Hitomi 瞳

Hitomi 瞳

你好丫, 我叫Hitomi! 有什么问题都可以敲我信箱哦, 我不会吃人哒 XD
Cosjob/Jobs>[email protected], cc: [email protected]



安排了一年终于完成的拍摄🥹 在马来西亚也拍到了中国棚!!狠狠tag Sotplugs Studio一波~ 谢谢老板大力支持!🥰 也谢谢为我赴汤蹈火的helper(comment tag,这里tag不到🥲) 和摄摄Senpai Photography / Dennis Brian🫶🏻
一天肝了两个拍摄真的好累啊啊啊 而且又是diy的theme🫠 但是看到成片真的觉得值了😭😭
图还没修 但是先给大家预告一波~ 这会是AMG的周边🩷 到时见啦~

Finally managed to do this photoshoot after one whole year of planning !! 🥹 Can’t believe we managed to bring alive a China themed studio in Malaysia !! A very big appreciation to Sotplug Studio for their collaboration in this, thankieww so much!!! 🥰 Next, I would like to thanks my helpers and photographer for the involvement in this photoshoot session! 🫶🏻
It’s really tiring having two photoshoots in the same day and not forgetting that we customized the theme within the same day !🫠 I really put a lot of effort into this cosplay and I hope you guys will like it 🥰
Btw, just a heads up, this will be part of my AMG merchandise~ so please stay tuned and see you in AMG !!🩷🩷

#小舞 #斗罗大陆 #斗罗大陆小舞


这个星期终于要外拍了 今年第一cos拍 希望一切顺利🫶🏻 你们猜猜看是什么角色🌚
让我看看是哪个小朋友还没被我的新周边坑到🫣💗 这个星期日就截止啦~ 希望能凑到目标 然后做lucky draw 🥹💗 这次的妆容真的超级不像我 哈哈哈 果然化妆的力量是无敌的🫡🫡
Finally going to have my first cosplay this weekend! Hope everything goes well as planned 🫶🏻 Guess what character im preparing for AMG this time 🌚
Also! Let me see who else have yet to preorder my limited merch 🫣 The deadline will be this week end ~ Hurry up and get one now before it ends! 💗 I really hope we can meet my target so I can have lucky draw session 🥺💗
Preorder now : https://forms.gle/tfCftrc86RTiXKss6


哟~ 来客人啦?🦊
各位注意啦~ 这次AMG准备了特别的周边 嘻嘻😝 这次特地为了拍我之前不敢尝试的风格 飞去中国🇨🇳🥰 成片也都出来了😌 先给你们看看预告养养眼🌚

注意哦~ 这次只做Preorder哦~ AMG 不会带现货呀🫶🏻 所以走过路过 别错过啦🥰
周边包含: USB卡 (内涵全视频1分钟+ 和所有幕后视频哦)

另外 ⚠️
1. 由于是第一次做USB卡,如果这次收到的 response多于20人,我会抽取两位幸运儿免单哦!❤️ 免单的意思就是如果买了两款, 两款都直接不用给钱哦 😝
2. 只要下单Preorder即可获得在AMG的 Free Instax x1 和此系列限定 A4 poster x1


Yo~ Look who’s here? 🦊
Important announcement ~ I have prepared something special this time for AMG 😝 Im so excited as I love the end product so much ! Heres the trailer! 😌

Please take note that this time this merchandise will only be on preorder basis ya 🫶🏻 There will not be ready stock during AMG 🥰

The package includes : USB card (Contain full video 1min+ and all the BTS), there are two options available which is the Fox Spirit or the Goddess of the Bird Tribe, get both to unlock both videos 😍😍

What’s more?!
1. I will be selecting two lucky winners to get FREE order as well when this form reaches 20 responses ! Please take note that this means you do not have to pay for your order if you are the lucky winner 😝
2. For those who place a preorder using this form will get a Free Instax during AMG and 1x Limited A4 poster of this series!

Preorder deadline : 20July2024
Preorder link 🔗: https://forms.gle/tfCftrc86RTiXKss6

#狐狸 #狐妖 #汉服 #古风摄影



给大家报喜啦 ~ 虽然有点迟 啊哈哈哈 但是我拿到AMG的booth啦💗💗
这次准备的周边会比较特别,跟平时的我不一样🌚 这边先给大家预告养养眼🌚 到时候记得来支持我啦💗 难得降临人间一次 走过路过不要错过🫶🏻🫶🏻

Goddess of the Feather Tribe• Its my duty to protect the Feather Clan!🪽

Good newsss everyone ~ Although its abit late to announce, but I wanna say that I managed to secure a booth for AMG this year as well! Im so excited to see you guys again 💗💗 It had been some time since I last attended cosplay conventions 🌚 This time I prepare some special merchandise! Finally got to see another style from me 🫶🏻 This video is a trailer for my upcoming merch 🌚 Please stay tuned and don’t forget to come support me 💗

Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 10/06/2024

想要去日本旅行的注意啦 💗

有没有人跟我一样都很喜欢去日本旅行呀😭 每次看到朋友能去日本漫展玩就超级无敌羡慕😭

但是!现在有好消息告诉大家啦😍Isekai Walker 異世界行者 现在推出了7天5夜的日本之旅配套!只需要 RM7988!就能实现你的梦想啦🫶🏻🫶🏻

重点是! 这个价钱就能去国际最大型的cosplay比赛(WCS),近距离观看并支持我们国家的coser啦 😍🫶🏻 而且是速通哦!!这谁能不心动呀!💗 除此之外, 还能去到一些日本著名的景区和火影主题公园哦!🥷🏻⛩️

很可惜,由于私人原因,我没办法参与🥺 但是! 只要你们使用我的专属code: INKOL_HITOMI 就能获得我精心给你们准备的专属礼物哦!(不出售)

这个活动在6月30号会截止哦!🫶🏻 能和兴趣相同之人一起旅行是很难得的机会哦! 跟团走也不需要烦恼任何的行程!🫶🏻🫶🏻 心动不如行动! 名额有限、赶紧去预定你的名额吧!🤭💗💗


Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 22/05/2024

超级无敌迟来的520贴! 哈哈哈哈哈
迪斯尼真的是超级梦幻的地方啊啊啊啊😭💗 好喜欢迪斯尼🫶🏻🫶🏻
这次520去还好买了礼宾卡 不然排队肯定排到哭 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 金钱的威力就是不一样🌚🌚
Super late 520 post ! Hahahahha
This year I spent my 520 at my “home sweet home” 🌚💗
Disneyland is really a magical place 😭💗 I really love Disney 🫶🏻🫶🏻
So luckly that i bought the express ticket this time cause thr queue during 520 was superrrrr longggggg! I guess the power of money is always strong 🌚🌚
Lastly the fireworks are super awesome too!😭💗


白色情人节快乐 💌❤️
本来脸上的腮红刚刚好 但是没想到地狱谷那边超级冷 🥲 脸和耳朵都快被冻坏了 🥲 要感谢勇敢的万能姐姐牺牲小手帮我拍多多张美美的图😂
期待下一次去日本 💕
(还有关于今年会出席的event:今年由于工作繁忙的原因 可能没办法出席太多活动,但是希望大活动都能出席,很久都没看到大家了🥹 你们会不会忘记我😭💕)
Happy White Day 💌❤️
Throwback the photo taken when i went to Japan trip 🫶🏻
Credit to my sister for the photos taken on that day, its very cold and windy when this photo was taken 🥲 My face and ears are very painful as it was too cold 🥲 But its really worth it 😂
Looking forward to visit Japan again 💕
(Also, an update regarding the events that I will be attending: I might not be able to attend most of the events due to insufficient time and had to focus more on my work, I hope I can attend the bigger events and meet yall again 🥹 Please dun forget meeee 😭💕)



Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
The world is very big, the happiness is very small, but its just right to have you by my side 🫶🏻

*我想要在5:20pm 发文的 结果工作到忘记时间 可恶 😭
I wanted to post this at 5:20pm but I ended up forgetting the time as I was busy working 😭

Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 12/02/2024

没看够的再给你们看照片!旗袍真的很美啊啊啊😭💕( 我很努力选出来的旗袍 快夸我!)哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
第一次在大年初一yolo 去外拍 哈哈哈哈 感谢摄影师 Senpai Photography 愿意一起yolo 哈哈哈哈哈
外拍当天毫不意外的又又又下雨了、幸好不是很大的雨 XD 外拍圆满结速 很开熏!❤️
Did you guys watch the video i posted yesterday? 💕
Here are some more photos of our dragon year cheongsam look 👀
This is my first time having a shoot during CNY and I am very happy that my photographer are willing to YOLO with me haha
Of course, it rained again during the photoshoot!! But luckily it was not a heavy rain and I am so happy that the photoshoot went in so smoothly !❤️


新年怎么能少得了旗袍🌚 (迟来的chor1 look
祝大家新年快乐 心想事成 身体健康 龙年行大运 🥰🥰
大家新年都在干嘛? 💕 (我很努力的吃新年饼🌚
Happy new year everyone 😍💕
Cheongsam is definitely a must for CNY 🌚 I really love the design of cheongsam 🥰🥰
Wish everyone a great dragon year, all the best to everyone 💕
What is your plan for CNY? 💕(I am eating the CNY biscuits everyday HAHAHAHA


2024年 第一Po 💕
新的一年 继续为自己的目标前进😍 愿大家心想事成!
还没从北海道之旅反应过来😭 真的好爱去日本旅行啊😭💕 今年内一定还要去!😍 一睡醒就看到白白的雪花飘下来 真的好美好美🥹❤️

First post in 2024 💕
Gonna move towards my new target this year 😍 Wishing everyone’s dream comes true!
I am still in holiday mood from my Hokkaido trip😭 I love travelling to Japan so much 😭💕 I wanna go Japan again this year !😍 Its so pretty to see the snowflakes falling from the sky 🥹❤️

Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 28/08/2023


啊~ 是我🌚🫶🏻🫶🏻 哈哈哈哈哈哈 第一次做了那么疯狂的决定XD 有没有很惊喜呀?💗
这次突然浮出水面 难得出来一下 就想着直接做到最好吧🌚👌 真的很开心啊啊啊啊💗

首先要感谢的是这一切的怂恿者 亚丝娜 アスナ! 一开始有这样疯狂的决定的时候 是你第一个站出来狠狠的推我一把🥹💗 很感谢你 没有你我就不会为我的貂蝉老婆花上完美的句号🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻 此外还要感谢Sotplugs Studio全力的帮忙我解决布置的问题 studio 老板真的很好!我很感激能达成这次的小小心愿🥹💗

此外就是要感谢我的saikang 和admin们,为了我的任性害你们都变成了苦力活😭 我真的很感动,每次需要帮助的时候你们都会在我身边!🥰🥰

当然还有各位支持我的粉丝们!! 😍💗 虽然这三天我都没有很早到, 但是你们都不嫌弃我慢🥹 排队的时候也让你们久等了 😭 对不起 🥲 我真的希望能再和你们多聊一些 🥹 还要谢谢你们每次陪我一起胡说八道 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 💗 也要谢谢你们特都送我小礼物 你们的心意我都收到了🥰🥰

这次第一次bid bunting,说出来的时候我自己都很没用信心🥲 但是没想到这次的bunting 也成功bid 出去了 😭💗💗 谢谢Charles Ho的1314 💗💗 还有更加没想到 Jason Rojak会直接买断Kuji 🤣🤣 谢谢你们的支持🥹🫶🏻

还有一件很重要的事情!!!AMG D2 D3 跟着我的是我的小丫鬟 不是妹妹!!🥰💗💗 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 (跑

📸: Dennis Brian Senpai Photography
👗sponsered by : Ho Hao Keet

Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 22/08/2023

💗 AMG 2023 Merch List 💗
周边List出炉啦🫶🏻 Merch List is OUT 🫶🏻
今年第一次摆摊 花了不少心思 🥹 很期待见到你们呀💗
I spent a lot of effort preparing the merchandise 🥹 Can’t wait to meet y’all 💗

Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 27/07/2023

这次终于没有迟到了 哈哈哈哈哈哈 祝我的宝贝女儿可莉 生日快乐! 🎂🥰 我的第一个萝莉cosplay 🥹💗 可莉小小一个 但是却带着满满的正能量闯进我的心🥹💗💗 她真的好可爱啊啊啊啊😘😘😘
Bom bom Bakudan! 💣🔥
Happy birthday to my cute little daughter - Klee 🥰🥰
This is my very first loli character to cosplay 🤭🤭 She is full with positive energy and she is superrrr adorable!🥹💗💗

📸 Cx4 Photography

Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 13/07/2023

在逃公主系列💗💗 很喜欢粉色系的城堡💗💗

最近都在忙着修图赶AMG 的周边、 因为工作上的事情导致我很压力😭😭 我真的很想念去旅行没有烦恼的日子啊啊啊啊🥲
这次为了AMG 的周边我努力了很久😭 虽然不知道赶得上AMG 没有 但是我会继续努力的😭💗
还有一件重要的事! 有Preorder Fan Tee 的你们可以先检查一下邮箱XD Confirmation 都已经sent out了~ 如果没有收到的话 可以来通知我哦!我怕我笨到漏掉😭😭💗 如过错过preorder的可以在AMG 购买哦 到时候会有少量现货 XD
谢谢你们的支持 很感激一路上都有你么么的陪伴! 🥰

Runaway Princess series 💗 I love pink castle so muchhh 💗💗💗

Sorry that I am being so inactive recently, it is mainly due to my work😭 I am also working hard on my AMG merchandise🥲 I missed those days when I was on vacation where I can have zero negative energy 😭💗💗
I am very grateful to have friends by my side to support me when I am down and in a very depressed mood. Thank you for always be by my side. 🥰🥰
Also, a very important thing is that the confirmation of the fan tee preorder has been sent out! Do check your mail and do reach out to me if I missed out your order 💗💗 Thank you so much for your support! It means so much to me 🥰🥰


Harry Potter: Magic Awakened has officially launched worldwide on all platforms today! I couldn't be more excited to journey back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

Join us with your friends in the enchanting world of magic as we embark on thrilling adventures! It's time to immerse yourself in the magical world and let the adventure begin!

Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 23/06/2023

生活很匆忙、别错过日落和夕阳 🧡
Enjoy the sunset while life still goes on 🧡

Cutoff for Hitomi’s Not Your Waifu Fan Tee Preorder : COUNTDOWN 3️⃣ DAYS!

还没填form 的~要快点咯🥹💗💗 千万不要错过Preorder 哦😭 你们的支持是我的动力!有什么问题都可以来联系我哦💗
For those who havent fill up the preorder form, do it ASAP before the preorder ends! 🥹💗 Your support is my motivation 😭💗 Do PM me if you have any queries on my preorder 💗


Photos from Hitomi 瞳's post 12/06/2023

由于超级久没有拍室外了 这两次瑶的外拍实在是收获满满啊🥹💗💗
我本身对王者的角色都有一定的执着 哈哈哈哈哈 (懂得都懂)每次都会拍好几次才甘愿 因为真的太爱了 🥹🥹💗💗 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 这次要特别感谢两位摄摄 CBL Production 和@憂YUU Photography 为了达到我要的感觉奋不顾身 哈哈哈哈 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ 其实还没开拍前 我已经说很多次我要拍瑶 我要拍瑶 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 最后真的拍了 而且还拍了两次!!好开心!🥰💗💗
每一次的外拍对我来说都有着不同的意义 有种一起去冒险的感觉!要不是有两位摄摄的专业拍摄手法 我真的无法持续的成长!
还有两次的外拍也要感谢Charles Ho 和Michael 两兄弟特地下来saikang🥹 还有就是千里之外(新加坡)特地为了saikang跑来的Jason Rojak !辛苦你们了!最后还有我弟和万能姐姐! 这两次的外拍
我真的很期待最后的成品 哈哈哈哈哈 希望大家到时候会喜欢💗💗


今天多亏了摄摄加了法术 外拍的时候没有下雨!!还有阳光!! 🥹🥹 好感动🥹💗 如果下雨就真的要原地回城了🤣🤣
辛苦摄摄和saikang 们 Charles HoMichael Ho 🥰🥰🥰 谢谢你们又陪我last minute外拍 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 😂
📷 CBL Production

Videos (show all)

AFA SG 2023 只去了一天好可惜🥹 这次特地从🇲🇾去到🇸🇬只为了去AFA D2,去了一天就马上回🇲🇾了😭🫶🏻感谢所有找我合照和拍摄的宝宝们!💕 很高兴能认识你们! 你们都好棒啊啊😭🫶🏻🫶🏻舞蹈白痴的我跳了近20多次才完成的拍摄 哈哈...
小僵尸来袭!!!嘻嘻 想拍这套很久了!! 这次还特地拉了万能姐姐陪我拍 哈哈哈哈哈 太快乐了 wohoooo! 😍💕💕也算是迟来的万圣节?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 希望你们会喜欢 💕Zombies incoming !!I always wante...
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Cibmall 古剑奇谭
Cibmall 古剑奇谭网络版
Cibmall 古剑奇谭网络版
