Natural Health Ambassador

Natural Health Ambassador

If life is a game, then I'm the coach. You were meant to be healthy and well. I can help you. Let's identify your problem and get it under control.

The Natural Health Ambassador takes a holistic approach to helping people achieve balance in all areas of their lives. Poor diets, lack of exercise and physical activity, poor nutrition and weight management, lack of stress management, and bad habits alone or in any combination can affect your health and wellness.

Timeline photos 07/04/2017

Today we celebrate the founding of the World Health Organization. Without them we wouldn't know things like the decline in dental carries in this country which we're supposed to believe is because of water fluoridation, is exactly the same in countries that don't fluoridate. And we wouldn't know how many countries outside the U.S. have banned GMO foods and the use of Roundup. For some reason our media doesn't consider stories like that to be news worthy.

Timeline photos 16/02/2017

Had my first 'almond' product this morning at breakfast. Don't miss you chance to enjoy this nutritious nut!

Almonds! Always one of my favorite snacks, they've become an even bigger part of my diet with the advent of almond milk. Today is "Almond Day" and it's easy to participate with so many almond products available now.

Timeline photos 07/01/2017

I fully agree that we should know what we're eating. But I also think we should be MUCH more aware of why we're eating.
Does your body need the nutrition?
Is it a certain time of day?
Is finger food your stress reliever?
Did an 'expert' tell you it's good for you?
"What" is important, but be able to answer the other "W" words too.

Each of us should know what we are eating, how it was produced, what impact it has on our health.

The knowledge we need for growing food is knowledge of biodiversity and living seed, of living soil and the soil food web, of interaction between different species in the agroecosystem and of different seasons. Farmers have been the experts in these fields, as have ecological scientists who study the evolution of microorganisms, plants and animals, the ecological web and the soil food web.

Read about how industrial-scale agriculture is becoming anti-science:

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Publishes Stance on Vegan and Vegetarian Diets 09/12/2016

This is fantastic news in a couple of ways. AND (formally the American Dietetics Assn.) was noted for following the corporately sponsored line when it came to giving any sort of endorsement but they never went against the stance of the AMA. This is a big and bold step for them. I was hoping their name change would be a break from their past and apparently it will be..

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Publishes Stance on Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Vegetarian and vegan diets are healthful, may prevent and treat chronic diseases, and are better for the environment, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the world’s largest organization of nutrition professionals.

Raw Holiday Pomegranate Salad {} 08/12/2016

Love pomegranates! Gotta try this one.

Raw Holiday Pomegranate Salad {} Nature’s juicy little rubies are high in fiber and antioxidants, helping you stay healthy and feel light during winter.


Why is this on the news in Europe and the rest of the world, but not a word from the MSM here?

Timeline photos 11/11/2016

Your body can never be better than what you put in it.

Because life is too short for bad food!


If you feel you have to drink milk (science says no) then at least drink raw milk. It's a shame we can't trust the gov't agencies responsible for our health to make our health their #1 priority.

Setting the Record Straight on Raw Milk Illnesses | Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance Setting the Record Straight on Raw Milk Illnesses As published in a recent Austin American-Statesman article, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is now claiming that there were two small outbreaks of foodborne illness linked to raw milk in the spring of 2015. But this is the first…

Petition: Put Our Health Before Monsanto's Profit & Ban Roundup! 01/10/2016

If Monsanto is so sure that Roundup is absolutely safe, then there should be no problem getting their Board of Directors to submit to an injection of a trace amount of Roundup every day for 30 days to prove it to everyone.

Petition: Put Our Health Before Monsanto's Profit & Ban Roundup! A part of the World Health Organization says that Roundup "probably" causes cancer. Tell the EPA to end its use immediately!

Séralini wins defamation case against French news magazine Marianne 24/09/2016

Kuddos to Prof. Seralini for sticking by his guns and showing up these corporate shills. Defamation of honest scientific research is one of the mail tools used by those that put corporate greed ahead of your health.

Séralini wins defamation case against French news magazine Marianne Original author of the defamation was American ex-tobacco lobbyist Henry I. Miller

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered! 02/09/2016

If you've ever wondered why health professionals turn a blind eye to real dangers of programs like forced vaccination and water fluoridation, remember that most doctors are extremely smart, NOT extremely brave. Being brave has its consequences.

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered! Not too long ago it was reported that there had been somewhat of an epidemic going about where doctors were being murdered. Most of these took place in Florida of the United States. All of these doctors happened to share one common trait, they had all discovered that nagalese enzyme protein was bein...

Chipotle Released Their Cutest & Scariest Short Film Yet. Connect With Your Food 11/08/2016

When it comes to being good corporate 'citizens' Chipotle is tops in my opinion.

Chipotle Released Their Cutest & Scariest Short Film Yet. Connect With Your Food Frankenfood, otherwise known as Genetically Modified Food, has slipped under the radar by infiltrating our food supply and products for more than 30 years. In recent years, people have become more aware of its existence, thanks to the help of groups like March Against Monsanto, a non-profit organiza...

Government advises airlines to spray pesticides on passengers 09/08/2016

Gas chamber with wings? How many of these toxic chemicals can your body handle on top of all the ones you're already exposed to every day?

Government advises airlines to spray pesticides on passengers

Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide range of diseases: Scientists... 24/04/2016

Fructose is a monosaccharide, a simple sugar, that shows up in our diets in the worst possible ways - as a totally unnecessary (and harmful) added sweetener.

Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide range of diseases: Scientists...

Ruth Heidrich, Ph.D | Living Healthier Longer 16/04/2016

This lady knows her stuff!

Ruth Heidrich, Ph.D | Living Healthier Longer

Timeline photos 13/04/2016

"If the people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in a sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
Not a totally accurate quotation but one worthy of consideration on his birthday. Read, "Notes on the State of Virginia" when you get a chance.

OCA: Call Your Senators Today! Tell Them No Compromise on GMO Labeling! 27/02/2016

Please take a moment to help STOP yet another attack on our right to know what's in the food we buy

OCA: Call Your Senators Today! Tell Them No Compromise on GMO Labeling! Monsanto and its GMO food front group, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), are mounting a last ditch effort to get Congress and President Obama to...


Another of those coincidences we're supposed to fall for.

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans.Nagalese is what pr

Timeline photos 26/02/2016

Obese people need more vitamin E, but actually get less

The True Reason Why Wheat is Toxic And It's Not The Gluten! 24/01/2016

We need more articles like this published to get out the word. Many that think they are gluten intolerant (our thanks to Monsanto, et al. for promoting that) are in fact intolerant of Roundup.

The True Reason Why Wheat is Toxic And It's Not The Gluten! The stories became far too frequent to ignore. I was amazed in the beginning of the school year at the amount of parents waiting in line holding a box with the medications to administer their children if and when an allergic reaction occurred. I kid you not, in a small charter school of 350-400 chil…

Sugar is Killing Us 20/01/2016

An easy to understand, short video that you can share with your children to help them understand why you have been "depriving" them of added sugar.

Sugar is Killing Us Sugar is Killing Us is a campaign to spread information about the negative effects of sugar and empower people to make better food choices. Find out more at ...

RELEASE: USDA Revokes Grass Fed Label Standard | National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition 13/01/2016

I get so tired of 'one step forward and two steps back' when dealing with these gov't agencies. The way I read it, the problem is in their own in-house inefficiency and because of it, they want to scrap the labeling altogether. Wonder how long it will be before they let corporate agriculture skip all labeling but the price tag?

RELEASE: USDA Revokes Grass Fed Label Standard | National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Washington, DC, January 12, 2016 – Today in the Federal Register, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) rescinds the labeling standard for grass fed meat that was developed over the course of four years and finalized, with the support of national farm and consumer…

Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center » McDougall’s Moments: The Dairy Industry 19/12/2015

Dr. Ruth was the one that introduced me to Dr. McDougall and I've yet to find anything from him that I don't agree with 100%.

Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center » McDougall’s Moments: The Dairy Industry Dr. McDougall discusses the Dairy Industry

Industry-financed clinical trials on the rise, as number of NIH-funded trials falls: Researchers... 17/12/2015

In this case, "Industry" means that Big Pharma funds the trials on their own products and passes along the ones that show favorable results. Many of these trials are done through medical schools, allowing the school to profit from the research money as long as the results they produce enable the 'industry' to continue to profit too. It's a big part of the budget of a lot of medical schools and as a result, the 'industry' has a big say in how and what the students are taught.

Industry-financed clinical trials on the rise, as number of NIH-funded trials falls: Researchers... Since 2006, the number of industry-sponsored clinical trials studying the benefits and harms of medical treatments has risen dramatically, while the number of clinical trials funded by the National Institutes of Health has fallen substantially, according to new American research.

Ranking protein from the healthiest to the least healthy - Nutrition Action 14/12/2015

What they don't say when comparing protein sources is the amount of veggies it takes to get a comparable amount of protein to 4 ounces of meat. And when they do, they make it look like a bad thing. It's anything but bad. With all the extra veggies you also get a plethora of super healthy vitamins and minerals.

Ranking protein from the healthiest to the least healthy - Nutrition Action What to Eat Ranking protein from the healthiest to the least healthy How do beans, nuts, fish, poultry, and dairy compare? Bonnie Liebman • December 14, 2015 Posted in What to Eat. Tweet Comment Email Print Email Print “Plant sources of protein look the best,” says Walter Willett, who chairs the…

3 Natural Antibiotics to Ward Off Superbugs 14/12/2015

There are many natural ways to stop a 'cold' from ever developing and here are a few good ones.

3 Natural Antibiotics to Ward Off Superbugs In 1945, Alexander Fleming and two colleagues won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. They were recognized for developing penicillin as a therapeutic drug. Penicillin went on to become one of the first commercially available “antibiotics.” In the decades that have followed, antibiotics have saved cou…

Yahoo Health 04/12/2015

Who is healthier: foodies or picky eaters?

Yahoo Health Are you an adventurous eater? A new study shows what that has to do with your waistline.

Good news for people suffering from fatty liver disease: Resistance training can help 04/12/2015

Weight training may reduce risk of fatty liver disease.

Good news for people suffering from fatty liver disease: Resistance training can help Approximately 30% of the population suffer from fatty liver disease, the most common liver disease in the Western world. The disease can lead to inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver. A new study has found that gym training, and not only aerobic exercises, can help reduce liver fat

Health Tips From The Professor Heart Disease Risk and Multivitamins - Health Tips From The Professor 02/12/2015

The "Professor" knows his stuff - take heed!

Health Tips From The Professor Heart Disease Risk and Multivitamins - Health Tips From The Professor How to reduce your heart disease risk? Click here to see if multivitamins help reduce your risk of heart disease.

#RWRunStreak 25/11/2015

You set the distance - running challenge for the holiday season. Learn to be consistent before 1 Jan resolutions

#RWRunStreak The RW Run Streak is back! The run streak is designed to keep you running through the holiday season, and to bridge the gap between fall races and training for the spring. It can be difficult this time of the year to keep your running on track—but it's much easier if you have a goal and a plan. The goal is simple: Run at least one mile per day, every day, starting on Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 26) and ending on New Year's Day (Friday, January 1). That's 37 consecutive days of running. Here's the plan. It includes running a mile a day, of course, but also includes options to run longer and faster. These runs are just options. You don't have to run more than a mile each day to complete the streak. You can download the free plan here as a handy PDF. Post it on your fridge and mark off the days as you complete them. Or—new this year—you can get the plan in our new RW Go tracking app. The app and this plan are free, but you must download the app and the plan by 11:59 p.m. EST Monday, Nov. 23. After that, the plan will be available only as a PDF from Have questions about the streak? Check out the FAQ here. Share your progress and motivate other streakers by “liking” the streak on Facebook. You can also share updates on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag . And since the whole world now should know you're a streaker, we created badges to add to your social media accounts and blogs. Download the badges and a Facebook cover photo here. If you finish the streak, you’ll have access to the coveted RW Run Streak finisher’s badge. Happy streaking!