God Who is Rich in Mercy

God Who is Rich in Mercy

This page dedicated to spreading the Divine Mercy, Saint Faustina ,
John Paul II, Fr. Michael Sopoćko and Apostolate of Divine Mercy. Faustina, Fr.

Please share us with others, & go evangelize! We have created this page from the heart to Jesus closer to everyone. With gratitude to God for the gift of faith, the love between us, the hope that Jesus gave us - putting on our way various obstacles while showing us that for God nothing is not possible. We want to talk to people about God's mercy and rekindle the spark that Jesus gave St.. Michael Sopoćko and Blessed John Paul II. - Grazyna and Stanislaw Kubaccy


3:00 PM ✝️ HOUR OF MERCY 💜
we immerse you all in the sea of God's mercy
we invite you to pray 🙏 the chaplet of God's mercy 🙏

- For the revival of faith and patriotism in our homeland 🙏
- For love and good relations in our families, 🙏
- For holy and unbreakable patterned marriages
on the Holy Family 🙏
- For the conversion of sinners 🙏
- For the conversion of all supporters of abortion 🙏
- for the conversion of those who persecute Christians 🙏
- for the conversion of those who profane Churches, religious symbols and
persecute priests and Catholics around the world 🙏
- for peace in Poland 🇵🇱 🙏,
- for peace in Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙏
- for world peace 🌎 🌍 🌏 🙏
- for our relatives who died and for the souls in Purgatory
- in your and our intentions 🙏


August 20 - Feastday of St. Bernard 😇of Clairvaux,
abbot and doctor of the Church ⛪️

St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church St. Bernard was born of noble parentage in Burgundy, France, in the castle of Fontaines near Dijon. Under the care of his pious parents he was sent at an early age to a college at Chatillon, where he was conspicuous for his remarkable piety and spirit of recollection. At the same place he entered upon the studies of theology and Holy Scripture. After the death of his mother, fearing the snares and temptations of the world, he resolved to embrace the newly established and very austere institute of the Cistercian Order, of which he was destined to become the greatest ornament. He also persuaded his brothers and several of his friends to follow his example. In 1113, St. Bernard, with thirty young noblemen, presented himself to the holy Abbot, St. Stephen, at Citeaux. After a novitiate spent in great fervor, he made his profession in the following year. His superior soon after, seeing the great progress he had made in the spiritual life, sent him with twelve monks to found a new monastery, which afterward became known as the celebrated Abbey of Clairvaux. St. Bernard was at once appointed Abbot and began that active life which has rendered him the most conspicuous figure in the history of the 12th century. He founded numerous other monasteries, composed a number of works and undertook many journeys for the honor of God. Several Bishoprics were offered him, but he refused them all. The reputation of St. Bernard spread far and wide; even the Popes were governed by his advice. He was commissioned by Pope Eugene III to preach the second Crusade. In obedience to the Sovereign Pontiff he traveled through France and Germany, and aroused the greatest enthusiasm for the holy war among the masses of the population. The failure of the expedition raised a great storm against the saint, but he attributed it to the sins of the Crusaders. St. Bernard was eminently endowed with the gift of miracles. He died on August 20, 1153. His feast day is August 20
St. Bernard pray for us 🙏


12:00🕛 - we invite you to pray together 🙏
🙏 Angelus 🙏💙🕊🙏
💙 The angel of the Lord preached to Mary and conceived
of the Holy Spirit. 💙🕊
🙏 Hail Mary ...
💙He is the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.
🙏 Hail Mary
💙A Word became flesh and lived among us.
🙏 Hail Mary ...
🙏 Pray for us, holy Mother of God, that we may become worthy of Christ's promises.
"Please, Lord, pour Your grace into our hearts, that we may know the Incarnation of Christ, Your Son, through the Angel's Annunciation, through His Passion and the Cross, to the glory of the Resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. 🙏Amen🙏


RIP 🕯➕ sad news
Alain Delon died he was 88 years old
Grant him eternal rest Lord 🙏
Alain Delon one of the greatest lovers of cinema.
The last great actor of old France.
The France he represented is no more .💔


"My love is the Virgin Mary.
Because I love this Woman, I love everything she has done.
And she brings me relief, gives me company that I do not have. She is always with me.
She listens to me and supports me".
- Alain Delon


20 Agosto - San Bernardo di Chiaravalle
Bernardo nacque l'anno 1091 nel castello di Fontaine, presso Dijon. Suo padre Techelino era uno dei più cospicui uomini del tempo e sua madre Aletta era parente dei duchi di Borgogna; entrambi però splendevano più per pietà che per ricchezza. Appena nato Bernardo, la piissima madre, non contenta di offrirlo solamente a Dio come aveva fatto degli altri suoi figli, lo destinò in modo particolare al servizio della Chiesa. Educato santamente fu mandato a Chatillon per compiere gli studi nel collegio dei canonici di quella città. Bernardo, quantunque giovanetto, amava star ritirato; era sempre raccolto, docile, affabile e cortese con tutti, e di una modestia singolare. La prontezza e la vivacità del suo ingegno facevano stupire i suoi maestri.
Ma se egli ascoltava le lezioni dei maestri, molto più era attratto dalla voce di Dio, che gli parlava internamente. Una notte di Natale gli comparve il Bambino Gesù, e Bernardo fu talmente invaghito della divina bellezza del Redentore, che fu poi sempre devotissimo dell'Incarnazione. A 18 anni perdette la virtuosa sua madre. Intanto, compiuti gli studi della teologia e della Sacra Scrittura, ritornò alla casa paterna.
Vedendo quanto era pericoloso il vivere nel mondo, pensò di ritirarsi a vita monastica. Tutta la famiglia e l'intero parentado dapprima gli si opposero, ma egli con la sua grazia e cortesia seppe talmente difendere la sua causa, che poco dopo molti di quelli che s'erano opposti seguirono il suo esempio. Infatti i fratelli Guido, Gerardo, Bartolomeo, Andrea e lo zio Gondrino, signore di Tolone, lo seguirono nella vita monastica.
A questi si unirono altri, così che furono in trenta a seguire con lui la divina chiamata. Presentatisi al monastero, l'abate S. Stefano, vedendo il loro fervore e la loro risoluzione, li accettò con gioia. Fatta la professione dopo un anno di noviziato, Bernardo si diede con grandissimo fervore alla pratica della virtù. Spesso, per eccitarsi al fervore si domandava: « Bernardo, a che fine sei venuto qui? ».
Devotissimo di Maria SS. rion lasciava passare giorno senza offrirle qualche ossequio speciale; in tutti poi cercava di diffondere la devozione alla gran Madre di Dio. E la Madonna molto gradiva l'amore di quell'anima santa. Un giorno, passando Bernardo davanti alla statua della Vergine, le rivolse il saluto angelico : « Ave Maria », ma lo disse con tanta grazia ed affetto, che dalla statua si sentì rispondere: «Ave Bernardo ».
Morto S. Stefano, fu eletto abate con voto unanime Bernardo. Quantunque sempre malaticcio, tuttavia predicava ovunque con grande zelo, e le sue prediche erano talmente piene di grazia, che da ogni parte accorrevano ad udirlo, e molti lo seguivano, chiedendo di essere accettati nel monastero.
In Bernardo si vide meravigliosamente accoppiata la santità con la sapienza: è chiamato il Dottore mellifluo. Numerosissime sono le sue opere, e per i suoi numerosi, alti e sapienti scritti sulle grandezze della Madre di Dio, venne chiamato il cantore di Maria.
Dopo una vita così santa e attiva, spirò il 20 agosto 1153 a 62 anni. La Chiesa lo onora col titolo di dottore.


EVENING PRAYER 🙏Blessed night in the arms of Jesus ❤️
Almighty, eternal God, I thank You with all my heart for all the graces and benefits of today; for all joys and sorrows, for achievements and failures.
Accept everything for your greater glory.
I also want to apologize to you for everything
(here remember your sins and omissions,
make a short examination of conscience and resolve to improve).
God, the best Father, I repent and regret with all my heart,
that I have offended and saddened You - my Highest Good - with my sins. I abhor all my sins and firmly resolve to amend myself with the help of Your grace, which I humbly ask of You.
God, be merciful to me a sinner! 🙏🙏
Blessed night for ALL in the arms of Jesus ❤️
- Administrator of Page God Who is Rich in Mercy


"Love ❤ by itself is sufficient, in itself and for the sake of it
he likes himself. She is the merit, she too is the reward for herself. Apart from himself, he does not look for justification or benefits for himself. Its benefit is loving.
I love 'because I love, I love to love'.
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
"If you want to listen to the voice of God sweeter than a honeycomb, avoid the hustle and bustle of everyday life so that you can say with Samuel with a free mind and indifferent attention:" Speak, Lord, because your servant listens to you .. Mary also - I dare to say this - will be heard for the dignity of her person; The Son hears the Mother and the Father hears the Son; here are little children, the ladder of (hope) sinners .. An angel speaks to Mary. Put your ear to the wall, listen to what she announces, maybe you will hear something from which you will take comfort. "
- St. Bernard.
The Prophet Samuel and St. Bernard encourage us to listen with Faith, to follow God's Voice in our lives, and warn against perversity and hypocrisy.
Mary is never about Mary 💙
Mary is always about Jesus ❤
Blessed Day with Mary 💙 and Jesus ❤
- God Who is Rich in Mercy© All rights reserved © copyright ©


When, two days before his death, Saint Pio was asked what he would have to say to people, he replied: “I would like to invite all sinners from all over the world to love Our Lady. Always pray the rosary. And say it as often as you can. Satan always tries to destroy this prayer, but he will never succeed. This is the prayer of the one who reigns over everything and everyone. It was she who taught us to pray the rosary, just as Jesus taught us to speak the Our Father ”.

🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
Saint Padre Pio, pray for us 🙏
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹

🌹😇✨ Saint Padre Pio about praying the rosary:
The rosary was a great consolation in his life
offered over and over for others.
He never let it go. He would say: May you Mary
he will transform all suffering into joy.
"She comes whenever I need her help."
He called the rosary "the weapon of the Madonna" and
called everyone:
“Cling to the rosary. Show gratitude to Mary,
because it was she who gave us Jesus ”.
Often, even at the hour of his death, he repeated:
"Always say the rosary."
As soon as you wake up, do not leave a second for Satan, start praying the Rosary.
Even when you are working: washing dishes or whatever
you do another thing, pray - because then you do not give Satan a place to work in your thoughts. Besides, you are walking in freedom
and you are always calm. Never part with this weapon of yours against Satan's attacks. "Always say the rosary."
When one of his spirit children asked to
He taught them a prayer that would please the Blessed Virgin, Padre Pio replied: "Is it different, more beautiful and more pleasant than the one she taught us? more beautiful than the rosary? "Always say the rosary."
One day one of the penitents said to Padre Pio:
“Father, it is said today that the rosary is a prayer that is a thing of the past, that the" fashion "for the rosary is gone. In so many churches it is no longer said.
Padre Pio replied: “Let us do what our fathers did and we will find good.
And the man added, "Satan rules the world today."
Padre Pio replied: “Because they give him the power to rule; can some spirit rule on its own, if it does not join the human will? We couldn't have been born in a more miserable world. Whoever prays a lot on the rosary is saved, whoever prays little is exposed to danger. Whoever does not pray the rosary is already in danger. Those who do not pray condemn themselves. "This defeats Satan," he said, taking the rosary in his hand
Love Mary and try to be loved.
Always pray her rosary and do good. Thanks to this prayer, Satan will miss his attacks and will be defeated, and that always. It is a prayer to her who triumphs over everything and everyone.
The rosary prayer is the synthesis of our faith, the support of our hope, the ardor of our love.
"And Satan is so afraid of Mary that when a man speaks her name, he is the first to respond to his call to prevent, disturb, knock the rosary out of his hand ...
Pass me my gun, said Padre Pio,
when he felt that he was losing strength in the fight against evil.
This is how one defeats Satan, he explained, taking the rosary in his hand. Two days before his death, Padre Pio said and repeated this thought once more: “Love the Madonna and do everything to be loved. Pray the rosary, pray it whenever you can ”.
When he was dying and unable to talk anymore, his only response was to show the rosary and whispered words: "Always, always ..."

- God Who is Rich in Mercy© All rights reserved © copyright ©


August 19 - Feastday of St. John Eudes

John was born in France on November 14, 1601. He was extremely exemplary as a child. He also distinguished himself among all students who ever attended the Jesuit College in Caen.

Having become a priest, he devoted himself zealously to pastoral work. By proclaiming the word of God to his fellow citizens, he contributed to the improvement of their faith. He traveled all over France to bring the great truths of Christ everywhere. He caused many conversions with his teaching. He was considered one of the greatest missionaries of the era.

He founded the congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists) and the congregation of the sisters of Our Lady of Mercy and Refuge. The Eudist congregation was mainly engaged in conducting seminars and teaching missionaries. Pope Leo XIII recognized St. Jan Eudes for the creator of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. St. John Eudes died on August 10, 1680.

Prayer: God, you chose Saint John Eudes, a priest, to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ, let us, following his example and teachings, get to know You better and better and live in the light of Your Gospel. Amen.

Saint John, pray for us 🙏


· ·
# A vocation in love.
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
Love hates being alone. She might be great with herself, but she is most fully realized when she is reciprocated.
Even when Jesus is asked about the greatest (1) commandment, two are mentioned: love for God and love for other people.
Love is not selfish and finds itself most beautifully in its calling when it has someone to live for.
The Word came into the world, became the Body - Christ Who went to the cross for me for my salvation.
This is the Love to whom to sacrifice everything for, this is GOD.
Jesus lives for me, and if I live for Jesus, then I am in His calling, in His Heart, which is revealed entirely for me, so that I know who I live for and how to live this life.
✅ "God, teach me to walk in Your paths, lead me in truth according to Your teachings." (Ps 25: 4b. 5a)
📖Ps 146,5
Happy is the one whom the God of Jacob sustains,
who trusts in the Lord God
- br. Przemyslaw Piechowski
God Who is Rich in Mercy© All rights reserved ©copyright ©


In the name of the Father † and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Jesus Christ my God, I adore you and thank you for all the graces you have given me this day. I offer you my sleep and all the moments of this night, and I ask you to keep me from sin. I put myself within your sacred side and under the mantle of our Lady. Let your holy angels stand about me and keep me in peace. And let your blessing be upon me. Amen.
Good night, my Guardian Angel, The day has sped away; Well spent or ill, its story Is written down for aye. And now, of God's kind Providence, Thou image pure and bright, Watch over me while I'm sleeping. My Angel dear, good night!


St Faustyna pray for us 🙏
bl Michal Sopocko pray for us 🙏


August 19, 1917 - the fourth apparition of the Mother of God
August 13, 1917, because I was already telling what happened that day, I will not repeat myself, but I proceed to the revelation in my opinion of 15 at evening (Lucia is wrong if she thinks that the revelation happened on the same day when they left prison with Vila Nova de Ourem. The revelation took place the following Sunday, August 19).
Because at that time I could not distinguish between the days of the month, I may be wrong. But I think it was the same day we returned from prison with Vila Nova de Ourem.
When, with Francis and his brother Jan, I led sheep to a place called Valinhos, I felt that something supernatural was approaching and surrounds us, I assumed that the Mother of God might appear to us and I regretted that Jacinta might not see her. So I asked her brother Jan to go for her. Because he didn't want to go, I gave him 20 groszy; he immediately ran after her.
Meanwhile, with Franciszek, I saw a glow of light, which we called lightning. Shortly after the arrival of Jacinta we saw the Mother of God over a rock oak.
- "What do you want from me?"
- "I want you to come to Cova da Iria 13 and pray the rosary every day. I will do a miracle last month so that everyone may believe. "
- "What should we do with the money that people leave in Cova da Iria?"
- "Make two portable altars. One will be worn by you from Jacinta and two other girls dressed in white, the other by Franciszek and three boys. The money they donate for these altars is intended for the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, and the rest for the construction of the chapel which is to be built here. "
- "I wanted to ask you to heal several patients."
- "Yes, I will heal some of them within a year" - and taking a sadder expression, she said: - Pray, pray a lot, make sacrifices for sinners, because many souls go to eternal damnation, because they have no one to sacrifice and pray for " .
And as usual, she began to float toward the east


August 19 - The Word of God for today📖

Gospel, Matthew 19,16-22

16 And now a man came to him and asked, 'Master, what
good deed must I do to possess eternal life?'
17 Jesus said to him, 'Why do you ask me about what
is good? There is one alone who is good.
But if you wish to enter
into life, keep the commandments.'
18 He said, 'Which ones?' Jesus replied, 'These:
You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal. You shall not give false witness.
19 Honour your father and your mother.
You shall love your neighbour as yourself.'
20 The young man said to him, 'I have kept all these.
What more do I need to do?'
21 Jesus said, 'If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will
have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.'
22 But when the young man heard these words he went
away sad, for he was a man of great wealth.
This is the word of the Lord


August 19 - from the "Diary" of St.Faustina

There are, in my life, times and moments of spiritual insight; that is, divine illuminations, when the soul receives inward instruction about things it has not read in any book and has not been taught by any person. These are times of great inner knowledge which God himself imparts to the soul. These are great mysteries....
(Diary 1102).


On August 15, at the age of 93, Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa passed away. +
Grant her eternal rest, O Lord…🙏
(The sister who had the revelations in Akita)

August 18 2024 Angelus prayer Pope Francis 18/08/2024

August 18 - Angelus prayer Pope Francis

August 18 2024 Angelus prayer Pope Francis From St. Peter’s Square, recitation of the Angelus prayer led by Pope Francis

Timeline photos 18/08/2024

The Holy Father John Paul II visits the Sanctuary in Cracow Łagiewniki - 17 August 2002
God, merciful Father,
in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have revealed your love
and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,
We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman.
Bend down to us sinners,
heal our weakness,
conquer all evil,
and grant that all the peoples of the earth
may experience your mercy.
In You, the Triune God,
may they ever find the source of hope.
Eternal Father,
by the Passion and Resurrection of your Son,
have mercy on us and upon the whole world!!

Saint John Paul in Sanctuary of Divine Mercy - Krakow,Lagiewniki
17 August 2002

Timeline photos 18/08/2024

The Holy Father John Paul II visits the Sanctuary in Cracow Łagiewniki - 17 August 2002
God, merciful Father,
in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have revealed your love
and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,
We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman.
Bend down to us sinners,
heal our weakness,
conquer all evil,
and grant that all the peoples of the earth
may experience your mercy.
In You, the Triune God,
may they ever find the source of hope.
Eternal Father,
by the Passion and Resurrection of your Son,
have mercy on us and upon the whole world!!

17 sierpnia 2002. — Kraków-Łagiewniki. Homilia podczas Mszy św. z okazji konsekracji świątyni Bożego Miłosierdzia

Zawierzam cały świat Bożemu miłosierdziu

O niepojęte i niezgłębione
Miłosierdzie Boże,
Kto Cię godnie uwielbić
i wysławić może,
Największy przymiocie
Boga Wszechmocnego,
Tyś słodka nadzieja
dla człowieka grzesznego
(Dzienniczek, 951).
1. Drodzy Bracia i Siostry! Powtarzam dzisiaj te proste i szczere słowa św. Faustyny, by wraz z nią i z wami wszystkimi uwielbić niepojętą i niezgłębioną tajemnicę Bożego miłosierdzia. Podobnie jak ona, chcemy wyznać, że nie ma dla człowieka innego źródła nadziei, jak miłosierdzie Boga. Pragniemy z wiarą powtarzać: Jezu, ufam Tobie!

To wyznanie, w którym wyraża się ufność we wszechmocną miłość Boga, jest szczególnie potrzebne w naszych czasach, w których człowiek doznaje zagubienia w obliczu wielorakich przejawów zła. Trzeba, aby wołanie o Boże miłosierdzie płynęło z głębi serc ludzkich, pełnych cierpienia, niepokoju i zwątpienia, poszukujących niezawodnego źródła nadziei. Dlatego przychodzimy dziś tutaj, do łagiewnickiego sanktuarium, aby na nowo odkrywać w Chrystusie oblicze Ojca, który jest «Ojcem miłosierdzia oraz Bogiem wszelkiej pociechy» (por. 2 Kor 1, 3). Pragniemy oczyma duszy wpatrywać się w oczy Miłosiernego Jezusa, aby w głębi Jego spojrzenia znaleźć odbicie własnego życia oraz światło łaski, którą już wielekroć otrzymaliśmy i którą Bóg zachowuje dla nas na każdy dzień i na dzień ostateczny.

2. Za chwilę dokonamy konsekracji tej nowej świątyni poświęconej miłosierdziu Bożemu. Zanim to nastąpi, pragnę serdecznie podziękować wszystkim, którzy przyczynili się do jej powstania. Dziękuję szczególnie ks. kard. Franciszkowi, który tyle troski włożył w to dzieło, dając dowód osobistego nabożeństwa do miłosierdzia Bożego. Serdeczną myślą obejmuję siostry Matki Bożej Miłosierdzia, dziękuję im za dzieło rozpowszechniania przesłania, jakie pozostawiła św. Faustyna. Pozdrawiam obecnych tu kardynałów i biskupów z Polski z Kardynałem Prymasem na czele, jak również biskupów z różnych stron świata. Cieszę się z obecności kapłanów diecezjalnych i zakonnych jako też seminarzystów.

Serdecznie pozdrawiam wszystkich, którzy uczestniczą w tej liturgii, a szczególnie przedstawicieli Fundacji Sanktuarium Bożego Miłosierdzia, która administruje jego budową, jak też samych budowniczych z różnych przedsiębiorstw. Wiem, że wielu spośród tu obecnych szczodrze wspierało materialnie tę budowę. Proszę Boga, aby wynagrodził waszą hojność i wasz trud swoim błogosławieństwem!

3. Bracia i siostry! Kiedy konsekrujemy tę nową świątynię, możemy zadawać sobie pytanie, jakie nurtowało króla Salomona, gdy oddawał Bogu na zamieszkanie świątynię jerozolimską: «Czy jednak naprawdę zamieszka Bóg na ziemi? Przecież niebo i niebiosa najwyższe nie mogą Cię ogarnąć, a tym mniej ta świątynia, którą zbudowałem» (1 Krl 8, 27). Tak, na pierwszy rzut oka wiązanie obecności Boga z pewnym określonym miejscem może się wydawać niestosowne. A jednak trzeba pamiętać, że czas i miejsce należą całkowicie do Boga. Choć każdy czas i cały świat można uważać za Jego «świątynię», to jednak są czasy i są miejsca, które Bóg obiera, aby w nich w sposób szczególny ludzie doświadczali Jego obecności i Jego łaski. A ludzie wiedzeni zmysłem wiary przychodzą do tych miejsc, bo mają pewność, że rzeczywiście stają przed Bogiem, który jest tam obecny.

W tym samym duchu wiary przybyłem do Łagiewnik, aby konsekrować tę nową świątynię. Jestem bowiem przekonany, że jest to także szczególne miejsce, które Bóg obrał sobie, aby tu wylewać łaski i udzielać swego miłosierdzia. Modlę się, aby ten kościół był zawsze miejscem głoszenia orędzia o miłosiernej miłości Boga; miejscem nawrócenia i pokuty; miejscem sprawowania ofiary eucharystycznej — źródła miłosierdzia; miejscem modlitwy — wytrwałego błagania o miłosierdzie Boże dla nas i całego świata. Modlę się więc słowami Salomona: «O Panie, Boże mój, (...) wysłuchaj to wołanie i tę modlitwę, w której dziś Twój sługa stara się ubłagać Ciebie o to, aby w nocy i w dzień Twoje oczy patrzyły na tę świątynię. (...) Wysłuchaj błagania Twojego sługi i Twojego ludu, (...) ilekroć modlić się będzie na tym miejscu. Ty zaś wysłuchaj w miejscu Twego przebywania — w niebie. Nie tylko wysłuchaj, ale też i przebacz!» (1 Krl 8, 28-30).

4. «Nadchodzi (...) godzina, owszem już jest, kiedy to prawdziwi czciciele będą oddawać cześć Ojcu w Duchu i prawdzie, a takich to czcicieli chce mieć Ojciec» (J 4, 23). Kiedy odczytujemy te słowa Pana Jezusa w sanktuarium Miłosierdzia Bożego, w szczególny sposób uświadamiamy sobie, że tu człowiek nie może stanąć inaczej, jak w Duchu i prawdzie. To Duch Święty, Pocieszyciel i Duch Prawdy, wprowadza nas na drogi Bożego miłosierdzia. Przekonując świat «o grzechu, o sprawiedliwości i o sądzie» (J 16, 8), równocześnie odsłania pełnię zbawienia w Chrystusie. To przekonywanie o grzechu dokonuje się w dwojakim odniesieniu do Krzyża Chrystusa. Z jednej strony Duch Święty pozwala nam przez Krzyż Chrystusa poznać grzech, każdy grzech, w pełnej skali zła, jakie w sobie zawiera. Z drugiej strony, przez Krzyż Chrystusa Duch Święty pozwala nam zobaczyć grzech w świetle «mysterium pietatis», czyli miłosiernej, przebaczającej miłości Boga (por. Dominum et Vivificantem, 32).

Tak oto «przekonywanie o grzechu» staje się równocześnie przekonywaniem o tym, że grzech może być odpuszczony, a człowiek może odzyskać poczucie godności umiłowanego dziecka Bożego. Krzyż bowiem «stanowi najgłębsze pochylenie się Bóstwa nad człowiekiem (...). Krzyż stanowi jakby dotknięcie odwieczną miłością najboleśniejszych ran ziemskiej egzystencji człowieka» — jak napisałem w Dives in misericordia (n. 8). Tę prawdę będzie stale nam przypominał kamień węgielny tej świątyni, który został wzięty z góry Kalwarii — niejako spod krzyża, na którym Jezus Chrystus pokonał grzech i śmierć.

Gorąco wierzę, iż ta nowa świątynia pozostanie na zawsze miejscem, w którym ludzie będą stawać przed Bogiem w Duchu i w prawdzie. Będą przychodzić tu z ufnością, jaka towarzyszy każdemu, kto z pokorą otwiera swe serce na działanie miłosiernej miłości Boga — tej miłości, której największy grzech nie zdoła przezwyciężyć. Tu w ogniu Bożej miłości ludzkie serca pałać będą pragnieniem nawrócenia, a każdy, kto szuka nadziei, znajdzie ukojenie.

5. «Ojcze Przedwieczny, ofiaruję Ci Ciało i Krew, Duszę i Bóstwo Najmilszego Syna Twojego, a Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa na przebłaganie za grzechy nasze i świata całego; (...) dla Jego bolesnej Męki miej miłosierdzie dla nas i świata całego» — słowa z Dzienniczka Siostry Faustyny (n. 476). Dla nas i świata całego... Jak bardzo dzisiejszy świat potrzebuje Bożego miłosierdzia! Na wszystkich kontynentach z głębin ludzkiego cierpienia zdaje się wznosić wołanie o miłosierdzie. Tam, gdzie panuje nienawiść, chęć odwetu, gdzie wojna przynosi ból i śmierć niewinnych, potrzeba łaski miłosierdzia, która koi ludzkie umysły i serca i rodzi pokój. Gdzie brak szacunku dla życia i godności człowieka, potrzeba miłosiernej miłości Boga, w której świetle odsłania się niewypowiedziana wartość każdego ludzkiego istnienia. Potrzeba miłosierdzia, aby wszelka niesprawiedliwość na świecie znalazła kres w blasku prawdy.

Dlatego dziś w tym sanktuarium chcę dokonać uroczystego aktu zawierzenia świata Bożemu miłosierdziu. Czynię to z gorącym pragnieniem, aby orędzie o miłosiernej miłości Boga, które tutaj zostało ogłoszone za pośrednictwem Siostry Faustyny, dotarło do wszystkich mieszkańców ziemi i napełniało ich serca nadzieją. Niech to przesłanie rozchodzi się z tego miejsca na całą naszą umiłowaną Ojczyznę i na cały świat. Niech się spełnia zobowiązująca obietnica Pana Jezusa, że stąd ma wyjść «iskra, która przygotuje świat na ostateczne Jego przyjście» (por. Dzienniczek, 1732).

Trzeba tę iskrę Bożej łaski rozniecać. Trzeba przekazywać światu ogień miłosierdzia. W miłosierdziu Boga świat znajdzie pokój, a człowiek szczęście! To zadanie powierzam wam, drodzy bracia i siostry, Kościołowi w Krakowie i w Polsce oraz wszystkim czcicielom Bożego miłosierdzia, którzy tutaj przybywać będą z Polski i z całego świata. Bądźcie świadkami miłosierdzia!

6. Boże, Ojcze Miłosierny,
który objawiłeś swoją miłość
w Twoim Synu Jezusie Chrystusie,
i wylałeś ją na nas
w Duchu Świętym, Pocieszycielu,
Tobie zawierzamy dziś losy świata
i każdego człowieka.
Pochyl się nad nami grzesznymi,
ulecz naszą słabość,
przezwycięż wszelkie zło,
pozwól wszystkim
mieszkańcom ziemi
doświadczyć Twojego miłosierdzia,
aby w Tobie, Trójjedyny Boże,
zawsze odnajdywali źródło nadziei.
Ojcze przedwieczny,
dla bolesnej męki
i zmartwychwstania Twojego Syna,
miej miłosierdzie dla nas
i całego świata!
Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!

Pozdrowienie końcowe po Mszy św.

Na koniec tej uroczystej liturgii pragnę powiedzieć, że wiele moich osobistych wspomnień wiąże się z tym miejscem. Przychodziłem tutaj zwłaszcza w czasie okupacji, gdy pracowałem w pobliskim Solvayu. Do dzisiaj pamiętam tę drogę, która prowadziła z Borku Fałęckiego na Dębniki, którą odbywałem codziennie przychodząc na różne zmiany w pracy, przychodząc w drewnianych butach. Takie się wtedy nosiło. Jak można było sobie wyobrazić, że ten człowiek w drewniakach kiedyś będzie konsekrował bazylikę Miłosierdzia Bożego w krakowskich Łagiewnikach.

Cieszę się, że powstała ta piękna świątynia poświęcona miłosierdziu Bożemu. Troskę o materialny, a szczególnie o duchowy kształt tego sanktuarium powierzam ks. kard. Franciszkowi i całej archidiecezji krakowskiej oraz siostrom Matki Bożej Miłosierdzia. Niech ta współpraca w dziele szerzenia kultu Jezusa Miłosiernego przynosi błogosławione owoce w sercach wiernych w Polsce i na całym świecie.

Wszystkim pielgrzymom, którzy tu przybywają i przybywać będą, niech Miłosierny Bóg obficie błogosławi!

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