McKinneys to Bolivia

McKinneys to Bolivia

We are so excited that the Lord has called us to reach Bolivia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


Click on the link below for our May/June update.

Photos from McKinneys to Bolivia's post 29/04/2024

Click the link below to view our latest prayer letter.


We arrived safely back to Bolivia on Wednesday and today we headed to immigration to apply for the boy’s visas. They were approved, and now we are all officially permanent residents of Bolivia! We are praising God for how smooth this visa process has been this time around. We can now indefinitely minister here where God has called us. Thank you all for praying!

Robert McKinney Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information 03/04/2024

I’m glad we got the chance to be with my Dad and to help care for him during his last couple of weeks of life. He passed away on Friday afternoon, and myself my Mom and two of my siblings were able to be with him when he passed. Thank you for your continued prayers for our family. We are thankful he’s no longer suffering here in earth.
We will be traveling back to Bolivia on April 9th to finish out our boys paperwork and then we’ll be back home in the States to begin furlough and to attend his memorial service in late May. Thank you for your love, thoughts, and prayers for our family.

Robert McKinney Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information Share Memories of Robert & Support the McKinney Family


Please pray for our family as we will be making an unexpected trip to US this week. We made the 8 hour drive to Santa Cruz on Sunday and we will be flying to Miami on Tuesday night. From there, we will rent a car and make the 14 hour drive to Virginia. As we mentioned in our last prayer letter, Jacob’s dad has been placed on in-home hospice care and is not expected to live much longer. It has been very unexpected and we are leaving to help care for him for several weeks until hopefully full time hospice is approved. We’ll still be returning to Bolivia in April to renew our boy’s visas so we don’t lose our progress and have to start over. We would appreciate extra prayers during this difficult time.


Click the link below to read our first prayer letter of the new year. We've got some exciting things happening in ministry as well as some difficult decisions to be made, and we could use your prayers!


We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and you are having a great start to 2024! Click the link below to read our lastest prayer letter.


Click the link below to read our latest update!


Click the link below to read our latest prayer letter.

Photos from McKinneys to Bolivia's post 01/08/2023

This past week our church had the privilege of hosting a medical missions team here in Riberalta. In 4 days, we saw over 1,300 patients and each one of them received not just top notch medical care, but heard about a Savior who can heal the deepest need of their hearts. Many responded and decided to accept Christ!


Click the link below to read our latest update. Thanks for your faithful prayers for our family!


We’re headed home to Bolivia today! We had several issues leading up to this trip, but God worked miracles yet again, and here we are about to take off. Thank you for your prayers for Hudson and our family during this unexpected visit to US. His eyes are doing great after the surgery and we are so grateful for all of the prayers and kindness that many of you have sent our way!


Hudson’s surgery went well. He was happy going in this morning,but isn’t too happy now that he is out of surgery and is dealing some pain. We appreciate your prayers as he recovers and we prepare for our return to Bolivia at the end of June. Thank you all for praying!


A quick update on Hudson for all of you that have been praying. He is scheduled for surgery on both eyes tomorrow around 2pm. If you would remember him in prayer as you go throughout your day tomorrow, we would be so thankful!


Click the link below to view our latest prayerletter.


This month we celebrated 3 years since our arrival to Bolivia in March 2020! Here's a little peak into what God has been doing over the past year.


Please remember us in prayer this morning as we finish off our first anniversary celebration here at Iglesia Bautista Fe Viva. We’ve had amazing attendance all weekend and this morning the church is already almost full!


Here's our most recent prayerletter for January/ February 2023. Click on the link below to view it!


Thank you all for praying for Hudson and Shera as they traveled to see some doctors in the US concerning Hudson’s eye issues. We wanted to give an update and let you know that we have gotten a firm diagnosis and been told that Hudson will need surgery to correct his issue. He will need to be monitored over the coming months to take measurements before the surgery can be scheduled. Shera and Hudson will be returning to Bolivia mid January and we are already planning another visit to the opthamologist this spring/summer. We appreciate your continued prayers as we navigate these appointments and eventually surgery.


Hudson and Shera would appreciate your prayers today at they travel to the US for his eye appointments.


Here's the link to our special Christmas prayer letter! Merry Christmas and thank you for your prayers and support for our family and ministry!

Photos from McKinneys to Bolivia's post 10/12/2022

We ended our VBS today with over 125 kids in attendance! Our theme was “La Mejor Noticia” or “The Best News”, so we spent the week talking about how Jesus came to earth to die on the cross for our sins. It has been so special to watch this young new church come together and serve the children in our community these past few days. We know God has used this time to plant seeds of truth in these little hearts.

Photos from McKinneys to Bolivia's post 08/12/2022

Pray for us today as we start our first VBS at Igelisia Bautista Fe Viva this afternoon. Our church has really come together and worked hard these past few days to get everything ready and now are praying for God to do a work in the hearts and lives of the little ones that we have the opportunity to minister to this week!

Photos from McKinneys to Bolivia's post 07/12/2022

This past week we had the chance to travel through the jungle into the department of Pando to preach a missions conference in a small town as well as hold meetings in small rural villages. Shera and Melissa (a friend and intern serving here with us for 6 weeks), got to teach kids classes 8 times over the course of three days. Melissa has been a huge blessing and the little ones really enjoyed all the special kids activities. Jacob was able to preach each night of the conference as well as in two of the surrounding villages. It was a privilege to see God working in this small corner of the country and we’re look forward to seeing the way that God works there in the future!

Blog/ Video Updates — McKinneys to Bolivia 09/10/2022

We’d like to share a quick update video about all that’s been going here including our latest construction project and an update on Hudson’s eye issues. Click on the link below to view this update.

Blog/ Video Updates — McKinneys to Bolivia Jacob McKinney October 5, 2022 October 2022 Update Jacob McKinney October 5, 2022 Please take a moment to watch our latest update about our ministry and family. God is working here in Riberalta, Bolivia and we want to say thank you for all your prayers and support as we share the gospel in our littl...


This morning Iglesia Bautista Fe Viva was officially formed! We have spent the last month going through a membership class with several families and individuals, and this morning the church received its first official members. Afterwards, we all pitched in and shared a meal of roasted pork. To God be the glory, great things He has done!


Click below and follow the link to view our latest prayer letter.

Photos from McKinneys to Bolivia's post 12/07/2022

In our last prayer letter, we asked you to pray for our 2 day youth rally. We wanted to update and say that it went wonderfully well. We had a about 30 teens come out and we spent two days playing games, sharing meals, and hearing from God’s Word. God worked in the hearts of many of the young people and several accepted Christ as their Savior.


Click below to view our latest prayer letter. Thank you for your prayers and support!


Here's the link to our latest prayerletter!

Videos (show all)

This month we celebrated 3 years since our arrival to Bolivia in March 2020! Here's a little peak into what God has been...
A little glimpse of our children’s service this morning❤️  🎶”You have a friend that loves you…. His name is Jesus”🎶