Bettina Ho Yoga

Bettina Ho Yoga

I teach private and group yoga classes. I teach vinyasa, yin, and restorative yoga. I also specialize in meditation. Instagram: bettinicakes

As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It 08/01/2017

As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It Droughts caused by global warming have left southern Africa starved for food.

Timeline photos 06/01/2017

Please join me for a mini retreat Saturday, January 14! We will do yoga, hike, meditate and journal to create a better and happier 2017!

Timeline photos 23/12/2016

Join me on the 7th for a hike, yoga, lunch and major manifestations!


Teaching at Maha Yoga at 4pm, I will see you there!


I'm subbing for my lovely friend and yogini, Megan Taylor at Maha Yoga tonight from 7:30-8:30 pm. We'll play some fun music, do a little dance and get our savasana on!


I'm teaching only on Thursday night 7:30-8:30pm Gentle Yoga + Meditation. Megan Taylor is subbing my Sunday 4pm class. Sending much

Timeline photos 05/08/2016

Join me for a ZEN + JUICE series at YOGASMOGA. I will be teaching a free all levels yoga class tomorrow, Saturday 9-10AM. Enjoy fresh juice post class and light aromatherapy. The more the merrier, bring friends, husbands, sisters, boyfriends! Sending much love and gratitude

Timeline photos 02/08/2016

My skin can be so temperamental like a 13 year old girl due to a fun skin condition called eczema. It can be described as the itch that never stops and you are left with dry rashy skin! It's basically inflammation of the skin caused by different factors unique to each person ranging from common outdoor factors like pollen to food allergies. I'm just going through a flare up and I'm trying cure my eczema naturally and holistically. Which brings me to my little 5 ounce friend, Absolute Rose! This has been a life saver for me. Not only does it nourish my dry skin, but it helps calm the red inflammation. Rose oil has so many other great benefits:

+Improves texture and tone of the skin
+Helps balance pH levels in the skin
+Fights depression
+Prevents wounds from developing infection
+Alleviates muscle aches and cramps
+Boost confidence (and libido!)

I recommend Aura Cacia's Absolute Rose, which is mixed with jojoba oil making it ready to apply on the skin immediately. If you buy 100% pure rose essential oil, just make sure you buy a carrier oil (jojoba, almond, etc) to mix with.

Enjoy! Please leave comments and let me know if you're on !


Come join me at Maha for some feel good yoga! When the world gets too wild for you, your mat is your sanctuary and the best way to recharge.

Wed 7:30-8:30p All Levels **Subbing for the lovely Megan Taylor
Thu 7:30-8:30p Gentle Yoga + Meditation
Sun 4-5:15p All Levels


Timeline photos 31/07/2015

It's been a while but lately I have been feeling a lack of abundance in my life than I stumbled across this quote. "Abundance is a state of the mind." Perhaps I lack nothing at all. ✨✨

Meditation Experience 16/03/2015

Please join me for a 21 day meditation experience. You know the blissful state you feel after yoga? Well it's because you were really doing a moving meditation. Tap into your mind and unleash love, clarity and peace now!

Meditation Experience Do you want to bring more brilliance, abundance, and innate prosperity into every aspect of your life? Join me, Oprah, and Deepak for Manifesting True Success on 3.16.15 to discover for yourself that your successes can be boundless!


I teach to serve others and not my ego. Thanks Mikey for reminding me.


I had an interesting encounter with another yoga teacher at a studio I was subbing earlier this week. I made a small unintentional mistake which offended the other teacher. Our paths crossed as I finished teaching and she was teaching the next class, the mistake was realized and minutes before she would teach she berated me for 5 minutes in front all my students and her students. I kept my cool and didn't try to fight back, not because I was afraid or didn't have a voice. I didn't want to further disrupt the peacefulness my students had worked hard to achieve. it made me upset, disappointed me and shocked me she would treat another person this way and didn't care how her behavior would effect the students of the studio. As yoga teachers we should practice what we preach, lead by example. You can be stern without being overbearing. You can rule without being a tyrant. Yoga teaches us to find balance and peace within ourselves. We can't find peace if we hold on and I am slowly trying to let go and accept things as they are. Namaste.


Let the reason be your intention.

Timeline photos 05/12/2014
Timeline photos 18/10/2014

The unknown is scary, most of our fears are based on the perception of what might happen. Accept the unknown, embrace and see the shift in the mind. Your fears will no longer hold you captive. Free your mind!

Timeline photos 14/10/2014

Honor yourself and find peace by allowing your emotions to have a voice instead of keeping silent. The more feelings we suppress, the deeper these negative roots grow in your mind and heart. Speak up and liberate your soul.

Timeline photos 04/10/2014

How calm would the waves be in our head if we realized that the we are enough.

Timeline photos 28/09/2014

To be truly free you must let go of the past, what will be or not, the ego, judgements from yourself and others and what you think you should have. The heart will be vulnerable and the mind malleable. From there freedom will rise because it can, there are no constrictions. Freedom is the ability to be.
