Timmy O'Pug

Timmy O'Pug

World class napper raising the dapper level of Chicago. Adopted by @Violet.The.Pug when I was 10 fro


Happy to Timmy! I adopted him when he was almost 10 years old and lots of people told me I was crazy for adopting a senior dog. But it was honestly one of the best decisions of my life! Timmy was all heart and brought us all so much love. I learned more from Timmy than I ever could have expected. So I say adopt a rescue dog and adopt a senior dog! And thank you MOPS Pug Rescue for letting me adopt the worlds cuddliest guy!




For Giving Tuesday, we’ve donated to Wild Hearts in Timmy’s memory. Wild Hearts help mobility challenged animals Getting Timmy wheels and doing physical therapy changed his life so positively. And it was so helpful to have people to advise on related care (such as expressing his bladder). Wild Hearts helps with all of things! We ❤️ Wild Hearts!


Honest Timmy Lincoln.


Have you ever seen more magnificent floof???


Handsome Timmy in his Timmy tie! 💚Huge thanks to everyone that has donated to our fundraiser for Wild Hearts. We hoped to raise enough for a dog to get wheels and so far we’ve raised enough for TWO carts! Yay! You all are amazing! Our fundraiser is open through the end of September so let’s go for 3! If we get to 3, Eli and Fletcher will get a cake! (And we’ll post pics, of course). See my stories for the various ways you can donate. Thank you so much! XOXO 💚


A question I would often get about Timmy wheels is, “can he do his business in them?”. Yes, Timmy could do both #1 and #2 while in his cart (without either touching the cart). However, when his myelopathy progressed he lost the ability to empty his bladder and bowels on his own. Our vet and physical therapist showed me how to express both. It was hard to learn but once I had it, we could get it all done in under 3 mins (so nice on cold and rainy days!). With regular expressing (3-4x a day) he rarely had any accidents and didn’t need diapers. It was very manageable (and on the bad weather says it was honestly easier than the old p**p strike days).


I thought everyone could use some today đź’š


People often ask me when it’s the right time to get wheels… Timmy’s rehab vet recommended he start using them while we could still walk so that he’d adjust more quickly and to reduce chances of him injuring himself (he was sometimes falling and he was overusing his front legs to compensate for his backend weakness). It was a great recommendation for him, he loved his wheels from the start and we kept him injury free.

Thank you to everyone that has donated to our fundraiser for another animal to get wheels via Wild Hearts! We still have a little way to our goal.)


Timmy loved his wheels so much! They gave him back some independence and let him keep doing things he loved, like evening walks, shopping, and traveling. I used to think it was kinda sad to see a dog in wheels and now I’m so happy when I do because I know how much a cart can improve quality of life. In Timmy’s memory, I’d like to help another dog get wheels through one of our fav foundations, Wild Hearts. My goal is to raise $400, the average cost for Wild Hearts to provide a cart. You can donate via facebook or Venmo (venmo to and put referred by Timmy O’Pug in the subject line). And stay tuned here, throughout September I’ll be sharing some of the things that Timmy and I learned to help navigate his changing mobility. 💚💚💚


Happy birthday to sweet Timmy! His birthdays were always on of my fav days because he loved his cakes so much. 👀 🎂 ❤️ I think Timmy would have wanted you all to have a treat today in his memory. 💚 Not a day goes by without us thinking or talking about Timmy. He was such a sweet soul, all heart with a touch of funny and mischievous. We love you forever and always, Timmy!!!!