Expanding Minds LLC

Expanding Minds LLC

eXpanding Minds is the first step to understanding your educational needs. True cognitive developmen

If You Want Resilient Kids, Do These 8 Things 07/04/2019

If You Want Resilient Kids, Do These 8 Things Letting your kids fail and talking to them about it goes a long way.

Pay Expanding Minds LLC using PayPal.Me 21/11/2018

$5 Resume Reviews
[email protected]

Pay Expanding Minds LLC using PayPal.Me Go to paypal.me/xminds and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

Why Kids With Executive Functioning Issues Have Trouble With Planning 27/09/2018

Why Kids With Executive Functioning Issues Have Trouble With Planning Find out why planning is such a challenge for kids with executive functioning issues and how to help your child get better at planning.

IEP Binder: How to Assemble and Organize 13/09/2018

IEP Binder: How to Assemble and Organize Making an IEP binder is a great way to keep information organized and at the ready when you need it. An IEP binder can help you prepare for IEP meetings and ...


Homework isn't a punishment. If assigned thoughtfully, homework is designed to enhance the learning experience by practicing skills introduced in class at home. Develop your child's skills at home, contact us for a personalized online enrichment program today!

Learn. Grow. Repeat. 07/03/2018

Don't wait too late to study! The end of the year is coming, register for our Study Buddy Program and start preparing now.
Registration starts at $30 for PK through Calculus.

Slots are limited, sign up today!

Learn. Grow. Repeat. eXpanding Minds is an educational practice that assist families with understanding educational settings, teaching and learning methods, cognitive development, and assessments. We offer a variety of services to help meet learning needs. Book an appointment with us today!


There are over 20 allowable accommodations for IEPs and EIPs. Check out this list from Georgia to see if you are missing out on a resource.


Autism and Asperger's | Reading Topics A-Z | Reading Rockets 30/01/2018

A spectrum disorder can be hard to understand. Symptoms and traits can vary in severity, making the disorder hard to identify. Some elements of the disorder may be obvious while others may be non existent. Understanding that the underlying mechanism for the disorder is the same regardless of symptoms helps with management of spectrum disorders.

Remember: Just because you cannot see it, does not mean it is not there.

Autism and Asperger's | Reading Topics A-Z | Reading Rockets Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurological and developmental disorder that affects about 1 in 68 children in the U.S. Children "on the spectrum" (which includes Asperger's) have challenges with social interaction, language, and communication; many children also exhibit repetitive behav...

5 Resources For Parents To Learn Common Core Math 27/11/2017

Common Core is not popular with many parents. The switch in curriculum was made to teach children “why”. The goal is to exchange knowledge of facts for the ability to justify answers and provide explanations.

Here are some sites that help to explain Common Core Math concepts.

5 Resources For Parents To Learn Common Core Math By Vicki Little Common Core. Those two simple words can cause a shudder for parents and children alike. It used to be that parents could easily help kids with their math homework, perhaps after a brief refresher on the topic. Now parents are finding that in order to help children with ...

Why a long school holiday can be good or bad to our students 17/11/2017

Everyone needs mental breaks. However, long breaks in instruction can lower academic performance. Balance your child’s off time to prevent the stress of going back to school after a break.

Use 20 minutes a day during the holidays to do something academic.

Why a long school holiday can be good or bad to our students After slightly more than two months of holiday, allowing respite from the stresses and struggles of the classroom, our students in public schools have this week resumed classes, hopefully re-energised and rejuvenated to face the books.

10 Good Study Habits to Help Your Child Succeed in the New School Year 14/10/2017

How was the first quarter of school? Lots of schools and programs have “no homework” policies for early learners. However, you can help your child study at home. Email us if you are interested in tutoring, enrichment, homework help, or test prep! [email protected]

Here are 10 good study habits from Sylvan Learning:

10 Good Study Habits to Help Your Child Succeed in the New School Year The importance of good study habits can never be minimized. Here are some ways to set your child up for a productive school year.

How to Build Emotional Intelligence in Your Child 11/10/2017

You’ve heard of IQ, but what about EQ?

How to Build Emotional Intelligence in Your Child You have probably heard the term "emotional intelligence" many times but what exactly is it? And why is it important for children to develop their emotio...

Emotional development 08/10/2017

Building academic skills is a priority for families. Social skills are naturally taught. Emotional development is neglected.

Spend time teaching your child about emotions and expression. Emotions are complex. However, we experience emotions before we can even communicate. It’s important to learn how to recognize and process emotions.

Emotional development KidsMatter was developed by mental health professionals and education and childcare staff in response to the high rates of school-age children with mental health difficulties and the problems they face getting help. It is is a partnership between education and health sectors and is funded by the Aus...

The 7 Reasons Your Kid Needs Sleep 15/09/2017

1. Growth
2. Healthy Heart
3. Weight Management
4. Fights Disease
5. Reduces Injury
6. Increases Attention Span

Send your children to bed, even on weekends. It's good for their health. The average amount of sleep recommended from ages 3 to 12 is 12 hours.

The 7 Reasons Your Kid Needs Sleep Getting your kid to bed early has more benefits than just a few hours of quiet time at night.

ADHD and Emotions 15/09/2017

ADHD and Emotions Learn why kids with ADHD struggle with emotions and how you can help in this expert chat.

Understanding Individualized Education Programs 13/09/2017

Individualized Education Programs can be hard to understand and misleading. Your child may need an IEP to create a learning environment that meets their needs. This does not mean there is "something wrong" with your child. It only means that your child learns a different way.

What you may not know is IEPs are legal documents that hold teachers accountable for creating and maintaining that environment. It does not water down standards of learning, it modifies the content with use of techniques to instruct your child in the manner they learn best.

For example, your child may be easily distracted due to a medical condition. An IEP may include a modification that allows your child to complete a reduced number of problems in order to increase the likelihood of success on classwork and homework.

This article explains in detail what an IEP is and some of the vernacular used by guidance counselors and teachers during readings.

Understanding Individualized Education Programs An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written education plan designed to meet a child’s learning needs. Read about IEPs.

