Lake County IL State's Attorney's Office Michael G. Nerheim

Lake County IL State's Attorney's Office Michael G. Nerheim

The Lake County State's Attorney's Office is devoted to seeking justice for the citizens of Lake County.


General information

Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office

The page of the State’s Attorney’s Office is intended to be a moderated online discussion site and not a public forum. Comments made by the public to our page will be reviewed, and while comments will not be edited by our staff, the Office reserves the right to remove comments that include:

• Comments unrelated to the purpose and topical scope of the page. The page is not meant for comments that do not directly relate to the purpose or topical scope of the page.
• Obscenity.
• Child po*******hy.
• Incitement to imminent lawless action.
• Speech presenting a grave and imminent threat.
• Fighting words.
• True threats.
• Fraud.
• Defamation (libel/slander)
• Solicitations to commit or speech integral to criminal conduct.
• Promotion or advertisement of a business or a commercial transaction.
• Comments that promote, support, or oppose a candidate campaigning for election to a public office.
• Copyrighted material (if posted without the copyright holder’s consent).

The State’s Attorney may take steps to have a comment removed if it falls within one of the foregoing categories. Additionally, to maintain control over the appearance of our page, images posted in comments will be removed regardless of their content.