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Videos by Take Care Tips. It’s time for you! Take Care Tips helps you take care of YOU!

New podcast episode! This one's all about restoring your wellness this year - listen to find out about walking yourself back home ❤ Link to the full episode is in the comments.

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New podcast episode! This one's all about restoring your wellness this year - listen to find out about walking yourself back home ❤ Link to the full episode is in the comments.

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 13: SMILE I've heard it said that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. I don't know if that's actually true, but there is medically-based research that shows that the act of smiling can actually help to make you feel happier! When you smile, it signals your brain to release tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. Endorphins are triggered, too, which act as a pain reliever. And, it may sound a little nuts, but...smiling even when you don't feel like smiling can boost your mood. Yep! it's just the way we're wired. Have you ever had somebody make you laugh when you're angry and are trying to be mad? If so, then you know what I'm talking about. It boosts your mood! One more bonus...the benefits of smiling spread beyond you. When we see someone smiling, we kind of automatically want to smile back, which in turn triggers all of that great healthy brian work. With pandemic restrictions, we've missed seeing smiles, and getting all the healthy benefits from smiling. Would you be so kind as to share a picture of YOU smiling? Let's start the joy and spread the joy!

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 13: SELF-REFLECTION A therapist I interviewed on my TV show considered self-care a critical form of ongoing mental healthcare. She focused on self-reflection as a method of instantly boosting happiness. Pausing to reflect on your life’s journey is an important part of growth. Knowing where you've been, where you are, and where you want to go really is the only way you're going to get there, right? Take some time on a daily or weekly basis to reflect on your goals. Where have you seen progress? What obstacles have popped up along the way? That awareness will help you gain a sense of direction for moving forward, and there's confidence and joy in that. As you reflect on where you've been, where you are, and where you want to go, what comes to mind? Often, self-reflection triggers "lightbulb" moments of clarity. I'd love to hear if you've experienced this.

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 12: SPEND QUALITY TIME IN NATURE Sometimes all we need to do to reset our minds and energy is to surround ourselves with nature. Take a walk, go on a bike ride, or just sit outside and take in the sights and sounds. Often, our daily routines keep us inside and in front of computer screens. Taking the time to unplug and truly appreciate all the glory around us is good for our mental health. Life's challenges may seem smaller compared to the magnitude of what has been created around us. At the very least, the change of scenery and focus will bring a sense of peace. Where's your happy place?

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 11: ONE WORD: BREAKFAST Can eating breakfast really help to boost your mood? The short answer is, "Yes"! You've probably heard breakfast described as "the most important meal of the day." Eating something in the morning gives your body the nutrition it needs to start the day off on the right foot. Misssing meals, especially breakfast, can lead to blood sugar issues which can trigger fatigue, irritability, and brain fog. Have you noticed how you feel, and what your energy level is on the days where you eat breakfast versus those where you don't? When we don'n eat anything in the morning we run the risk of fizzling out before lunchtime. And, we also increase the possibility of a negative mood. Plus---nutritiionists often talk about the idea that one good decision leads to another. When we eat a healthy breakfast, we're more likely to make good choices for our other meals and snacks. So, what's a "healthy breakfast"? A registered dietician I interviewed for two of my books, Take Care Tips, and Essential Take Care Tips, promoted a well-balanced meal including healthy complex carbs, fats, and protein. What does that mean in real-people speak? Eat combinations of foods to fuel a healthy body and a happy mood. Here are some examples: ---eggs with a whole grain muffin and peanut butter ---a cup of whole grain oatmeal with chopped walnuts, flaxseed, and raspberries ---a spinach and mushroom omelette with apple slices ---whole grain toast with avocado and egg So....how are you with eating breakfast? Do you eat something healthy most mornings? And---do you have any fast, easy, healthy breakfast recipes to share?

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 10: BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF As we're looking at "happiness helpers", some of the tips deal with things outside of yourself. This one deals with your relationship with yourself. How do you treat yourself? When you have a bad day, do you beat yourself up for not being productive? Do you have negative thoughts about your looks? Do you put yourself down by telling yourself you aren't smart enough, rich enough, young enough, etc. to do something you'd really love to do? Lots of times people---especially women--fall into a behavior of negative self-talk. We say things to ourselves that we'd never say to someone we care about. What can you do to care about yourself in the same way? Treat yourself like you care. Be patient, kind, loving, and gentle with yourself. Make a conscious effort to stop the self-criticism. Put yourself in a positive mindset by pointing out positive things about yourself. You were given so many unique gifts and talents. Let them shine! What do you love about yourself? What do you do that makes you proud?

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 9: GET AWAY Sometimes, you just need a change of scenery. You don't have to go far---a day trip---or even a portion-of-a-day-trip will do. Staying in the same environment for a long time can leave us feeling stuck in a rut. With pandemic restrictions over the past year, many of us have been home more than ever. Although we love our homes, changing things up every so often can go a long way in supporting a happier mood, and a more relaxed state of mind. Even a short trip can feel like a mini-vacation, and has the same healthy benefits. Have you traveled anywhere lately? Have any travel plans?

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 8: BETTER SLEEP = MORE SMILES Long-term lack of quality sleep can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Even one night of poor sleep has a negative impact on your mood the next day (we've all been there, I'm sure). How can we reset any bad habits and get back to enjoying healthy sleep that will actually help to make us happier? We've talked in this group before about the importance of creating a bedtime routine (and sticking to it). Whether that's reading a chapter or two from a favorite book, sipping a up of soothing tea, or doing some light stretching, our minds need something that clearly signals "it's time to wind down." One thing you may want to try tonight---write down your worries. I call it a "brain dump list". What's troubling you? Write it down. Tell yourself, "I'll get back to you tomorrow, but for now, I'm choosing to be worry-free and calm. For now, I will relax and have a restful night." Your brain is so powerful! Use that energy to help you get better sleep, which will lead to more smiles from a happier, healthier you! Do you have a bedtime routine? How is your sleep lately?

We're halfway through 14 Take Care Tips to Spark Joy! Have you been focusing on doing more that makes you happy? Your smile is a bright light in this world :)

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 7: CLEAR IT OUT You know I talk about the importance of this tip a lot. "Clutter represents unmade decisions." How are you suppose to rest, relax, and recharge in a home where you feel surrounded by your unmade decisions? Clutter is stressful, and a happiness-blocker. A clean, organized house is a happy house! Think about how much better you'd feel if you were only surrounded by things you truly love and are useful? Think about how great it would be if everything had a place---oh, the time you'd save looking for misplaced items---and the money you'd save in not repurchasing things you already own but you just can't find! Cleaning your home really can help to decreases levels of stress and anxiety. Why not kick off this new week a little lighter around your house? Here are five ideas for things you can toss to inspire you today: 1. Old kitchen items (expired food and tools/gadgets that are broken or you just don't use. 2. Old phones, chargers, and tech items (Take them to a recycling center for proper disposal and/ or several stores take your electronics and give you money back for a future purchase). 3. Old paper work (The general rule is to keep one year of bills and seven years of tax paperwork. You can also look to see what you're comfortable with moving to secure online storage). 4. Old school and other memorabilia (think ticket stubs, catologs, brochures, notes...can you pare it down to one small box with sentimental value? 5. Clothes that don't fit (you can save a ton of time by allowing only the clothes that fit and flatter you to stay in your closet. Life's too short to struggle with what to wear! Keep comfortable, and well-fitting items to make getting ready easy--and even fun). Is there a particular type of clutter that gives you the most stress? What can you get rid of today?

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 6: DECORATE WITH HAPPY COLORS If you had to choose the happiest color, which one would you choose? The blue of a clear sky? Sunshine yellow? A vibrant coral? Of course there have been studies on this, and...the happiest color according to research at Manchester University is... (drumroll please)... Yellow! That makes sense right? Yellow brings to mind thoughts of sunshine and warmth. The research also found an "unhappiest color". Guesss what that one is? Gray! Think about the gray of stormy skies. Now, gray decor has been very popular over the past couple of years. Look around your house. Could you use a few bursts of color? You don't have to go all out with a yellow chair...a yellow pillow, picture frame, or vase of yellow flowers would do the job. If you watch home decorating shows, you probably have noticed that the designers often put a bowl of lemons in the kitchens (that are often decorated with gray elements) to brighten things up and evoke feelings of happy times to come in the heart of the home. Color is said to have an impact on our mood. Decorators say to get started with using color to support a certain mood in your home, look at a color wheel and focus on each color individually. Jot down a note on how each one makes you feel. You'll end up with ideas for colors for rooms where you want vibrant, happy energy, as well as colors for room where you want peace, calm, and quite vibes. Have you done anything interesting with color in your home? Is there a place in your home where you feel the happiest?

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 5: HOUSEPLANTS AND HAPPINESS Did you know that just being in the presence of houseplants helps to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and increase productivity? It's true! Another bonus: Houseplants actually serve to clean indoor air. Which plant should you choose? A team from NASA put together of list of plants when doing their researching on healthy, effective alternatives for cleaning their air in buildings: Areca palm Lady palm Bamboo palm Rubber plant Dracena English ivy Miniature date palm Ficus Alii Boston fern Peace lily Do you have houseplants? Any from this list? Do you feel a difference in having them around? Tell us about it and/or share a pic in the comments.

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 4: POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY You probably have heard about the research that shows that we are who we surround ourselves with....SO...where does that put you? Are you spending time with positive people who lift you up and encourage you to become the best version of yourself? Are you dealing with some toxic people who leave you feeling sad, angry, or hurt? Take an honest look at who you spend most of your time with. Are those people worthy of your time? Or, do you need to make some changes in that area? Your mental health is worth it.

14 TAKE CARE TIPS TO SPARK JOY DAY 3: TURN ON THE TUNES Listening to happy, upbeat music can be a fast mood booster. Studies show that the music has a positive effect on the brain, and can even help to regulate respiratory and heart rates! If you can't help yourself---go ahead and dance a little while you're at it :) Post one of your favorite fun, happy songs in the comments---either the title, or, a link so we can all listen.

14 Take Care Tips to Spark Joy Day 2: Spread Kindness A very quick and easy way to instantly feel happier is to show kindness to someone else. Taking time out of your day to make someone's day better with a kind word, a smile, or a small favor is a win-win. They feel good, you feel good. And, bonus benefit: chances are, the kindness you kick off will have a ripple effect and keep on spreading. What can you do to make someone feel valued today? Do you remember a time when someone made you feel that way? Please tell us about it!

14 Take Care Tips to Spark Joy Day 1: Instant Mood Boost I'm starting off with an oldie but a goodie. I know you've heard it from me before, but I've gotta say it again, because IT WORKS! One of the fastest ways to shift your mood to a more positive one is to think of something you're grateful for. If you're having a tough day and you're struggling to find something, force it! Yep. I'm serious. Look around you (or better yet, within), and find one thing that makes you say, "thank you." That shift in perspecitive is powerful and and can pull you to a more positive state of mind. So now---give it to me! Share one thing you're grateful for in the comments below. Watch how it will help to lift all of us up!

Here we go! Welcome to 14 Take Care Tips to Spark Joy! We need...actually, the whole WORLD needs JOY right now, don't you think? Over the next couple of weeks, we'll give focus to small action steps that we can take to see big positive changes in our mood. Each daily post will have the little bouncey smiley guy logo and be labeled Day 1, Day 2, etc. Most will encourage you to participate by commenting on the post. Please do so! You are welcome to invite friends and family to this page to share in our community. Watch for the Day 1 post coming soon!

A couple of months ago, Mental Health America released its latest report: The State of Mental Health in America. The research is based on survey responses from about a million and a half people between January and September, 2020. The findings include: ---a dramatic increase in the number of people looking for help with anxiety and depression. ---the highest numbers of reports of self-harm and suicide since the organization launched in 2014. ---a dramatic increase in the numbers of young people (11-17) reporting moderate to severe levels of anxiety and depression. ---Rates of suicidal thoughts and self-harm are highest among young people, especially LGBTQ+ youth. ---"Lonliness" and 'Isolation" are the top triggers for feelings of sadness. We need to be gentle, patient, and caring with ourselves and each other after the challenges we've all faced over the past year. If you are struggling with feelings of sadness, please reach out to a health care professional for help. You are so loved and so needed in our world. Starting tomorrow, I'll share 14 days of Take Care Tips to Spark Joy. I hope you can carve out a little time for taking care of you this week, and I look forward to hearing how you're incorporating them into your daily routine.

We're putting some JOY into June with Self-Care Strategies to Spark Joy! Watch for 14 daily posts starting tomorrow. Will you commit to adding some of the tips into your daily routine?

Making small changes in your daily routine can lead to big, positive changes in your life. Stay tuned to learn about you can reset and recharge with self-care strategies to spark joy. 14-daily posts start Monday to get you ready to kick off a happy summer!