George Brink Ministries

George Brink Ministries

Preacher, researcher and love doctor As preacher I have served six congregations in the USA. I have two EARNED doctorates in the field of Theology.

I preach, train church officers and do Pastoral Care. As researcher I do research in the field of History. I can help with ur History assignme


As a preacher, i want to remind u of the symbols of Advent. The colour for this season is purple. Put up your Advent wreath on your front door. Burn your purple candle. Wear something purple. Finally, thank the Lord for your life. Im your Jesus man.


Gm. The $64 000 question this Advent is: where r going to spend Xmas this yr? In Herodes' palace or at a lowly stable in Bethlehem. I suggest that u make a turn in Bethlehem. Examples: take some groceries to a very disadvantaged family member. Or go help serve lunch at a homeless shelter or wherever. The idea is to spend a few hrs doing some good things. Herodes' palace will be there when u r done.


Gm. I hope u r doing plenty of reflection during this Advent. Let us try to move on beyond our hurts. Don't let them immobilze them. In life we all have stumbled. Our greatness is in the fact that we didn't stay down. Wear a little purple, the colour for Advent. The colour for Xmas is white. Also light ur purple Advent candle. May the Lord be praised today. Im remain your Jesus man.


Gm. I don't believe the theory that the end times (eschaton) is upon us soon. I rather believe the teaching that we should be busy with the Lord's business while we wait for His return (parousia). This Advent let us do something good for somebody else. Let us go to church this morning. Im ur Jesus man.


Mourning Loved Ones Over Holidays. A late husband, wife, parents, boyfriend, girlfriend children et al. I almost went crazy the first Easter after my wife's passing. That 1st Xmas! Painful. How does one cope? 1) I light a candle on my late wife birthday, our engagement and wedding anniversary, etc. 2) i visit her grave regularly. 3) i talk to her always. Remember we were together for 42yrs. What do you do?


As we go thru the season of Advent i want us to reflect on the good things that the Lord has done for us. As the song says: "If it were not for the Lord where would I have been?" Back to our colour for Advent. Its purple. Fit it among ur other colours. Go prayerfully thru this day.


Advent, as i already said, is the season in which we prepare for the coming of our Lord. It is a time of reflection. Looking back over lives, as Brooke Benton says. Reminds of the American gospel : I thank You For My Journey. Another gospel song: If It Were Not For The Lord, Where Would I Have Been. I sincerely thank the Lord for my journey. How was your life's journey: smooth sailing or sometimes bumpy? Im ur Jesus


I have spoken to a number of persons, especially ladies who have been deeply hurt by husbands or boyfriends who just walked out of relationships. Well, as children of the Lord we won't be spared trials and tribulations on this earth. My advice to u all is simple: 1) face the situation head on. 2) do some introspection. Ask the question: where did we go wrong? 3) Painful as it is one has to go.


Thanks to all the readers of my page. God bless u all. Have a Grilled day.


This Sunday we Christians will celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent. In this season we prepare for the birth of our Lord on Christmas Day. Advent, two Latin words Ad (To) and Vent (Come). Advent colour: purple. The Sunday before Xmas we hang the greens, we put flowers or plants on all the window sills in the church. We also light the purple Advent candles. The candle for Xmas is white. A blessed Advent.


Evening has settled in. Its time for us mortals to come to a rest. Our prayer is that all of us will get a good nite's for all of us.


Old age is to be enjoyed. It begins with careful planning and disciplined living in your youth. It also calls for a careful walk with the Lord. If all these things r done then a long life will follow.


Ysterday is gone forever. Tomorrow is not promised to us. All we have is today. Lets use this day profitably. Remember time wasted time lost forever.


The Kenosis of God teaches us that God emptied himself by giving us His son Jesus. R we doing urselves to the world. Ur is in what we do for others. What r u and i doing for neighbours. Who r neighbours. The late Johan Heyns taught us a long time ago that our neighbour is anyone who crosses our road.


We want to empathise with the city of Paris, the people of France and wherever there are pain and strife. Do know that God suffers with u.


Who was Jesus? Much indepth studies have been done on the person of Jesus. In Theology we talk about the historic Jesus and the Jesus of faith. The former was born in Nazareth, the son of Joseph and Mary. He founded the Jesus Movement alongside mainline Judaism. The Jesus of faith is the Jesus that we call the Christ, our Redeemer, our Saviour, etc. The Apostle Paul called him Kurios (Lord) The two r intertwined.


Nite has fallen and most mortals r settled in for a good nites rest. Lets pray. Lord, we thank u for having taken care of us. Stand guard over us during this nite. If its ur will most up in the morning. Amen.


The Christian calendar is heading towards Advent. The latter is the beginning of it. It starts on the last Sunday of November. During Advent Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ. The liturgical colour is purple.


Thank u Lord for waking me up. Im aware that many people that went to war last nite did not wake up this morning. Now Lord i want u to take care of me during this day. Amen


Tempus fugit (Time flies) that's what my Latin teacher always said. It was New Years Day just the other day and here we r on our way to Xmas Day. Through all of this the Lord carried me. One of these days i will, God be willing, celebrate my 70 birthday. I cannot believe it. Where has the time gone to?


I would like to meet some people who can help me organise a workshop on bereavement. The loss of a spouse, a divorce, parents, a child and soforth. Let me know. Don't worry i will do the talking at the workshop.


As u look in the mirror this morning, tell urself: God was at His best when He made me. Remember no matter how i look, God made me in His image and God does not make junk.


Death is the ultimate barrier that man is still trying to figure out. He has conquered just about everything else. From ancient times man has tried to figure out this enigma. I believe this issue is best left to God.


I like the song that says: Today is mine. Tomorrow may not. I may not c the rising of the sun ... " that is so important to leave home in the morning on a peaceful note. God bless.


Gospel music is music jenre that i like most. I like the song that says: "im just a nobody, trying to tell everybody about somebody who can same anybody." i hope there is plenty of Gospel music in heaven.


My two marching orders for my life r: Psalm 27:1 and 1 Corin 14:40. In this psalm King David uttered these words while fleeing from his son. "The Lord is my light and salvation whom shall i fear?" 1 Corin 14:40 states: "Do all things decently and orderly." The Apostle Paul ends with this statement the section that begins with 1 Corin 12. God bless and continue to grow in the Word.


Gm. In I Corinthians 12 - 14 the Apostle Paul talks about spiritual gifts. In the Corinthian congregation there were quarrels about whose gifts were the best. The preacher said his gifts were better than the gardener, etc. Paul writes to the church and tells it that spiritual gifts r equal. They r to b used for the building up of the congregation. Whatever our gifts lets use them to strengthen our communities.


Nite has settled in. Lets pray. Lord we thank u for having taken care of us. As we lay down for the nite we pray that u will guard over. And if its ur will, we pray that u will wake us up. Amen.


Gm Beloveds. Its almost 4am and im listening to the chirping of the birds. They r up. Who woke them up? I believe its the same Lord that woke me up. Thank u Lord for waking me up this morning.


The Formation of a Love Doctor. The last building brick in my formation was the time in the six congregations that i pastored in the USA. Our first congregation. Atlanta. A few days before Xmas. A young lady called to say that thiefs broke into her sisters car and stole all the children's clothes n gifts. My wife worked her magic. Within a few hrs we collected $600 and replaced what was stolen.
