Dads 4 Change

Dads 4 Change

Dads 4 Change is a place to share causes that dads believe in, work with, donate to, and support thr We are dads. This is our community.

Dads 4 Change is a showcase for inspiration, a call to action, and a tool to help others get involved. We focus on dads because we are dads, and this is what we know. By no means are we suggesting that dads do more for charitable causes than moms or non-parents. We are happy you are here.


You matter. YOU. MATTER. Please remember that.

The fear and fury of these Florida parents 09/03/2023

An important look at the angst of Florida parents as the state moves more and more toward the DeSantis brand of fascism. It's alarming, and good people are beginning to fight back as their children are threatened by these right-wing thugs.

The fear and fury of these Florida parents The state has introduced new laws that affect nearly every stage of parenting. Some families are choosing between fight and flight.


We're still here. We still care, and always will. How are you holding up these days?

A Tale of Two Countries, More or Less | Dads 4 Change 26/06/2022

We've seen countless calls for more men to be vocal and active in protesting the Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade (and all the other crap they're doing), and we couldn't agree more. Hence our first blog post in over two years. Next up, voting our asses off.

A Tale of Two Countries, More or Less | Dads 4 Change Men, Roe v. Wade affects you, too.


I've spent my Saturday volunteering with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America/Moms Demand Action - CA/Everytown for Gun Safety in an effort to end gun violence, and so can you. Text ACT to 644-33.