Dad Bod or Bust

Dad Bod or Bust

Join me on my quest for a happy and healthy life... and the perfect "Dad Bod!" I'll share my journey

Photos from Dad Bod or Bust's post 02/05/2018

It's no secret that I have struggled with my weight for years. I have been a yoyo dieter and I have a bad habit of grazing - if it's there, I eat it. Tomorrow, that ENDS. We are releasing a brand new program by a registered dietician that has a successful private practice in Beverly Hills, teaches nutritional classes at UCLA and has led large university weight loss studies. The best part? She herself, now an itty bitty woman, lost 100 lbs! She KNOWS what it is like. And she is teaching us how to LIVE for life. That means no measuring, counting OR containers. A totally NEW concept that has been changing the lives of so many MEN and WOMEN! Just look at these transformations from the test group. PS- Exercise is encouraged but definitely NOT required for weight loss! :) I would LOVE for YOU to do this with me so message me if you can relate and want a NEW chapter!


We kicked off our Spring Into Summer Weight Loss Group today. There's still room if you'd like to join!


Chicken Fajita Salad! These are the recipes I'll be focusing on in our Spring Into Summer Weight Loss Group! Link is in the comments!


Who's ready for a Spring Into Summer Weight Loss Challenge?!? Last year at our WGU Annual Meeting, results of my health screening forced me to change the way I live! I am so thankful for the lessons that I have learned and the changes we've made for our family. My next meeting is at the end of May, and I want to be in the best shape I can be. So, I'm challenging myself to lose some weight. I'd like t have as many people as I can participating with me. I'll run a challenge group, with tips, recipes, exercises, etc. We'll have prizes in various categories, and celebrate all of our hard work! If you'd like to participate, please message me. We'll plan to start May 1st! Let's spring into summer!

Photos from Dad Bod or Bust's post 29/04/2018

2B Mindset launches this week, y'all!!! Man I love grilling! Plenty of sexy salad, chicken kabobs, and grilled asparagus - this new mindset toward eating is so liberating! Send me a message if you want more details!


Ready to get back at recording in the Kitchen! What are some recipes you would like to see?


I am so excited that Beach Body is launching 2B Mindset in just 8 more days! If you're ready to change the way you view food without having to count calories, points, macros, or containers, this is the program for YOU!


This cotton candy is an essential part of my day! 1/2 gallon of water to jumpstart weight loss! I drink at least two of these bad boys every day!


Breakfast! Plain, fat-free Greek yogurt with a bit of honey, a splash of vanilla, and strawberries! I'm having coffee, too. It's a great way to start the day and feel satisfied until lunch!


There are still a few slots left for this week's Healthy Eating group! We'll be sharing some great weight loss tips as we get ready for
Summer! Shoot me a message if you'd like to join us!


NEW! (Old) Dad Bod Or Bust Kitchen! Presenting... Crack Slaw! I recorded this a while ago. It made it to YouTube, but not Facebook for some reason. Enjoy!

Photos from Dad Bod or Bust's post 18/04/2018

A quick and healthy breakfast down and dinner cooking away, while I handle more important things! I'll be launching a FREE 5-Day Group, starting Monday for all of those who would like to connect and share in our weight loss journey! Be sure to message me if you want to join, so I can send you the information!


Here's a fun little snack! We LOVE making homemade granola!


I know I've been pretty quiet here lately, and there's a great reason! I have been testing a NEW program for Beachbody! It's a fantastic program that will launch in May. It focuses on healthy eating patterns without gimmicks of other weight loss programs. No counting calories, points, or containers! It's a common sense approach that will reignite your love of food. There is also not a mandatory exercise program - working out is up to you! To share my results - my B&A pictures are in the comments. After taking a break from Thanksgiving to February, I was back up to 335lbs. Using this program, I am to the lowest point I have been since starting BB programming at 309. 26lbs down since starting this program and a total of 68lbs down since August! Look out for new Dad Bod Or Bust videos to come soon!


I've been a little quiet here lately, since testing out a new program. But I promise I'll start posting some more great recipes again! Here is a quick and easy weeknight meal. Start with a bed of salad - this is arugula and spinach. Then toss some onions and bell peppers in a skillet and warm up some pre-cooked chicken breast. Top with some shredded cheese and salsa and you have an awesome Chicken Fajita Salad!


Here's a quick video on how we do Chinese in our house! Spoiler Alert - we use our Air Fryer!


Putting this bad boy to work next week. If you want to join me on a 3-Day Refresh, send me a message!

Dad Bod or Bust 16/01/2018

I did it! I started the Dad Bod or Bust Youtube channel! Please go and like the channel and the videos that get posted there. I will be posting a lot more videos there that go along with my healthy journey, so be sure to sign up for notifications to see when I post new videos! Thanks for all of your support!

Dad Bod or Bust Description Hello everyone! My name is Trevor and I'm on a quest to be a perfect dad! One of the challenges I have faced along the way is the battle with my ...


New Episode of Dad Bod or Bust Kitchen, featuring our new favorite BROWNIE recipe! Happy Monday!


I bought some "motivational shorts" tonight at the Kmart going out of business sale. They don't close yet, but by summer they will! It's important to set goals and work hard to achieve them. Look for a NEW DadBodOrBust Kitchen episode this week!


After being "off-plan" for the past few weeks, Erika and I are committed to getting back at it and crushing 2018! New DadBodOrBust Kitchen videos will be coming soon. If anyone wants to start a January Challenge with us, we'll be happy to have you!


On August 14th I was at the highest weight I had ever been and wearing 3XL shirts. Just over 3 months later and I'm down 60lbs and fitting (almost comfortably) into this sweet XL shirt! I can't wait to see what the next 3 months bring!


Good morning! It's been really busy around here, but I hope you are all focused on your goals. Erika and I started a new round of SHIFT SHOP this week. We need to get back in the swing of things after some time away from dedicated exercising. We're both really close to getting back to our pre-thanksgiving (4 solid days of eating with minimal exercising) weights! Looking forward to reaching our goals by the end of the year!


And we finished our first 5k!


Shout out to Mrs. DBOB! Down 23lbs and 30 inches in less than 3 months!


Still a work in progress, but as of today... 60lbs and 44 inches gone.


New episode of Kitchen! Butternut Squash!


It's FALL! What can I possibly be doing with these AWESOME members of the squash family, you ask? I'm getting ready to film another episode of the Kitchen! Don't just use your pumpkins and squash for decorations! They are fantastic if prepared properly. We'll take a look at how to use these winter squash in your meal preparation and how they can be used as an alternative to potatoes!


When you work from home, nobody cares what you look like... until you take your daughter to pre-school. Then all the teachers want to know where you get pants like that! So glad I fit in these again! Time to go through the closet again!


So this weekend marked my 2 month "anniversary" on this new journey. August 14th was my firs official weigh in. I didn't feel great about the way we ate (our favorite Mexican restaurant Friday night, homemade pizza Saturday night) or exercised (barely any) this weekend, so I was definitely not looking forward to stepping on the scale this morning. But remember that it is a journey. Over the past 2 months Erika and I have trained our bodies to handle food better. So I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was to see that I hit my 50lb mark today! 2 months and 50 lbs gone! WOW!!!

Videos (show all)

NEW! (Old) Dad Bod Or Bust Kitchen! Presenting... Crack Slaw! I recorded this a while ago. It made it to YouTube, but no...
Here's a fun little snack! We LOVE making homemade granola! #DadBodOrBust
Here's a quick video on how we do Chinese in our house! Spoiler Alert - we use our Air Fryer!
New Episode of Dad Bod or Bust Kitchen, featuring our new favorite BROWNIE recipe! Happy Monday! #DadBodOrBust
New episode of #DadBodOrBust Kitchen! Butternut Squash!
New #DadBodOrBust Kitchen today! Sugar Free Peanut Butter Cookies!
And here's Episode 2! Ranch Dressing and Apple Nachos. Enjoy! #DadBodOrBust  #HealthyAlternatives
King's Ice Cream
