Health Verdict

Health Verdict

Health Verdict provides you with cutting edge news in health, nutrition and exercise - Read my decade-long medical journey and see where it all began!

Right Here, Right Now: Tips on Living in the Moment 21/10/2016

There are people who, like my daughter, carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. These people are always worried about what will happen next. They are consumed with "what ifs" and "worst case scenarios." On one hand, I suppose that this forward thinking mentality has certain perks. But for the most part, I imagine that living this way could also bring a lot of anxiety and stress. [ 437 more words ]

Right Here, Right Now: Tips on Living in the Moment There are people who, like my daughter, carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. These people are always worried about what will happen next. They are consumed with “what ifs” …

Study: Should We Avoid S*x Before Competition? 19/10/2016

If you’re looking to gain an athletic edge over your opponents, should you avoid s*x before a big competition? Despite the common view that abstaining from s*x before competition can boost athletic performance, new research published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology has found no evidence that s*x can negatively affect your performance. Study: Laura Stefani, an Assistant Professor of Sports Medicine at the University of Florence, Italy and colleagues examined hundreds of studies that evaluated the link between s*xual activity and sport performance. [ 84 more words ]*x-before-competition/

Study: Should We Avoid S*x Before Competition? If you’re looking to gain an athletic edge over your opponents, should you avoid s*x before a big competition? Despite the common view that abstaining from s*x before competition can boost athletic…

Happy Thanksgiving: What Are You Thankful For? 07/10/2016

Here in Canada, this weekend is Thanksgiving. So, the staff at would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to you, our readers! We hope that you love reading our articles as much as we love writing them, and we look forward to finding even more new and exciting health and wellness information to share with you in the months to come. [ 577 more words ]

Happy Thanksgiving: What Are You Thankful For? Here in Canada, this weekend is Thanksgiving. So, the staff at would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to you, our readers! We hope that you love reading our …

Bad Breath: It’s Not S*xy 28/09/2016

Have you ever wondered if you had bad breath? You do. When it comes to my friends, if I am near someone who's halitosis is out of control, I will tell them. Unfortunately, most people won't. Most of the time, people are worried that telling a friend about their stinky mouth will embarrass them, so they keep quiet about it. But then the situation never gets resolved, the offender is unaware and left wondering why nobody ever texts them for a second date. [ 273 more words ]*xy/

Bad Breath: It’s Not S*xy Have you ever wondered if you had bad breath? You do. When it comes to my friends, if I am near someone who’s halitosis is out of control, I will tell them.  Unfortunately, most people won& #8…

PCOS: You’re Not Alone 21/09/2016

My name is Angie and I'm 1 in 10 women who struggle with PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Up to 70% of women with PCOS never actually get diagnosed. That's millions of women living with a condition that can affect them both physically and emotionally. I had a precocious puberty followed by several subtle signs of the disorder like hirsutism, blood sugar issues, and pain during ovulation. [ 373 more words ]

PCOS: You’re Not Alone My name is Angie and I’m 1 in 10 women who struggle with PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Up to 70% of women with PCOS never actually get diagnosed. That’s millions of women living…

Selfie Nation: Taking Selfies Can Make You Happy 16/09/2016

Everybody has one - a smartphone that is. With the fall semester in full effect, it’s rare to see a student on campus without one. Whether they’re playing Pokémon GO or posting hourly updates about their latest “first world” problems on social media, smartphones are great resource during times of need and times of boredom... and even sadness. If you’re a first-year student having a hard time adjusting to your new way of life, there may be something you can do to put a smile on your face. [ 421 more words ]

Selfie Nation: Taking Selfies Can Make You Happy Everybody has one – a smartphone that is. With the fall semester in full effect, it’s rare to see a student on campus without one. Whether they’re playing Pokémon GO or posting hourly updates…

Chances of Conception Lowered with Stress 14/09/2016

Life can be a handful (or two). At some point in our lives, the effects of stress will get the best of us. Sometimes stress comes in the form of a bright red pimple the night before you have to deliver a major presentation (it’s happened many times for this guy!), and at other times, stress can lead to disabling panic attacks. [ 329 more words ]

Chances of Conception Lowered with Stress Life can be a handful (or two). At some point in our lives, the effects of stress will get the best of us. Sometimes stress comes in the form of a bright red pimple the night before you have to del…

The Art of Forgiveness 09/09/2016

Friendships and relationships are not always smooth sailing. Sometimes fights occur and feelings are hurt. When conflicts do arise, can you easily forgive and forget? Although it’s taken me a few failed relationships and friendships to realize the power of forgiveness, learning to let go and forgive has allowed me to handle arguments in a much more mature and stable manner. [ 339 more words ]

The Art of Forgiveness Friendships and relationships are not always smooth sailing. Sometimes fights occur and feelings are hurt. When conflicts do arise, can you easily forgive and forget? Although it’s taken me a few f…

Drinking More Water Can Help Cut Calories 07/09/2016

If you find yourself snacking on an extra bag of chips (or three) before you doze off for the evening, you may want to guzzle a little more aqua. Not only can water keep our bodies functioning at their optimal levels, but apparently plain old water can help you eat less, too. A new study has shown that increasing your daily water consumption by just 1 percent could help you ditch those extra calories. [ 238 more words ]

Drinking More Water Can Help Cut Calories If you find yourself snacking on an extra bag of chips (or three) before you doze off for the evening, you may want to guzzle a little more aqua. Not only can water keep our bodies functioning at t…

Nature Can Heal Our Minds, And Hearts 31/08/2016

Whether you’re exploring local parks around town or chasing majestic waterfalls in Iceland (like one of my friends just did), nature seems to offer us more than just breathtaking scenery. For me, venturing into the wilderness allows me to reconnect with my “self.” And, regardless of where I go in nature, I seem to feel an increase in overall well-being and a decrease in stress. [ 288 more words ]

Nature Can Heal Our Minds, And Hearts Whether you’re exploring local parks around town or chasing majestic waterfalls in Iceland (like one of my friends just did), nature seems to offer us more than just breathtaking scenery. For me, v…

Control Your Hunger With Fish Oil, Study Finds 26/08/2016

Although summer is almost over, hitting that bikini or speedo weight loss goal can still be at the top of your to-do list - despite the upcoming fall season. But, if you like snacks, a lot (like I do), you may find yourself struggling to control your appetite. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with letting yourself pound back a few hamburgers or an extra Orea McFlurry from time to time, but if you need a little more self-control in the foodie department, try fish oil. [ 338 more words ]

Control Your Hunger With Fish Oil, Study Finds Although summer is almost over, hitting that bikini or speedo weight loss goal can still be at the top of your to-do list – despite the upcoming fall season. But, if you like snacks, a lot (l…

Wheat Consumption May Trigger Immune Response 23/08/2016

Bloating, cramping, abdominal pain – we’ve all experienced these symptoms at one time or another. Whether you ate too many Oreo ice cream sandwiches or gobbled too many Reese Peanut cups (like I do from time to time) during the 100th viewing party of Lord of the Rings, abdominal symptoms can range from annoying to downright debilitating. For some, these symptoms are caused by an autoimmune disorder called celiac disease. [ 310 more words ]

Wheat Consumption May Trigger Immune Response Bloating, cramping, abdominal pain – we’ve all experienced these symptoms at one time or another. Whether you ate too many Oreo ice cream sandwiches or gobbled too many Reese Peanut cups (like I do…

Parenting 101: Middle School Woes 19/08/2016

New parents will tell you that it is a very physically demanding job. But after the early years have passed, and children get older, it changes into something entirely different. The exhaustion dissipates and is replaced with mental stress. Parents need to be sharp and organized and aware all the time otherwise, they can end up feeling a loss of control. [ 404 more words ]

Parenting 101: Middle School Woes New parents will tell you that it is a very physically demanding job. But after the early years have passed, and children get older, it changes into something entirely different. The exhaustion dis…

Beard Life: Beards Can Protect Against Infection 17/08/2016

Everywhere you look these days - and I mean everywhere - you see men sporting beards. But if you ask women how they feel about this, you will soon find out that they are very polarized when it comes to this phenomenon. Some of them think that beards are s*xy as heck while others think that beards are totally disgusting. For a lot of ladies, beards are viewed as something dirty. [ 333 more words ]

Beard Life: Beards Can Protect Against Infection Everywhere you look these days – and I mean everywhere – you see men sporting beards. But if you ask women how they feel about this, you will soon find out that they are very polarized …

Nutritional Deficiencies May Cause Fatigue 10/08/2016

You're tired. All. The. Time. Maybe you blame the 60 hours you worked this week. Maybe that marathon you're training for is kicking your butt. Maybe you were up all night hunting ladies at the club. But maybe you didn't do any of those things. Maybe you're just living a regular life that is pretty stress-free and not particularly energy-sucking. If this is the case, but you still feel exhausted a lot of the time, it's time drink some warm milk and figure out what's up. [ 337 more words. ]

Nutritional Deficiencies May Cause Fatigue You’re tired. All. The. Time. Maybe you blame the 60 hours you worked this week. Maybe that marathon you’re training for is kicking your butt. Maybe you were up all night hunting ladies…

The Warrior Code: How I Overcome Hard Times 03/08/2016

Sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes people are mean. Sometimes you feel swallowed up, left behind or overwhelmed. The world isn't fair, but it's hard to accept that when you feel so frustrated you just want to cry. When we are in these situations, remember that you are not helpless. There ARE things that you can do to overcome these trying times. [ 667 more words. ]

The Warrior Code: How I Overcome Hard Times Sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes people are mean. Sometimes you feel swallowed up, left behind or overwhelmed. The world isn’t fair, but it’s hard to accept that when you feel so …

Intimacy Matters: Making Your S*x Life a Priority 27/07/2016

Here's the thing about long-term relationships. When you've been with someone for a long time, you begin to know them very well. While this can be beneficial in many aspects of the relationship, it can sometimes be detrimental as well. Especially in the bedroom. Once you've invested a lot of time with the same s*xual partner, you begin to learn their likes and dislikes, which means it's easy to cut corners and get lazy. [ 401 more words. ]*x-life-a-priority/

Intimacy Matters: Making Your S*x Life a Priority Here’s the thing about long-term relationships. When you’ve been with someone for a long time, you begin to know them very well. While this can be beneficial in many aspects of the rela…

It’s The Experiences That Matter – Not The Objects 22/07/2016

Things are just things. There are a few things in my home that I treasure. A painting by a man I loved, who died in his twenties. A cactus given to me by a life-long friend. A pearl bracelet from Tiffany's, which is probably my only truly expensive piece of jewelry. All these things are on that list because they remind me of love and happy memories. [ 251 more words. ]

It’s The Experiences That Matter – Not The Objects Things are just things. There are a few things in my home that I treasure. A painting by a man I loved, who died in his twenties. A cactus given to me by a life-long friend. A pearl bracelet from T…

Study Finds Positive Affirmations Can Help You Win 20/07/2016

How did I get through a decade of medical consults, testing, and failed medication trials? Joe Cocker will give you a hint: with a little help from my friends (and most definitely my family). It’s true, my family and friends have played a colossal role throughout the years – I really couldn’t have done it without them. But, some chapters were harder than others, and during these difficult times, I had to rely on another source of motivation: my mind. [ 318 more words. ]

Study Finds Positive Affirmations Can Help You Win How did I get through a decade of medical consults, testing, and failed medication trials? Joe Cocker will give you a hint: with a little help from my friends (and most definitely my family). It’s …

Study: Not All Herbals Are Safe 15/07/2016

I’ve always been a huge advocate of alternative health and wellness. My love for herbal supplements began in 1995 when I curled my first dumbbell, and it continues to play an important part in my current health regimen. Back in my hometown, I used to make weekly visits to my most favourite health food store: Paris Natural Foods, in Sudbury. I can still remember the hypnotic smell of herbs and potions that lingered in the air while I combed the shelves looking for natural “cures.” I probably spent hundreds of dollars on creams and natural herbs for my many teenage growing pains. [ 610 more words. ]

Study: Not All Herbals Are Safe I’ve always been a huge advocate of alternative health and wellness. My love for herbal supplements began in 1995 when I curled my first dumbbell, and it continues to play an important part in my c…

Hey, You: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others! 13/07/2016

Facebook. You log on briefly to kill ten minutes before your dentist appointment, and suddenly - BLAM! - like a slap in the face. Your life sucks. Before you logged on, everything was fine. Maybe you weren’t the most exhilarating person in the world, but you were safe and warm and content. But now, after seeing what is new with the people you know, suddenly your life is horrible. [ 392 more words. ]

Hey, You: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others! Facebook. You log on briefly to kill ten minutes before your dentist appointment, and suddenly – BLAM! – like a slap in the face. Your life sucks. Before you logged on, everything was f…

Study: Higher Education May Increase Brain Tumor Risk 08/07/2016

Higher education may come with more than just a hefty loan and diploma. According to a large observational study carried out in Sweden, higher education was associated with an increased risk of developing a brain tumor. The results were published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Study: The findings were based on data from over 4.3 million Swedes who were born between 1911 and 1961. [ 307 more words. ]

Study: Higher Education May Increase Brain Tumor Risk Higher education may come with more than just a hefty loan and diploma. According to a large observational study carried out in Sweden, higher education was associated with an increased risk of dev…

Pumping Iron: Higher Muscle Mass Lowers Risk of Mortality 06/07/2016

More muscle or less fat – what really matters? This was a question I constantly asked myself during my weightlifting days, and apparently, more muscle is the winner. Compared to other types of body compositions, adorning more muscle mass than fat mass could lower your risk of mortality. The study, which was carried out by a team from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA also found that more muscle – regardless of fat mass – can help reduce the risk of death. [ 181 more words. ]

Pumping Iron: Higher Muscle Mass Lowers Risk of Mortality More muscle or less fat – what really matters? This was a question I constantly asked myself during my weightlifting days, and apparently, more muscle is the winner. Compared to other types of body…

Looks Don’t Lie: Children Found to Judge Appearance 01/07/2016

When you were a child, did anyone in your extended family seem a little too rugged or intimidating for your liking? According to my mother, I didn’t appreciate my uncle’s burly moustache, and whenever he hugged me, I cried = immediately. There’s nothing wrong with facial hair, because obviously Santa rocked a glorious, flowing white beard. But that stash’ on my uncle, I just couldn’t handle it. [ 311 more words. ]

Looks Don’t Lie: Children Found to Judge Appearance When you were a child, did anyone in your extended family seem a little too rugged or intimidating for your liking? According to my mother, I didn’t appreciate my uncle’s burly moustache, and whene…

E-Cigarettes: Va**ng May Alter Important Genes 29/06/2016

Whenever I sign into my social media accounts, I can’t help but notice how many of my followers are posting images of their latest e-cigarette flavour, like Lemon Meringue or Malibu Sunrise (I wonder what that one tastes like, the beach?). The usage of e-ci******es has skyrocketed over the past few years since making a debut in 2006. And, although these ci******es are FDA approved, this approval was based upon oral consumption, not inhalation. [ 528 more words. ]******es-vaping-may-alter-important-genes/

E-Cigarettes: Va**ng May Alter Important Genes Whenever I sign into my social media accounts, I can’t help but notice how many of my followers are posting images of their latest e-cigarette flavour, like Lemon Meringue or Malibu Sunrise (I wond…

Memory Boost: Exercising to Remember 25/06/2016

If your memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be, running sprints may help you remember your friend's birthday this month. According to a study published in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on June 16, physical exercise performed after learning can help boost memory. The only catch: the exercise has to be done within a specific time, and not immediately after learning. [ 256 more words. ]

Memory Boost: Exercising to Remember If your memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be, running sprints may help you remember your friend’s birthday this month. According to a study published in the Cell Press journal Current Biolo…

What’s The Best Way to Build Muscle? 23/06/2016

Whether you’re an Olympic athlete looking to gain an edge in Rio, or you're an older adult looking to rehabilitate nagging injuries, exercising with weights is widely known as one of the most effective ways of boosting fitness and performance levels. Some athletes train with heavier weights and longer rest periods, while other athletes train with lighter weights and shorter rest periods. [ 370 more words. ]

What’s The Best Way to Build Muscle? Whether you’re an Olympic athlete looking to gain an edge in Rio, or you’re an older adult looking to rehabilitate nagging injuries, exercising with weights is widely known as one of the most…

Happy Father’s Day: Study Proves That You’re More Like Your Dad Than Your Mom 18/06/2016

Father’s day is almost here, and whether you are a dad, have a dad, or know a dad - we can all agree that these men play a pretty important role in our lives. This isn’t just because we love them so much. A study published last year at the University of North Carolina Health Care claims that in terms of genetics, we are more like our dads than we are like our moms. [ 343 more words. ]

Happy Father’s Day: Study Proves That You’re More Like Your Dad Than Your Mom Father’s day is almost here, and whether you are a dad, have a dad, or know a dad – we can all agree that these men play a pretty important role in our lives.  This isn’t just because we love…

No time to Exercise? Everyone has time! 16/06/2016

"Time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think" ― Randy Pausch Whether you’re looking after new puppies, raising a family, or glued to your career, it seems there just isn’t enough time to grind out an hour of exercise. But do you really need an hour of exercise to stay in shape? [ 511 more words. ]

No time to Exercise? Everyone has time! “Time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think” ― Randy Pausch Whether you’re looking after new puppies, raising a family, or glued to your career, it …

Nature’s Medicine: Beer May Help Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases 13/06/2016

Put your wine glass down and grab a cold one; beer may be the next big superstar in the realm of health and nutrition. Although I’ve never been a beer drinker, there’s something refreshing about a cold brew on a hot summer’s day. Now, there may be another, more important reason why this golden beverage is giving red wine a run for its money. [ 258 more words. ]

Nature’s Medicine: Beer May Help Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases Put your wine glass down and grab a cold one; beer may be the next big superstar in the realm of health and nutrition. Although I’ve never been a beer drinker, there’s something refreshing about a …