Kresser Institute

Kresser Institute

A Functional Medicine Practitioner Training and Fellowship Program Be part of the movement to transform healthcare.

Functional Medicine becomes an even more powerful tool when combined with the better questions and new insights of an ancestral, evolutionary perspective. If you want better results in truly preventing and reversing chronic disease and a more profitable and rewarding health practice, join us at Kresser Institute. We’re the first and only clinician training to combine functional and ancestral medic


Enrollment is now open!

If you’re searching for better patient outcomes and a more rewarding and profitable long-term career, you need real-world applications of Functional Medicine theories to use with real patients and clients.

The ADAPT Functional Medicine Practitioner Training and Certification Program provides you with a complete Functional Medicine framework to guide diagnosis and treatment.

Becoming an ADAPT-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (A-CFMP) provides you with:

With no nationally recognized certifying board, it is important to choose a rigorous certification program where you can earn a graduate certificate that demonstrates to your current and prospective patients your high degree of expertise and competence as a Functional Medicine practitioner. Additionally, certified graduates enjoy enhanced priority listings in our ADAPT Practitioner Directory.

Using the A-CFMP credential and the A-CFMP certification badge, you’ll give future patients an instant visual cue that you have done the real work to prepare yourself to practice Functional Medicine ethically and masterfully. While the average patient may not fully understand Functional Medicine certification, they still rely on these important visual cues to develop the trust and confidence they need to choose you as their practitioner.

The ADAPT Functional Medicine Practitioner Training and Certification Program is one of the most comprehensive, in-depth, and rigorous in the world. It is the only comprehensive training that gives you the practical tools to immediately use what you learn in the real world.

Enroll now and start your journey towards certification starting January 27th, 2024!


Coming January 2024!

The only-of-its-kind virtual Functional Medicine fellowship!

Yes, you heard us correctly! We have added a hands-on, virtual clinical experience to our already successful ADAPT Functional Medicine Practitioner Training Program.
You’ll work with Functional Medicine faculty and clinicians to observe virtual patient appointments in a clinical setting, maximize your experience, and increase your comfort level with treating patients.

✨Participate in virtual clinical grand rounds to present, participate, and discuss patient cases with faculty practitioners and other students.
✨Gain real-world, hands-on clinical management experience to better implement the skills you’re learning during the didactic portion of the training program.
✨Learn from some of the top Functional Medicine practitioners in their field.
✨Find flexible fellowship hours to work around your current commitments.
✨Access a private community Circle group for communication with other fellowship students and faculty.

You can find out more by visiting our website


Carb 101: Carbohydrates are a macronutrient that include fibers, sugars, and starches. They are found in vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy products. One gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories and provides fuel for the brain and body. The primary role of carbohydrates is to provide your body with energy. Any excess consumed that is not used gets stored.

Simple carbs are found in fruits, dairy, non-starchy vegetables, table sugars, and many processed foods and beverages. The latter are “empty calories.” They are quickly absorbed in the bloodstream and cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.

Complex carbohydrates contain fiber and complex chains of sugar molecules like starchy vegetables, beans, legumes, and grains. They are absorbed much slower than simple carbs and often result in a slow and steady release of energy.

“Naked” carbs are simple carbohydrates eaten without any foods that aid in slowing down digestion. To improve blood sugar spikes, dress them up by choosing fiber-rich carbohydrates and pairing them with fat and protein to slow digestion and stabilize blood sugar levels.

“Dressed up” snack ideas
🍎Apples with peanut butter
🧀Cracker with cheese and/or peanut butter
🥣Cooked oatmeal with berries, almonds, nut butter and boiled egg on the side
🍫Almonds and dark chocolate

Tell us your favorite balanced snack idea below! 👇🏼


Whether you are gluten free, dairy free, have an allergy or are watching your blood sugar levels, dietary restrictions and preferences can make it difficult to navigate holiday meals. Here are 5 tips to help make the process just a little easier!

✨Eat before you go (have a healthy snack or small meal before you go)
✨ Have a game plan (ask what will be served so you know ahead of time of what to expect or if you are preparing food, do your best to pick dishes that you can enjoy)
✨Offer to bring a dish that you know you will like and tolerate well
✨Bring a dessert that you can enjoy and eat
✨Move your body after dinner (see if anyone may want to join you for a walk or participate in an activity with family, this will help keep the post meal blood sugar spikes down)

Happy Holidays! ❤️

Credit: Tracey O’Shea, FNP (Director of ADAPT Functional Medicine training program)


Most people are familiar with the most typical and popularized symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and mood swings but another change that tends to throw women for a loop on the menopausal ride is weight gain, most notable around the waist.

Many of these new mental, emotional and physical changes are caused by fluctuating hormones. And when it comes to weight gain, these hormones can impact the way your body carries fat.

When the hormone estrogen is at its highest during reproductive years, your body naturally prioritizes fat storage in areas like the breasts, buttocks and thighs. However, when estrogen takes a nose-dive during menopause, fat shifts into the midsection creating more of an “apple” body type. This is why many women notice an increase in abdominal (or visceral) fat in this phase of life.

Aging also causes the muscles in your body to relax over time, which can soften the look of muscle tone and skin. Loss of muscle begins to increase decade by decade, starting as early as 30. Because muscles burn more calories than fat, your metabolism will begin to slow, which can also lead to weight gain.

To offset these hormonal and physical shifts, it is highly beneficial to maintain a balanced diet and workout routine, alongside taking supplements that help address menopausal changes in metabolism and fat storage.

As Functional Medicine practitioners, we prioritize key nutrients through diet and key menopausal support supplements for patients and clients to provide support and balance the impacts of hormonal changes.


The female ge***al tract is naturally colonized by mixed communities of bacteria, known as the va**nal microbiome. This microbiome constantly undergoes fluctuations during your menstrual cycle and throughout your life. A healthy va**nal microbiome is dominated by Lactobacillus which produce various antimicrobial compounds. A loss or sharp decline in beneficial bacteria can lead to infections, changes in fertility and overall health.

Your va**nal microbiome can be impacted by a variety of things:
✨Gut health
✨Hormone levels
✨Diet and stress
✨Exposure to smoke and other airborne pollutants
✨Antibiotic treatment
✨Exercise and body mass index

When there is a disruption of the microbiome and function, it’s known as dysbiosis and linked to a range of disorders.

This includes: bacterial vaginosis (BV), premature delivery in pregnant women, infertility, cytolytic vaginosis, thrush (Candida albicans), increased risk of STIs, endometriosis and PCOS.

Tips for keeping your va**nal microbiome and health on point
🍑Whole foods, nutrient dense diet
🐟Omega 3s and betacarotene (think red, orange and yellow veggies)
🧼Avoid soap when washing your va**na
💪🏻Don’t wear activewear (or wet bathing suits) for prolonged periods of time
🥦Prebiotic fiber to fuel the growth of beneficial bacteria
🦠 Probiotics to help maintain health va**nal flora

Our favorite probiotic for va**nal health is Jarrow Formulas Fem Dophilus

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Small intestinal bacterial infection (SIBO) is defined as the presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine. This is the area of your intestines where the majority of your nutrients are absorbed.

When the small intestine becomes overpopulated with certain bacteria, it can create imbalances in the gut microbiome and can cause many symptoms, including:

✨Bloating and abdominal distension
✨Abdominal pain or discomfort
✨Diarrhea or constipation
✨Fatigue and weakness
✨Symptoms related to malnourishment and more

You can test for SIBO with a breath test to assess for certain levels and types of gas in your breath, indicating overgrowth of different bacterial species.

Treatment for SIBO can range from herbal treatments, diet and lifestyle modification to antibiotics. A functional medicine approach to SIBO often includes one if not all of these treatment options, including looking for the underlying cause of SIBO in the first place.

We train practitioners how to order, interpret and treat SIBO in their patients.

Have you heard of SIBO?! Tell us in the comments?


Recipe: Mojito Sorbet (Alcohol-Free)

If you’re looking for a sweet treat that’s less creamy but lighter and more refreshing, this Mojito Sorbet hits the spot! The recipe even includes a vegetable—cucumber—for an unexpected twist on dessert. This is the perfect dessert to eat after a heavy meal because of its light and refreshing flavors.

Yield: 2 servings

- 1/2 cucumber (large, chopped, and frozen)
- 1/4 cup mint leaves, fresh
- 1/2 lime, juiced
- 1 Tbsp maple syrup
- 2 Tbsp cold filtered water

1. Add frozen cucumber and mint to a food processor or high-powered blender and blend until completely shaved.
2. Add lime juice, maple syrup, and water until well combined and smooth. Scoop into bowls and enjoy!

Insight Timer - #1 Free Meditation App for Sleep, Relax & More 29/07/2023

Over the past several years, the number of meditation and mindfulness apps has proliferated, and there are several good choices. I still find myself using Insight Timer most often. It has a highly configurable timer with different bell sounds and time options, and it also features a lot of great content from meditation, mindfulness, and yoga teachers around the world. It has some great programs for improving sleep and reducing stress, too.

Insight Timer - #1 Free Meditation App for Sleep, Relax & More The best meditation app with the world’s largest FREE library of more than 170k guided meditations, 17k teachers & the world’s most loved meditation Timer.

Could You Benefit From Intermittent Fasting? | Chris Kresser 28/07/2023

Intermittent fasting is a general term used to describe a variety of approaches that change the normal timing of eating throughout a day, with short-term fasts used to improve overall health. In other words, the one consistent theme of intermittent fasting is that individuals periodically fast for a longer duration than the typical overnight fast.

Check out my article below to learn more about intermittent fasting and if it could help you optimize your health.

Could You Benefit From Intermittent Fasting? | Chris Kresser Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool for preventing and reversing disease. Learn how this dietary approach could help you optimize your health.

Should You Go Gluten Free - The Science Behind Gluten Intolerance 27/07/2023

Since the discovery of Celiac disease (CD), the mainstream view of gluten intolerance has remained relatively black or white: Either you have celiac disease, or you don’t.

However, it’s becoming more and more clear that celiac disease is only one manifestation of gluten intolerance, and that “non-celiac gluten sensitivity” (i.e. people that react to gluten but do not have celiac disease) is a legitimate health condition.

In my FREE eBook, you’ll learn:

🥨 That Celiac disease is only the tip of the iceberg
🥨 How a person can be gluten intolerant without having CD
🥨 Why current testing for Celiac disease is falling short
🥨 The truth about CD, wheat allergies and gluten sensitivity
🥨 How to best determine if you are sensitive to any part of wheat
🥨 And much, much more!

Get your free copy below.

Should You Go Gluten Free - The Science Behind Gluten Intolerance Discover the truth about Celiac Disease, wheat allergies and gluten sensitivity. Learn how to determine if you have gluten intolerance and much more.



Thank you for the 5-star review, Karen! I’m so excited to hear that you have experienced positive changes from taking Adapt Naturals Bio-Avail Organ!

“I’m on my third bottle of Bio-Avail Organ. Without adding anything else to my supplements or changing my diet, I've definitely notice a big difference in my stamina and overall well being. I play tennis 4 or 5 times a week for 2 hours and I never feel tired anymore after playing. I feel like I'm sleeping better as well. I'll definitely continue taking this.”

Bio-Avail Organ contains a blend of five freeze-dried bovine organs—liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, and spleen—sourced from 100% grass-fed, grass-finished, free-range New Zealand cattle. Taking this nutrient-dense supplement daily is equivalent to eating about 4 ounces of organ meat a week.

Go to to learn more and shop!

The Unbiased Truth about Artificial Sweeteners - Chris Kresser 26/07/2023

A committee of 25 international experts at the WHO released a report last week indicating that the zero calorie sweetener Aspartame is "possibly carcinogenic" when consumed in higher amounts. The WHO also highlighted the fact that evidence has not shown that zero calorie sweeteners are effective for weight reduction—possibly because they can increase food cravings and disrupt the microbiome.

Check out my article "The Unbiased Truth About Artificial Sweeteners" below for more info.

The Unbiased Truth about Artificial Sweeteners - Chris Kresser Past research on artificial sweeteners has always been lacking, until now. Are artificial sweeteners healthy? Read on for updated data.

Efficacy and Safety of Curcumin and Curcuma longa Extract in the Treatment of Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial 25/07/2023

Arthritis and joint pain are debilitating conditions with a significant impact on quality of life. Unfortunately, conventional anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen have serious and potentially life-threatening side effects when taken for long periods. Numerous studies have shown that curcumin is effective for reducing inflammation, swelling, and pain in inflammatory joint conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis—without the adverse effects associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen. For example, this 2022 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) found that curcumin reduced inflammation and pain in arthritis sufferers and was safe even at relatively high doses for several months.

If you missed the announcement last week, I just launched a brand new Naturals product, Bio-Avail Omega+, which is the first and only product on the market that combines ultra-pure fish oil with the most bioavailable forms of curcumin (Novasol) and black seed oil (ThymoQuin). Check it out at

Efficacy and Safety of Curcumin and Curcuma longa Extract in the Treatment of Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial Modern pharmacological research found that the chemical components of Curcuma longa L. are mainly curcumin and turmeric volatile oil. Several recent randomized controlled trials (RCT) have shown that curcumin improves symptoms and inflammation in patients ...


If you missed the news last week, Adapt Naturals Bio-Avail Omega+ is now available for purchase!

Since there are no other products like this available on the market, I know many of you have questions!

I'm excited to announce that I will be holding a live “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) on Wednesday, July 26 at 1:00 P.M. Pacific Time centered around Bio-Avail Omega+.

You can pre-submit your questions here as well:

While I won’t be able to give any personalized medical advice or make recommendations based on individual circumstances, you’re encouraged to join if you have any questions about the ingredients, the best way to take, or how it fits in with other Adapt Naturals products.

We are so excited for you to experience the powerful benefits of Omega+.

Click here to register for the Bio-Avail Omega+ AMA:

I hope to see you there!

An Astonishing 85 Million Americans Suffer from Skin Disease - Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute 23/07/2023

One in 4 Americans struggle with a skin condition. And these conditions are not merely “skin deep”—this recent study found that half of skin conditions are associated with a higher risk of early death. Why is that? Because most skin conditions are driven by underlying factors like nutrient deficiency and inflammation. If you’re struggling with skin issues like acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, or premature wrinkles, check out my free eBook, Nutrition for Healthy Skin at

You’ll learn which nutrients are most important for skin health and how to ensure you’re getting enough of them from diet and supplements.

An Astonishing 85 Million Americans Suffer from Skin Disease - Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute According to a recent study, skin disease is plaguing Americans more than previously suspected.


Recipe: Avocado & Steak Salad

This robust salad pairs a delicious flank steak with bright salad greens, avocado, and onion for a nutrient-dense and filling meal. You can cook the steak in a cast-iron skillet, as described in the instructions, or prepare it on a grill.

- 3 tbsps extra virgin olive oil (divided)
- 8 oz flank steak
- Sea salt & black pepper (to taste)
- 8 leaves romaine (chopped)
- 2 tomatoes (quartered)
- 1/4 cup red Onion (thinly sliced)
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
- 1 Avocado (cubed)
- 1/4 cup cilantro (roughly torn)

1. Heat a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat and add 1/3 of the oil. Dry the steak well and season with salt and pepper. Place the steak in the pan and cook for about 18 to 20 minutes, flipping once. The timing will depend on how thick your steak is and your desired doneness. Remove, rest the steak for 10 minutes, then slice against the grain and set aside.
2. Add romaine, tomato, and red onion to a large bowl.
3. In a small bowl, combine the remaining olive oil, lime juice, and mustard and season to taste with salt and pepper. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss to combine. Divide onto plates and top with the avocado, cilantro, and steak. Enjoy!

- Pair this salad with sweet potato or parsnip “fries” or a baked sweet potato to round out the meal.
- Add whatever other toppings or vegetables you’d like!


Hey! I wanted to make sure you didn't miss the exciting announcement we made earlier this week about a new product we just launched at Adapt Naturals.

Bio-Avail Omega+ gives you three potent health-boosting nutrients in a single product–ultra-pure fish oil and the most bio-available forms of curcumin and black seed oil.

Say hello to:
✅ Better joint and muscle health. Boost your performance and recovery and feel more youthful and vital.
✅ A clear mind and brighter mood. Sharpen your focus and memory and recover that spring in your step!
✅ Stronger and more balanced immunity. Reduces immune hyperactivity and strengthens protection against viruses and other pathogens.
✅ Improved metabolic and heart health. Helps maintain normal weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

I’m SO EXCITED to get Bio-Avail Omega+ in your hands. It's going to be a game-changer!

To celebrate the launch, we’re offering 20% off your Bio-Avail Omega+ order between now and Sunday, July 23, at 11:59 pm Pacific.

Learn more about Bio-Avail Omega+ and take advantage of the limited time discount at!

B12 Defficiency - What are the Normal Levels and Potential Consequences 20/07/2023

B12 Deficiency is a Silent Epidemic That is Routinely Missed and Under-Diagnosed.

In my FREE eBook, you’ll learn:

✅ The early symptoms of B12 deficiency that are going undiagnosed in most people
✅ How B12 deficiency is commonly missed or misdiagnosed
✅ What B12 is, how it works and why you need it
✅ The best sources of B12
✅ What may be preventing you from absorbing the B12 you are getting
✅ Whether you are deficient in B12
✅ How often should you test
✅ What you should do if you discover that your B12 is low
✅ And more!

Get your copy for free below.

B12 Defficiency - What are the Normal Levels and Potential Consequences Learn what is B12, how it works and how you can use it for improving your health. Find out why B12 defficiency is either missed or misdiagnosed.


Dr. Stephan van Vliet joined me in my new episode of Revolution Health Radio to discuss his emerging research on the nutrient profiles of beef raised by various farming methods, including grass-fed grazing, grain-fed, and grain-finished. Dr. van Vliet explained how the nutrient profiles differ between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, particularly with regard to omega-6 to omega-3 ratios and phytonutrients, what this cutting-edge research means for human health and nutrient density, and how this emerging evidence supports a shift toward more sustainable agriculture.

Listen to the episode or read the full transcript here:


Bio-Avail Omega+ from Adapt Naturals is finally here!

Bio-Avail Omega+ contains:

Far exceeding even the most stringent international standards for freshness, purity, and sustainability/traceability.

A liquid micelle form of curcumin that is 185 times more bioavailable than standard preparations.

A cold-pressed, full-spectrum black seed oil with 3 times more thymoquinone (the active ingredient in BSO) and higher concentrations of other healing components than standard preparations.

Bio-Avail Omega+ gives you three potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients in a single product–at a significantly lower price than you’d pay for them separately.

Say hello to:
👉 Better joint and muscle health. Boost your performance and recovery and feel more youthful and vital.
👉 A clear mind and brighter mood. Sharpen your focus and memory and recover that spring in your step!
👉 Stronger and more balanced immunity. Reduces immune hyperactivity and strengthens protection against viruses and other pathogens.
👉 Improved metabolic and heart health. Helps maintain normal weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

I’m SO EXCITED to get Bio-Avail Omega+ in your hands.

I think it’s going to be a game-changer.

I used these nutrients for many years in my clinical practice with great success—but until now, they’ve never been available in a single product.

To celebrate the launch, we’re offering 20% off your Bio-Avail Omega+ order between now and Sunday at 11:59 pm Pacific.

(If you choose Subscribe & Save at checkout, you can save another 5%—and lock those savings in for the lifetime of your subscription!)

Go to to get started with Bio-Avail Omega+ and save 20–25% off your order now through Sunday, July 23rd, at 11:59pm Pacific!


Adapt Naturals Bio-Avail Omega+ is coming tomorrow!

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from this incredible superfood blend:
✅ Supports joint and muscle health. Boost your performance and recovery and feel more youthful and vital.
✅ Improves cognitive function and mood. Sharpen your focus and memory and recover that spring in your step!
✅ Promotes metabolic and heart health. Helps maintain normal weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
✅ Regulates immune function. Reduces immune hyperactivity and strengthens protection against viruses and other pathogens.

Bio-Avail Omega+ is the first and only product on the market that combines ultra-pure fish oil with the most bioavailable forms of curcumin (Novasol) and black seed oil (ThymoQuin).

If you’ve been taking these nutrients separately, you’ll now be able to get their extraordinary benefits in a single, daily serving of two soft gels.

This means fewer capsules to take—and a lot of money and time saved!

Stay tuned for the launch tomorrow, and make sure you’re following Adapt Naturals if you aren’t already.

I hope you’re as excited about this product as I am!

“Like” this post or leave a comment if you’re excited!


In a recent podcast (, I shared the top three nutrients I use for supporting people with chronic inflammation/pain and autoimmune conditions:
- Fish oil (EPA & DHA)
- Curcumin
- Black seed oil

But existing products leave a lot to be desired.

Most fish oils are rancid and contain heavy metals or other contaminants.

And most forms of curcumin and black seed oil are poorly absorbed and not worth taking at all.

Even with the few better options, you have to take each of these nutrients separately—which means higher cost and a lot of pills.

With Bio-Avail Omega+, you’ll get the extraordinary benefits of ultra-pure fish oil and the most bioavailable forms of curcumin and black seed oil in a single product.

Stay tuned and make sure you’re following Adapt Naturals for more info…

It’s coming soon!

Nutrient Deficiency - Chris Kresser 15/07/2023

I’ve been working in the fields of Functional Medicine and ancestral health for 15 years. Over that time, I’ve come to believe that nutrient deficiency is one of the leading causes of chronic disease, poor quality of life, and a shortened lifespan. This is alarming because the latest statistics suggest that virtually everyone is falling short on at least one—and often several—essential vitamins and minerals. Here’s the good news: it’s relatively straightforward to address nutrient deficiencies when you know how to do it. That’s why I recently created a new eBook called Nutrient Deficiency: Why Most of Us Are Nutrient Deficient—and What to Do About It.

In this FREE eBook, you’ll learn:
✅ Why micronutrients—vitamins, minerals, and other compounds—are so critical to our health
✅ Why most of us don’t get enough of not just one but several essential micronutrients
✅ Why a healthy diet should always be the starting place for restoring optimal nutrient status
✅ Why we can no longer meet all of our nutrient needs through food alone
✅ How “smart supplementation” can close the modern nutrient gaps, improve our health, protect us from disease, and extend our life span
✅ And more!

Get your copy for free below!

Nutrient Deficiency - Chris Kresser Nutrient Deficiency. Read more and find related articles from Chris Kresser.

Can Circadian Eating Pattern Adjustments Reduce Risk or Prevent Development of T2D? 14/07/2023

This new analysis of existing research on intermittent fasting published in Nutrients found a direct correlation between the number of meals consumed in a day and type 2 diabetes and metabolic problems. The researchers found that fasting for at least 12 to 14 hours overnight leads to lower glucose and insulin levels and 550 fewer calories consumed daily! They also found that time-restricted eating improves the gut microbiome, which in turn reduces the inflammatory cascade associated with metabolic syndrome.

See my article “Could You Benefit From Intermittent Fasting?” for more information and tips:

Can Circadian Eating Pattern Adjustments Reduce Risk or Prevent Development of T2D? Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic condition that occurs in insulin-resistant people with reduced glucose uptake. It is contributed to and exacerbated by a poor diet that results in accumulation of adipose tissue, high blood sugar, and other metabolic issues. Because humans have undergone food scarc...


Inflammation is at the root of virtually all chronic conditions, from arthritis to dementia to cardiovascular disease to autoimmune disease.⁠

75 million Americans struggle with chronic pain. Over 80 million Americans have an autoimmune condition. Six in ten Americans have a chronic disease, and four in ten have multiple chronic diseases.⁠

So, it’s no exaggeration to say that the majority of Americans have a condition that involves inflammation. ⁠

Sadly, as most of you know, conventional treatments for these conditions are often ineffective and have multiple side effects. ⁠

In my new episode of Revolution Health Radio, I shared my top three nutrients for fighting inflammation and autoimmunity. ⁠

I discussed:⁠
- The significance of inflammation in the onset, progression, and severity of chronic and autoimmune diseases⁠
- My top three nutrients for fighting inflammation and autoimmunity⁠
- The research behind how these three nutrients impact a wide range of inflammation-driven conditions⁠
- How to use these nutrients to reduce inflammation and balance the immune system⁠
- The most important things to consider when supplementing with these nutrients⁠

I’ve used these nutrients for many years with great success in my practice, so I’m excited to share them with you. ⁠

Listen to the episode or read the full transcript here:


Videos (show all)

RHR: Phytonutrients in Meat and the Nutritional Difference Between Grass-Fed vs Grain-Fed, with Stephan van Vliet
RHR: My Top 3 Nutrients for Fighting Inflammation and Autoimmunity
RHR: How to Safely Approach Stopping Psychiatric Medications, with Dr. Mark Horowitz
RHR: Understanding the Science of Metabolism and Ketones, with Dr. Latt Mansor
RHR: Finding a Path to a Meaningful Life Through Sport, Adventure, Charity, and Aging Well, with Sean Lake
Exciting Improvements to Bio-Avail Myco!
RHR: Reviewing the Evidence on the Serotonin Theory of Depression, with Dr. Joanna Moncrieff
Integrating Functional and Ayurvedic Medicine to Treat and Heal Your Autoimmunity, with Dr. Akil Palanisamy
The Nutrient Shortfalls of the EAT-Lancet Diet, with Ty Beal
Overcoming Adrenal Dysfunction, with Dr. Izabella Wentz
How Regenerative Grazing Supports Our Health and Our Ecosystem, with Ridge Shinn and Lynne Pledger