Dierdre Rae Fitness

Dierdre Rae Fitness

Welcome to my Fitness Page! Certified Personal Trainer
Customized Workout and Meal Programs--> https

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 12/07/2024

Yesterday night with fam 🐡🌅🫶🏻⛵️🌊

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 11/07/2024

It’s the consistent little things in life that make us happy 🫶🏻🌊

For me it’s things like
🫂 a hug from someone I love
🍵 my tea in the morning
🎨 trying new things
🏃‍♀️ having the gift of moving my body
🏀 trying and doing new hobbies
🎵 listening, playing, and writing music
🌊 being near or in water/the ocean

Life isn’t just about the big moments. Most of it’s made up of small ones. Don’t just appreciate the big things, take time to appreciate all the tiny little things that make up your day 🫶🏻

This moment for me was so peaceful. I was listening to the new Gracie Abrams album (listen it’s a 10/10, it’s been on repeat for days), looking out at the ocean, and just thinking while enjoying the present moment.

If you’re struggling to think of little things every day that make you happy, add some. Write down or look up a few and start implementing tiny things that bring you joy. It could add up to something really great 🫶🏻

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 03/07/2024

This is one of my favorite spots to come to in the evening when I visit home ☀️🫶🏻🌊

Whenever I feel myself getting in a weird headspace, negative mood, or like I’m going through the motions/not being as present as I want to be - I take a moment to be by myself. I listen to music, regroup, and think about all the things I’m grateful and appreciative for (especially thinking, what if it was gone tomorrow).

I do this even when I’m in a good headspace just because I don’t want to take things for granted. I never want to be a person who didn’t appreciate something when they had it.

Just a few examples of what I thought about yesterday just to become more present (I’ll probably do it again tonight 😂):

•My 26 year old healthy and happy body
- I can move without pain, smile easily, I have my youth, and I GET to workout, run, jump, dance, etc.

•my family
-my incredible parents, sister, friends, extended family, romantic partners. Whenever I feel myself get frustrated (necessarily or unnecessarily) I always try to either check myself or get over it within moments to a few hours. Nothing is as important as them 🫶🏻

•my job
-I get to workout for myself, basically make my own schedule, have opportunities to visit home frequently, travel, meet amazing people, feel fulfilled, etc

It’s human nature to take things for granted or just go through the motions but doing this has caused me to let go of small things like grudges, anger, frustration, and even sadness (or let go of nothing at all and just be more aware and in the moment). It’s an amazing tool to help you self regulate when you remember to use it. Sometimes, even if I’m not alone, if I’m upset I’ll just list things I’m appreciative for to put everything into perspective.

It almost feels like my own type of meditation. It also always feels so serene surrounded by the beautiful scenery ⛵️🐳

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 28/06/2024

found a cute spot to take some pics 📸

It’s okay to not feel okay about your body all the time. Self love💕 (and acceptance) takes practice and time.

No ones perfect. As a confidence coach, I can assure you that you’re not going to feel your absolute best 100% of the time. That being said, I’ve found putting myself together (and wearing clothes that FIT) definitely help to increase my confidence.

If there is a day where you just can’t convince yourself otherwise, it’s best to take a shower and do some self care/pampering. Or another option is, take the focus off of yourself. Sometimes you could become so consumed by what you think of yourself that you forget about others.

Other people have the same emotions and thoughts we do. So on a day you’re not feeling great about yourself, you could try to make someone else feel better about themselves. Just because you don’t feel your best doesn’t mean you can’t enhance, empower, or support someone else 💗


My eating disorders started as a way to gain control of my life. My OCD at 11-12 years old was getting to the point where everything in my life was affected (how I blinked, breathed, talked, made friends, socialized, learned, etc) so the one thing I felt like I could control was food and exercise.

I struggled for 10 years with eating disorders. I had 3 types - the main one I had was BED (binge eating disorder) followed by bulimia. Then I also struggled during that time with anorexic tendencies (but my weight never classified me as anorexic) during that period I would eat 800-1200 a day (on top of working out for 4+ hours every day).

My body dysmorphia at that time truly thought I was overweight. I’m quite a bit heavier now than the photo on the left. The photo on the right (aka 2 days ago) I’m healthy, happy, and incredibly confident in myself, mind, and body. It just goes to show how our minds are what we need to take care of first or while we’re trying to reach goals.

I have fully recovered to the point where it sometimes feels like it never happened - but it did, and I obviously remember it all. I feel so lucky to have been able to come out the other side and get to help so many of my clients do that same. If you’re struggling with an ED now, please know it’s possible to recover, live normally, and love yourself and your body 💗 happy mental health awareness month 🫶🏻

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 12/05/2024

I don’t think anyone understands how incredible my mom is. She is the kindest, most selfless, hardworking, and loving mom in the world. I’ve been so lucky to be able to grow up with a mom who I want to be just like 💗

She has not only raised me and taught me everything I know and has ALWAYS been there for me - but she’s gotten me through the lowest lows and has been with me on the highest highs. She’s not just my mom but my literal best friend 💗

Have the best Mother’s Day 🤗💗🫶🏻

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 29/04/2024

Florida for the week 🌴🫶🏻🦎👙

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 23/01/2024

Looking at some of these photos years ago would have sent me into a spiral.

I look at them today and think they’re either funny or just a photo. I don’t care too much about my weight or how my body looks in a photo ever anymore.

Have I gained weight? I have literally 0 idea. Have I lost weight? I have literally 0 idea. What matters is I’m healthy, I’m SO happy, I have always had rolls, cellulite, and fat on my body - these pictures show there’s no change there.

I love my body and the things it allows me to do. It’s the only one I have I’m not going to treat it with disrespect physically OR mentally. Whenever you see a photo of yourself that you don’t view as flattering I wasn’t you to remember that it’s a moment in time! It’s not about how you look/looked it’s about how you FEEL/FELT!! 💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻

Do you let a photo of effect your confidence? 🫶🏻

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 21/01/2024

Things to remember if you struggle with eating out/going out of routine 🫶🏻⬇️

1. It takes 3,500 calories ON TOP OF your maintenance calories (cals you need to eat every day to not gain or lose any weight: ex: 2,000 a day) to gain just ONE pound. Therefore you would have needed to eat ex: 5,500 cals that day to have gained an actual ONE pound of fat.
2. If you step on a scale after a night of overeating/drinking it’s mostly all water weight.
3. The number of memories and moments are more important than the number of calories on your plate
4. The more you eat your fear foods and do what you’re scared of, the easier it will become
5. If you struggle with food and don’t eat out of a specific schedule or food group, it’s normal to feel like you’ve lost all your progress when you look in the mirror. That’s body dysmorphia - and bloating.

Food is fuel. Everything you eat goes towards giving your body energy whether that’s a cupcake or kale. Some foods give you more nutrients, benefits, and energy than others but foods don’t have morals. They shouldn’t make you feel guilty - you didn’t do anything wrong.

Stop treating yourself like you hurt someone when you just ate a food that is going to work and help your body function at SOME capacity! 💗


The picture on the left sent me into a spiral when I saw it for the first time.

I looked at that photo and saw a woman who was obese. I look at the photo now and am PHYSICALLY shocked I could have ever thought that.

I would say I’m around the same weight now only stronger (mentally and physically).

Body dysmorphia can happen with all weight, shapes, and sizes. It’s something that is so much more common than people realize.

I hear people around me talk about their bodies and it makes me really sad because it’s so drastically different to the reality.

If you’re criticizing you weight, shape or body - remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Only you have the luxury of choosing to not pick yourself apart. You don’t need to even be fully positive or confident in your body at first. Work on being body neutral. Hate gets you absolutely nowhere 💗

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 05/12/2023

You don’t have to love your body to work on accepting and appreciating it first 🫶🏻


•I love my legs because they take me on my walks that I love

•I love my arms that allow me to hug the people I love

•I love my stomach that is fueled from foods I use to create the energy to live my life

•I love my freckles, moles, and birthmarks because they make me unique

Something I genuinely love is my body. I’ve been 20 pounds heavier and 20 pounds lighter and the only thing I can say is I wasn’t happy until I prioritized my well-being and happiness over my weight.

It wasn’t until I stopped insulting myself and stopped going to the gym just because I hated my body that I started appreciating it

Do what you do for love not hate 💗


I don’t know who needs to hear this today but...

You are good enough as you are

You don’t need people in your life who aren’t making time for you, giving you what you deserve, or appreciate you

It’s okay to be sad - even if you don’t know why

You are strong enough to get through whatever you’re facing

Having to start over can turn out to be better than the original plan

You will get back on your feet

Want people who want you

Eat the food you want today without guilt

You have a right to whatever you’re feeling - your feelings are valid

Start today what you are scared to do - you are capable

What happened yesterday does not define you today 💗

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 28/11/2023

Let’s talk about what’s healthy and what’s not ⬇️

1️⃣health looks different on EVERYONE. someone bigger OR smaller than you could be healthier, fitter, and function better.

2️⃣cellulite, rolls, and excess fat have nothing to do with health.

3️⃣just like too much fat can impede your health, so can too little (being underweight can often times be more dangerous)

4️⃣health is different than physic.

Examples of HEALTH⬇️
-getting 7-8 hours of sleep EVERY night

-working out 1-5x a week and/or getting 7-10k steps a day

-going on active adventures like hiking, biking, camping, surfing, paddle boarding etc

-eating to FUEL your mind and body. making sure to not restrict any major food groups

-taking care of your MIND 🧠 read, journal, meditate, plan, learn, go to therapy, listen to podcasts/audiobooks


-drinking enough water 💧

-TAKING REST DAYS so your body can recover!!

-giving yourself and your body the love AND RESPECT it deserves

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 24/11/2023


🔗 in bi🖤

Up to 50% 🖤ff!!!!!

🔗Coaching plans:
🏋️‍♀️a customized workout, meal, and/or stretching plans that’s updated EVERY 4 weeks

🫶🏻 life coaching videos by me

🧠 mental health videos by a certified psychologist

☀️🌙morning and night routines (productive and self care)

📖 90+ journal prompts

💻 support group

🍣 video recipes

🤸🏻‍♀️ follow along stretching videos

🤕 injury recover/modifications section

🗓️ period tracker for my gals

📸 place to keep measurements, weight, and/or progress photos


⏰ track your reps, weight, and time
🔁 regenerate any exercise
🏠 at home, gym, bodyweight only
🏃‍♀️💨 30 min, 45 min, 60 min
🎥 video demonstrations for EVERY exercise

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 23/11/2023

You deserve to eat today 🫶🏻 listen to your body. Food is fuel.

What I love to do is eat good food, go for a nice walk (or two 😂), hang with fam, and appreciate moments.

There’s more to today than food 💗


When someone gives you a compliment what do you say? Do you reject it, downplay it, or accept it?

I’ve started looking at compliments like they are literal gifts. Someone is taking the time out of their day to say something nice to you. Just like if somebody took the time out of their day to bring you food, get you flowers, give you a gift or just do something special, you would never reject it ~ you would appreciate it and say thank you.

Compliments are supposed to make people feel happy/confident about themselves. — When you reject a compliment you not only take away a chance for yourself to feel good - you reject someone else’s kind act and can make them feel uncomfortable.

Starting to accept compliments can be a huge step to believing you deserve them💗 Also give a LOT more compliments - they make people feel good about themselves

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 20/11/2023

I saw a reel on my page the other day and here was the concept:

Have you ever taken a photo of the sky and then complained about how the photo doesn’t do it justice/it’s not as great/beautiful as it is in person?

Have you also then criticized photos of yourself not thinking you’re beautiful or harshly judging yourself for that split second in time it took to take that photo?

You need to remember to bring the sky mentality when you look at photos of yourself 🫶🏻

Neither of these photos are good or bad - they’re just photos. I don’t look like either all the time and neither do you 💗

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 18/11/2023



I’m very confident in my body but that doesn’t mean I don’t have negative thoughts especially being a health and wellness coach in the fitness industry⬇️

“Do they think I’m fit enough to be a personal trainer?”

“Does she think I should look slimmer because I do this for a living?”

“do I look strong enough?”

“People won’t want to get coached by someone who doesn’t look like ____ “

“He probably expected me to be fitter”

Some of these are completely just in my head and others are fueled by comments that have been made to me/in front of me.

Luckily I’m at a point in my life where these thoughts come and go with minimal attention. But I do know, especially in the fitness industry, there is a standard you feel like you have to be at to be taken seriously.

I know I’m the healthiest version of myself right now.

Do I have a 6 pack? No. Do I have fat on my body? Yes. Do I have body goals? No. Do I have health goals? Yes.

I’m happy, confident, and healthy and I think that’s what everyone wants at the end of the day.

There’s always going to be someone better than you. Smaller than you. Stronger than you. Bigger than you. Faster than you. So there’s really no point in trying to fit into a mold that’s always changing.

Remember to challenge your negative thoughts today. Don’t let them go unchecked and be subconsciously accepted. You’re worth so much more than your insecure thoughts 💗


Editing has gotten to a point where you wouldn’t even be able to tell if someone had done it. Airbrushing your face, hair volume, better makeup, face structure, enhanced lips, tan etc

Natural editing can do SO much more damage than ‘insta editing and morphing’ because it’s the little “imperfections” that everyone has that makes it seem abnormal.

People care MORE about how they appear online than in person.

There are THOUSANDS of apps available to help you edit your face and body.

I find myself looking at photos and thinking ‘I wish I was that photogenic’ when in reality it’s edited.

As always this is just a reminder when you’re scrolling so many women I know edit their photos with apps ITS NOT JUST INFLUENCERS. No one is always photogenic - you’re not worth less you’re just comparing yourself to a false reality 💗🫶🏻


Fall triggers a lot for me. Ever since 2017 the fall smells, taste, and crisp chilly air always makes my head remember things I don’t necessarily want it to. Unfortunately, I can also attribute new negative fall memories from last year to those of 2017.

But I genuinely love fall. I love everything about it, it’s one of my favorite seasons, even with all the ‘triggers’ but it took me a few years to get here.

When things trigger an unpleasant memory, something I’ve done is immediately follow it up with a huge wave of appreciation.

I’m no longer in those situations. I’m no longer that sad or scared girl that didn’t know what to do or say. I’m no longer someone who’s crying all the time or feeling like there’s no way out of my brain/circumstance.

I replace every stomach drop and thought of ‘I wish that didn’t happen’ to ‘that made me the strong person I am - I have the gift to be able to help and relate to more people now’.

If you only focus on the negative things that have happened to you, it will eat you alive. I don’t regret anything that’s happened to me - what an absolute GIFT I’ve been the lucky one to come out the other side.

If you’re no longer in a situation or you’re even doing a little better than you were before - what a win. What a milestone. If you’re 1/10th better than you were last year, you should be so proud of yourself because you are making it happen and didn’t give up 💗


For the last 2 years I’ve been sharing my mental health story. The first time I posted about it, I thought everyone would look at me differently or no longer respect me.

In my mind I thought, how could they? How could anyone like me knowing how ‘messed up’ I was. I felt like I was tainted and not like the badass I was/am for OVERCOMING what so many people never have to experience.

I’ve been in hospitals, dropped out of college, went years without being able to make friends, spent days isolating without talking, self harmed, struggled with depression, abused my body with fitness and food, and struggled with suicidal thoughts and obsessions from the age of 10, etc

But with all of that, I also

Went back to college and graduated a year early (with honors), improved in the hospital faster than they’d ever seen, kept up my progress to the point where I do not meet ANY qualifications for mental illness, moved TWICE to 2 different countries and made many amazing friends, have compete food freedom, respect myself and my body, rarely stress or have any anxiety, and started my own business and have been able to help numerous people avoid/overcome what I went through

The reason I talk about my mental health is NOT because I want to 😂 (I don’t like doing it at all actually) BUT I share it because of where I am now.

I do not struggle right now with mental illness. I’ve been able to overcome so much so it’s possible to get better.

When I first started getting help no one told me it could get better - even my therapists. They all told me I would have to live with it. I thought that was so discouraging and fu**ed up.

If you work hard you will get better. There will be bumps in the road and times where you think what’s the point - but the point is your quality of life.

If you’re in a dark place right now and seem too far gone - you’re not. I promise you’re not. I can say that because I was “too far gone” and I’m back. Not only am I back, but I’m at a place I never knew existed.

Instead of giving up, give everything you have because wtf do you have to loose💗 happy world mental health day 💗


Who do you want to be a year from now?

If you don’t like the situation you’re in, you have to do something about it.

The easiest choice you can make is to stay the same. Don’t change. Stay in the same job, with the same parter who’s not right for you, in the same routine, with no new friends, or experiences. That is easy.

It might be broken but it could always be worse right?

Turns out, the easiest thing to do, is actually the hardest in the long run.

I was going to wait and break up with an ex because it would have been “easier” for everyone.

If I had waited, I would have never met my roommate on vacation, move to London, made new friends, traveled, had new experiences, start dating again, etc. I would have JUST started the healing process in the time it took me to do all of that.

In the time it takes you to pull the trigger on a decision (you know is the right thing to do), you could have already healed, moved on, moved up, succeeded, been happier, etc etc etc.

Why push off something just because it’s hard? It’s hard up front but will be easier in the long run.

You can’t escape hard things but you can stop them from being prolonged if you just face them head on.

This goes for EVERYTHING in your life. Stop waiting to be happy when you know what you need to do 💗 everyone will be happier for it 💗


“You probably don’t eat that”

But I do

I eat everything, nothing is off limits to me.

Moderation was a word that *pi**ed me off* a few years ago.

You’d always here “everything in moderation” or “just one piece of dark chocolate satisfies my sweet tooth” - not everyone is like you Diane. Some people cant stop until they finish the whole bar 🍫 (or three)

I’m fortunate enough right now to be ✨living the moderation dream✨

How did I do that?

If you’re like me and struggled with the all or nothing mindset, this is my #1️⃣ tip for you ⬇️

Eat your ‘fear foods’ on the regular (sometimes you will accidentally eat them out of moderation). You’ll have to first learn to sit with that anxiety.

I had to take certain foods off of the pedestal I had put it on. I used to have my lunch with a side of cake for 3 months during my binge eating recovery.

I still love cake but I don’t need it every day anymore bc I know it’s always going to be there for me if I want it guilt free.


This is a huge mindset you have to unlearn. It’s exposure therapy. The more you do something the less control it has over you 💗

Photos from Dierdre Rae Fitness's post 14/08/2023

These are things I STRESS to most of my clients.

Don’t do anything you would NOT be okay with doing forever (minus the being is a moderate calorie deficit/surplus). Examples: eating 1300 calories or less. Working out 5 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cutting out carbs or all of your favorite foods. Etc

Yes, reaching your goals is going to be hard but it does NOT have to be horrible.

I was telling a client today, it’s about the JOURNEY (and I know that’s cheesy) but if you don’t work on healthy habits, routines, confidence, and mindset - you won’t have it even if you do reach your goal.

When some people reach their goals, they’re not always happy or they can’t sustain it because they never learned how to do it along the way.

What my coaching/programs teach is about LEARNING ALONG THE WAY how to make your life the best you ever thought possible for yourself, your confidence, and your health.

Its small changes that make the biggest 💗


The question I get asked the most is, “how did you completely cure your eating disorders?” ⬇️

On the left, I was 3 months away from recovering from a 10 year struggle with disordered eating.

I had a lot of trial and error the first year, AND THATS NORMAL but every single month I got a bit better than I was before. Now, I have absolutely no sign, symptom, or eating disorder urge and I haven’t for years.

What did I do to help me recover? ⬇️

📖 read/listen to the book Brain Over Binge by Kathryn Hansen (there’s a recovery guide too so make sure you get the actual book)

🍰 ate my fear foods (ex that worked for ME (maybe not for everyone): had cake with my lunch for 2 months - unorthodox but it took cake off of it’s pedestal)

❤️ gave myself mini compliments every time I caught myself ripping myself apart

💪🏻 focused on what my body DID for me NOT what it looked like (journaled a LOT)

🏋️‍♀️ stopped doing intense cardio and focused on weight training and walking (this is EXTREMELY important for binge eaters/bulimia)

🥹 forced myself to eat if I was hungry, even if I thought I had eaten too much that day (allowed myself breakfast and didn’t intermittent fast)

⚖️ STOPPED TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT (I took that pressure completely off of myself while trying to recover EVEN THOUGH it was SO SCARY and uncomfortable)

🔁 understanding that it’s a habit and it’s 100% curable. You’re not stuck with it because of any past trauma or coinciding disorder. (on the left I was as happy as I’d ever been but my eating disorder was at it’s worst)

⏰ it takes time and won’t happen overnight

ALL OF THESE THINGS do NOT need to be applied today. Start with one. Start slow.

🚨Some seem easy but IF ITS EASY TO DO that means, ITS EASY NOT TO DO🚨

It’s not your fault.

You’re not damaged because of this.

It can be unlearned.

Think of it as just a bad habit.



Being confident means that you NEVER let them dictate what you do, say, wear, what you apply for, etc. You do not let them control you - you control how you react to them.

I have learned to never let insecurities and negative thoughts scare me into not holding my head up high or keep me from going after things I want.

If you…
-want to wear an article of clothing but you don’t think you’ll “pull it off” - wear it
-don’t think you’re good enough for a job even if you’re qualified - apply
-don’t think you’re pretty or good enough to be friends or partners with someone - shoot your shot
-are scared to wear a bikini bc of what others will think - wear it
-feel like you want to insult yourself out loud before anyone else can (or thinks it in their brain)- keep quiet

Try to start talking to yourself like someone who cares and loves you would.


⬇️2018 ⬇️
food obsessed
-day revolves around when eating
-binging and eating as much as possible bc “this is the last time you’ll have this”
-ate until ill/disgustingly uncomfortable
-food made me feel foggy and moody

Body conscious
-thought everyone thought I was overweight
-was embarrassed by how much weight I gained (was on a medication that made my binge eating worse and I gained 15-20 lbs in 1-2 months)
-hated my body

Struggled to be in the moment
-was so consumed by food, body, and ocd triggers

⬇️2023 ⬇️
-felt confident in my skin
-ate even in a bikini
-thoughts didn’t revolve around food. Focused on the country and scenery I was in.
-loved going out to eat and didn’t feel the need to overeat
-didn’t have crisis after seeing any photos of myself
-was in the moment and enjoyed every second
-didn’t think anyone was judging or even looking at my body
-got bloated and it didn’t stop me from wearing WHAT I WANTED

Going on a vacation or around holidays used to be a difficult for me. It was frustration because I felt like I could never focus on what mattered. Now with confidence in myself and in my body, food freedom, and a handle on my ocd I’ve been able to finally be in the moment and focus on what matters.

To be completely free from food and body obsession IS possible and I’ll start posting more tips on how I got there 💗🫶🏻

Videos (show all)

Think about the fact that you don’t see your body as much as you think. You see it hidden by clothes, towels, or anythin...
Really thought it would work 🥺😂
Today’s morning ☀️ routine - I have a walk & a workout planned which is why I did not do it right away like usual 💗 I ha...
Sorry it’s not the T-Swizzle tik tok trend but has to get your attention somehow!If you’re struggling with binging - the...