Iris Noire Designs

Iris Noire Designs

Making piles of silver dust and splattering ink in my favorite little state.

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 12/06/2024

The Star. - Hope + The Star. - Intuition earrings

These two pairs of earrings inspired by the tarot card, The Star., are now on display at the Third Sanctum Art Gallery & Gathering Space in the The Veiled Crow for the month of June. Opening night is Thursday the 12th from 6-7:30.

The first pair of earrings seen represent Hope as depicted in The Star. Hope is something we may, or may not, learn early in life. Personally, it isn't something which flowed into my life. I didn't allow myself to Hope as a means to protect myself. Discovering a sense of spirituality through my first deck of tarot cards, Hope became a light I saw in the darkness. Sparkling in the distance, but it's there. In this new way of seeing through the dark seasons, I have also given myself Grace in how I came to dismiss Hope. It's been a beautiful journey. Like skies, there have been days too overcast or misty to see the stars, but they are there, this I know and trust.

The second pair of earrings are inspired by Intuition depicted through The Star. The sky illuminates what was once difficult. There is clarity and purpose, allowing oneself to be refilled, as opposed to feeling empty. Through Intuition, I know my purpose and can clearly see how I arrived where I am.

As things tend to flow into each other, seeing Star Of Bethlehem flowers while running then noticing the same patterns in this cast pieces on my work bench, I knew I was leaning into a design that felt right. Then my father gave me a birthday card covered in stars ✨ They aligned for me in a beautiful moment of inspiration and clarity and hope in my craft. For that I am grateful as doubt still very much creeps into my days.

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 04/06/2024

got myself a collection of lockets from the flea market a couple weeks ago. it's for an ongoing project to create talismans and amulets which I have been foraging and pressing flowers for. yarrow, stinging nettle and Solomon's seal are in the press. what else would you like to see? what intentions would you like to set in the safety of these hinged containers?

-they will all be cleaned up, hung from ribbon or chain and one side left blank for you to leave paper, fabric, string... whatever helps you acquire the energy you are seeking ✨


in nature, sanctuaries are places where predators are controlled so a species can survive and thrive. note the word survive, we (humans) create places so other species we see as vulnerable can survive, where they will no longer be victims, they are now protected. somehow, most of us fail to do this for others, or even ourselves.
queen anne’s lace has long been a symbol of sanctuary. as the flowers go to seed, they fold into themselves, resembling the shape of a nest, protecting insects and providing shelter for them to survive. long before modern birth control, dried seeds of this flower were made into tea, or eaten as is after unprotected s*x to prevent a potentially fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall. the same flower known to be a sanctuary, allowed those able to bear children an option for that person to protect their own safety, to maintain their own nest.
making art was my sanctuary. pastels, graphite, charcoal… covered my hands as I found refuge in the pages of my sketchbooks. as my art became work to be graded, my safety in the process was taken away. I was taught art was another thing to perfect by someone who threatened my safety, taking the gift of my refuge whom my grandmother had gifted to me. my nest fell apart, branch by branch, until I started this collection. letting go of anger, accepting that I was chosen, despite being nurtured, knowing that I was loved and am loved, knowing that some saw talent in me and nurtured it, knowing that I am now safe, I accept that I am safe, and accepting that I am worthy of love. my studio is once again a sanctuary, full of plants, filtered sunlight, my collections of dried flowers and grasses, feathers, rocks, and other objects I collect while walking my pup. and my tools, the hammers, torch, saw, files… the objects I use in my sanctuary, my refuge, to make pieces which share my vision, experiences, my growth. it is a space where past predators aren’t allowed to control me. It is my place to survive, thrive and love again.
these earrings are at in until the end of May.


my flex shaft stopped working which usually means it needs maintenance. disassembled and reassembled and back to work. it got clean, i got greasy, the flex shaft got greasy, i got clean. it's been a minute since i've had the patience to have something stop me without shutting down. this is a proud moment indeed. i would like to thanks these shiny brass stars, the miles my body allowed me to run and a NP who listened and validated me today. little things matter and add up 💫

(delighted my phone changed flex to flesh in the first sentence. grateful for the person who has my sense of humor and noticed 😉)

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 15/05/2024

over a decade ago, I found myself searching flea markets and vintage shops for keys, waiting for the right one to find me. this simple key without any teeth, but a triangular end was what I connected with. I brought it to my local casting company and asked for it to be cast in bronze. just as it was, pitted and rusted, as if it rolled in from the ocean, lost from the sunken trunk it once belonged to.
over the years, I looked at this batch of keys, wondered what to make of them and placed them back with a bunch of castings I love looking at, but yet had designs for. a few weeks ago, I placed them on my studio altar and decided, to keep it simple. keys are full of possibilities: beginnings, endings, answers, journeys, leaving the darkness for light, your light. they needn’t an addition or accent. only an intention of hope, and faith in self, as you ease your way into another season. a guide to help with an easy transition when you find yourself at a crossroads.
I soldered a jump ring to the top of the key and knotted ribbon to it. this ribbon is dyed with oak leaves, acorns and iron oxide. aside from making our home smell like a forest, it turned white ribbon a lovely shade of grey, with a hint of rust, which reminds us not to be stuck absolutes, but to see areas of growth in liminal, grey spaces. oak’s spiritual properties remind us of personal power, freedom, strength, rebirth and wisdom. it’s magical properties are abundance, courage, justice and wisdom. these all seemed like fitting properties for a key to help one seek their inner light.
I have sewn handmade silver clasps to this ribbon, making it handmade from start to finish, completing the journey.
I have ten keys and many yards of ribbon. crossroads keys will be offered as a preorder so you can choose your necklace length. Shown on me is 23”, which is where 24” would rest on most people (it is layered with a 16” necklace for reference). please allow up to 4 business days for me to sew the clasps for you.

Donate to Help Ash's Family Overcome Medical Debt, organized by Kim O'Brien 11/05/2024

forgot to share this here. we raised half of the ER and surgery debt through my Ash collection and the kindness of friends and strangers. There's still a ways to go and our payment plan through care credit is shorter than we thought it would be. aside from this, it's been a tough year that started with us getting covid, changes in health and increased silver prices, all effecting my business. thanks for all your help 🩶
if you're willing, please share

Donate to Help Ash's Family Overcome Medical Debt, organized by Kim O'Brien On November 4th, we adopted this fuzzy cat. His name was Smokey, but we started ca… Kim O'Brien needs your support for Help Ash's Family Overcome Medical Debt


tomorrow (5-9-24) is the opening at Third Sanctum Art Gallery & Gathering Space and I can finally make it. hope to see y'all there to view The Witch's Garden. These Sanctuary Earrings will be there, along with other amazing work.


more ash inspired enamels are now available. hope you enjoy this little collection

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 01/05/2024

happy beltane! as with everything witchy it's celebrated with mostly fire, whose flames, smoke and ash cleansed, protected and fertilized crops. as much as I love fire and starting anew, I love this little tidbit: Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty and maintain youthfulness. women collected it to cleanse with.

here's a little reminder of this occasion with pieces of my dewdrop collection.

happy beltane, happy midway from equinox to solstice. enjoy, and take to consider what you'd like to grow in the next seasons.


THANK YOU!!!!! All Ash orders are complete!!! He is happy, healthy, feisty, able to jump, bird watch and tease Clover. I am super relieved to be walking the rest of your orders to the post soon. This collection helped cut our vet bills almost in half. Which is amazing!!! With over $3000 left to pay off, we still need to consider what's next, but today, I am celebrating this accomplishment!

there will be more Ash inspired enamels as promised. hoping to post them next week. please keep in mind metal has gone up significantly since these were last priced a decade ago, and so have living expenses so, my new pieces will reflect this.

love, Ash, Clover, Kim + Andy 🩶🖤🩷🩵


new approaches to ash + raven 🐦‍⬛ as well as dangles. love this new, smaller size. more soon.

🩷 note the new chain for small necklaces. I literally took it for a test run and am very happy. it survived being layered with another necklace, as well as a cowl, tangled hair, and my impatience for tangled chains -yes, that part of my job is the bane of my existence.


still here working away one dash at a time. posts earrings are packed up (some should have arrived) and all Ash & Clover necklaces are up next.

thanks again for your patience. I was in the ER over the weekend for what we thought was one thing, but wasn't. luckily I am no longer in pain (well, I fell walking and needed to ice my hand and hip before work, I digress...). I have more tests and appointments today, which is getting old, but I am grateful for flowering trees, bulbs in bloom and some sunny days.


peek at new enamels


been a while (years?) since i've soldered enamels. my favorite part of this process is easily the firing and watching colors appear. as much as i love playing with fire, this is the tricky part with some failures. here i am, finding my way back to a rhythm.


after a season of chaos I am finding stillness and focus one circle at a time. thanks for helping me get here. every share for the Ash fundraiser, every kind word, purchase and venmo slip has been appreciated. with Ash being settled into rest thanks to meds, I took the opportunity to get into production mode. we hope his stitches come out Thursday and he will be able to run, jump, see Clover, bird watch and live cone free. I am betting this is the ebb before the flow of energy he has pent up for nearly a month now. I can't blame him, we're all waiting to get back to our daily rituals.

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 22/03/2024

Ash had his first of two checkups yesterday. He was given another antibiotic injection and cleaned up a little. The vet says he's looking good. He was a little feisty and tough to give medicine too last night. While he hangs in his room, still in a cone, still unable to jump, I find myself sitting in a sunny room, listening to birds chirp and I am missing him watch the birds with me. In the mornings he has been coming into our room and pawing at the blinds to get us to open them so he could watch the house sparrows whom live in bushes and birdhouses on that side of the house. By day he's watching the starlings in the front. I am forever amazed at how smart he is as, but more so, I cant believe he still likes. It's been since March 2nd that he has been in and out of the ER, operated on and now recuperating. It won't be until the 28th, when he gets his stitches out, that he can jump, play, clean himself and eat on his own. We hold his food on a plate so he can eat with his cone on. (Also, this is best case, as the surgeon said he "shouldn't" need to be restricted after Thursday.) This is obviously stressful. I have had many migraines, Andy ends each day completely exhausted, Clover gets stressed when the cat carrier comes out and when she hears Ash meow. And Ash, well, thanks for sedation.

collection is here:

Anyway, we are raising funds for this dude until the 24th. ++ please note, this is the last time this collection will be offered at these prices. After punching a few discs myself and seeing the price of silver now compared to ten years ago when I originally priced them, my enameled collection will be increasing by a lot ++

🩶 Thanks all who've helped, ordered, sent money, litter, and love. 🩶 Please share this if you can. 🩶Everything is appreciated and balances out the stress of this past month. 🩶

There are also shirts and sweatshirts on which will stay up for a couple weeks.

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 20/03/2024

Ash fundraisers are on.

t-shirts and sweatshirts are on bonfire:

Ash inspired enamels are here:

Thanks so much for your support. He's doing week, despite looking drunk at his water fountain

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 18/03/2024

I never thought being a small business meant working out of a closet. Thanks to my husband for building me a solid work table for my rolling mill and arbor press, I can cut some fine silver with a little more ease and space. Now that my studio is in order and Ash seems to be resting (so long as the pill isn't lost in his collar), it seems like I can get some work done. Thanks for all the feedback on Ash colored enamels (and the couple of preorders!)

🩶 I think the best way to suit everyone's requests is to do a preorder. This week I will get some photos on my site for you. You can purchase your pieces of choice, preorders will be open for a three day window. After those orders are filled any extras (and some fun new combinations) will be up for grabs. (I can hold anyone's order who thinks they might want one of the new combinations released.) Depending on the number of orders there will be a 2-4 week timeframe to make everything. (Wish I could work faster, but Ash still has a couple appointments, as do I.)

Which days do you prefer the preorders to go live?

🩶 thanks so much for all the love and support 🩶

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 08/03/2024

EDIT: Ash ended up in surgery with a two week recovery. This collection is going to be in progress soon as we definitely need to raise money now. thank you 🩶
hey folx, as most of you know from my stories, our furry friend, Ash was hospitalized for almost five days for a fatal bladder blockage. He needed anesthesia and a catheter to be flushed with fluids to clear his bladder. Luckily, his humans, who had no idea the symptoms or severity of this got him care right away. What we've learned in this process is, it's hard to predict what any pet, never mind an adopted pet, will need and bills add up quickly. Our year old cat now needs prescription food for life on top of the costs of saving said life.
To be honest, now that he's home I am more worried about him as he is peeing a little, a lot, and not always in his litter box and it's unlike him. Maybe he's angry with us, maybe he's in pain, maybe he can't help himself. All of these uncertainties have me quite stressed and more vet visits seem likely.
So, what is it I am asking for? Help deciding what to make to raise money for his vet bills. About a decade ago I fired up one of my favorite base enamels and named it Smoke. When we adopted Ash, his name was Smokey. I prefer Ash as any abandoned animal deserves a chance to rise from the ashes, I also love Ash trees and the idea of having a Clover Leaf and Ash Leaf, called The Leaves, delighted us. So, I am bringing back these torch fires enamels for this fundraiser only and renaming them Ash. Slide to see size options and style. Earrings are small ($44), medium ($46) and dangles ($98). Necklaces are small ($78) and large ($118). There are color options too. If y'all could let me know which ones you'd be interested in, please comment. I would be super grateful if y'all shared this too. Anything helps 🩶

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 01/03/2024

back at the bench sawing again. trying to be present and focus my energy. making silver dust makes my insides sparkle ✨

while it's late winter my mind is still at solstice. the first half of this season was exhausting, yet we didn't get to purposefully sleep or hibernate. we both got covid for the first (official) time. I didn't know if I had insurance and we didn't have sick pay. chattering through fevers with the heat low, we improved. as usual, my body responds slowly when it comes to recovery. with a couple autoimmune diseases, c-ptsd (my body is forever in freeze, flight or fight), fibromyalgia, and a list of things I to check in with specialist for. after making up for lost time now having insurance, life is settling. I can walk again, slower, shorter walks which inspire me, but I missed a good portion of winter and its stillness. The little snow we had was lovely and it holds space in my designs while snowdrops bloom and crocuses push through the cold earth. if you know me, I thrive in the cold, backpacking in winter, running as snowflakes fall, even breaking ice covered lakes to get a winter swim in. as another cold season passes and I couldn't do this, I do what I do and recover, pushing my limits, resting again and trying again the next day. having invisible disabilities is hard and i compare myself to others (and the idealized version of me taught through past abusers) daily. having a literal life of trauma makes my body knot up as my mind repeats that I am not doing enough. even five years into a safe relationship I give my partner a checklist of what I did accomplish so I can prove my worth. every day he reinforces that it's enough, maybe even too much. one day my inner dialogue will hear his words.

being present is a struggle. anxiety, fear of success (being seen, as I was taught being small got me abused less), ADD, and physical symptoms distract me. noises bother me, bright lights make my head want to explode, this rapid heartbeat that follows me after covid causes anxiety attacks, my thoughts are always swirling. there's inspiration in there, but the rest doesn't, well, rest. if i am less present here or slow to answer it is because I am giving myself the gift of being present as I heal from covid, trauma, and the way trauma manifested itself as pain and illness in my body. my focus is to keep the light inside me lit and hopefully nurture it enough for others to see.

thanks for your support during my flash sale, archive sale, extra money sent for food, Clover treats and toys 🖤🩶


dried orchard grass. focusing on the landscape.

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 09/02/2024

now offering this small collection of pine + snow earrings in two styles, hoops and box earrings. both are perfect every day earrings made of sterling silver (hand textured) with tree agate.
here's hoping for snow.... may your weekend be full of abundance and growth. I am looking forward to walks, banishing self doubt, a cleansing swim (who doesn't love a winter new moon 🌚 dip?) candlelit dinners and an abundance of love and fur 🖤🩶


receiving reviews and photos of my work on display (on one's person or in their home) is one of the greatest gifts I receive as a maker. yesterday, I was telling my partner how envious I am of bake and chefs who can get satisfaction in seeing their art consumed, knowing it is enjoyed. when I pack my pieces up and send them off, I don't know how they were received, if they've been worn, hung, placed someplace special. to all who take time to send me a review, photo of your new favorite piece of jewelry or print, thank you 🖤 know it adds sparkle to my days. it gives me more purpose in each strike of the hammer or flint.

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 21/01/2024

as my recovery from covid lingers, I've put pieces made from 2008-2019, or so on sale. everything has been cleaned and sparkles once again. there are more options in my highlights and they'll stay for a day or two. DM do claim pieces and pay via venmo. I will likely put some recent pieces at a discount in my stories over the next week in a true flash sale style. keep a look out for that.

It took most of my energy to clean these pieces so I don't expect to make new collections for a little bit, I need to take it slow. As my partner also had covid, we had over a week of no pay so every little bit helps. Luckily, it's our first time with covid, unlucky for me, it's triggered my asthma.

thanks to all who've sent food, toys for Clover and who've participated in the sale so far. Be well, y'all 🖤🩶

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 11/01/2024

the element of air is sometimes represented as a feather. it's how I like to symbolize it as is captures the softness, one's ability to glide with the breeze, and the freedom we associate with birds. feathers also call to mind the harshness of air as winds kick up debris and we look to see birds, fighting to chart their way. it's always a balance we need to strike, isn't it? these two pieces are on display at Third Sanctum Art Gallery & Gathering Space in The Veiled Crow for the month of January for their Elemental Mysteries show. Unfortunately, I can't make the opening tonight (1/11) from 6-7:30, but please do go see some amazing art and say hello from me.

my necklace is hand engraved on both sides of the feather and very much a one of a kind. the print has been perfectly framed by Andy 🪶🐦‍⬛and is one of a limited edition run.

Happy dark moon to you 🖤


the new year brought covid and snow. snow is my favorite, covid isn't. luckily it's our first time with covid, so there's that. unfortunately, we don't have sick pay. here's to trying to make some money while we recover. everything is 15% off until the 10th with code SNOWSTORM15. please wish for more snow as I really hate sitting this storm out, even if it's a flop.


silver feathers on black paper with golden leaves pressed into it. they look like leaves and feathers caught in a whirlwind. Ash approves by purring.

limited edition run of Air, found here:


this year was different. though it started the same, appeasing others, setting business intentions my intuition warned me of, making too many pieces for small collections and feeling forever behind. it ended as I had intended to start it, making art. my last release was all one of a kind, it was small and captured the gestures of a flower I had been studying for a couple seasons. another collection wasn't even jewelry! despite what I was told this summer, I am more than a jewelry maker, and my collection of oak leaf altarpieces proved it. they are happily sitting in an art gallery as I type this. my small lines of jewelry served me well as I wouldn't be where I am now without having made them. where I am now, is in the same studio, with the same books, tools, flint and flame, but I have found myself back to my acorn, my essence, working with the seasons, the elements, and my jewelry is sculptural, meaningful, important and dare I say, ART, once again. here is my final piece of the year, "air". it symbolizes the element of choice, thoughts, surrounding us always, threatening to take us off our feet if we don't ground ourselves into the earth. this feather is hand engraved on both sides, unlike a feather, it has weight, a presence, reminding you of your autonomy. by next year this piece will also be in a gallery, hanging as art does for others to see.

not all growth leads you back to where you started. for me, it meant finding myself, parts that were lost, parts that others took over, parts that felt less than, unimportant, ugly, insignificant, tarnished. with some help from loved ones, I found my way back to my acorn, my potential and as I continue on, I hope to feel like I am floating from earth to sky and back again, with ease and grace.

Photos from Iris Noire Designs's post 14/12/2023

here are my oak leaf altarpieces which are on display at the Third Sanctum Art Gallery & Gathering Space gallery located inside the The Veiled Crow for the month of december for their Magic in Miniatures show. the artist reception is tonight (12/14) from 6-7:30.

each one is named after a magical property of oak, strength, protection, healing and abundance. they are on handmade altar cloths which i felt corresponded with the title of each piece. my vision for them is to hold space for their properties on one's altar, reminding us of our potential to heal, find strength and protection from outside forces and see the abundance of love we have for ourselves and each other.

the strength leaf (first slide) is made of copper, while the rest are bronze. each is made as a replica of a leaf I gathered while on my daily walk. they have holes, places of decay, tension between lobes and are curled as they dry, no longer having water drawn to them. despite this, they are still beautiful and show resilience. these are each hand cut from sheets of metal, texture with hand tools and an engraver, formed with handmade tools and finished as smoothly as pieces of jewelry would be. this process was therapeutic and magical. as doubts entered my mind, I wrote them down and kept them contained until completion of the project where I burnt them to ash. I hope they bring others the same peace the process of making them brought me.


my new favorites, but don't tell the others

handmade with love

I am someone who likes to get my hands dirty, wearing away fingernails as I hold metal objects which I sand, file, texture and enamel to make into a wearable art. Out of the chaos and loudness of metal banging on metal, torches hissing and tools whirling comes seemingly delicate, soft jewelry. Jewelry which seems simple yet is rich in detail, be it texture impressed by old hammers, power tools, a scribe in my hand or glass enamels added to give pops of color, or mixing metals to add a subtle detail.

My pieces are inspired by the outdoors. I love graffiti and moss equally, the texture of pavement and bark, the color a brightly painted door and a wildflower, the angles of a street corner and a winding trail. My passions are represented in my jewelry, simply through texture, shape and color. I feel pretty lucky that I can take what my eyes see and use my hands to make a representation of that vision to get out into the world.

Thanks for buying handmade. I wouldn’t be making piles of silver dust without you!

...always at...

Videos (show all)

meaning behind my sanctuary earrings...
my flex shaft stopped working which usually means it needs maintenance. disassembled and reassembled and back to work. i...
new approaches to ash + raven 🐦‍⬛ as well as dangles. love this new, smaller size. more soon. 🩷 note the new chain for s...
peek at new enamels
silver feathers on black paper with golden leaves pressed into it. they look like leaves and feathers caught in a whirlw...
this year was different. though it started the same, appeasing others, setting business intentions my intuition warned m...
my new favorites, but don't tell the others
it's here, part two of my silene latifolia - grave flower release. these heart shaped petals and teardrop calyxes are wh...
as freezing temperatures flow into the tail end of autumn, I was able to look back to the petals of summer. the final pi...
finally... silene latifolia petals are nearly finished. the chill in the air declares these earrings as arriving quite l...
I've been making leaves in bronze and copper. Pieces of nature fallen to the earth are now captured in metal, forever pr...
flash sale! use code liminal40 on pebble collection pieces. valid until 8.october 11/59pm estas I am transitioning I tho...