Dr.Sammi J Ripley

Dr.Sammi J Ripley

A world wide ministry to disciple nations and empower individuals to experience God’s Love and Power.


Naungana nawe kwa moyo wa furaha. Nimeunganishwa nawe moyoni na roho

Kenya, be ready. I am on my way to ignite a nation and awaken a continent.


By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so the things that are seen were not made of things that are visible. Hebrews 11:3
It is not that we have faith because we understand, but we understand because we have faith. Your faith will take you beyond the law of intellect, which binds you to empirical knowledge and earthly logic like gravity. If you understand by faith, you access that which by faith you understand. Then that which empirical knowledge and earthy logic had determined to be impossible will be freely yours in the realm of understanding by faith.


When you understand you carry government on the inside of you, and your very breath has the power to change atmospheres, you begin to walk in a dimension of faith that makes spiritual warfare unnecessary. This is what it is like to be in the Spirit.

Dr.Sammi J Ripley A world wide ministry to disciple nations and empower individuals to experience God’s Love and Power.


As you embrace the first days of the year, listen to your heart’s cry for something more…there MUST be something more than you have seen, than you have heard, than has entered into your experience. (1 Corinthians 2:9) Be intentional, seek the truths that “make the baby jump.” (Luke1:41-42) Know that every challenge you face carries a hidden opportunity. (James 1:2) Hidden in the difficult life lessons of the past four prophetic years was an opportunity to learn how to have clarity in the priorities of the Spirit, understand how acceleration works, and how to live with your affections on things above, (Colossians 3:2) to name a few. If you were well taught in the Spirit, you entered this year in a whole different place. Yahweh is calling you out of mediocrity, out of the need to build your identity and establish your “brand” to win the approval of the crowd, all of which tethers you to the gravity of the world system. If your pursuit is all about what you DO, you will never be a wind walker or a cloud rider. What you DO must always flow out of Who you are BEING. (1 Corinthians 6:17) All things you do must flow out of Union with Yahweh giving purpose and power to His Word flowing through you. Stop trying to be a dancer and become the Dance!


You are not the generation to whom a child is born
You are the generation to whom a Son is given
You are not the generation to be taught by parables
You are the generation to whom it is given to know the mysteries and secrets of God.
You are not the generation who sings of angels upon a midnight clear, but
You are the generation that partners with angels to bring the rule and reign of heaven to earth
You are the generation that carries government within you and legislates as God’s Parliament
You are the generation who will no longer be called servants but Friends
You are the generation that takes your place in the Royal Priesthood
You are the generation who knows doctrine is for the babes, you know how to be entangled with Yahweh
You are the generation that groans for the full manifestation of The Son in you
You are the best of your bloodline born to prove the logic of God is Divine Love
You are the generation to whom the Stone yielded the Sword of The Kingdom
Rise, Shine for your Light has come, the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Apostle Sammi J Ripley
Wishing you the Best Blessings of the Season

Photos from Dr.Sammi J Ripley's post 05/12/2023

´ Faith, fueled by a pure desire, and joined with the Word of God is a spiritual technology that erases the word impossible from a believers reality. I am deeply grateful to My God for teaching me how to use this spiritual technology for the children the doctors said I would never have...all seven of them 4 sons and 3 daughters. The doctors’ case was very logical and very convincing, but I appealed to a higher and more powerful Truth. Focus your faith until it crowds out every whisper of doubt from your heart and know for this technology to work it must be continually plugged into close relationship with God.


I miss my African people. I have a message of healing of deliverance and dominion for Gods people in all of Africa . It is a message that teaches you how to live from heaven to earth far above principalities and powers and wickedness in high places . All God’s power is administrated from a place of rest. You cannot be focused on the problems in front of you and operate with power and authority. This rest means you have complete tranquility in the midst of chaos. Desire to know the mysteries of God. Small keys open big doors!
