Stem Cell Patch Spain

Stem Cell Patch Spain

Active sus células madre
Activate your own stemcells

Lifewave independent brand partner


💕Alavida Eyecream💕


🌟All-New Alavida Revive Eye Cream 🌟

Great Skin from Day One

At VISION 2024, Jeff Hildebrandt, Global VP of Marketing, and David Schmidt, Founder and CEO, introduced the newest addition to the Alavida Regenerating System — the all-new Alavida Revive Eye Cream, which will officially launch in most markets on

💕Wednesday, February 14, 2024.💕

We're thrilled for you to experience the smooth application, lasting hydration, brightened complexion, and youthful glow. When used as part of the complete Alavida Regenerating System, Revive Eye Cream has shown to:

• Brighten your complexion for a youthful glow

• Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

• Improve the appearance of an even skin tone

• Hydrate skin around the clock

With a host of nourishing and reviving ingredients, including GHK-cu, a naturally occurring copper peptide within the body, the Alavida Revive Eye Cream is meticulously crafted to bring the best out of your skin.

Stay connected for additional product launch information


Whether you're starting new or pushing the limits, X49™ supports a healthy cardiovascular system, while promoting performance, strength, and stamina. Next time, take the long way and go the extra mile in 2024.
Learn more: ID771372

LifeWave 18/12/2023

Here are just 11 of the most common health disorders today:

Obesity - being chronically overweight and finding it difficult to lose weight and have the physique you would prefer

Toxin overload - the detoxification systems in your body becoming overwhelmed with chemicals in the environment, harmful ingredients in foods, plastic containers, and more causing a range of health issues in your skin, gut, muscles, hormones, and more

Nutrient deficiencies - not having enough vitamins and minerals for your body and organs to function properly causing, pain, weakness, hair loss, and other abnormalities

Type 2 Diabetes - unable to properly use insulin to digest sugars causing unwanted weight loss or weight gain, constant hunger, and fatigue

Parasites - microscopic organisms feeding off your body that can present no symptoms or cause skin, muscle, abdominal, weight, and sleep issues

Hormone imbalance - low testosterone, estrogen dominance, thyroid dysfunction, and more are all versions of imbalanced hormones that can cause severe conditions in the body

Oral disease - cavities and gum disease are the #1 most common chronic disease in America and can lead to more dangerous cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy complications, and even pneumonia

Chronic Lyme Disease - a bacterial infection caused by ticks with lingering symptoms that don’t disappear after treatment and cause various sorts of pain, neurological, and behavioral disorders

Chronic digestive disorders - inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and more are common gut issues causing nasty symptoms and persistent pain

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) - a condition of extreme exhaustion and sleeplessness that lasts for months on end making it difficult to live a normal life, perform work, or take care of yourself

Depression and anxiety - persistent feelings of sadness, restlessness, worry, emptiness, and more that can harm relationships, interrupt work, and steal meaning from life

Are you struggling with any of these? ID771372

LifeWave Elevate, Activate, Regenerate



Adk me how to order. ID771372



Buy directly from here⬇️ ID771372


Facrs on X39 stemcell studies 💥 - ID771372


⚫️⚫️⚫️Save 30 %

Buy here. ID771372


One of our most frequently asked questions is whether you can use LifeWave patches while swimming, in the shower, or in general, getting them wet. The answer is yes! Embrace wellness without limitations. Ready to make a splash? 💦 🏊🏽


82 years old female suffering from C5, C6 and C7 spondylosis with compressed nerves resulting to constant headache, shoulder pain, muscle stiffness from neck to shoulder limiting her head movement. Pain radiates down to left leg. Numbness in both arms .

She's been taking pain reliever for more than 20 years already and Her doctor insisted on surgery.

After patching with X39, Ice Wave and Aeon and after a few minutes later. Her pain, stiffness, numbness and mobility all improved by 50%.

Amazing result consiidering this is a case of compressed nerves. I recommended patching for 3 months to further improve her condition.

These nanotech phototherapy patches are the future of medicines. A new protocol for pain management. Gives immediate relief to osteoarthritis, slipped disc, migraine, back pain, sciatica, compressed nerve, scoliosis, injury, etc..
DISCLAIMER: always consult a doctor ID771372


It's exiting to get a little snippet on how the patches are produced.👍✅️☀️
🥰 ID771372


7 dias solamente....

Photos from Stem Cell Patch Spain's post 26/09/2023

Glutathione para tu salud 🥰


X39 para su salud. ID771372


Chronic pain is a massive concern for people all over the world and pain, as we all know, can diminish happiness and alter our quality of life.

I had lower back pain for more than 10 years. It was much worse when I was sitting in airplanes. Even after I took the pain killers, 2 hours later the pain would come back, unbearable.

One day I brought this round little Lifewave patch with me. It is called X39 - It is completely natural, no chemicals. It activates my own stem cells.

I put it on when I was in the airplane. The whole flight I was with no pain at all. This is the first time after more than 10 years! It is amazing.

When I flew back home I tried it again and still NO PAIN. The most important thing is, it’s completely natural. To be PAIN FREE is priceless. Also, my husband is a doctor, he likes to use it because it gives him more energy.

- Testimonial by Nancy Boksberger.

Buy here:⬇️ ID771372


Does the technology work?
I can honestly say that it has helped me, its improved my life in multiple ways starting within the first 5 minutes of using it. Yes I do recommend giving it a try because the experience and successful results that I have gotten from this technology.”

El poder del parche de células madre para el dolor...
"6 años y medio de dolor paralizante de la osteoporosis en la columna vertebral (estenosis espinal) de 3 espolones óseos paralizando lentamente mi cuerpo, la artritis en mis manos de una vida de lucha, y he tenido mi cuello roto dos veces. No tenía sensibilidad en las manos ni en los pies, movilidad muy limitada por el dolor y parálisis parcial en todo el cuerpo. He probado medicamentos recetados por médicos, incluso he probado muchos suplementos diferentes y tratamientos a base de hierbas, todos los cuales tenían poco o ningún efecto para lo que yo estaba teniendo problemas. Tardaba una eternidad en motivarme para ir a cualquier sitio o hacer cualquier cosa sin sentirme gravemente incapaz de estar de pie más de un par de minutos. Además, al caminar sentía como si mi cuerpo estuviera siendo aplastado por una pitón. Ni siquiera podía cargar un galón de leche, entonces hace ahora 10 semanas encontré X39. Pensé ¿por qué no probarlo? No puede ser peor que todos los otros productos que he probado y consumido que no hicieron mucho o nada en absoluto. Así que pedí una funda de X39. La recibí el día que teníamos que salir de la ciudad para asistir a la recepción de la boda de mi hermano menor, ya que le prometí que estaría allí pasara lo que pasara. Sabía que iba a ser muy doloroso ir y tener que conocer y saludar a todos los miembros de su nueva familia. Así que de todos modos recibí estos parches X39 el día que nos fuimos. Estaba ansioso por probarlos, así que leí cómo colocar el parche e hice que mi mujer me colocara el parche en la base del cuello y me bebí un litro de agua embotellada que tenía en la mesita auxiliar como me habían recomendado. Sólo habían pasado 5 minutos y le dije a mi mujer "vamos a probar esto". Así que poco a poco empecé a levantarme y me di cuenta de que no hay dolor, así que me puse de pie, no lo podía creer por primera vez en media década que era capaz de ponerse de pie sin dolor. Esa noche nos fuimos a Utah y viajamos sin dolor, asistimos a la recepción de la boda de mi hermano y me quedé de pie el 99% del tiempo que estuve allí sin dolor. Al tercer día ya volvía a sentir las manos y los pies. Apenas 7 semanas más tarde llevaba a mi hija de 6 años en brazos sin ningún problema. Y las cosas siguen sintiéndose mejor cada día. Salgo y hago cosas, voy a sitios y puedo volver a ayudar a mi mujer a limpiar la casa y a jugar con los niños.
¿Funciona la tecnología ?
Puedo decir honestamente que me ha ayudado, ha mejorado mi vida de muchas maneras desde los primeros 5 minutos de uso. Sí, recomiendo probarla por la experiencia y los buenos resultados que he obtenido con esta tecnología".

Anti-aging molecules safely reset mouse cells to youthful states 12/03/2022

LifeWave is once again ahead of the curve, as we have known for many years now that GHK-Cu acts like a Yamanaka factor and resets thousands of genes to a more youthful state, reversing a portion of aging.
Data analysis found that GHK induces a 50% or greater (plus or minus) change of expression in 31.2% of human genes, affecting genes linked to multiple biochemical pathways in many organs and tissue, including the nervous system.
Learn more:

Anti-aging molecules safely reset mouse cells to youthful states One of the especially promising therapies to appear in the realm of anti-aging research involves a set of molecules known as Yamanaka factors, which scientists have deployed to rejuvenate aging cells, trigger muscle regeneration and tackle glaucoma. New research at the Salk Institute has sought to.....

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It's exiting to get a little snippet on how the patches are produced.👍✅️☀️..#buyhere 🥰 ID771372...