Only Pure Nature

Only Pure Nature

We present you the Healing Powers of our Mother Nature.

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity (And How to Break the Habit) 24/08/2018

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity (And How to Break the Habit) When I was about sixteen or so, one of my parent’s friends got into some trouble with the law. When we’d visit him he’d often shake his head from side to side and mumble, my life is in the toilet.

A New Theory Based On Quantum Entanglement Says Your Mind Exists In Another Dimension 13/06/2018

A New Theory Based On Quantum Entanglement Says Your Mind Exists In Another Dimension The relationship between the mind and the brain is a mystery that is central to how we understand our very existence as sentient beings. Some say the mind is strictly a function of the brain — consciousness is the product of firing neurons. But some strive to scientifically understand the existenc...

I tried the popular Silicon Valley diet credited with boosting energy and prolonging life — and I can see why people are obsessed 25/05/2018

I tried the popular Silicon Valley diet credited with boosting energy and prolonging life — and I can see why people are obsessed I’ve been ignoring my mother for a week and a half. For the past 10 days, I’ve stifled the small voice she instilled in the back of my mind to remind me that forgoing breakfast is nutri…

If Your Doctor Orders You to Have a Colonoscopy, Just Say the Following 23/05/2018

If Your Doctor Orders You to Have a Colonoscopy, Just Say the Following Colonoscopy is a medical proceducre that allows the doctor to check the inside of your body. But many doctors don't tell you the negatives of it.

Feeling Anxious? This Simple Navy SEAL Trick Calms Your Nervous System in 5 Minutes Flat 22/05/2018

Feeling Anxious? This Simple Navy SEAL Trick Calms Your Nervous System in 5 Minutes Flat Mark Divine is a U.S. Navy SEAL and the founder of SEALFIT, a fitness organization for those who want to push themselves to the max.

Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells According To The U.S. Government 19/05/2018

Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells According To The U.S. Government Cannabis destroys cancer cells according to a statement released by the U.S. Government. Their acknowledgment is paving the way for more research.

Amount of close and comforting contact from caregivers changes children’s molecular profile 19/05/2018

Amount of close and comforting contact from caregivers changes children’s molecular profile The amount of close and comforting contact between infants and their caregivers can affect children at the molecular level, an effect detectable four years later, according to new research from the University of British Columbia and BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

Largest study of its kind finds alcohol use biggest risk factor for dementia 19/05/2018

Largest study of its kind finds alcohol use biggest risk factor for dementia Alcohol use disorders are the most important preventable risk factors for the onset of all types of dementia, especially early-onset dementia. This according to a nationwide observational study, published in The Lancet Public Health journal, of over one million adults diagnosed with dementia in Fran...

Breakthrough device heals organs with a single touch 19/05/2018

Breakthrough device heals organs with a single touch Researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Ohio State’s College of Engineering have developed a new technology, Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT), that can generate any cell type of interest for treatment within the patient’s own body. This technology may be used to repair in...

The World’s First Bionic Kidney Is All Set To Replace Dialysis in Just Two Years 15/05/2018

The World’s First Bionic Kidney Is All Set To Replace Dialysis in Just Two Years Not always can natural remedies be good for a medical condition despite of how effective they are. Sometimes, in serious conditions, only medical technology can help such as in the case of kidney d…

20 Unnecessarily Wasteful Things That Drive Us Bonkers 12/05/2018

20 Unnecessarily Wasteful Things That Drive Us Bonkers It’s the year 2018, you would think that by now people would be reducing the amount of unnecessarily wasteful things in their lives. We’re supposed to be l

Blood Clot Warning Signs That Cannot Be Ignored 12/05/2018

Blood Clot Warning Signs That Cannot Be Ignored Blood clot warning signs can be hard to detect, but they cannot be ignored. Blood clots repair blood cells, but they can also cause problems.

Medieval Doctors Who Need To Explain Themselves 12/05/2018

Medieval Doctors Who Need To Explain Themselves Medieval doctors were an important part of the growing medical industry. Their theories and remedies were dangerous, but helped us get to where we are.

Your Body Is Acidic. Here’s What You NEED To Do (The Real Truth Behind Cancer…) 11/05/2018

Your Body Is Acidic. Here’s What You NEED To Do (The Real Truth Behind Cancer…) Noble prize Winner Dr. Otto H Warburg , who discovered the real cause of cancer, has found that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency leads to an acidic state in the hum…

Major Study: Cancer and Sunscreen Myth Exposed 11/05/2018

Major Study: Cancer and Sunscreen Myth Exposed According to a June 2014 article featured in The Independent (UK), a major study conducted by researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that women who avoid sunbathing during the summ…

8 Important Steps To Shave Intimate Area 11/05/2018

8 Important Steps To Shave Intimate Area Ladies! We all know what a commitment it may be to keep our intimate lady parts maintained. Some of us prefer the waxing route-painful, yet quick and easy.


READ THIS AND NEVER THROW AWAY AVOCADO SEEDS AGAIN Avocado is one of the most complete and beneficial fruit for our health, plus the avocado seed is very powerful and useful. Today, we’ll show you why. Over 70% of the amino acids can be found…

Get Your 10 Years Younger, Brighter and Acne Free Face With This DIY Rice Mask - Care Body Hair 04/05/2018

You Can Have 10 Years Younger, Brighter and Acne Free Face With This DIY Rice Mask

Get Your 10 Years Younger, Brighter and Acne Free Face With This DIY Rice Mask - Care Body Hair 3 Ingredient Face Mask For Brighter, Acne Free Face Without Any Signs Of Aging! 10 Years Younger, Brighter and Acne Free Face With This DIY Rice Mask

Miraculous Potion for Quick Weight Loss - Only Pure Nature 04/05/2018

Miraculous Potion for Quick Weight Loss - Only Pure Nature The secret in this miracle potion is hidden in...reduce hunger and juice from oranges and lemons that are real vitamin bomb providing fast weight loss...

Birch Sap - Natural Cure for Kidney Stones - Only Pure Nature 02/05/2018

Birch Sap - Natural Cure for Kidney Stones - Only Pure Nature Did you know that since long times, the birch sap was main healing source for some diseases such as for breaking up kidney stones?

A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signals - Care Body Hair 30/04/2018

A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signals
8 Body Signals Of Possible Heart Attack - Be Aware...

A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signals - Care Body Hair 8 Body Signals That Happens 1 Month Before Posible Heart Attack. Pay close attention in case you are at risk of getting a heart attack!

10 Best Workouts for Women to Lose Belly Fat Fast - Care Body Hair 29/04/2018

Top 10 Active Ways to Lose Belly Fat In No Time

10 Best Workouts for Women to Lose Belly Fat Fast - Care Body Hair Do you have a problem with excess stomach fat? If you want to lose belly fat, here we have 10 brilliant activities to help you lose belly fat fast.

Drool When You Sleep? You Are Very Lucky Then And Here is Why - Care Body Hair 28/04/2018

Do You Drool When You Sleep?
The Reason You Drool When You Sleep Is Something More Beneficial Than You Think!

Drool When You Sleep? You Are Very Lucky Then And Here is Why - Care Body Hair What Means When You Drool When You Sleep? The Reason You Drool When You Sleep Is Something More Beneficial Than You Think!

French Fries - The Danger Effects - Only Pure Nature 28/04/2018

French Fries - The Danger Effects - Only Pure Nature French fries are fatty and unhealthy, but not even once you've been explained what does exactly the french fries are doing to your body.

Check Your Health Condition with The Face Mapping 27/04/2018

Check Your Health Condition with The Face Mapping The method called "face mapping" has been used for centuries as a way of diagnosis...

Remember that kid who invented a way to clean up ocean plastic? He’s back, and it’s happening 27/04/2018

Remember that kid who invented a way to clean up ocean plastic? He’s back, and it’s happening Boyan Slat was just a regular Dutch high-school student when he went on a diving trip to Greece. Once underwater, he was surrounded by plastic waste. “There were more plastic bags than fish,” he to…

Videos (show all)

Best Game of Hide and Seek - Ever :D
Funny Dog Jumps For a Cookie :D
French Bulldog Eats Watermelon From The Inside
Hahaha Cuteness Overloaded :)
NEVER stop your car in the middle of the night, in the middle ...
Skillet garlic Knots with 4 Cheese Dip
So Cute :)
Blue Lagoon Oludeniz - Turkey
Extreme Adventure
Veggie Fajita Spaghetti
Albuquerque International Balloon Festival
