Home/Acadia) in navy vs Sask (Visitor) in white


Game 13 - NB (Home/Acadia) in maroon vs QC (Visitors) in white

Videos (show all)

test red rink. AB vs NB Meet in Middle
Team BC (blue) vs Team NS (white) post C2C exhibition game. August 8, 2018
Team MB vs Team AB-Final
Game 15-   PEI- Green (Home/Acadia)             vs. BC- White (Visitors)
Game 14 - Alberta (Home/Acadia) in navy vs Sask (Visitor) in white
Game 13 - NB (Home/Acadia) in maroon vs QC (Visitors) in white
Game 12 at 11:45 AST - BC (Home/Acadia) in blue vs NS (Visitors) in white
Game 11MB vs PEI 10:30 am ADT
Game 10 NB (Home) bench on right- vs SK (guests) bench on left. 9:15 ADT Saturday August 4, 2018.
