The Purpose Strategy

The Purpose Strategy

Take Action. Live your Purpose. Reach your full potential. Create a healthy, successful & fulfilling life you love. Be inspired and motivated to be truly you.

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 15/06/2023

No les puedo explicar mi emoción de los resultados de este taller!!! En 2 hrs los participantes lograron llegar a una primera frase de cómo describen su propósito de vida y definir los primeros pasos de cómo traerlo a la vida!

Fue muy gratificante para mi poder compartir esta metodología y ver el impacto multiplicador que esto puede tener en la vida de tantas personas.

Pueden ver en las imagenes los testimoniales de los participantes!


I can’t explain how excited I am about the results of this workshop!!! In 2hrs the participants were able to get to a first statement of how they describe their life purpose and the steps to start to bring it to life.

It was very gratifying to see the positive effect that this can have in people’s lives.


Propósito: la brújula que te ayuda a tomar decisiones difíciles y que es el atajo para la realización personal.
¿Por qué el atajo? Porque es usar tus mayores talentos para contribuir a los demás en algo que te apasiona y es importante para ti.
En otras palabras es conocerte a profundidad y sacar tu esencia y permitirte ser tu mejor versión y hacer tu mejor trabajo. Ojo: propósito no es igual a trabajo o carrera. Nuestro propósito va mucho más allá que eso, en realidad es nuestra esencia y lo traemos a la vida en todo lo que hacemos, pero cuando logramos unir nuestro propósito con nuestro trabajo… uff… la sensación es casi mágica porque sentimos que estamos haciendo lo que venimos a hacer este mundo. Nuestra contribución e impacto se multiplica y por eso sentimos esa plenitud.
Y es más posible y más sencillo de lo que crees. Así que date la oportunidad de conocerte mejor y dar lo mejor de ti al mundo!
Nos vemos el 15 de junio a las 9am Guatemala /4pm Dublin en este taller online. Reserva tu cupo hoy con tu pago.
Más info del taller:

Si no es ahora, cuando?

Nos vemos el 15!


The Biggest Mistake Of My Coaching Clients:
I want you to avoid this mistake that could be making you anxious 😬
I’ve seen this pattern come up again and again in my coaching sessions with managers and executives and to be honest it’s so easy to fall into this pattern that I wanted to share it with all of you.

Stop focusing on what you don’t want: your problems, worries, what could go wrong and what’s not working.

Instead: shift to focus on what you do want: solutions, dreams, goals, possibilities. Then take responsibility and action to make it happen.

Of course it’s easier said than done but just having the reminder can help to shift your perspective. Our mind has a negative bias that’s there to protect us but we need to train it to focus on the possibilities and give you the solutions to overshoot your goals.

Are you focusing on what you don’t want or on what you do want? Take a second to reflect on it and let me know!


Workshop: Encuentra Tu Propósito de Vida!!! Esta será la primera vez que doy este workshop abierto al público!
Estoy súper emocionada de compartir con Uds en 2hrs una metodología que les ayudará a describir su propósito en una frase. 🙌

Para mi entender mi propósito ha sido una estrategia que me ha dado increíble claridad, enfoque y sobre todo realización personal. Y eso es lo que deseo para ti! 🤩

Los espero el 15 de junio a las 9am hora Guatemala via zoom. Si no puedes estar en vivo, estaré enviando la grabación del taller y el manual para que lo puedas hacer en el mejor momento para ti.

Preventa hasta el 31 de mayo: Q250
A partir del 1 de junio: Q400
*cupos limitados

Propósito es usar tus mayores talentos para contribuir a los demás en algo que te apasiona y es importante para ti.
Imagínate que este fuera tu día a día! 🙏

Quise hacer este taller súper accesible para que todos puedan entender su propósito y traerlo a la vida por una razón:
Tu realización personal!

Taguea a algún amigo/a que creas que le gustaría asistir a este taller!


¿Te perdiste la charla? ¡Se nos rebalsaron los cupos en nuestra charla de ayer Propósito: Una Estrategia para Ganar!

Así que estamos abriendo un nuevo espacio mañana viernes 19 de mayo a las 9:00 (GTM -6:00).

Si ya te registraste, te llegara por correo el link para ingresar y si aun no te has registrado o quieres invitar a otra persona, puedes hacerlo en este link:

Gracias a todos por su apoyo!!!
La charla de ayer estuvo genial, la participación fue impresionante y los comentarios aún mejor! Les agradezco miles, realmente me apasiona dar estas charlas! 💛

Los esperamos mañana!

Ana Eskenasy - The Purpose Strategy

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 18/05/2023

If you're a high-achieving woman seeking more meaning and fulfilment, you're in the right place.

Do you feel like you're missing a sense of purpose or direction?

Do you want to take your life to the next level, but aren't sure how to find the way?

Whether you're feeling stuck or seeking to take your life to the next level, we welcome you to our community and honoured to support you on your journey.

At Be Truly You® we believe that every woman has a unique life purpose, and we're dedicated to helping you discover and fulfil yours.

Drop a 💜 if you feel you are in the right place!

With much LOVE



Hello friends!

It’s been a while since our post and stories…

We have big news to share with all of you!

At The Purpose Strategy we believe that everyone has a purpose, and that pursuing our purpose drives fulfilment.

We have been having deep conversations around this and the paths that we want to pursue to bring our purposes to life.

The past 2 years we’ve had an amazing collaboration together launching Book Mastermind, our online course, our VIP coaching program, our first E-book and many guides and masterclasses! And we want to thank all of you for being a part of it! ❤️

It’s now time to start a new chapter!

Ana will focus on 1:1 coaching, workshops and corporate talks and The Purpose Strategy will move to Ana’s account >> so please follow her there!!!

This account will be led by Efi and will be rebranded Be Truly You® a growth community for women seeking personal transformation.

Thank you all for all your support! We are both very excited for this new chapter, we will continue to support each other and we invite all of you to be a part of it!

Ana & Efi

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 08/02/2023

➡️ Follow these steps when you feel overwhelmed!

• STOP to reflect & reorganise your life.
• FOCUS on what truly matters.
• Use you PURPOSE & LIFE VISION as your compass.
• CREATE routines that work for you.

Would you like us to help you get more clarity and move to action? 🚀

➡️ Watch the FREE Personal Success Masterclass "Live By Design" available on February 9th till 21st.

Book your free spot now in the link in the BIO.

See you there! 🤩

With much love,

Ana & Efi

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 07/02/2023

We've been quiet lately, working behind the scenes on the Personal Success Masterclass "Live By Design" available to you on February 9th till February 21st.

Book your free spot now in the link in the BIO.

The 1Hour class will help you:

• Be more intentional and successful in all your roles without feeling that you are always compromising or sacrificing one area for another.
• Organize your time and roles wisely to be able to accomplish more with less time without draining yourself.
• Play full out, enjoy life, have more meaning in your life and work and focus on what's truly important to you.

We are super excited to offer you this to you 🤩🙌

Are you joining us? ❤️

With much love,

Ana & Efi

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 23/01/2023

First talk of the year! ✨ Very excited to share “5 Lessons to Live with Purpose” with Promerica Bank in Guatemala.

Primera conferencia del año! ✨ Súper contenta de compartir “5 Lecciones Para Vivir Con Propósito” con los colaboradores de Promerica Guatemala.

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 17/01/2023

Answer these 4 Questions to kickstart your year!

1. How do you want to feel this year? (This question helps you discover your deepest desires)

2. What do you invite into your life? (This question pushes you to positively change and replace the old.)

3. What is your intention for this year? (This question helps you zoom in on the bigger picture, to set a big goal and become your best version while achieving it.)

4. What is your word for this year?( It's your daily reminder to set the tone of your mood, motivation & inspired action.)

Answering these questions is the stepping stone before you set your yearly goals with clarity & intention.

➡️ Share your answers in the comments!👏

Our Answers?

We want to feel FULFILLED in all areas of life.
We invite expansion, GROWTH and learning.
Our intention for the year is to IMPACT more people.
Our word is LOVE, we want to love what we do and our day to day.

PS. If you haven't done it yet, you can still get access to the 2Hour Workshop 2023 and workbook, to learn the right mindset, implementation techniques to make your success in 2023 inevitable. ➡️ LINK IN THE BIO.

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 29/12/2022

Who’s ready for 2023? ❤️
Before you start planning take some time to acknowledge everything that happened in 2022.

And if 2023 is the year you’re ready to commit to yourself to bring your dreams to life, it’s time to do something different. Watch our 2hr workshop to guide you to set goals aligned to your hearts desires and upgrade your mindset and tools so that it’s easy to bring your goals to life! (Link in bio)

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 22/12/2022

Last workshop of the year! 🤩
In this workshop I guided Nutriwhite’s team to create their 2023 objectives aligned with their brand’s purpose.

Nutriwhite is an international company that has offices in Miami, California and Venezuela who have a strong mission to help people improve their lives through immuno-nutrition.

I shared with them how to have a mindset shift to become their best selves; and strategies & tools to design and bring to life their purpose-driven objectives.

Thank you and for having me. 🎉

If you want to create your personal 2023 objectives and have the mindset, strategies and tools to accomplish them, you can still get the recording of our 2023 workshop. (Link in bio)

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 06/12/2022

Time is our most valuable resource, and although most people are busy all the time, they don’t feel fulfilled because they lack real meaning and are not making as much progress as they would want.

To live a truly fulfilling life at your full potential you need Purpose to contribute and Strategy to grow.

But Strategy alone doesn’t give you long lasting success and fulfillment; and Purpose without Strategy doesn't take you very far. You need to combine Purpose and Strategy in a seamless way.

This is the reason why we created the Workshop: The Mindset to reach Your next Level.

In this hands-on, actionable workshop, initially created for Google; you will create your own with the Mindset, Purpose and Strategy you need to overshoot your life goals. Get ready for tangible and mindset-shifting results; all this in under 90 minutes.

As a result of the Workshop, participants:
• Connect with the best version of themselves to create a 3-Year vision for their life and work.
• Reflect on the deep why behind their Life Goals.
• Understand what might hold them back.
• Create a strategy with clear action steps to get them started immediately.
• Breakthrough their unconscious upper limits.

Efi Parissi is co-founder of The Purpose Strategy, with a mission to empower women from around the world to thrive in all their personal & professional roles with clarity, meaning & balance. Life Strategist & Former Global Training Executive at The Boston Consulting Group for 15 years, having lived & worked in Europe & Asia. Mother of two, currently lives in Greece.


What are you thinking about most of the time? What you want or what you don’t want? 🤨

Here’s the thing… We all get anxious and worried when things are not going as planned. When we feel behind, or stuck or like we don’t know what to do next.

But we become what we think about most… so if we are always thinking of what we don’t want… then we’re pulling that in.

Instead, what you need is clear goals. It’s being clear on what you really want. What’s true to your heart and focusing on making a plan for it to become a reality.

If you’re not exactly sure of what you want or you do know but have no idea how to make it a reality… then our 2023 workshop will really help!!! You can get the 2hr video + workbook in our website for €37 (link in bio) and make 2023 your best year yet!

A bit of what people said: “This is amazing”, “eye opener”, “mind-blowing”, “you simplified a process that felt overwhelming and complex”…

To 2023 being your best year yet,

Ana and Efi

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 01/12/2022

Last chance to join the 2023 Workshop which is today Dec 1st at 7pm CET!

We couldn’t be more excited to share with you the methodology we use to make huge leaps of progress every year on all areas of our life! And we really want to you to make 2023 your best year yet, because YOU CAN!!!!

In the workshop you will create
- Your vision for 2023 and specific goals that are true to your heart
- Mindset: You will learn and adopt the biggest secret that will help you maximize your performance and stay consistent (even if you’re not right now)
- Strategy: You will create your action plan and accountability system so that you follow through.

The method is all build on Manifesting Principles that really work so that you don’t have to hustle for your dreams but align with them.

Which of the tips of this post was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

Book Your Spot: (link in bio & stories)

See you there! ✨✨✨✨

-Ana & Efi

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 24/11/2022

Giveaway! 🎉🎉 We’re so excited for all the people who have joined the 2023 Workshop!!! ❤️

We created this workshop because the goal-setting method we use, based on manifesting principles, has worked wonders in our lives, and that’s why we wanted to share it with all of you!

We’re giving away a free ticket for the upcoming workshop!

How to win:

✨1. Like this post and tag 2 friends in the comments.
✨2. Share this post in your stories and tag

We’ll share the winner on Monday Nov 28!

Get ready to make 2023 your best year yet!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Imagine starting January 1st 2023....

• With immense clarity of what you want and how you will accomplish it.

• Focusing on the things that truly matter to you.

• With a system in place so that you keep motivation high and stay consistent throughout the year.

• With the effective mindset and tools to bring your dreams to life.

And we're so excited that this can become a reality for you on Dec 1st by joining the 2023 Workshop.

It's been this way for us every single year since we started to use this method.

Book your spot now in this link:

Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 17/11/2022

Get ready to make 2023 your BEST YEAR YET!!!
We are incredibly excited to invite all of you to come set your goals, mindset and strategy with us on Dec 1st 7pm CET in our new live workshop: 2023 🎉

Why are we doing this workshop?
Because we used to set the exact same New Year’s Resolution over and over again promising every year that this time things would be different. And this was very frustrating! And we’ve seen that many of our clients and friends don’t have clear goals and are not intentionally growing and flourishing in all areas of their life.

2 years ago we decided to do things differently, setting our goals on Dec 1st, working on our mindset, strategy and manifesting tools. And guess what? For 2 years on a row it’s been our best year yet! And that’s what we’re expecting for 2023! Because it works every single time!!! 🤩🤩🤩

Imagine starting your year on Dec 1st full of clarity, focusing on what truly matters to you, with an action plan ready and an accountability system that will keep you motivated and consistent throughout the year? 🙌

Come join us in the 2023 workshop and make this a reality!

EARLYBIRD discount: If you sign up before Nov 20, get 10% off! Use code: EARLYBIRD

You will get the full recording in case you can’t show up live or miss anything. And of course you’ll get a digital and printable workbook for you to fill in!

>> Book your spot: (link in bio and stories)

To 2023 being your best year yet!
Ana & Efi


Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 17/11/2022

Get ready to make 2023 your BEST YEAR YET!!!
We are incredibly excited to invite all of you to come set your goals, mindset and strategy with us on Dec 1st 7pm CET in our new live workshop: 2023

Why are we doing this workshop? Because we used to set the exact same New Year’s Resolution over and over again promising every year that this time things would be different. And this was very frustrating! And we’ve seen that many of our clients and friends don’t have clear goals and are not intentionally growing and flourishing in all areas of their life.

2 years ago we decided to do things differently, setting our goals on Dec 1st, working on our mindset, strategy and manifesting tools. And guess what? For 2 years on a row it’s been our best year yet! And that’s what we’re expecting for 2023! Because it works every single time!!!

Imagine starting your year on Dec 1st full of clarity, focusing on what truly matters to you, with an action plan ready and an accountability system that will keep you motivated and consistent throughout the year?

Come join us in the 2023 workshop and make this a reality!

EARLYBIRD discount: If you sign up before Nov 20, get 10% off! Use code: EARLYBIRD

You will get the full recording in case you can’t show up live or miss anything. And of course you’ll get a digital and printable workbook for you to fill in!

To 2023 being your best year yet!

>> Book your spot: (link in bio and stories)

Ana & Efi



What if you could make 2023 your best year yet?

We certainly think you can because we’ve been able to do it for the past years after implementing a methodology that really works!

For many years we used to set the exact same New Year’s Resolutions over and over again, promising to ourselves that thing should be different. It was very frustrating.

Then we changed our approach and mindset and the past 2 years have been literally the best 2 years of our lives!

And it just gets better and better!

We would love to invite you to set your goals with us this year and learn this proven methodology so that you can make 2023 your best year too!

2023 Workshop will be on Dec 1st, 2022 at 7pm CET live on zoom. You will also get the recording in case you miss it live.

Go to to book your spot and get your EARLY BIRD discount using “EARLYBIRD” coupon at checkout.

To making 2023 your best year yet! ✨✨✨

Ana Maria Eskenasy & Efi Parissi


Can you believe it’s only 90 days to the end of the year! 🙈 So we want to ask you… how are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions?

Most people don't hold up to their New Year's Resolutions and as we approach the end of the year we thought it was important to address this so that you can rock 2023.

Research shows that only 9% of people accomplish their New Year's Resolutions and 25% of all New Year's Resolutions are given up within a week.

A week!

So believe us, if this has happened to you, you're not alone.

In this video we explain the 5 reasons why your New Year’s Resolutions don’t work and what you can do instead!

Watch the video:

WHY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS DON'T WORK Most people don't hold up to their New Years Resolutions. How did you do this year? Research shows that only 9% of people accomplish their New Year's Resolut...


Excited to share Workshop "The Mindset To Reach Your Next Level" with members.

This Workshop is all about about PURPOSE and STRATEGY.


Because we all need more Purpose and Strategy in our lives.

We all need a more systematic way of feeling that our life is meaningful, that what we do matters, that we are shining our light and using our biggest talents and skills to contribute to others.

But on the other hand, we also need a systematic way of feeling that we are constantly growing and expanding, that we are advancing in all areas of our life. That every day we are getting better and better. That we are reaching our goals, and are being intentional about what path we choose to take.

Registrations just opened exclusively for Rise Club members: [email protected]

See you all there!

Efi Parissi


We are very excited to invite Eleni Vallis an experienced Energy Coach, certified in the “3 Principles” Transformative Coaching, to our next Instagram Live Interview SHARE - SHINE - INSPIRE by .

Join us LIVE on Wednesday 26th at 20:00 Greek Time, we will be talking with Eleni on how to Shine your gifts and talents and reach your definition of success in life.

Through the "3 Principles" Transformative Coaching, Eleni helps people overcome their fears, see beyond their problems and their past, in the direction of their dreams, so they can become a greater version of themselves.

Her vision is to live in a world where people remember, express and celebrate who they really are, every day.

Get ready to get inspired, reflect on your definition of success and learn how to bring more purpose, success & strategy into your life and work.

Who will be joining us?

Much Love & Success to you!


Photos from The Purpose Strategy's post 24/10/2022

✨TESTIMONIALS of our 1:1 VIP Coaching Sessions!!✨✨
10 days ago we launched our new 6-Months VIP 1:1 Coaching Program and we decided to give a free introductory 90-min coaching session as a huge promotion to attract our dream clients! Here’s what they’re saying about the session!
They loved it and we loved it more! 💜💜🎉🎉

There’s still a few spots left for our free 1:1 sessions so if you’re interested book yours right away and let us help you unblock what is holding you back and give you clarity of what you truly want.

Book your free session here: (link in bio)


What an inspirational and powerful discussion at the Share, Shine & Inspire Instagram Live by The Purpose Strategy

Thank you Jill Douka for sharing your story & definition of success, as well as giving so valuable and actionable tools to take our life and work to the next level.

You can watch the full 30 min Live Interview

And write in the comments which was your favourite tip or lesson! 🙏🤩

Thank you all!

Efi Parissi & Ana Maria Eskenasy


We are thrilled to invite , Master Certified Coach, International Best selling Author & founder of of_ Coaching to our Instagram Live Interview SHARE - SHINE - INSPIRE by .

Join us LIVE On Wednesday 19th at 19:00 CET Greek Time, we will talk with Jill about the Mindset to Transform your Life, so you can lead, thrive and make a difference.

Jill is passionate about women empowerment & dedicated into supporting individuals to become coaches who support their clients to thrive while at the same time they serve as top leaders within their community

Get ready to get inspired, reflect on your definition of success and learn how to bring more purpose, success & strategy, so you can take your life and work to the next level. ✨

Who will be joining us?😉


This is a crazy idea we had! We want you to see how powerful the 1:1 VIP sessions can be, to take your life and work to the next level.
So we offer for a limited time only : A FREE first 90 min session where we you will:

1. Get clarity fo where you are and where you want to be.
2. Understand your deepest WHY
3. Connect with your HIGHEST SELF to create an ACTION PLAN to start immediately.

Add the crazy part is if you think you have wasted your time we are willing to pay you back 120 euros!
This is to show you that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Book your free session in our website

We look forward to meeting and working with you!

Much Love & Success to you!

Efi Parissi and Ana Maria Eskenasy


“How do I do it all? There’s not enough time!” Don’t do it all. Instead be strategic and focus on the things that truly matter, the things that will make the difference and truly matter to you.

I loved this question a client asked me the other day in a coaching call. Because for the longest time I used to have a huge to-do list that I could never finish, until I learned to be strategic with my time and energy. Now, I’m making way more progress in all areas of my life and I actually feel like I have time for myself. That’s why I wanted to share with you what I shared with her.

Having long-term life goals or a life vision and linking your daily activities, habits and routines to it, helps create a domino effect. You’re being strategic in the little things so that they help you get huge results over time.

If you’re in our mailing list you already know that we’re launching a 6-months VIP Coaching Program!

If you haven’t heard yet, you can get all the details in our website:

Do you want to get rid of your huge to-do list and be more strategic to get more done? Let us know what you think in the comments. ⬇️

Videos (show all)

Propósito: la brújula que te ayuda a tomar decisiones difíciles y que es el atajo para la realización personal. ¿Por qué...
The Biggest Mistake Of My Coaching Clients:I want you to avoid this mistake that could be making you anxious 😬 I’ve seen...
Hello friends! It’s been a while since our post and stories…We have big news to share with all of you!  At The Purpose S...
Imagine starting January 1st 2023....  • With immense clarity of what you want and how you will accomplish it. • Focusin...
What if you could make 2023 your best year yet? We certainly think you can because we’ve been able to do it for the past...
What an inspirational and powerful discussion at the Share, Shine & Inspire Instagram Live by The Purpose StrategyThank ...
This is a crazy idea we had! We want you to see how powerful the 1:1 VIP sessions can be, to take your life and work to ...
“How do I do it all? There’s not enough time!” Don’t do it all. Instead be strategic and focus on the things that truly ...
Download your Free E-Book here :
We are passionate about giving you methodologies, tools and techniques to thrive in all areas of your life. To show you ...
It’s here! Our new E-book: “4 Steps to Design and Live Your Ideal Life” 🎉🤩42 pages of in-depth content and exercises to ...
That moment when you wake upAnd you need to decide if you stay in bedOr put your sports clothes and shoes on.It's in tha...
