College Talk with Cindy

College Talk with Cindy

During these challenging days of remote learning it is more difficult to connect with school personn


Well, it has been very busy leading up to the November 1 deadline. I'm sure there were many sighs of relief as the submit button was hit all around the country!
BUT...the work is not yet done. If you have later deadlines, and need a little push to get you going, contact me and we will get it done.


August is here.
If you plan to leave for college next August you need to get the application process going!
If you find it difficult to take the first steps, or you are well into the process and need assistance to make sure that all aspects of your application are perfect, I am here to help!
If you cannot think of an essay topic, or your essay is more of a novel than an essay, I am here to help!
Please reach out to me and let’s get the work done.


Application deadlines are coming up fast! Let me know if you need some help with the all-important essay or any of the many supplements that may be piling up by now!


Crunch-time….essay writing does not need to be so stressful..


I am so proud of the group of students with whom I worked last school year. It was such a challenging year, and I was continually impressed by the time and dedication they demonstrated to their academics and college applications, even with Covid looming every day.
This is a list, in no particular order, of schools to which these impressive young people were accepted:
SUNY Albany, SUNY Cortland, SUNY New Paltz, SUNY Buffalo, Stony Brook University, Binghamton University, American University, *Cornell University, Seton Hall University, *James Madison University, University of Delaware, *University of Florida, University of California at Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara,
University of Vermont, University of Rhode Island, *Siena Cllege, Marist College, *Scranton University, University of Miami… and there are more! Kudos to these outstanding young people.
The schools with an asterisk are those in which these students have enrolled.


We are now into August and those college essays will not edit themselves! Please contact me if you are struggling to get started, have writer's block or have completed a draft and would like a professional review of the work you have done.
Hope to hear from you soon!


Morning all....I hope you are enjoying the hint of summer that is giving us all hope!
Summer can be a great time to work on those college applications and essays. I am excited to meet a new group of students and share this exciting experience with them.
Do not hesitate to contact me during the summer; I am happy to help at any time of the year.


After a rocky and confusing start, the Class of 2021 is finishing strong and excited for what is expected to be a mostly "normal" college experience at the end of the summer.
I am excited and proud of the students with whom I worked last Fall as they worked diligently on essays and applications without knowing how this year would progress.
Some of the colleges to which these fine young people have been accepted are:
Cornell University
University of Delaware (Honors)
University of Maryland (Honors)
University of Tampa (Honors)
University of Florida
Univ. of CA Berkeley
James Madison
Penn State
University of Vermont
University of Scranton
Providence...and many more!!!
If you have, or know and love a current junior, please consider contacting me to assist with the college search, essay writing and application process.
It is such an exciting time, and through my experience I can help make it less stressful for you and your child.
