Chad Beavers Ministries

Chad Beavers Ministries

We just want to share the Love of God and the Word of God to the world that's lost and broken!! It's time to get on fire for God!! He's coming back soon!!!


Tonight and tomorrow night at Prospect Independent Church Round #4 Bro Chris Owensby and Bro Noah Owensby will be back at Prospect, bringing the Word of the Lord! Come worship with us!! 7pm but get there early so you can get a good seat! Love you guys and hope to see ya there, be blessed!!


We must remember that the devil does not fight or come after empty people, but in John 10 he is called a thief; and a thief only comes when there is something worthy or of value to be stolen! Guard your hearts, and your spiritual treasures that God has released to you to be stored in these earthen vessels!! You've came to far now to just let the enemy come in and take whatever he wants!!


Get Ready North West Alabama, and East Mississippi!!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Anyone at all in driving distance! Tomorrow night at Prospect Church in Nauvoo, Al, it's going down! Round 3 Revival/Camp Meeting starts at 6 pm, then Mon & Tue, at 7 pm... We hope to see you there!!! Help us by bringing in as many as we can, so that we may lead them to the one who can fix their life, and save their soul, deliver them, heal them, fill them!!! 3 Nights of Holy Ghost Outpouring!! Bro Chris Owensby and Bro Noah Owensby, bringing Gods Word to us!! We're excited about what God is gonna do and already has done! Also we will not be in Sanctuary where we have been, but have moved the Sanctuary into the Fellowship hall, so we have lots more room to fit folks in. Be blessed and come EXPECTING miracles from Heaven to be released!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Praying for Haley!! Please join in agreement with me, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much! In Jesus Name!!!


Tonight at 7pm!! Prospect Church, Round 2 Camp Meeting with Bro Chris Owensby and Bro Noah Owensby, if you are anywhere close to the Nauvoo, Al region, you need to be there, and bring a friend or the whole family!! God will surely be in the place, and we are believing these meetings are gonna be full of the glory of GodπŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Bring the lost, the broken, the busted and disgusted, the sick and lame, and we'll believe with you and watch in faith and anticipation as God does the miraculous!! We love you and hope to see you there!!!


There is a Remnant that is rising right now that is saying that they will not settle for entering into a sanctuary that is void of the power and presence of God, they dont want to hear a sugar coated, watered down, cookie cutters gospel, but they are desperately hungry for what thus sayeth the Lord.

We dont want a white mans religion or a black mans religion, we want a whosoever will let them come relationship with the King of glory! The Remnant is tired of "Church as usual" and says Lord send down your glory!!!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ We dont believe in begging God, but we believe in standing on the Word of God in faith and action, and declaring and decreeing, and warring in prayer until the answer from Heaven comes!!

We serve Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our provider, not Jehovah Genie, the one I just call on when I want to make a wish!! He's the Creator of all creators, the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords, not a fairy in the sky! There is a shift going on in this radical hour in which we live, and God is looking for someone to give Him some radical praise 7 days a week, not someone who only praises Him on Sunday Mornings!! So are you part of the Remnant that God is elevating in this last days generation? I dare you to examine yourself in the Spiritual mirror and see for yourself! I love you and God loves you, but He deserves more of us, especially if you want more of Him! Can I get a witness?


If you missed last week's Camp Meeting at Prospect Church, here's your opportunity to make it out for round 2, starting this coming Monday-Wednesday nights at 7pm. It was a life changing, Jesus exalting, devil stomping, old fashioned, Apostolic move of God, and if you can make it, I promise you, you don't wanna miss it!!! Heaven is invading Alabama and bringing salvation, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost!! Help us by spreading the word and sharing this post. Bro Chris and Noah Owensby are 2 MIGHTY MEN of GOD, 2 modern day Elijah and Elishas!! Come encounter the glory of the Lord with us! No matter your background, or denomination, all are welcome, Jesus is an Equal Opportunity Saviour!!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


The enemy's expecting you to fall apart, get depressed and give up on your dreams. But when you look adversity in the eye, and you're not moved by it, you give the enemy a nervous breakdown!! You have POWER over ALL the enemy, and don't forget that, he can't do anything that u don't allow him to!! So its time to strap up them Holy Ghost boots, and put your foot down in Jesus name!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯Come on and don't stop now!!!


This Thursday Evening Men!!! Come on out at 6pm to dinner and 7pm for Worship and Word!! We're excited to start this year off right, and in a world where they are telling you it's wrong to be a Man, we need more Men of God to rise up and position themselves to lead their homes and families and be an example for others to see!! Iron sharpens Iron!!! Please share away! See you there!!


Hope to see you all in the morning at Prospect Independent Church for a wonderful time of Worship, and celebrating the TRUE MEANING of Christmas! Starts at 10 AM. Merry Christmas!!

Photos from Chad Beavers Ministries's post 20/12/2023

Tonight at Prospect we will be going on an adventure to a several thousand years ago, to the home of a family who were just living life how they knew how to live it, until 2 men showed up one night and radically changed their lives and their destiny! They were saved and delivered because of a Scarlet Cord, and their faith in it. What does that have to do with us you say? Well everything, to answer that simply! Join us Tonight to find out what it means and symbolizes for us today! Eat at 6 and study at 7:00. Hope to see you there!! Joshua 2 and the story of a gal named Rahab!


The modern church has replaced "that convicts me" with "that offends me" to where we no longer realize that conviction is to our spirits what pain is to our bodies! Not the enemy but rather an indication that an enemy has invaded!!

Without pain in our bodies, we could cut our feet on a piece of glass and not realize it and bleed out, same with Holy Spirits conviction, we can live in sin and die without Christ!! Don't let New Age Culture rule over Holy Spirits power and guidance in your life!!


If the living knew what the dead now know, the whole world would follow Jesus!! Let that sink in for a moment!! πŸ’―πŸ”₯


Revival Jan 14th-17th at Prospect Independent Church with 2 very anointed men of God! Bro Chris and Noah Owensby, I assure you, you don't want to miss this move of God!! Two of the mightiest Apostolic voices bringing the gospel today! You will definitely want to get there early because seats will be taken very quick. We are so excited, and are believing God for all of our territory to be won for Christ!! Everyone welcome!


A lot of people think and talk a lot about changing the world, but never even think of changing themselves, if you want to see true change then it starts with you!! πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Sometimes we find ourselves questioning God, why didn't this work out, why did this go this way or that way?? Why can't my life be in order and where I want it to be?? I hear the Lord saying today, because I'm trying to take you to the place that I want you to be!! My plans for you are far greater than those you have for yourself!! Trust me, and follow me, and quit hindering my plans I have for you!!

There is a verse in Proverbs that says to Trust in the Lord with All of our heart, and to not lean on our own understanding, in ALL of our ways, Look To Him, and He Will direct our paths!! Give it to Him right now, and then step back and watch Him work it out for your good!!


Hey Prospect Independent Church Family and anyone else that needs to hear this!! Tomorrow our Sunday Morning Services is gonna start a lil different from now on, Worship will start as soon as we get there at 10:15 am, so get there early so we can press into life changing Worship, and get in His presence!!!

Scripture says to enter His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise! So come prepared to worship and praise Him with fervency and passion!! Believing mighty blessings are gonna be released onto everyone, as we lay our burdens down at Jesus feet, and pick up our weapon of praise!!

Also bring your children and their backpacks as Tomorrow is Backpack Blessing Sunday!! We want to give the children something for school, and cover them with prayer and blessings from the Lord for this new school year!! Love you all and remember get there early, or at least by 10:15 am cause you don't wanna miss this!!


To many Jacob’s never become Israel because they prefer to choose a swagger over a limp!!

Quit going at life your own way, which seems to almost never work out, you've tried that way long enough now, and let God touch and transform your life!!

Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death."


The devils sword is no match for our Lord!!!

Remember we have God's might for the fight!!

Don't lose heart, Don't grow weary, Stand strong!!

David said in 1 Samuel Chapter 17, "You come to me with a sword and a spear, and a shield, but I come to you in the mighty name of the Lord"!!

I want to declare and decree to you today, that no matter the threat or the heat that comes your way, no matter the battle, you may even feel like you're traveling through hell right now, but I hear the Lord saying, "You're coming out, and when you do, you're gonna come out smelling like Heaven"!!!

Don't just GO through it, but GROW through it!!
