University of Warsaw FDI Moot Team

University of Warsaw FDI Moot Team

Members and friends of University of Warsaw representation for FDI moot competition.

Photos from University of Warsaw FDI Moot Team's post 14/11/2023

We did it!

We just came back home after an incredible week at FDI Moot Global Finals in Lucknow.

Even though this year’s competition didn’t go fully according to our wishes, we still had an amazing run at the Global Finals. We have competed with remarkable teams and had a chance to prove ourselves before the panel of international arbitrators. We have sharpened our rhetoric and advocacy skills and met incredible practitioners from all around the globe.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the effort off all our team members: Przemek Bednarski, Asia Koc, Grzegorz Wasielewski, Juliana Górecka, Julia Kowalska, Konrad Piotr Wojtowicz. This is our collective achievement!

A big thank you to our coaches who have supported us in many different ways Rafał Morek, Monika Diehl, Martyna Darczuk, Michał Konig and especially to Katarzyna Sokołowska for all the time and effort put into preparing us for the competition. You were always there when we needed you the most!

We are very grateful to Uniwersytet Warszawski, Dentons Kariera and Clifford Chance Warsaw for agreeing to work with us and allowing us to partake in the finals in person! Without you we wouldn’t have made it!

Last but not least, a huge thank you to the organizers of FDI Moot for their incredible effort and dedication to provide us with a challenging competition and make sure we have a great experience in India. We are grateful for all the arbitrators who posed difficult questions and gave us insightful feedback, as well as all the teams we have crossed paths with. You all have been truly worthy opponents! Thank you to the Organizing Committee for making sure we had everything we needed to study and rest and then for rooting for us to do well during our rounds. Special shoutout goes to Shahid and Aditi who took care of us when we were far away from home.


Kolejną współpracującą z nami kancelarią jest Clifford Chance Warsaw!✨

Od ponad 30 lat Clifford Chance wspiera polskie i międzynarodowe przedsiębiorstwa w realizacji ich strategii rynkowych. Klienci kancelarii korzystają z bogatego doświadczenia globalnej sieci prawniczej oraz dogłębnej wiedzy warszawskich prawników na temat regulacji i uwarunkowań gospodarczych w Polsce.

To właśnie wsparcie naszych sponsorów umożliwia nam przygotowanie się do konkursu!🎓


Z przyjemnością informujemy o nawiązaniu współpracy z Dentons Kariera! ✨

W ponad 80 krajach Dentons pomaga rozwijać, chronić, prowadzić i finansować działalność klientów, oferując doradztwo o unikalnym globalnym zasięgu i oparte na lokalnych rozwiązaniach prawnych. Policentryczni, nastawieni na realizację celów i zaangażowani w integrację, różnorodność, równość oraz zrównoważony rozwój, skupiają się na tym, co jest najważniejsze dla klientów.

Współpraca z kancelarią Dentons zapewnia nam, jako młodym polskim prawnikom, nieocenione możliwości rozwoju. 🎓
Dziękujemy za wsparcie!


We are looking for arbitrators for the 13th annual Warsaw FDI Pre-moot! It will take place on 19th-20th October 2023 and 6 teams from universities around the world will take part.

If you are interested, you can register at this link:

It allows to register your willingness to take part in the role of an arbitrator for one or more rounds taking place between
(i) 19 October, 10:00 - 12:00,
(ii) 19 October, 12:30 - 14:30
(iii) 20 October, 10:00 - 12:00
(iv) 20 October, 12:30 - 14:30.

See you in Warsaw!

Wyjazd drużyny UW na Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot w Indiach 03/10/2023

🇵🇱 Wobec wysokich kosztów związanych z przygotowaniami oraz uczestnictwem w konkursie FDI Moot, prosimy Państwa o finansowe wsparcie.

W tym roku z uwagi na odległe miejsce finałowych rozgrywek, koszty uczestnictwa są znacznie wyższe niż w latach ubiegłych. Będziemy wdzięczni za każdą wpłatę, gdyż przybliży nas ona do wyjazdu na upragniony finał w Lucknow w Indiach.

Państwa wsparcie będzie nieocenione, ponieważ da nam możliwość nauki poprzez rywalizację z najlepszymi drużynami z całego świata! Wierzymy, że okazana pomoc okaże się inwestycją w kolejne pokolenia młodych i zdolnych polskich prawników.


🇬🇧 In view of high costs associated with preparation and participation in this years' edition of FDI Moot, we have decided to ask for your financial support.

This year due to the remote location of the finals, the costs are much higher than in the previous years. We would appreciate any donation as it will bring us closer to the long-awaited finals in Lucknow, India.

Your support will be invaluable, as it will give us the opportunity to learn by competing with the best teams from around the globe. We believe that your support will prove to be an investment in the next generation of young and talented Polish lawyers.
Thank you!

Wyjazd drużyny UW na Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot w Indiach Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot jest jednym z najbardziej prestiżowych konkursów arbitrażowych dla studentów prawa, w którym bierze udział ponad 100 drużyn z całego świata. Tematyka konkursu dotyczy arbitrażu inwestycyjnego, zaś do zadań uczestników należy reda...


The last team member to be presented is Grzegorz Wasielewski!

Grzegorz is a fifth-year Law student at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. After starting his academic career in Cracow, he moved to Warsaw, where he works at an international law firm and actively participates in student life. He is a graduate of British Law Center operating in cooperation with University of Cambridge, as well as the School of Law and Economy of China. He was a member of teams participating in Pax Moot and Vis Moot competitions.


Let us present to you, Konrad Wojtowicz!

Konrad is a second-year Law student at University of Warsaw and a third-year European Law student at Maastricht University. He gained his legal experience working at international law firms in Warsaw and London, as well as at the British Embassy in Warsaw. He won ELSA National Negotiation Competition in the Netherlands and represented University of Warsaw as a Team Member at Willem C. Vis Moot in Vienna. In his free time, he develops his start-up Trustree, where he connects different aspects of law and new technologies.


Our next member is Julia Kowalska!

Julia is a fifth-year Law student and a third-year French Philology student at University of Warsaw. She took part in an ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition as a Team Member and gained legal experience working in dispute resolution departments in leading Warsaw law firms. She speaks English and French fluently, hoping she will be able to add Spanish to that list very soon.


Another day, Another team member!

Asia Koc is a third-year Law Student at University of Warsaw. She has just graduated with a BA in International Relations from the same university. She has also completed her exchange studies at SciencesPo Grenoble and speaks English and French fluently. Joanna is a member and an author at the Młodzi o Polityce initiative, as well as a leader at Scouts' Association of the Republic of Poland. Her interests include law in an international environment, South-East Asian politics and Polish cinema.


Our next team member is Juliana Górecka.

Juliana is a fourth-year Law student at University of Warsaw and a third-year Global Business, Finance and Governance student at Warsaw School of Economics. She was a member of this year's Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition Team which won 3rd place in the competition. She speaks English and Spanish fluently. She is also a graduate of Warsaw Chopin Music School and in her free time, she enjoys singing and composing music.


Who will represent University of Warsaw at the FDI Moot this year?

The answer is here!

Our first team member is a familiar face - Przemek Bednarski.

Przemek was a member of last year's winning team and has also gained mooting experience as a member of the UW Vis Moot Team. He has been working in the dispute resolution department at one of the leading law firms in Warsaw and he has graduated from the British Law Center operating in cooperation with the University of Cambridge. He can speak English and German fluently. In his free time, he enjoys running and skiing.


Zapraszamy do drużyny reprezentującej UW w międzynarodowym konkursie Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot.
Profil drużyny FDI UW na Facebooku:
Oficjalna strona internetowa konkursu:
Zainteresowanych prosimy o wysłanie zgłoszenia na adres [email protected] w celu otrzymania szczegółowych informacji.


We are so excited to share with you that we scored 1st place (out of 72 teams participating in Globals!) in the the FDI Moot receiving the Skadden Arps FDI Moot Global Orals 2022 Award!

Our joy doesn’t end there! Our pleader Julia Jeleńska was also selected as the Best Oralist of the competition receiving the Thomas Wälde Award and as the Best Advocate of the Final Round! Our second pleader Jan Bałdyga was also chosen as the Top 3 Honorable Mention Advocate!

These achievements would not have been possible without each and every member of the Team Aleksandra Kozerska, Karolina Iskierka, Agnieszka Starczewska, Krzysztof Walczyk and Przemyslaw Bednarski!
This year was truly marked by an incredible team spirit, loyalty and solidarity which carried us through long nights of strategizing, discussing and researching together the issues of, among others, Full Protection and Security, Moral Damages or Exhaustion of Local Remedies.

We are so grateful to our coaches Monika Diehl, Martyna Darczuk, Michał König and Wojciech Giemza who have supported us in so many different ways!

We express our deepest gratitude also for the continuous support of our team’s advisor and mentor Morek. You were always there for us when we needed you the most!

Huge thanks also to our University Uniwersytet Warszawski and our sponsor Clifford Chance Warsaw. Without your support we could not have made it!

Last but not least, a huge thank you goes to the organizers of the FDI Moot for their incredible effort, expertise and such commitment to the project that allows us, students, to hone our advocacy skills and to have a taste of what true investment arbitration proceedings are like. Thank you also to all the incredible arbitrators - you have challenged us to think outside of the box and we will not forget your invaluable advice.

Lastly (this time truly lastly), thank you and huge shoutout to all the the teams we have crossed paths with - it was such a pleasure to plead against some of the best mooters we have ever encountered! We hope to see you next year!!!

Mobile uploads 05/11/2022

We made it to the final 8! 🤩 Next rounds take place tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed! 🤞🏻

Photos from University of Warsaw FDI Moot Team's post 05/11/2022

We made it to London!
Today we proceed with the group phase of the pleadings. Keep your fingers crossed!


Welcome back!

Although some days have passed since we competed in the 12th Warsaw PreMoot we can still feel the thrill of this intense experience!

We would like to express our thanks to all the teams who came from all over Europe to share with us this event.

We also want to thank everyone involved in our pre-moot preparation, organization and especially for participation in it!
We could not have done it without you!
Many thanks to our coaches, arbitrators, participants and co-organizers for helping us bring the event to life.

Many thanks also to our pre-moot sponsor DWF for hosting the 12th Warsaw PreMoot and our sposor Clifford Chance for supporting our dream of competing in the Global Rounds in London already next week!

See you next year and keep your fingers crossed for us!


Today we are presenting our final team member - Przemek Bednarski.

Przemek is a fifth-year student. In the previous year he was also a member of the UW Vis Moot Team participating in the finals in Vienna. He graduated from the British Law Center operating in cooperation with the University of Cambridge. In the coming year he will hold the position of Vice President in the Civil Procedure Society. His interests are related to intellectual property law and arbitration and civil proceedings, which he also develops professionally, working in the dispute resolution department of one of the leading law firms in Warsaw. In his free time he enjoys running, taking photos and editing videos.


Today we present you another team member - Karolina Iskierka.

Karolina is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Warsaw. She recently turned back to Poland after spending one term at University of Groningen, where she gained knowledge about inter-state and investment arbitration. For five years she has been an active member of European Law Students Association ELSA Poland, where, beyond pro bono activities, she held positions of President of ELSA Warszawa and Director in charge of External Contacts of ELSA Poland. Over the years she’s been gaining professional experience in litigation departments in leading law firms. Her professional interests revolve around civil procedure, alternative dispute resolution and international human rights law. She’s fluent in English and speaks German on an intermediate level. Personally, she is a proud owner of 19 plants and is enthusiastic about exploring new cuisines and tv-series.


Another week, another team member! Today, we are presenting Jan Bałdyga.

Jan is a final-year law student at the University of Warsaw. He has been gaining professional experience while working in the field of arbitration and litigation at leading international law firms. Jan is an experienced mooter having already participated in the FDI Moot twice and achieving the 5-th Place in the Global Rounds in 2021. He participated also in Philip C. Jessup IMCC and Hugo Sinzheimer MCC. Moreover, he received a diploma in French and International law at the University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas and he is a graduate of the Center for American Law Studies organized in cooperation with Georgia State University and the Emory Law School. He speaks English and French fluently. Privately, Jan is enthusiastic about scouting, hiking and playing drums as well as a big football fan cheering for FC Barcelona (not only due to Lewandowski’s transfer ;)).


Another team member to be presented is Aleksandra Kozerska.

Aleksandra is a fourth-year law student at the University of Warsaw and a graduate of Maastricht University, where she obtained her bachelor's degree in European law. She represented the UW at the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot and Hugo Sinzheimer MCC. Aleksandra is gaining experience in leading Warsaw law firms. Her professional interests focus on international commercial law, alternative dispute resolution and intellectual property. In her free time, she loves travelling, culinary experiments and learning Korean.


Today we are presenting another team member :)

Agnieszka Starczewska is a 5th year law student at the University of Warsaw and a graduate of the Center for American Law Studies organized in cooperation with Georgia State University and Emory Law School. She represented University of Warsaw in several moots, among them Philip C. Jessup IMCC and Nuremberg Moot Court. Agnieszka is interested in international public, environmental and international investment law. On a daily basis she is also participating in the Oxford-style debating tournaments as a judge, coach or a competitor. She is also a Vice-President of the Comparative Law Society of University of Warsaw, as well as Coordinator of the Regional Group of the Americas in the Forum of Young Diplomats. In her free time she loves to travel, bake and roller skate. :D


Today we are presenting Krzysztof Walczyk.

Krzysztof Walczyk is a final year law student at the University of Warsaw and a graduate of the British Law Centre organised in cooperation with the University of Cambridge. He has represented the University of Warsaw in numerous international competitions, including two recent editions of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. He received the "excellent speaker" award in the Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition 2021, an international competition on European labour law. Currently, Krzysztof is gaining vital experience in international arbitration at a leading law firm. Privately, Krzysztof is a proud owner of a dog and an enthusiast of Czech literature.


New year-new team! We want you to get to know us a little better!

First person we would to introduce is Julia Jeleńska. Julia is a 5th year law student at the University of Warsaw, passionate about investment arbitration and international commercial law. She is gaining experience in her chosen fields by working in the litigation and arbitration department of a leading international law firm and successfully representing the University of Warsaw in international competitions, winning, among others, individual Honourable Mention and 5th place in the Global Rounds at the FDI Moot in 2021, as well as individual Best Speaker award and 3rd team place at the CEMC Moot. During her time at the University, Julia graduated with distinction from the Chinese and German law programmes, studying at universities in China, Germany and Switzerland. She is also a graduate of the British Law Centre. Julia is fluent in English, French and German and is currently learning Hungarian. She loves water sports and analog photography.


To all those interested in participating in this year's FDI Moot - we are recruiting! Defend the state or pursue claims relating to an investment in...cannabis ;) London finals awaiting!
