SoundShift Madison

SoundShift Madison

SoundShift of Madison was started in September of 2017 by Shari Henning.

Shifting spirit with sound, SoundShift uses singing bowls; chimes; and gongs to create immersive, meditative experiences.


Good afternoon SoundShifters. I have made the challenging decision to take a hiatus from SoundShift for the foreseeable future. I am taking time to work on my personal wellness. Before I can continue providing healing to others I need to make sure I am healthy. I want to thank everyone who has ever hired SoundShift for an event, come to a sound bath, or experienced a SoundShift vibrational sound massage. Your support meant everything to me! With love and joy, Shari β€οΈπŸŽΆπŸ›€


I am so excited to be back at Perennial as part of the Dinner & A Sound Bath offering. The September 9th ritual was filled with so much love and beautiful energy. I hope you will consider joining us for the next two Dinner & A Sound Bath offerings - October 7th and November 4th. β€πŸŽΆπŸ›

To reserve your spot:

Shifting spirit with sound!

Meditation has always helped me keep my life in perspective. My practice continually reinforces my belief that all living beings are connected, and the importance of respecting and appreciating this connection. For as long as I can remember, I have been encouraged to be curious about what existed beyond our perceived reality. When I was a child, my parents regularly practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM), and shared with me the principals behind the practice. When I was older I experimented with other methodologies of meditation and mindfulness and have been practicing regularly since 2001. One methodology, which I continue using today, is floating in an isolation tank and meditating. I noticed how quickly I was able to enter the void, that wonderful place of ultimate stillness, when I included meditative music during my floats. The vibration and sound from the music took my practice to the next level effortlessly. And so began my love of including sound with my meditation practice. I have always been drawn to the idea of teaching others about meditation and its benefits, and eventually this idea became a calling. I became certified in vibrational sound therapy and use Himalayan Singing Bowls to facilitate the joy of meditation.I currently offer two ways to experience the benefits of meditative, vibrational sound:

  • Group Vibrational Sound Baths: Meditative, musical performances played with Himalayan Singing Bowls and chimes. After finding a comfortable position on your mat, you relax and let the ambient sound and vibration from the performance wash over you. Deep relaxation follows - quickly and effortlessly.

  • Individual Vibrational Sound Sessions: Individual Vibrational Sound Sessions are an advanced relaxation method in which Himalayan singing bowls are placed directly on the body, or close to the body, and played using the Measured Strike Technique. This technique focuses on driving vibration into the body. The vibration, along with the soothing ambient tones from the bowls, quickly induces a relaxed state.