Holy Trinity Stockton on the Forest

Holy Trinity Stockton on the Forest

We are a church community, working to grow closer to God and our community.

We gather to worship God in our services and seek to share His love in our interactions with all the people we meet in village activities.


Christingle service Sunday 17 th at 10:30 am. Everyone is welcome as we remember how Jesus came to bring light into our dark world. Money collected will be sent to The Children’s Society to support their work with vulnerable children and families.


Benefice service at 10:30 am at Holtby Church on October 29th. No service at Stockton church this week.


🍂 Welcome to October 🍁


A job well done!
A service of morning prayer at 10:30 May 21st. in Stockton church led by Arnie and Ennis. Everyone is most welcome


No service in Stockton Church this Sunday 7th May. Benefice Communion service in Dunnington church at 10:30 am. All are welcome.


Annual Church Meeting 3 rd of May at 7:30 pm in Stockton church. This is a public meeting , but only people on the Electoral roll are eligible to vote. If you want to be included in the roll, there are application forms in the church.
Reports of the life of the church in this past year will be shared and it is a time to give thanks for the many blessings we have enjoyed.


We will be gathering in the church in Stockton on Good Friday at 2:00 pm in order to mark the last hour of Jesus agony on the cross. A time of reflection, readings, silence and prayer. You are most welcome to join us for all or part of this hour.


The grass cutting season is upon us!! Would relatives please remove all Christmas/ birthday wreaths and ornaments from their family graves. Please place the old wreaths in the black bins or take them home for disposal. Thank you 😀😀


Job vacancy: Rector of the Benefice of Rural East York

"This is an exciting time to be joining our deanery as we continue to develop our deanery plan in response to the diocesan invitation to discover more fully what it means to live Christ’s story here. Although each Parish is different, we find a shared vision in our work to spread God’s love to all members of our local communities in which we live."

Find out more: bit.ly/reyrector

St Nicholas Church Dunnington


Epiphany Holy Communion service in Stockton Church at 10:30 am this Sunday 8th January.
Please come and join us.


A date for all you !!
Tuesday 20th , in the Fox , community Carols at 8:00 pm, singing in aid of charity “Dementia Forward”. Please come along and lend your voice to this amazing charity.


Don’t forget. ..It’s our Christingle service on Sunday 4 th December at 10:30 at Stockton Church. Everyone will be most welcome!!


An invitation to a special service ,Sunday 4 th December at 10:30 am. A time for us to look forward to the coming of Jesus ,bringing the light of God’s love, forgiveness and justice into the darkness and chaos of our world. We will focus these thoughts as we build a Christingle and consider how The Children’ s Society bring God’s light into the lives of many needy children and their families.
So please join us, the service is for all.


Benefice Communion service this Sunday 27 th. at 10:30 am in Stockton Church. All are welcome, young, old and all in between!!We would love to see you there.


Harvest thanksgiving service ,Sunday
2 nd October at 10:30 am in Holy Trinity Church Stockton. A time to say thank you for all God’s goodness. A chance to show our gratitude for the riches of our lives. The collection , in place of donated goods, will be sent to the York charity Restore, a Christian charity which provides accommodation and support for people from York who would otherwise be homeless. They work with all peoples, without discrimination or favour, because the Bible encourages all people to pursue justice for those on the fringes of society. We would love you to join us!!


October 8th in Village Hall at 7:15 pm. “Eggstraordinary Murder Mystery!”Join is!
Tickets: £10 each including light 3 course meal. Bar and raffle. Proceeds to support village church.
