

Healing the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Through the Human Energy Field, by Reconnecting DNA strands. I offer myself as a partner and guide.

Get back to balance go to: ~Transformation, Health & Information Stress from daily living and strained relationships build up in the body and accumulate in the mind. Like depositing money in a savings account, each stressful event not only increases the total of the account but it also earns interest that slowly increases the total. Over time the immune system is weakened


The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy. The greater the flow of energy, the greater the magnetism. Isn’t it true? When you want something “really” bad and you focus your energy(thought) on that for a while, most likely you will get it/achieve whatever it is you put on mind to!??? It’s the law of attraction (magnetism) working for you. Thoughts vibrate. Everything existent within the universe vibrates. This is because everything within the universe consists of energy. Even matter is energy as Einstein explained with his insight that E=mc2 (Energy is equal to Mass * the Speed of light squared) His formula shows that matter and energy are actually the same thing God is light = energy.

Enjoy your day knowing your thoughts create your reality! Have a blessed day ❤️😘


Perfect timing for we can all learn something at this time.
All is good when you know God is working out everything for your own good. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet God feeds them.
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength” Corrie Ten Boom (Holocaust Survivor) 🙏❤️
art by


Take a deep breath. Tomorrow is a new day to keep fighting for a green and just world 💚
🌱 via 🌍

Timeline photos 04/01/2020

“The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in them - that moment I am free from bo***ge, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.” ~ Swami Vivekananda "No momento em que eu percebi que Deus esta' sentado no templo de cada corpo humano, no momento em que estou em reverência diante de cada ser humano e vejo Deus neles - Naquele momento, eu sou livre de tudo, a servidão que vincula desaparece, e eu sou livre.” ❤️


Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

Timeline photos 09/12/2019

Its so easy to be grateful for the good that happens in our life, but the secret is to be grateful for the bad as well. When we find the good in the bad, we become super humans activating the power of God that lives inside each one of us and we are able to grow in ways we never thought possible. Sometimes it’s trough pain that we are able to “change” into the better version of ourselves.
“Blessed are the challenges in our lives for they are the guidance to our spiritual growth”.
Have a blessed life and always remembering opens doors to life and a better you 🌹


This is the funniest cat ever 😂 she attacks her mom every time she sings 😂 (🐱: )via this is hilarious 😂

Timeline photos 07/11/2019

Being grateful does not mean that everything is necessarily good. It just means that you can accept it as a gift. Embrace your journey and those who come across your path. Remember the lesson, transmute the disappointment. This is the recipe for ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Artist: via 14/10/2019


This is sooo adorable 😍😫💚 👉🏼 🌈 •⠀⠀


How perfect is this 😍😍the miracle of life, we live in such a wonderful planet, don’t you think!? 🌎❤️

🌍 🌱

The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm 01/09/2019

The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm 20 years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. The manufacturer Merck's own product warning links MMR to a potentially fatal form of brain inflammation caused by measles. Why is this evidence not being reported?




A dream 😍🐬 who else would love to do this !??? 🙋‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️
Credit: via:

Timeline photos 20/07/2019

God, Energy, Love, Universe, Source, Creator, the Light, are all words that mean the same thing!
The love upon which healing is based is the love upon which life and the universe are based. It is the love that allows the power that "made" the body to "heal" ❤️ May you all have a blessed day

Timeline photos 12/07/2019

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent" Remember when there is a will there is ALWAYS a way 😘


We are deliberate creators and constantly changing thoughts and feelings into things. ⁣

Where we are is a clear indication of the thoughts we have been thinking. The moment we accept that, make peace with it, we can start on a journey where we navigate our thoughts according to what we want to manifest.⁣

Do you take full responsibility of creating your current reality, either it's good or bad?⁣
⁣Via Instagram

Astronomers capture black hole and its shadow for first time 11/04/2019

Astronomers capture black hole and its shadow for first time Two hundred researchers used a global network of telescopes to capture the iconic image of a black hole. CBSN spoke to physicist Dr. Michio Kaku about the significance of the photo which shows a black hole 55 million light-years away from Earth.


Love these!!! You can substitute the animal protein for vegetable protein if you are vegetarian. Like the pulled pork, I use jackfruit. Enjoy 😉

Timeline photos 10/10/2018

So you like ? 👉Pumpkin seeds rock! Tag a friend and share the amazing benefits. Have an awesome day! 🌿💪 thanks 🎃💪 I eat them everyday 😋🙌
Pumpkin seeds are packed with zinc, amino acids, essential fatty acids, iron and phosphorous. Just a handful a day is all you need to feel the benefits. Add roasted pumpkin seeds to recipes, sprinkle on salads or on your cereal. A small handful before and after my bicycle training rides works for me.
. . . .


Have you ever try this Vegan Cheese recipe? It’s my all time favorite via 😋😃🌱🙌

Timeline photos 09/10/2018


🌱 Plant protein 🌱 Do we really need to eat animals? 🤔


🌱 Because we’ve been craving soup lately. And when recipes are this simple and nutritious. Why not!? Can’t wait to try this.
👇🏽 Tag a friend that needs to try this.

🍽🎥: via

Timeline photos 03/10/2018

What’s your dog 🐶 favorite fruit?
My little boy has a thing for but he eats all fruits and vegetables! All 🥑🍆🍠🥕🌶🍋🥒🍅🍑🍏🍓🍉 🍌 & my other doggie (girl) is very particular about fruits, only eats watermelon, tangerines and strawberries 🍓


Who agrees?
You can only give what you have. If you have happiness in your life, and are happy with your life, you can easily be happy for other people’s happy life. But the opposite is when people aren’t happy with their own life, then it really seem hard for them to be happy for your happy life. Don’t expect unhappy people to be happy for you or with you! I used to think that a family member should be happy for my happy just because we are related, but it doesn’t matter if they are blood related or not, unhappy people can’t with you 👉 🌈

Videos (show all)

Perfect timing for #introspection we can all learn something at this time. .All is good when you know God is working out...
Take a deep breath. Tomorrow is a new day to keep fighting for a green and just world 💚...#lovethem #lovetheplanet #sayn...
This is the funniest cat ever 😂 she attacks her mom every time she sings 😂 (🐱: @ohreally_helen)via @thedodo this is hila...
This is sooo adorable 😍😫💚 👉🏼 @animalsabove #loveislove🌈 •⠀⠀•🐶⠀⠀•🐮⠀⠀•🐷⠀⠀•🦊⠀⠀•🦁⠀⠀•🐻⠀⠀•🐭⠀⠀•🐱⠀⠀•🐔⠀⠀•🐥⠀⠀•🐯⠀⠀•🐰⠀⠀•🌎⠀⠀•💚⠀⠀•🌱#wh...
How perfect is this 😍😍the miracle of life, we live in such a wonderful planet, don’t you think!? 🌎❤️.................#sa...
A dream 😍🐬 who else would love to do this !??? 🙋‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️.Credit: @maxstrong via: @animalsdoingthings
We are deliberate creators and constantly changing thoughts and feelings into things. ⁣⁣Where we are is a clear indicati...
Have you ever try this Vegan Cheese recipe? It’s my all time favorite via @the_buddhist_chef 😋😃🌱🙌...#vegancheese #vegan ...
🌱 Plant protein 🌱 Do we really need to eat animals? 🤔・・・........Via @araujocesar #AraujoCesar #VeganCommunity #VeganDish...
🌱 Because we’ve been craving soup lately. And when recipes are this simple and nutritious. Why not!? Can’t wait to try t...
Who agrees? .You can only give what you have. If you have happiness in your life, and are happy with your life, you can ...
She always puts a smile on my face 😄Thank you via @kcstauffe Mila POPs off about adult spending habits...Video filming @...