Freedom to Live, Be & Create.

Freedom to Live, Be  & Create.

This page explores the subject of freedom. What stops us being and feeling free in ourselves and ou What can stop us from creating, living and being free!

This page is dedicated to what stops us living, being and creating freely. How the Arts can unconsciously help us express honestly so we can feel free to be ourselves. How the Expressive Arts can help us live, be and create freely. How we can overcome negativity. How we can break free from feeling stuck. I will be honest of how I've broken free from the bonds of my life and what I needed to break


May you have a wonderful Christmas holiday where you can express yourself freely, safely!


Freedom requires us to take risks, do things that we would not normally do. At these times, in my experience, the internal protector comes to stop me taking those risks. It turns up as my inner bully. You know those wonderful messages, 'you'll mess up, you'll get it wrong, you can't do that etc'. So I've needed to discern when taking risks for myself. I ask this question. Is this really dangerous or is this me breaking some internal unneeded rules today? It could be as simple as desiring to paint black on my painting, or covering up something that I really don't like. The Shush that inner bully / gremlin and be loving and kind and - go for it. Break those rules that you no longer need in your life!!


Enough! Our own worth and belonging are not negotiable!! Let’s not hand over our worth to others. Be true to ourselves. We are worth it!!

The Psychological Link Between Trauma And Work Addiction 12/11/2017

For me this is So true to gain true freedom in our lives.

The Psychological Link Between Trauma And Work Addiction ‘The success addict needs constant validation.’


I have found and realised that accept my imperfections a gift. No one is perfect. When we go through pain, when we recognise our wounds and accept our difficulties - our brokenness, there is a sense of freedom within. What a beautiful video by 'we love asian food' explain how the Japanese work with the brokenness inside themselves. Truly inspiring!

Jim Carrey: I Needed Color 23/09/2017


Jim Carrey: I Needed Color For additional information regarding Jim's art please visit: For all other inquiries email [email protected] Director/Producer…

Jim Carrey: Be Free JC Tease Trailer 23/09/2017

Jim Carrey: Be Free JC Tease Trailer This is "Jim Carrey: Be Free JC Tease Trailer" by JC on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Timeline photos 26/07/2017

I love this so much!! It's time!!!

There comes a day, somewhere in the middle of every woman’s life, when Mother Nature herself stands behind us and wraps her arms around our shoulders, whispering

“It’s time.”

“You have taken enough now. It’s time to stop growing up, stop growing older and start growing wiser and wilder.

There are adventures still waiting on you and this time, you will enjoy them with the vision of wisdom and the companionship of hindsight, and you will really let go.

It’s time to stop the madness of comparison and the ridicule of schedule and conformity and start experiencing the joys that a life, free of containment and guilt, can bring.”

She will shake your shoulders gently and remind you that you’ve done your bit. You’ve given too much, cared too much, you’ve suffered too much.

You’ve bought the book, as it were, and worn the t-shirt.

Worse, you’ve worn the chains and carried the weight of a burden far too heavy for your shoulders.

“It’s time” she will say.

“Let it go, really let it go and feel the freedom of the fresh, clean spaces within you. Fill them with discovery, love and laughter. Fill yourself so full you will no longer fear what is ahead and instead you will greet each day with the excitement of a child.”

She will remind you that if you choose to stop caring what other people think of you and instead care what you think of you, you will experience a new era of your life you never dreamed possible.

‘It’s time’ she will say…

“to write the ending, or new beginning, of your own story.”

**UPDATE: Thanks to all your amazing responses you can now download a beautiful print to keep. Click the below and thanks so much for your love!**

Words: Donna Ashworth
Beautiful, Wonderful, Fabulous Lady: Helen Mirren, Photo by Robert Zuckerman

This poem is from To The Women - words to live by

UK: To The Women: words to live by





I love this!


That thing that is right in front of you
That issue or situation that keeps bringing you to your knees
That you seemingly can’t escape
Desperately wanting to avoid
Hoping it will stop or go away

The one where you tell yourself
If only I could be rid of this hell
Then my life could truly begin

This pain
This problem
This frustration
This distress
This grinding darkness
This unhealable wound
Is the portal into your most profound initiation

This place of aversion is where true wisdom resides
This is the key that will unlock every door
If only you dare to stoop to the ground
And pick it up from the shards of your fantasy
About how you thought your life was supposed to be

Sit with it
Sit IN it
Stop running and stand your ground
Breathe with it and through it
Don’t flinch or shy away from the intensity of what it is trying to show you
It’s not trying to torture you

It’s asking you to be present to a great and sacred task
It’s asking you to be present to what has been given to you to heal
It’s asking you to transform
To dare to make yourself whole and holy again

Be bold
Be still
Be open
Be here

All your soul has ever wanted
Was for you to be free

It’s time to say yes to that freedom
By claiming these shackles as your own to redeem

Chris Zydel


A beautiful little ceremony that anyone can do. Letting go and trusting life. Have a little watch of this short video.

Self Sabotage 03/04/2017

Being aware of our own Self Saboteur with love and compassion, in my opinion, is well on our way to live with Freedom!

Self Sabotage Even though we believe we’re interested in happiness, many of us go in for a particular kind of destructive behaviour: self-sabotage. Why, and what might we ...

Overcoming Bad Inner Voices 03/04/2017

A beautiful film about 'where our inner negative thoughts come from.' Becoming aware that they were instilled in us a long time ago. Today we can learn to discern with lots of practise. In my experience it is a practise that takes time to change the negative to a positive.

Overcoming Bad Inner Voices All of us have deeply unhelpful inner voices inside us, dragging us down with criticisms and unfair accusations. Wisdom involves learning how to replace them...

TATE EXCHANGE | Workshop | 31 March - 1 April 31/03/2017

TATE EXCHANGE | Workshop | 31 March - 1 April Tate Exchange is a space for everyone to collaborate, test ideas and discover new perspectives on life, through art.


Isn't she amazing!!!!

Freedom to Live, Be & Create 30/03/2017

Check out Freedom to Live, Be & Create

4 new Meetups over the Easter holidays. Check it out!! Come and paint and have some fun. x

Freedom to Live, Be & Create Freedom to Live, Be & Create is a wonderful HUB of Creative Yumminess!!!! I am so glad you have made your way here! This meet-up is all about Nurturing your Creative Soul!!! Are you in the right place

grievewithgusto 09/03/2017

Grieve with Love & Kindness Workshops.
Learn how to use creativity to support the Grieving Process! New dates 19th & 26th March.



There are 3 more spaces on my little tester workshop tonight. It would be lovely to see you. Please share if you can't make it.

Grief and Valentine's Day 12/02/2017

Some lovely thoughts about grief and Valentine's Day!!!!

Grief and Valentine's Day Grief and Valentine's Day traditionally don't mix very well. Here's one way to reframe the day for anyone missing a loved one on February 14th.

At This L.A. Doctor’s New Gallery, Art Is Medicine 08/02/2017

What a fabulous idea!!!!

At This L.A. Doctor’s New Gallery, Art Is Medicine DENK, a new gallery in downtown Los Angeles, is focused on showing art that will bring wellness to the community. 28/01/2017
"What you see is a myosin protein dragging an endorphin along a filament to the inner part of the brain's parietal cortex which creates happiness. Happiness. You're looking at happiness."

I love this!!!

Timeline photos 15/01/2017

I just found this wonderful little image. Art is so good for us. It helps regulate our emotions. It helps us be creative and connect to the right side of our brains. It helps with emotional and mental well being. Go and take some Art Medicine - either by creating ourselves or looking at others artwork. IT HELPS!


Taking some time to breath and connect!!! Why going to be silly is so worth it!!! 04/01/2017

After going to see the Abstract Expressionist Exhibition at the Royal Academy on the 31st December. It totally inspired me. The freedom and life force drew me to create this. It is time to be wild, to let out and move with what is within.

I received this little exercise which I saw today in my mailbox. I share it with you.

My work for 2017 is Intimacy!

I looked them up and here is my list - I am delighted.

synonyms: closeness, togetherness, affinity, rapport, attachment, familiarity, confidentiality, close association, close relationship, close attachment, close friendship, friendliness, comradeship, companionship, amity, affection, mutual affection, warmth, warm feelings, understanding, fellow feeling;
a cosy and private or relaxed atmosphere.

Spontaneously Choosing a Word
1 Ask the question, "What word do I want to live into in 2017?"
2 Intuitively choose a magazine.
3 Flip through until you find a word that surprises or delights you, and cut it out.
4 Research and contemplate what your word means to you.
5 Create a collage to celebrate and illustrate your word.

Reasons for Choosing a One Word New Year's Resolution

1. Choosing ONE WORD for the next 12 months invokes clarity. Most of us forget our long list of intentions. It is easier to remember one word.

2. ONE WORD deepens change. It relieves the pressure of having to make too many changes all at once and provides a laser focus on one significant change.

from Shelley Kramer

Deep Rest! | freedom2livebecreate 04/01/2017

2017 first blog of the year!!! Deep Rest!

Deep Rest! | freedom2livebecreate I am now slowly getting back to work and today I reflect on what Deep Rest has meant to me over the holidays.  It has been so very important to let go of everyt...

Talking Addiction 02/01/2017

A beautiful film explaining addiction!

Talking Addiction This is "Talking Addiction" by on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


From my beautiful teacher Chris zydel. I loved it and thought I would share. I also celebrate and see you!!!!

Holidays are always such a mixed bag for folks.

Especially this one where we’re supposed to be all merry and cheery.

And if you ARE genuinely feeling merry and cheery I party with you joyfully!

But maybe today is no big deal and if that’s the case, rock on!

Maybe you’ve lost someone you love this year and all you can do is cry and miss them. I hold your heart tenderly in mine as your tears continue to flow.

Maybe you are lonely and disappointed in where your life has led you up until now. I see your pain and struggle and wish for you hope in the future.

Maybe you are simply cranky and hating the whole shebang. Can I hear a righteous Right ON!

If you are in the middle of a gorgeous love fest, allow it to soak into every pore of your being and fill you up from your head to your toes.

If you are in need of support, don’t be afraid to ask. There is always someone out there who can respond to your pain, no matter what you may tell yourself to the contrary.

And try to remember this:

Being human is hard. And messy. And freaking weird. And terribly complicated. And often totally confusing.

But a human life is also incredibly full of so much gorgeousness and faith and generosity and quirkiness and brilliance and magnificence and bravery and vulnerability that it makes my heart ache with the blinding beauty and my head explode with the amazingness of it all.

You get to be ALL of that ... all at the same time. Because you ARE human. And it doesn’t matter WHAT day it is.

So whether you are happy or sad or pi**ed off or just kind of OK... I want you to know I see you and celebrate you and am so very grateful to have your wild and wondrous self in my life.


Videos (show all)

Freedom into the unconscious!
Sometimes its OK to just Be and stop!  Allowing ourselves to not move and being with the unknown - waiting for answers.
Sometimes more is not more!!!
Hello everyone. A little bit around catching and accepting all sides of ourselves and people pleasing!!!
Letting go of perfectionism!!!  Being aware is number one. Then we have the freedom to choose what drives us!! 😄
Day 2. Our inner critic can stop us from living a free life!
A little about me and freedom to live be and create.