

Bhaktiville is a Vaishnava community in Second Life. (Second Life is an online, virtual reality community. Hare Krishna!

Bhaktiville is a Vaishnava community in Second Life, a virtual reality platform---a friendly place for high thinking, simple living, philosophical discussion, and devotional practice. For more info, please go here: Bhaktiville is a friendly place for high thinking, simple living, philosophical discussion, and devotional practice. We welcome all Vaisnava Sampradayas a


July 19th
Hare Krishna, welcome to our Srimad Bhagavatam reading in Bhaktiville! Last week we continued reading the introductory verses in Chapter 1 that set the scene of the assembled sages. Tonight we’ll start with Verse 9, which is the first question from the sages of Naimisaranya — “What is the ultimate good for all people?” So, let’s get started. We’re on page 86 of the pdf or page 65 of the book.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto, you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Update: We were unable to meet today. Because of the heatwave, we were out doing grocery shopping and didn’t get home in time. We will do these verses next week. Sorry about that. 🙏🏻

Hare Krishna! Seven Verses on Sunday -- here's our reading for today from Srila Bhaktivinoda's verses from "Srimad Bhagavatam" in his "Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala." Have a wonderful day!

1) 11.03.47 Avirhotra to Maharaja Nimi
2) 07.05.23-24 Prahlada Maharaja to Hiranyakasipu
3) 07.05.23-24 Prahlada Maharaja to Hiranyakasipu
4) 11.20.17 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
5) 11.03.21-22 Prabuddha to Maharaja Nimi
6) 11.03.21-22 Prabuddha to Maharaja Nimi
7) 11.07.32 Avadhuta Brahmana to Maharaja Yadu


July 12th
Hare Krishna, welcome! Friday night is Bhagavatam night here in Bhaktiville. Last week we read verses 2 and 3 from the first chapter. One of the salient points was that “As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhagavatam, he becomes attached to the Supreme Lord.“ We’re not saying that “submissively” means that you take it all in without questioning. While listening, we may have questions. That’s normal. Asking questions in a mood of wanting to sincerely know the answers is also the approach given here. All of Srimad Bhagavatam is gifted to us to develop our relationship with the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. So, let’s continue with verse 4 tonight. We’re on page 80 of the pdf or page 59 of the book.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto, you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or
[17:51] Dasi Lane: pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


July 12th
Hare Krishna, welcome! Friday night is Bhagavatam night here in Bhaktiville. Last week we read verses 2 and 3 from the first chapter. One of the salient points was that “As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhagavatam, he becomes attached to the Supreme Lord.“ We’re not saying that “submissively” means that you take it all in without questioning. While listening, we may have questions. That’s normal. Asking questions in a mood of wanting to sincerely know the answers is also the approach given here. All of Srimad Bhagavatam is gifted to us to develop our relationship with the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. So, let’s continue with verse 4 tonight. We’re on page 80 of the pdf or page 59 of the book.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto, you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or
[17:51] Dasi Lane: pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Hare Krishna! Hope you're having a wonderful day today. Here in Bhaktiville it's Seven Verses on Sunday, our reading from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's "Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala." We're starting Chapter 12 of the Abhidheya section, called Devotional Service in Practice, Sadhana-Bhakti. Here's what we read today. Haribol!

1) 11.23.49 Avanti Brahmana Chanting
2) 11.22.37 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
3) 11.23.60 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
4) 11.22.58-59 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
5) 11.22.58-59 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
6) 07.01.31 Narada Muni to Maharaja Yudhisthira
7) 11.27.07 Sri Krsna to Uddhava


July 5th
Hare Krishna, welcome to Bhaktiville! Last week we finished reading the first verse of Srimad Bhagavatam. We learned from that verse that by reading this Srimad Bhagavatam, we are meditating upon the eternally effulgent Lord, the Absolute Truth, the cause of all causes, the transcendent reality of the universe, Lord Sri Krishna. Let’s continue on to verse 2 and see what’s next. We are on page 51 of the book or page 72 of the pdf.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto, you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Hare Krishna! Today's reading from Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala -- Seven Verses on Sunday -- begins on page 197 of the pdf. We are on week 66! Amazing. The section we're on now is pure instruction -- Abhidheya. Srila Bhaktivinoda has compiled significant verses from Srimad Bhagavatam instructing us on how to approach Prema. (You can download a copy of Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala here:

1) 02.01.07 Sukadeva Goswami to Maharaja Pariksit
2) 02.01.11 Sukadeva Goswami to Maharaja Pariksit
3) 11.20.07-9 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
4) 11.20.07-9 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
5) 11.20.07-9 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
6) 11.20.11 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
7) 11.21.02 Sri Krsna to Uddhava


June 28th

Hare Krishna, welcome to Bhaktiville! We are reading Srimad Bhagavatam on Fridays now. Last week we started the very first verse of Srimad Bhagavatam. They say that Srimad Bhagavatam is the cream of all the Vedas. Imagine skimming the cream off the top of some fresh, whole milk. It has all the beautiful qualities of fresh milk and it’s rich, creamy, and delicious. That’s Srimad Bhagavatam — the rich, creamy, delicious teachings of the Vedas.

And, as a side note, Srimad Bhagavatam contains 18,000 verses. We have a long way to go but they say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. So, a journey of 18,000 verses begins with the first one. Here we go. We are on page 46 of the book or page 67 of the pdf.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto, you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf
[18:00] Dasi Lane: page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Hare Krishna. Today's reading -- Seven Verses on Sunday -- of Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala, beginning on page 195 of the pdf. This is our 65th week of reading every Sunday. Please take some time to follow the links to read the purports, too!
1) 02.01.13 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit ŚB 2.1.13
2) 02.01.12 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit ŚB 2.1.12
3) 02.01.2 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit ŚB 2.1.2
4) 02.01.3 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit ŚB 2.1.3
5) 02.01.4 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit ŚB 2.1.4
6) 02.01.5 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit ŚB 2.1.5
7) 02.01.6 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit ŚB 2.1.6


June 21st
Haribol, Hare Krishna. Welcome to Bhaktiville. Friday night equals Srimad Bhagavatam here in Bhaktiville. Last week, in reading the introduction, we heard about Lord Caitanya’s adventures in traveling and spreading the Sankirtan movement, along with his philosophical discussions with various people. Let’s continue reading about those adventures — we’re on page 37 of the book or page 59 of the pdf.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto, you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Haribol! Please note: Tonight's reading of Srimad Bhagavatam will start an hour later. See you then!


June 14th
Hare Krishna, my friends. Welcome, welcome. Friday night is Bhagavatam night here in Bhaktiville, so here we are. We’ve been reading the introduction, which includes a biography of Lord Caitanya, and will continue with that. Tonight we’ll start where we left off — page 51 of the pdf or page 29 of the book.
We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto and you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Our readings for tomorrow and Sunday — June 7th and 9th — are canceled. Our tech person is going to the New York Rathayatra! Oh, if you’re in that part of the world, you might want to go too.


Seven verses on Sunday, plus a bonus verse! We're now in the section of Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala regarding Abhideya -- the means for attaining the object of pursuit or Krishna Prema. These verses today were quite wonderful, discussing action in the world. I hope you'll take the time to read them, along with the purports. Jaya Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Jaya Prabhupada.

1) 03.25.44 Kapiladeva to Devahutiṁ%20sthiram
2) 01.02.06-10,12-13 Suta Gosvami to Saunaka Rsi
3) 01.02.06-10,12-13 Suta Gosvami to Saunaka Rsi
4) 01.02.06-10,12-13 Suta Gosvami to Saunaka Rsi
5) 01.02.06-10,12-13 Suta Gosvami to Saunaka Rsi
6) 01.02.06-10,12-13 Suta Gosvami to Saunaka Rsi
7) 01.02.06-10,12-13 Suta Gosvami to Saunaka Rsi
+1 bonus verse)


Hare Krishna, welcome to Bhaktiville. This is Dasi Lane and it’s Friday night here in SecondLife. We’ve been reading a short, not so short, biography of Lord Caitanya the past couple of weeks and will continue tonight. We’re on page 43 of the pdf or page 21 of the book.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto and you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Photos from Bhaktiville's post 25/05/2024

Hare Krishna. If you'd like to learn the verses we're chanting before reading Srimad Bhagavatam, here they are!


May 24th

[2024/04/19 17:46] Dasi Lane: by Krsna’s Glories.”

As always, you can find a pdf copy of the book here to follow along or for further study:
[2024/04/28 09:00] Dasi Lane: It's Sunday.
[2024/05/03 17:24] Bhakti Mimulus: I think pancha tatva?
[2024/05/03 17:24] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2024/05/03 17:43] Bhakti Mimulus: when you get here, send blurb. And the introduction is very long isn't it
[2024/05/03 17:43] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[2024/05/03 17:58] Dasi Lane: May 3rd

Hare Krishna. Welcome to Bhaktiville, and welcome to our first reading of Srimad Bhagavatam in Bhaktiville!

There is a lot of preliminary material to read and learn before we read the first verse. Today we’ll review the prayers we sing before reading Srimad Bhagavatam along with the explanations or purports of these verses. If we have time, we’ll start to read the introduction.

I also want to note that this reading will have a somewhat flexible ending time. We’ll try to end at the half-hour point, but may often go over that time. Forty-five minutes will be the absolute limit of our reading, we won’t go past that.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto and you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book
[2024/05/03 17:58] Dasi Lane: page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
[17:58] Second Life: Incoming message from Dasi Lane
[17:58] Autoresponse sent: I am probably at the temple or in bed asleep
[17:58] Dasi Lane: May 24th
Hare Krishna. Welcome to Bhaktiville. This is Dasi Lane and this is our third reading of Srimad Bhagavatam in Bhaktiville! Last week we started the Introduction and made it partway through the short sketch of the Life of Lord Caitanya. We’re on page 14 of the book or page 36 of the pdf.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto and you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Today's reading of Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala -- seven verses on Sunday! The purports are especially good. And, of course, to go home with Sri Sri Radhe and Krishna, chant!

1--6) 02.03.02 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Partksit
7) 02.03.8 Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Partksit


May 17th
Hare Krishna. Welcome to Bhaktiville, and welcome to our second reading of Srimad Bhagavatam in Bhaktiville! Today we’ll read the verses up on the board, then begin our reading of the Introduction on pdf page 27, or page 5 of the book.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto and you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Hare Krishna. Welcome to Bhaktiville, and welcome to our first reading of Srimad Bhagavatam in Bhaktiville!

There is a lot of preliminary material to read and learn before we read the first verse. Today we’ll review the prayers we sing before reading Srimad Bhagavatam along with the explanations or purports of these verses. If we have time, we’ll start to read the introduction.

I also want to note that this reading will have a somewhat flexible ending time. We’ll try to end at the half-hour point, but may often go over that time. Forty-five minutes will be the absolute limit of our reading, we won’t go past that.

We will be reading from Srila Prabhupada’s First Canto and you can get a pdf copy of it here:

For reference, here are the 3 verses we’ll sing each week at the beginning of our reading:
SB 1.1.1 — book page 43 or pdf page 64
SB 1.2.4 — book page 88 or pdf page 108
SB 1.2.17 — book page 108 or pdf page 128
SB 1.2.18 — book
[17:58] Dasi Lane: page 109 or pdf page 130

Thank you so much for joining us here in Bhaktiville. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Seven verses on Sunday! Our reading of Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala this morning ended with a cliff hanger. Bhakti Mimulus asked if Lord Krishna will answer Uddhava's question the same as Lord Caitanya did? (You can read ahead to find out, lol.) Here are the verses we read today with links to the verse purports. Hare Krishna, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

1_ 11.10.29 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
2) 11.10.30 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
3) 11.10.31 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
4) 11.10.32 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
5) 11.10.33 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
6) 11.29.01 Uddhava to Krsna
7) 11.29.02 Uddhava to Krsna


Hare Krishna! We're going to start reading Srimad Bhagavatam in Bhaktiville! Starting this Friday, May 3rd, 6pm Pacific Time. Come join us!


I made a video about Bhaktiville. What do you think?


April 26th
Hare Krishna, everyone, welcome to Bhaktiville. Last week was our last night of reading from “The Teachings of Queen Kunti.” Tonight is our big surprise! We asked Madhukar das to chant and record all the verses for us. So, tonight we’ll chant all of the verses in Sanskrit, then listen to them all in English. This is from Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 8, verses 18-43

Next Friday, on May 3rd, we will begin our reading of Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1. We will conduct this class just like in the temples. We’ll learn and sing the preliminary glorification verses of Srimad Bhagavatam before each reading, then read and repeat the verses and word-for-word translation, then read and discuss the translation and purport.

Hare Krishna.


Ooops, forgot to post this on Sunday. Here's what we read from Srila Bhaktivinode's "Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala." After reading for 58 weeks, we've just gotten to the section on Abhideya, an analysis of the process of Bhakti yoga. Please take the time to follow the links here to read Srila Prabhupada's purports on these important verses.

1) CHAPTER ELEVEN, Analysis of the Process abhidheya vicarah, 11.09.29 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
2) 11.20.06 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
3) 11.05.02 Camasa Rsi to Maharaja Nimi
4) 11.05.03 Camasa Rst to Maharaja Nimi
5) 11.10.23 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
6) 11.10.26-27 Sri Krsna to Uddhava
7) 11.10.26-27 Sri Krsna to Uddhava


April 19th
Hare Krishna. Welcome everyone, welcome to Bhaktiville. We have been reading “The Teachings of Queen Kunti” since September 8th and have met 26 times. This is the last chapter and our last reading of this text. Or, is it? I have a surprise. Bhakti Mimulus asked Sriman Madhukar das, a kirtan expert and all-around nice Brahmachari, to record the chanting of all of Queen Kunti’s conversation in these Srimad Bhagavatam verses, 1.8.18 — 43. Next week, we’ll chant all the verses together with him. So exciting, so please join us!

The following Friday, on May 3rd, we will begin our reading of Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1. We will conduct this class just like in the temples. We’ll learn and sing the preliminary glorification verses of Srimad Bhagavatam before each reading, then read and repeat the verses and word-for-word translation, then read and discuss the translation and purport.

For tonight, we’re on page 216 of the pdf or page 197 of the book. This is Chapter 26, titled “Enchantment


Hare Krishna! Seven Verses on Sunday, 7 verses from Srila Bhaktivinode's Bhagavat Arka Marici Mala. This reading is the end of the Sambandha section which has described the material world, the living entity, and Krishna, and the relationship between all three. Next week will begin the Abhidheya section which analyzes our engagement in the spiritual process. This is what we're reading today. I encourage you to follow the links to read Srila Prabhupada's purports, they're very enlivening. Haribol!

1) 08.03.03 Gajendra to Sri Visnu
2) 08.03.09 Gajendra to Sri Visnu
3) 10.85.04 Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama
4) 10.87.30 The Personified Vedas to Maha-Visnu
5) 10.87.31 The Personified Vedas to Maha-Visnu
6) 10.40.10 Akrura to Sri Krsna
7) 11.24.18 Lord Kṛṣṇa Explains the Yoga System to Śrī Uddhava


April 12th

Hare Krishna! Welcome everyone! Tonight in our reading of The Teachings of Queen Kunti, we’re on Chapter 25, “Unalloyed Devotion,” which begins on page 207 of the pdf or page 18 of the book. Next week we will finish our last chapter of the book! I have a surprise at that time, which we will do on April 26th, and then we will start the First Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam on May 3rd. This chapter is a little long, so I want to get started right away.

As always, you can find a pdf copy of the book here to follow along or for further study:

Videos (show all)

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 2024 July 19
Srimad Bhagavatam Canato 1 2024 July 12
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 2024 July 5
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1
Srimad Bhagavatam vol 1
Srimad Bhagavatam vol. 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto One