Life N More

Life N More

We make Life Simple!


प्रकृति हम सब की माँ है... Happy Mothers Day


Bum chik bum chik bum chik chik

Stay positive stay happy attract abundance 👌👌👌👌


जहां आधी दुनिया आपदा में अवसर ढूंढ़ती है, इस बच्चे ने ये किया है। एक रोटी कम खाइये, बच्चों को पढ़ाइये और गलत संगत से दूर रखिये।

इस बच्चे को ढ़ेर सारा आशीर्वाद।

कभी कभी सोचती हूं तो शर्म आती है, कि हम अपने बच्चों के लिए कितनी गन्दी दुनिया बना चुके हैं। विश्व के सभी बच्चों के लिए प्रार्थना 🙏🏻


If you really want your children to Rise and Shine - Please respect them in failure, mistake, success equally 🧚‍♀️


Why me?
Why don't they hear my.....
Why my manifestation doesn't......

Why? Why? Why?

Few people behaved so ugly, awfully and yes it affected me emotionally.... 😔

I howled when I had the second miscarriage.. One day in my meditation I got the answer -- Your gift is getting ready, you are blessed and shall receive, as for this unhappy moment, it's just a dream...😵

And hubby walks in and says I want to see you happy, as for what happened lets just take it like this: it was for letting the world know you are not a barren piece of land and shut their mouth... 😷

Twenty years my elder one will complete, and all of it makes sense... 😃

The most important thing that happened is, a lot of clutter was cleansed. I learnt to apply boundaries and did away with all the human clutter around me. Not every one deserves a seat at your table. I'm happy because all this I could do without any bitterness. It's just common sense that remove yourself from the things that do not add value to your life or de-focus you from the best in life. 🤩

This is a piece I am sharing with people who are trying for pregnancy or going through the same so that my story can whisper --- * Your gift is getting ready, you are blessed and shall receive * 🧿

Be Happy it opens up the blocks like magic 🧚‍♀️


It will come to you 🧚‍♀️

When Something Is For You!

1.. When something is for you, you won't feel the need to beg, convince, or force. Things will feel easeful, grounded, and safe.

2.. When something is for you, it will not make you question or second guess your worth.

3.. Instead, it will remind you how worthy and loved you truly are.

4.. When something is for you, it will feel healthy and supportive-not toxic or destructive.

5.. When something is for you, it will not run or hide or avoid being yours. You do not have to chase after anything or anyone.

6.. When something is for you, it will bring clarity and alignment to your life, not chaos and confusion.


Being respectful is kindness on display 🧚‍♀️


Loving parents with special children are God's own people - A must watch video, she can't see the glamour, the expressions but can you feel the inner joy?

God bless the children of God


Listen 🎧


I have a ginnie in me and so do you. But contrary to the belief this Ginnie doesn't come with conditions...

Just like the tale someone needs to rub us hard for the Ginnie to be activated...

It's amusing how we seek the golden magic lamp and a ginnie outside...

We are the lamp, we are the light, we are the Ginnie...

"If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?" --
Do you know this quote?

If we are in the comfort zones of our belief systems, how are we supposed to grow because then who cares! Who wants to give up the comfort?

We are all so stirred, anxious, uncomfortable and angry when we face opposition, change, pain and sometimes just because things are not according to us....

Do you really feel we are here to engage in all this drama?

Do you think this drama is unnecessary?

Show me a reason why you are living in discomfort and anxiety?

We are blessed with the power to manifest, manipulate the energies for the best for us.
Do you know what is best for you?


Alhamdulillah Shukra Thank You
Aabhaar Gratitude........ Do you know these are not mere words but spells that cast miracles?

If you are privileged, do you value it?

Are you grateful for what you have?

Are you living a mindful life?

So, what is your priority for the day?


There is no middle path in loyalty. You are either loyal or not loyal at all.

Loyalty has a lot to do with being honest with the self (integrity).

I think it's better to communicate with the partner or employer that something is not working and leave than try to make amends in your honesty levels to boost your mood or mental emotional status momentarily.

Little or more, to cheat is to destroy and self before the others, because it clearly hits the conscience and lives in the form of fear or guilt causing anxiety etc.

Well nothing is absolute and there are people who have no remorse or repentance in being disloyal but that's just because they believe that the other side is hurt. It has nothing to do with them. They even find reasons and logic to satisfy the ego and feel good. At times they play the victim with conviction.

How would you react if someone cheated on you?
Are you able to read the red flags?
Are you loyal or think a certain level of lies is ok?
Do you think loyalty is a leadership skill?

Have a great day ahead 💖


Most of us are complaining about not finding daily motivation hence the result is delayed.

What about switching motivation with DISCIPLINE.
Let us be consistent in our ACTIONS
Discipline will create habit which is required for the FLOW.
Once the consistency yields RESULTS you will never have to look for outer motivation.

If ever you feel low look for inspiration around you.



*Bless You* are not mere words. It's a powerful acknowledgement of the universal love that exists and flows freely throughout the universe. It can be shared, exchanged, used to heal or passed down to generations as an intent of protection.


Sending healings for every one who needs it today 🧿

Next time you are angry at your child or the child is hyper, TRY THIS - SAY BLESS YOU LOUD and repeat bless you in your mind focusing your eye contact on the kid and see the 🪄 magic. Go hug 🤗 your child and help him/her heal the vibration that caused the discomfort.


The only gift we can give each other is time. The most beautiful gift of love is being there for each other at all times.

Dear you are such a brilliant expression of the light. Your artwork is excellent and is powerful. Rise and shine 🌻


परखने से अगर प्यार बढ़ जाता, तो मुहब्बत नापने की मशीनें अब तक बन ना गईं होती?

Live in the moment.

You never know when it will change.

Change is inevitable.

Change is the only constant.


One Day At A Time!

Decide your plan of action and pause according to your priorities in life.

Who knows or cares about what you want or need so why explain!

Zoom in to see the beautiful Christmas tree made of flowering pots... Merry Christmas everyone.


Today's Word BOUNDARY (3)

This is about why we suffer from trust issues in life.

In life it's very important to have a balance between emotions and practice.

•Do you treat people like you like to be treated?
•Do you know how a person can develop trust issues when you do wrong to good people?
•Do you get overwhelmed by sweet talk?
•Do you have control over your tongue in anger?
•Have you been hurt when someone treated you like an opportunity to reach your network?

There are so many more questions that we need to ask ourselves before we blame others for being selfish, sly, manipulating elements or plotters.


1) Because we need to learn more about creating boundaries.
2) Because we must understand why we are attracting these leeches in the first place.

Once bitten twice shy ❌
Once bitten, learn caution, leave the place, don't allow it to change your core, build healthy boundaries, live your life and enjoy..... ♾️

Sometimes we attract these people not because we are vibrating at the same frequency but because we are scared of the same and they dwell at the back of our mind forever.....
Cut Clear Delete 🚮

Have a fantastic day 💞


Every tree has a history, every seed had a vission.... Nature is on a mission!

Whose fault is it if you gave up on yourself?


Have you heard of the term ACCOUNTABILITY?

Being accountable doesn’t mean being perfect ---

• It means being realistic and transparent about the situation.
• It means taking responsibility of the actions we took.
• It means being ready to learn without being ashamed, embarrassed or afraid of the judgements passed.
• It means ready to correct the mistake with an intention to make things work.

With accountability as a core value, mistakes aren’t hidden, blame is not shifted, and trust is not lost.

Apply this to your personal life too. If you think something is important for you, go ahead without seeking approvals, validation or fear of judgement.

Take responsibility, be strong and live happy.

You may fail initially, but you will learn and grow as accountability will help you accept each fall and apply your lesson to create the reality you wish for.

Remember there is no bigger failure than not even trying because you are afraid of the expectations, judgements or criticism.

I hope you will not allow these to take away something very precious from your journey *your time*

Time is ticking


Two important points to ponder tonight ------

•We simply move on from one level of consciousness to another....
•Whatever we think belongs to us is going to remain and change hands....

What do you plan to carry back with you?

Bless you with happiness and health always 💕


Friday Namaste 🙏

Now that we are left with the last few days of 2022, some are feeling good, some lost, some regret, some rejoice! WHY?

We are well aware inside that life comes with an expiry date. Yet, we let ourselves be swayed by distractions and drama and lose on the precious time.

Those who focused on priorities and purpose made a grateful exit.

Allow me to remind you of little things in life that you still can do..

•Its never too late to pick up and shine.
•Gratitude is always possible.
•Regret is a waste of time because it causes more regret and immense loss of interest.
•Crying over spilled milk is not going to help, clean, clear and close.
•Closure is important.
•Life is more about participating than the result as participation is a learning experience and that's why we are here.
•Simplify the thought process and focus on the best and positive consciously.
•To ERR IS HUMAN so stop fretting, introspect and organise your lessons.

I end with a lovely quote
"To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future."



Are you free of the effects of the games people play?

•Practice listening to your inner voice
•Trust your gut feeling (intuition)
•Vibes don't lie

What you can do to avoid unnecessary drama ---

•Learn more about establishing boundaries and respect your privacy.

•Be sure about the people whom you allow into your circle.

•Try to be assertive and NO spells No, means No, so No people pleasing please.

•Apart from building your boundaries, learn to appreciate the boundaries of others.

Do you know the difference between friends and acquaintances?


So it's time to play Santa...

Dear women if you want to talk, do and grow your business this is your lead... Contact on the number and enroll

May you always shine and be consistent in your life. May you always have all the happiness and prosperity.... Bless you 🧿

#2022 #2023


The difference between wish and will is the confirmation of action.

Are you ready?
•To take action
•To keep your self motivated
•To be disciplined
•To trust the process
Last but most important
•To be HAPPY (inside out)

Sending blessings and wishes for your manifestations to come true.

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