Mapogo Lions

Mapogo Lions

To learn more about us, please read our history located in the Note Section.

Londolozi - a coalition of lion 28/01/2024

Mapogo Males/Eyrefield Males/Sparta Males

Information/background on The Mapogo Male Coalition has been gathered from various sites (Mala Mala, Londolozi, Djuma, Savanna, Nkorho, Elephant Plains,Singita, Exeter, Arathusa, Ulusaba, Inyati, Wildwatch, Idube, Leopard Hills, Simbambili) and their sightings databases along with helpful rangers and staff at the various lodges and reserves answering questions sent their way.

Mapogo Coalition - 6 Male Lions also known as the Eyrefield Males, and the Sparta Males. In some regions they were called “Cannibals“. The Mapogo name was after a security company that utilizes rather harsh methods in dealing with offenders. We’ve found several different meanings for Mapogo. Ulusaba refers to it as meaning “Vigilantes“ and Savanna Lodge refers to the Mapogo name being a Zulu word meaning “Rogues”. Whatever the meaning, they are Bad News!
They were born into the Eyrefield Pride aka Sparta Pride This pride still exists and consists of 3 adult females and 9 cubs. Two of the remaining Eyrefield pride lionesses are siblings of the Mapogos and the third and oldest lioness could be the mother to some of them. The dominant male of this Pride today is the one remaining RollerCoaster/Shaw/Castleton Male.

They were sired by a coalition of 5 Males known as The West Street Males aka The Sparta Males. (Note: There is a twist to this story that we will share a little later.) These males took over the Eyrefield/Sparta pride from the Manyeleti males in 1998. They were approximately 8 yrs of age at the time and successfully raised many cubs to adulthood during their reign. The last of this coalition died in 2004 at the approximate age of 14 years or even older (some reports indicated the last two were plus/minus 16 yrs. in 2003 when two of the original four Marthly/Split Rock/Robson males moved in).

The oldest Mapogo male is said to be unrelated to the other 5. The story is that the original pride (Eyrefield/Sparta) lost a male sub adult of 20 to 21 months of age in May/June 2000 and in July 2000 this male of about the same age latched on to the original pride. Though not readily accepted by the lionesses, the West Street Males barely tolerated him though they did not kill him as he was no threat to their dominance due to his age. His life was not an easy one as he was considered an outcast, yet this young lion became one of the boldest and most valued hunters by helping to keep the pride fed when the West Street males became too old.
Londolozi refers to the oldest Mapogo male as "Ngalalalekha”. Ngala means lion so does lalekha mean “old, older, oldest”? Good question for Rexon. Another name for this male is "Ngalagalega" said to mean "The Lonely Lion". This oldest Male is elusive. He is said to be bigger, bolder and darker than the other five. He is believed to be the sire of most of the Mapogo cubs that have been born so far but with more recent reports of matings, it seems some of the other males will become fathers too if not already. (Note: See section on Cubs Sired by the Mapogo below)
One story about this older Mapogo male is when Londolozi reported a sighting of two hyena clans on a buffalo carcass. A group of approximately 25 adult elephants standing shoulder to shoulder with little ones behind them were staring the hyenas down. A noise was heard behind the vehicle and when the spotlight was shown in that direction an “enormous” male lion burst into their sight roaring louder than any roar they had ever heard before which sent 30 hyenas scattering. It was the leader of the six Mapogo. He stared down the wall of elephants which after about 5 minutes of standing their ground finally gave way to the lone male and moved off. The older and currently the dominant male of the Mapogo is easily identified by his broken right canine tooth.

An Amazing Sighting in March 2009:
Summation of reports by Exeter and Leopard Hills on the lone survivor of the Sand River Pride that were shot outside of the reserve a few months back:
This youngster is barely surviving on his own and it seems in this incident he came upon the Ottawa/Robson pride that were territorial enemies of the Sand River pride. The 2 adult lionesses and even some of their 6 juvenile cubs were attacking the Sand River youngster. Luck would be with him on this particular day as the oldest Mapogo happened to be with the Ottawa pride. He is the father of the Ottawa cubs and he is also the father of the surviving Sand River cub. Amazingly, the Mapogo male stepped in and chased the pride off of the Sand River youngster. Each time they attacked the youngster, the oldest Mapogo stepped in to protect him. What is even more amazing is, the pride made an Impala kill and later a Wildebeest kill and both times the Mapogo male chased the pride off allowing only the starving youngster to remain with near him. One can only wonder if the oldest Mapogo remembers being in a similar position as a youngster? He too was an outcast at a very young age, lost from his pride, and sustained much abuse from the Eyrefield pride that he was finally accepted into many years ago. What ever the reason for his defense of this youngster, let's just hope he continues to offer him this much needed protection.

The Other 5 Mapogo Males are said to be sired by the West Street Males but here is where the twist comes in, the two youngest might have been sired by the Roller Coaster Males aka Shaw Males aka Castleton Males. The Roller Coaster males were believed to have started out as a Coalition of 6. Four of which enticed some of the Eyrefield/Sparta females into mating with them while the aging West Street males were away from the pride. Thus it is unclear who actually fathered the two youngest. And to add another twist, it is said that the West Street Males who sired the Mapogo also fathered the Roller Coaster/Shaw/Castleton males.

Estimated ages of the Mapogo Coaliton as of Dec 2009:
Oldest and Unrelated Male 11 yrs 2 mos (Makulu/Ngalagalega.
Two Older Related Males 8 yrs 11 mos (Some call them twins. T2/Pretty Boy and brother Red/Rasta-Dreadlocks/Leonides
Note: Red/Rasta-Dreadlocks/Leonides disappeared July 2010 and is presumed dead at age 9 1/2 yrs.
One a younger male 8 yrs 9 mos. Snip Tail/Scar - missing end of tail tuft, scar through nose.
Two youngest males (Kinky Tail/Shaka and Mr T/Mohawk/Satan - possibly sired by the Roller Coaster Males) 8 yrs 1 mo.
Note: Snip Tail/Scar also known as Dreadlocks in Western Sector disappeared Nov 2010 at age 9 yrs. 8 mos.
Note: Kinky Tail/Shaka was killed June 2010 at approx. age of 8 1/2 yrs.
The two youngest are distinguished from the others by their immature manes sporting mohawk style look to them. Sometimes referred to Mr. T and T2 on some reserves with Mr. T being known as Satan due to his aggression towards other lions/lionesses/cubs and his willingness to initiate a fight. Correction: Thanks to Mala Mala and Rob Vamplew, apparently Kinky Tail and Mr. T are the two youngest.

Order of Dominance: It is thought that the oldest Mapogo is still the most dominant of the six with the next in line for dominance being the one with a snipped tail (his tail tuff looks like someone took scissors and cropped it).

Cubs Sired by the Mapogo Coalition:
Prides that currently or previously have/had cubs sired by a Mapogo are the Tsalala/Marthly pride, the Othawa pride and the Sand River pride.
NOTE: Jan 2009 -The Sand River pride with their 5 male sub adult cubs feeling pressure from the Mapogo coaliton escaped the safety of the reserve and the entire pride (2 lionesses and 4 sub adults) were shot and killed. Only one sub adult male survived the shooting and his survival is uncertain due to his young age.
More than likely, there are other cubs by the Mapogo coalition as well. There is speculation that the Mapogo sired the Styx Pride's cubs or at least some of them. but if that is the case... don't anyone tell the old Roller Coaster male as he thinks all those cubs are his and readily accepts them. The Styx "girls" seem to spend a lot of time dodging the Mapogo and it has been reported on a number of occasions that the lionesses fought off the Mapogo Males while another lioness would lead the cubs to safety usually with the old Roller Coaster Male in tow.
Specifically, two Mapogo seem to be spending a lot of time chasing after the Styx pride on Mala Mala for the last six months or so. They are described as Kinky Tail (broken tail) and Mohawk (one of the ones known as Mr. T or T2 in other areas of Sabi Sands) and is said to have a broken nose. Reports of these conflicts to date indicate the Styx pride either on their own or with the old Roller Coaster male have been able to fend them off and protect the cubs. Usually, the Mapogo have suffered severe beatings when attempts were made to get to the cubs.

2009 Updates:
In March of 2009, of the current Styx Pride cubs, two oldest are known to be sired by the Roller Coaster Male, seven are either by the Roller Coaster male or various members of the Mapogo or a combination of both, the most recently born cubs this past month are said to be by the Mapogo. (Report from Ranger Andrew at Mala Mala)
A recent report (Mar 2009) by Elephant Plains stated that the Robson Pride (once thought to have all been entirely killed off by the Mapogo) have returned with 10 month old cubs and the older Mapogo is accompanying them at this time. Hope we find out more on this story soon.
May 2009 update on the two Mapogo and the Styx Pride from Mala Mala indicate that Kinky Tail and one of the Moawk boys are now spending a great deal of time with the two Styx lionesses thought to have two small cubs in or around Campbell Koppies. The rest of the Styx Pride with the older cubs have fled Mala Mala spending most of their time in and around Djuma and neighboring reserves.
The two cubs were thought to be one from each lioness as they are noticeably different in size. That theory was put in doubt this past week when the older Styx lioness was seen mating with both Mapogo Males for four consecutive days. She was seen a week or so ago with a severe puncture wound to her skull and badly limping. She was progressing in her recovery but is now sporting another new puncture wound and again limping badly since the aggressive mating sessions. During some of the mating period, the younger lioness and the two small cubs were nearby.
Another strange occurrence was when Mala Mala rangers came across another Styx Lioness with two recently born cubs. Barely able to walk, it seemed the lioness was leading them to a new den site. They hoped the little ones would survive the journey.
May 17, 2009 - Two Mapogo Males (Kinky Tail and Mr T) were viewed on early in the AM. One Styx Lioness was with them. Strangely, she laid out in the full sun with her head down with Mr T close by guarding her from escaping. Kinky Tail lay further off and it was apparent he had an injury to his front right foot/leg.
Tracks seen on one of the roadways, indicated there had been a fight between several males. The tracks of the Styx Pride and their cubs were there also. Later in the AM, radio reports indicated that two presumed members of the Mapogo Coalition were chasing the Manyeleti Male. He was chased all the way to the Northern border of Buffelshoek. After going back to the sighting of the two Mapogo with the Styx Lioness, Mr T had moved off from the lioness to the shade near where his brother lay. The lioness remained in the full sun. As Kinky Tail rested, Mr. T kept a watchful eye on his prized possession. The Styx girls are known for their cunningness and this lioness proved it once again. She continued her submissive stance until the boys felt comfortable enough to let their guard down and OFF she went leaving the boys in the dust.
Video of her escape:
Late in May, Arathusa reported tracks at the airstrip showed a fight had occurred. The Styx and the Mapogo seem to have tangled. The Styx Pride became separated with some venturing back to the airstrip looking for lost members. Eventually, they reunited but missing were 3 cubs and one lioness had a severe wound to her shoulder. Add to Arathusa's report these sightings at Mala Mala and Djuma and things are not looking good for the Styx Pride. Have the Mapogo taken their toll on this pride?

May 25, 2009 Djuma : Sighting of one lioness identified as a Styx Lioness and one cub.

May 24,2009 Mala Mala - Two of the older cubs were seen all alone but appeared to be in good condition. They were calling for the rest of the pride or their siblings. The next day (25th), at the site where the 2 Styx girls have the young cubs, a lone older cub was found not far away. It was thought to be one of the older cubs seen the night before. One of the younger adult lionesses appeared but was not welcomed by the two lionesses with the young cubs. The young adult lioness was said to be extremely emaciated and in poor condition. She kept her distance from the other 2 adults due to their aggressive behavior towards her and joined the single older cub. The following day (26th), the bulk of the pride was found, 3 adults and 6 cubs South of the Clarendon open area.

May 30th 2009 - The Styx Pride was observed on Djuma around Vuyatela. The count seemed to be of only four lionesses and six cubs.

June 14th - 17th 2009 - The Styx Pride was seen with only four lionesses and five cubs in attendance. Two of the lionesses were limping. Have the rest of the pride usually seen with this core group fallen victim to the Mapogo Coalition? Missing are one adult lioness and four cubs.

May 2009 - Status of the Eyrefield/Sparta Pride the Mapogo natal pride: This pride has sustained attacks by the Mapogo Coaliton recently. The first happened West of Mala Mala and missing after the attack were 2 adult lionesses, 1 of the 8 surviving sub adults, and the Tsalala young male known as Solo who has been adopted into the Eyrefield/Sparta Pride in recent months. Apparently, all survived the attack and eventually reunited. Then reports of another attack occurred again splitting the pride as they fled. One sub adult male was reported killed by Rangers in the West. The 3 adult lionesses, 5 sub adults, and the old Roller Coaster Male made it safely back into Mala Mala. Missing were two sub adults and Solo, the Tsalala young male. Eventually the 2 sub adults and Solo were found also back into Mala Mala but remained separated from the rest of the pride for several days.

May 7th 2009 sighting of the Eyrefield/Sparta Pride by Mala Mala proved puzzling. Found were 6 sub adults, the Old Roller Coaster Male, and Solo the young Tsalala male. Missing were all 3 adult lionesses along with one female sub adult. Last seen, the 6 sub adults and the two males were mobile searching and calling for their lost members. Update: The pride was reunited the next day per Andrew at Mala Mala.

What have the Mapogo Coalition been up to so far for the month of June 2009?
The oldest Mapogo has been staying with the Othawa Pride in the Western Sector of Sabi Sands. Ulusaba reported for the second half of June the Othawa Pride and the one Mapogo made a Giraffe kill. In attendance was the lone Sand River cub that was sired by the older Mapogo. Sadly, the youngster lost his fight for survival as his condition was just too poor. He was found laying dead next to the Giraffe kill. Three of the Mapogo Males have been spending most of their time mating with the five Ximungwe lionesses.
Two of the younger Mapogo Males, Kinky Tail and M. T, have been spreading their selves between spending time with two of the Styx Pride and their two young cubs. The rest of the time they seem to still be creating havoc for the lions in and around Mala Mala.
On the 10th of June, the two Mapogo males attacked three new young male lions. The new lions are said to be about four years old. The fight was intense and ended with the three new males vanishing.
It should also be noted that one young adult Styx lioness that was very emaciated and last seen with two of the four missing older Styx cubs seems to have vanished along with the cubs. Last reports were that Mala Mala rangers went to where the trio was seen last and they were no where to be found. Male lion tracks believed to be those of Kinky Tail and Mr. T were all around. The lioness and the cubs have not been seen for several weeks now and it is feared they did not survive.
June 23rd thru 29th 2009 - Two Mapogo (Kinky Tail and Mr. T) were near Gowrie Main on a buffalo kill. On the morning of the 28th, the two Styx lionesses that have small cubs by the Mapogo joined them on the kill. The two cubs were in attendance.
During this same time period, Mala Mala reported an incident on the 26th of June where one of the Mapogo Males (thought to be one of the two on the buffalo kill) accompanied by the older Styx lioness that is usually with the two youngest cubs were chasing three of the other Styx Lionesses. The three lionesses ran South but eventually skirted around their pride sister and the Mapogo male and returned North. It was assumed that the bulk of the pride may have been attacked by the Mapogo Males and the three lionesses had fled leading them away from the other lioness that would have tried to get the cubs to safety. No sightings of the rest of the pride, so the outcome and wellbeing of the other lioness and the five cubs is unknown at this time.

July 2009 Updates:
July 10, 2009 - Eyrefield/Sparta Pride was reported by Mala Mala to be running for their lives from the two Mapogo males, Kinky Tail and Mr. T.

July 12, 2009 - Kinky Tail and Mr. T seen on the morning drive. They were heading out of the area. They may have come into Djuma due to the recent activity of 3 young males lions moving around the area or they may have been on the scent of the Styx Pride.
In September 2009, Mala Mala renamed the two Mapogo/Eyrefield Males (Kinky Tail and Mr. T aka Mohawk) that have taken up territory there. They are now known as the Mlowathi Males

On November 16, 2009 - Mala Mala reported the Mlowathi/Mapogo male known as Mohawk/Mr T seen running near Campbell Koppies in Mala Mala. He was chasing 3 Styx lionesses and two sub adult females (these two sub adults had been separated from the core pride for a couple of weeks and apparently had just reunited with some of the adults). The adult lionesses ceased running and left the two sub adults to their own fate. One got away but the other was not as fortunate and after a 45 minute run for her life the huge male was upon her. She lay submissively until the huge male stood over her and knowing her fate she tried to fight. One blow with his paw brought her down and the powerful clamp of his jaws broke her neck. The brave little female was no more

Updates thru Jan 1st, 2010. Towards the end of August the two males (Kinky Tail & Mr, T) killed a hippo on Londolozi and the old lioness was severely injured either during a feeding frenzy or aggressive mating. Elephant Plains reports the back part of her spine was snapped during an apparent feeding frenzy. She eventually died from her injuries near Camp Dam. Her body was pulled into the dam and fed off of by crocs. This left the younger Styx lioness with the two small cubs. Sadly, the two cubs did not make it with only the one lioness trying to care for them.

The Tsalala Pride and their 8 cubs sired by the two Mlowathi/Mapogo males have been flourishing under the protection of these two males. Of course, the exceptional hunting skills and the commitment to protect their cubs by the 3 Tsalala females also plays heavily with how healthy these 8 cubs are.

During the month of December, the two Mlowathi/Mapogo males have been seen mating with some of the adult Eyrefield/Sparta Pride lionesses. Though these males were born into this pride they have also decided they want to dominate it. With the recent death (Jan 1st 2010) of the Rollercoaster Male (dominant male of the Eyrefield/Sparta Pride), one wonders what is in store for the 7 sub adults of the Eyrefield/Sparta Pride and the young Tsalala male that accompanies them.
During these past few months the other four Mapogo males have been leading very productive lives in the Western Sector. Mating with the females of the Ximungwe Pride and the Othawa/Robson Pride. Four new cubs were presented on Christmas Day by one of the Othawa/Ottawa/Robson females. May they prosper under the protection of the Mapogo/Eyrefield Males the same as the 6 sub adults of this pride have.

Update July 9, 2010 - Throughout the first part of 2010, the 4 males in the Western sector have mostly been content taking care of their prides the Ximungwe and Ottawa. New cubs being born with some being lost to predators but most flourishing until just recently.

The two Mapogo/Mlowathi males, Kinky Tail and Mr. T, went about their usual business of chasing, attacking, killing cubs of prides they did not control. They finally won over the adult lionesses of the Eyrefield/Sparta pride and 3 cubs were born from that union. They continued their association with the Tsalala pride and the cubs they sired,
On June 8th, 2010 things changed dramatically for the lions in the area and under the protection of the Mapogo/Mlowathi males. Mr, T and Kinky tail were again hot on the trail of a young new coalition of 5 males. (Magingilanes)The morning of June 8th, they caught up with two of them and mortally wounded one that died later that day. That night, Kinky Tail confronted the 4 remaining males near the Nkorho Lodge. A horrific fight took place that could be heard on the live cam at Nkorho. Kinky Tail was killed and eaten by the young males and Mr. T who arrived too late was wounded and chased far away.
Kinky Tail Story by Karin van der Merwe, Nkorho Bush Lodge:

The end of an era by Peter Rundle, Nkorho Bush Lodge:

Video posted by Karin van der Merwe on Nkorho Bush Lodge page:
WARNING - Very Graphic - Includes the death of Kinky Tail. Fighting Lions - Nkorho Bush Lodge:

The four young males, now named the Majingilane males, had a new confidence and set out to find and kill Mr T. Sometime during the night of June 28th or early am of the 29th, they tracked Mr T in Londolozi and found him with the Tsalala pride and their 8 youngsters. Another fight ensued leaving Mr T running to the West to rejoin his brothers and the Tsalala pride scattered in all directions. Two of the youngsters were later confirmed killed, one male and one female. With Mr T in the safety of his coalition brothers, it seemed all was well for the time being but soon reports of cubs in the Ximungwe pride being killed and injured. Speculation was that Mr. T/Satan was responsible. In his defense, it may have been a case of the youngsters getting caught up in a feeding frenzy but one will never know for sure.

July 5th - For the first time in many months, all 5 surviving Mapogo males appeared in Londolozi. They were reported to be roaring in defiance of any other lions in the area. They made a sub adult buffalo kill and returned to the Western sector after finishing it off.
During the very early hours of July 9th, sounds of male lions fighting were heard on the Elephant Plains live cam. The sounds were almost deafening and sounded much like the night at Nkorho when Kinky Tail was killed. No lions were seen and by the am the lions had moved off into Robson.
The Western sector had last seen the 5 Mapogo males moving towards the North Central Sabi Sand and then later in the morning of the 9th, only 3 reappeared, Mr. T, Makulu, the oldest and one other. The whereabouts of the other two is unknown at this time. As to which lions were heard at Elephant Plains and what may have transpired.... that too is unknown.

GRAPHIC Videos of Kinky Tail and Mr. T attacking and mortally wounding one of the young males of the Majingilane Coalition on the morning of June 8th 2010.
Two male lions attack and kill another male lion - Video #1
Two male lions attack and kill another male lion - Video #2 -
Two male lions attack and kill another male lion - Video #3 -

Sounds of lions at war at Nkorho on June 8th when Kinky Tail was killed:
Death of a Mapogo - Kinky Tail - 06/08/10 -pt 1
Death of a Mapogo - Kinky Tail - 06/08/10 -pt 2
Death of a Mapogo - Kinky Tail - 06/08/10 -pt 3
Death of a Mapogo - Kinky Tail - 06/08/10 -pt 4

UPDATE after the fight sounds at Elephant Plains, July 9th, 2010. Later in July, one of the missing Mapogo twin brothers reappeared in the Western Sector. He's is the one some know as T2 or Pretty Boy. He was recovering from severe injuries which seemed to include a bent spine. Sadly, his brother (aka Red, Leonides, Rasta/Dreadlocks) never reappeared and it can only be assumed he did not survive the fight.

Sounds of the lions at Elephant Plains July 9th, 2010. Fight?:
Lion sounds at Elephant Plains - 07/09/10 - Pt 1
Lion sounds at Elephant Plains - 07/09/10 - Pt 2
Lion sounds at Elephant Plains - 07/09/10 - Pt 3

This next video was taken at Savanna Lodge, Sabi Sand, Oct 9th, 2010. The previously injured Mapogo (T2/Pretty Boy) with the bent spine seems to be very capable of holding his own when he fights Mr. T/Satan over a female.

Update December 29, 2010 - Reports coming in from Leopard Hills and other reserves in the Western Sector indicate the Mapogo Coalition is missing another member. Dreadlocks/Snip Tail has not been seen for a few weeks according to Leopard Hills Blog of December 24th.
December 12th, 3 Mapogo males were near the Idube Lodge with the 4th male thought to be off with the females. Due to the lack of sightings of the 4th member, some are speculating his demise.
On the last sighting of Dreadlocks, it was reported he was North of the Sand River near the Ottawa boundary... is it possible he is just stranded due to the Sand River being in flood stage? Let's hope that is the case and Dreadlocks will reunite with his brothers soon.
Update January 2012 - Three of the Mapogo Males are still going strong in the Western Sector. Plenty of turmoil within their prides, cubs being born and some being killed without reasoning but the three males seem to be living a normal life of a lion. Sadly, Dreadlocks/Snip Tail was never seen after disappearing in 2010.

More Videos
Christmas day 2009 - The Ottawa pride bring their 4 new cubs out for the first time!

Videos from Idube showing tidbits of the lives of the four Mapogo/Eyrefield males lives in the Western Sector.
Three of the Mapogo working their way through a wildebeest kill that they may, or may not, have killed themselves. The Ottawa pride were in attendance but were not feeding.
The Makulu Mapogo roars as the sun sets in the African bush.
Makulu Mapogo and a Ximunghwe female during an afternoon game drive.

The Mapogo Coalition is not the first nor will it be the last large coalition. Being the first large coalition that WildEarth viewers have encountered, it is hard to comprehend that the current lion population can survive with all these killings, but they will. The survivors of this onslaught will be the “new” beginning, the “next” generation just as the survivors of past large coalitions were. We don‘t like it and we don‘t have to like it but sadly it is the nature of being a wild lion.

They impacted the lion population in just the couple of years since they became independent. Here are a few reports:
Londolozi reported that five prides that have been adversely affected by the Mapogos. They cited these three. Castleton Pride originally 22 and down to 6. Tsalala Pride originally 10 and down to 5. Ximunvanyane Pride originally 10 down to ZERO. We can say confidently, the number of prides adversely affected has risen since the Londolozi report.

Elephant Plains reported early 2008 of receiving a report from Sabi Sands stating almost 40% of the lion population has been killed by the Mapogo Coalition in just the past year. That relates to approximately 50 lions.

Quote from Elephant Plains referencing the Mapogo “Killing buffalo, adult giraffes, even young rhinos and hippos, along with the lions. And they were not just killing the lions, they were eating them.”
More on their cannibalistic ways. On February 7th, 2007, the Mapogo not only brutally killed “Rocky” aka the Serengeti/Kruger male but they ate him. “Rocky” was the dominant male that sired the 6 cubs of the two younger Tsalala pride lionesses. All those cubs have been killed except for one sub adult female that has either been killed since or has joined another pride, the Ximungwe pride. Currently the Tsalala pride falls under the dominance of the Mapogo. In the same report Singita, tells of “Rocky’s” death, they also mentioned the Mapogo being seen eating a dead lioness the previous year.
Hyenas better watch out too! We haven’t seen any reports of them eating hyena but they do kill them as shown in this sighting from Exeter.

One of Elephant Plains 2008 Newsletter had a graphic photo of a Mapogo Male with a hyena in it’s mouth. Though the Hyena was not killed on the spot, it died from the injuries sustained.

The Mapogo Males not only kill other males’ cubs but cubs of their own. Ulusaba reported in June 2007 that a split in the coalition had occurred (though this split seems to have only been temporary as today they are seen all together at times but more frequently seen in groups of four and two). During this report period the 5 related Mapogos killed the oldest unrelated Mapogo’s cubs belonging to the Othawa lionesses.
The Mapogo seem to have banded back together as a coalition after the short term split in 2007. Ulusaba, reported in March 2008 that the coalition had joined the Sand River pride on one of their occasional visits to see their offspring. They all shared in two wildebeest kills including the FIVE male cubs (was this the beginning of another large coalition before it ended with the tragic shooting of the Sand River pride?). One of the cubs thought it would be fun to slap his sleeping father on the nose. He found out that was a mistake, his father exploded to his feet bearing down on the defenseless cub! Luckily, all the little one got was a good swat to his backside. LOL After some Motherly reassurance, the cub decided his siblings were a better target for that type of play.

Items that may be of Interest:
To give you an idea of their strength, here is an awesome video posted by Youtube member mattwood22. Taking down a Buffalo Bull - January 2006. The dark maned one is the “oldest” Mapogo and there is one lioness with them also on this kill. Warning: Graphic!
It is only fair to show a softer side of the Mapogo. This article from Exeter/Wildwatch is about a sighting of one of the Mapogo Males (probably the oldest) interacting with his cubs. It includes some great pictures.

Four of the Six Mapogo made another recent visit to Djuma the end of January 2009. They had a roaring good time on (Video by David Keen) Note: 30 seconds in you see the second in line for dominance when he walks up to the one laying down roaring. He is the one with the snipped tail. At 1 minute in you see the "Boss" the oldest and most dominant at this time.
We hope this information has been helpful and may shed a new light on these bad boys. Are they BAD? Yes! Are they any worse than other large coalitions? Probably not, with the possible exception of their cannibalistic ways.

Please remember, this information is not set in stone as it is an evolving story and there are conflicting accounts.

A few more videos for your viewing:
Surprise drive with Pieter & Lieschen on Feb. 14th 2009 by joycefuller. "he Mapogo Lions are found after the normal afternoon safari on WildEarth.TV and luckily, the battery allowed us to see this incredible sighting. Thanks to presenter Pieter, Lieschen on camera, and Herman in the FCC for this surprise (WE appreciate it). WildEarth.TV is located in the Djuma Game Reserve in Sabi Sands South Africa.

These next two are by banditt066. They are of a March 13th, 2008 sighting at Pieter comes upon the dead Nkuhuma lioness killed by the Mapogo while she was trying to protect her cubs.
Part 2, Pieter explains more about the death of the lioness and at least two cubs and the witnessing by rangers of the cannibalism by the Mapogo when they ate a cub.

March 5th, 2008 an eerie sighting of the Mapogs at night on Video by callumsnona.

Some short clips by YouTube member opulentafrica. Live safari sighting at Londolozi.

Another Londolozi sighting video by YouTube member brentsue1:

Proof of the softer side of a Mapogo - 2009. These clips are from Idube Rob the Ranger. They show the oldest, Makulu Mapogo, interacting with one of his prides (Othawa/Robsons) and his young.

.. and if you don't already love this old Mapogo boy, just listen to his proud roar:

This is definitely one of the funniest videos of two Mapogo Males. It's real stress reliever. :) Kinky Tail and Mr. T losing their footing while trying to cross the Sand River. Check out the look on Mr. T's face once he makes it across! Video by RangerTimBrown

First hand account of how the Mapogo impacted the lion population in Sabi Sand.
With permission from Willem Botha. On June 10th, 2010, two days after the death of Kinky Tail, Willem Botha shared in a discussion on a personal profile page, some of his experiences with the Mapogo Males. Willem was the Assistant Warden and head of Anti Poaching in Sabi Sands during the time these events occurred,
"That is the circle of life. I have first encountered the Mapogo’s one night, I think it was in 2004, whilst tracking pangolin with Jonathan Swart for research purposes. We were on foot busy tracking a collared pangolin when all of a sudden, they were there, between us and our vehicle. Since then, I spent many pleasurable hours with the Mapogo’s and many not so pleasurable. In 2005, they drove the Sand River Pride out of the reserve where 9 of the 11 lionesses and sub adults were shot on instruction of the then minister of environmental affairs of Limpopo province after killing approximately 36 cattle. I witnessed them killing a stroppy female one night. After they killed the female, one of the Mapogo males mated with the dead female and then they ate her.
From the time I first saw them until I left the Sabi Sand’s, the Mapogo killed between 90 and 110 other lions in the park. I also had to shoot approximately 15 lions that were so badly mauled by the Mapogo that their spines were severed and had to be put out of their misery.
In January 2009, the Mapogo once again targeted the remaining two females of the Sand River Pride and their cubs, and they were once again driven out of the reserve. Floods had washed away fences making it worse and easier for the Sand River Pride to exit the reserve and flee to safety. Both the females and four of the cubs were shot on instruction of Mpumalanga Parks Board. The one sub adult male returned... just to be killed about 3 months later.
The tides have turned, and the hunters have now become the hunted. Bless the Mapogo. They were a ferocious pride (coalition) which gave plenty people wonderful viewing opportunities but the time for them to move on has come. Unfortunately, that is the way of the wild but most unfortunate of all is the fact that too many people in the Sands saw them as their pets and now the emotions are running high. Accept the way of nature and enjoy the new pride (coalition)."

Updated January 2012
By Aquila (Colleen Holland) & Karen in VA (Karen Gilliam)

Londolozi - a coalition of lion It's not often one gets to see a full coalition of lion - especially THIS CLOSE! We could have touched them if we'd wanted to...!

Videos (show all)

Kinky Tail on a Lazy Sunday Afternoon - Feb 24, 2008
Mapogo Lions Roaring
Styx Lioness Gives Mr T and Kinky Tail the Slip - 2009
