Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund

Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund

Dedicated to the memory of Boyd N. Lyon, this Fund provides an annual scholarship to a marine biology student whose research is focused on sea turtles.

The Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund is housed at The Ocean Foundation, and provides one scholarship annually. This Scholarship was created in honor of the late Boyd N. Lyon, a true friend and respected researcher who had a unique passion for the study and preservation of the majestic sea turtle. In his effort to research and protect these creatures, he implemented a hand capturing method for tagging and


Knowledge in action…

Announcing the 2024 Boyd Lyon Scholar - The Ocean Foundation 04/06/2024

Just re-announcing this years Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund Scholarship winner via The Ocean Foundation’s newsletter. We are always so proud to choose a recipient year after year.

There are so many people to be thankful for ~ and so very grateful for all the initiatives.
May we experience a blessed 2024 Nesting Season and may everyone’s research projects continue in an unencumbered manner.

Announcing the 2024 Boyd Lyon Scholar - The Ocean Foundation Every year, the Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund hosts a scholarship for a marine biology student whose research is focused on sea turtles. This year’s winner is Jaime Restrepo.


Check it out ~

📣 ARCHELON is looking for a highly motivated person to lead its project in Amvrakikos Gulf, one of the main foraging sites for loggerhead turtles in Greece linking several populations nesting across the Mediterranean region. Learn the main duties, and the qualifications needed on our website.
📣 Ο ΑΡΧΕΛΩΝ αναζητά κατάλληλο άτομο ως υπεύθυνο πεδίου για το Πρόγραμμα στον Αμβρακικό Κόλπο, έναν από τους κύριους τόπους αναζήτησης τροφής για χελώνες Καρέττα στην Ελλάδα. Μάθετε τα κύρια καθήκοντα και τα προσόντα που απαιτούνται στην ιστοσελίδα μας.

How Deep Do Sea Turtles Dive? — The State of the World's Sea Turtles | SWOT 27/03/2024

By George!!

How Deep Do Sea Turtles Dive? — The State of the World's Sea Turtles | SWOT Uncover the unique features sea turtles possess to dive to extreme depths of up to 1,000 meters (3,280 feet).


Congratulations ~ among the best of the best!


Always an exciting time.

BIG NEWS from the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge in Brevard County, Florida! We have recorded our first TWO leatherback nests of the 2024 season in the UCF Marine Turtle Research Group's survey area!

Leatherbacks usually nest every two years, and 2022 was a record season with 67 nests recorded by UCF in the northern 21 km of the Cart Refuge. How many do you think we'll have this year?

Photo by F. Solis, UCF MTRG, MTP-186: leatherback crawl and nest, with surveyor's all-terrain vehicle to the side.

Photo taken while conducting permitted research activities. Please do not use our photos without permission, but please do like and share our posts!


Well earned recognition.

Tortuguero National Park is the largest nesting beach for green sea turtles in the western hemisphere and the most important green turtle nesting beach in the Caribbean. STC has been monitoring and flipper tagging green turtles nesting in the northern five miles of the park since 1959. While STC does conduct weekly surveys to monitor the total number of nests within the entire park, the nightly work is primarily conducted in the northern section, until recently!

Beginning in 2011, STC began annually tracking turtles from Tortuguero as part of STC’s Tour de Turtles Educational Program, deploying satellite transmitters on over 30 turtles nesting in the northern end of Tortuguero. While many migrated the short distance north to Nicaragua, including one that was documented to have been killed by fishermen, STC also tracked turtles traveling as far north as Mexico, and as far east as Cuba. Over all those years only a single turtle was tracked migrating in a different direction. While the harvest of sea turtles was known to be occurring for nearly a century in Nicaragua, after Costa Rica protected the nesting beach with the creation of Tortuguero National Park in 1972, STC had seen a positive nesting trend in Tortuguero, until recently. Over the past decade, nesting at Tortuguero has shown a concerning downward trend. When looking at historical flipper tag returns and the current satellite tracking data, STC began to wonder if important green turtle feeding areas were being missed by only satellite tracking turtles that nested at the northern end of Tortuguero beach. And were these missing foraging areas being impacted by human activities?

In 2022, STC began working with Jaime Restrepo, a former Tortuguero Field Coordinator, on a project to learn about the migration of green sea turtles nesting on the southern end of Tortuguero National Park. Jaime, as part of his PhD project and in partnership with STC, deployed satellite transmitters on six green turtles in 2022, and on 10 green turtles in 2023. All six of the turtles tagged in 2022 headed north, which greatly surprised us. Two turtles migrated to Nicaragua, two migrated to Belize, and the last two migrated to Mexico, one to the Caribbean coast and the other to the Gulf of Mexico coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. All were locations identified through previous tracking of turtles from the northern five miles of Tortuguero. Of the turtles in 2023, we had better luck. While seven turtles again headed north (four to Nicaragua, two to Belize, and one to Mexico), the remaining three turtles headed east. Two migrated to US Virgin Islands and the third migrated to St. Kitts & Nevis, all new locations not identified through previous satellite tracking!


The information never gets old, but best to stay updated!

We're thrilled to share our 2023 Annual Report detailing all of the great work of our partners that we supported around the world with your support.

Our 2023 highlights include:
🐢4,363,000 hatchlings saved at 40+ nesting beaches
📸More than 1,000 people submitted more than 3,500 images to our SEE Shell App to identify turtleshell products
🏝️ 🗑️238,000 lbs of plastic cleaned from 25 turtle habitats
✈️66 travelers generated $70,000 in conservation benefits
👫🏽600+ coastal residents financially supported

Thanks so much to all of our partners, donors, and collaborators who helped make 2023 a great year for saving sea turtles!

Read the full report here:

Photos from International Sea Turtle Society's post 04/03/2024

So excited for the gathering ~ spirit resides on the one hand, while on the other the work is being done. May this symposium showcase it beautifully.

Sea Turtle Bruncheon (South Jersey) 10/02/2024

Local Event… to Cape May County for Middle Atlantic Rescues and otherwise! Sea Turtle Rescues need funding so come join in for some information, good food and fun.

Sea Turtle Bruncheon (South Jersey) Join me at the Sea Turtle Bruncheon (South Jersey)

Photos from Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo supported by Bermuda Zoological Society's post 07/02/2024

Consider something of interest.

Photos from Inwater Research Group's post 05/02/2024

Connections ~ where would we be without the good ones?

Photos from Inwater Research Group's post 01/02/2024

So deserving… congratulations.
The efforts that do not go unnoticed also required an incredible mission and a great team. Thank you Inwater Research Group for your work and inclusion of educating to create greater awareness.


While you are getting your applications in by 11:59pm tonight for the Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund scholarship, why not also check out this opportunity.

Joining or returning to ARCHELON’s sea turtle projects as a Field Leader will give you the opportunity to lead specific activities as well as train and help others in the projects. These positions provide a higher level of experience in nature conservation/ environment protection, as well as improved communication and leadership skills. Hurry and apply now! Only a limited number of experienced and skilled volunteers are selected to serve as leaders in each project.
Read more 👉
Η συμμετοχή ή η επιστροφή στα προγράμματα προστασίας θαλάσσιας χελώνας του ΑΡΧΕΛΩΝ ως Υπεύθυνος Πεδίου θα σου δώσει την ευκαιρία να ηγηθείς συγκεκριμένων δραστηριοτήτων, καθώς και να εκπαιδεύσεις και να βοηθήσεις άλλους εθελοντές. Αυτές οι θέσεις παρέχουν υψηλότερο επίπεδο εμπειρίας στη προστασία του περιβάλλοντος, καθώς και βελτίωση στις επικοινωνιακές και ηγετικές δεξιότητες. Βιάσου και κάνε αίτηση τώρα! Μόνο ένας περιορισμένος αριθμός έμπειρων και εξειδικευμένων εθελοντών επιλέγονται σαν Υπεύθυνοι Πεδίου σε κάθε πρόγραμμα.
Διάβασε περισσότερα 👉

Boyd N. Lyon Scholarship – 2024 - The Ocean Foundation 21/12/2023

Remember the applications for the Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund Scholarship are due in less than one month on January 15th 2024 by 11:59PM.

Here’s the link for more information thru the Ocean Foundation for more information about the process to apply, and to find the application.

Boyd N. Lyon Scholarship – 2024 - The Ocean Foundation The Ocean Foundation and The Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund seek applicants for the Boyd N. Lyon Scholarship, for the year 2024.

Photos from International Sea Turtle Society's post 21/12/2023

Nomination deadline is 1/15/2024…


It’s that time again!

The last chance to nominate someone for the ISTS Board is this Thursday, November 30th! 🤩

Need more info about the positions and how to nominate, visit:


Opportunity. And Cyber Monday… on into Giving Tuesday.

Save turtles and dive into style! Don't miss out on this limited time offer! 🐢

Discover our amazing collection of apparel and accessories that not only make a fashion statement but also support turtle conservation. Get inspired, shop now, and be a part of something incredible. Together, we can make a difference for our oceans and their magnificent inhabitants.

All proceeds support our mission to foster marine and coastal conservation through integrated research and education. Find the link in our bio!


Always exciting!

The 2023 nesting season was one for the record books!

These fantastic sea turtle nesting numbers in the refuge show how vital the refuge is to the species that nest within the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge.

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