Dashing Dad

Dashing Dad

Dashing Dad is about running around, running, and looking good. I talk about raising my kids, stayin We both enjoy running and biking.

My name is Brian and I am a dad of two kids in Northern California. The Dashing Son is in elemetary school, and the Dashing Daughter is toddler. I grew up on a sheep farm (insert jokes here, I have heard them all) in Northern California. I eventually became a professional archaeologist, married the Dashing Wife, and had two kids. The Dashing Wife completed the Goofy Challange at Disney World (half


After completing 9 miles on the treadmill, that brings me to 31 miles in 76 hours, AND if I fall into a 33 day coma after posting this, I will still break my previous record for most miles ran (1152) and number of steps (4,362,000) in a calendar year. Plus I've logged 454 miles of walking.


17 miles done. I wanted 18, but I felt the bonk approaching and cramping was foreshadowed, so I cut it short, which was easy because I did a "lobe run". I was able to do eight 2 mile (and one 1 mile) out and backs on different courses.


Long run complete. 15 miles and every 2 miles I would walk for a minute or two.


August is almost over, and while my monthly totals aren't all that impressive, the last 12 months are the most miles I've ever put in, and because I put in a lot of walking miles in September, I don't know if I'll match it.

My current 12 month totals are 1310 miles running, 530 walking miles, and 5 million steps, plus maybe 50 miles of kayaking.


My FB memories reminded me of a 12 mile run I did 11 years ago. It took me more than 2 hours, I had some massive blisters, and my knee was killing me. I am sure I was doing some sort of Galloway run/walk method and consuming Gu or chews or something Yesterday, I did 12 miles on the treadmill in far less time with about 12 ounces of scratch fuel drink (lemon matcha flavor), and had no issues after (other than my knee which has been bugging me for months).

Basically, if you keep at it, goals that seem near impossible today, will become no big deal in the future. This applies to running and life in general.

Also, while I don't use Galloway method anymore, I still take walk breaks. 30 seconds here and there. I've only completed two out of 52 half marathons without at least a little bit of walking.


Smoke in the air so I did 12 miles on the treadmill. Watched a movie, so it wasn't that bad


5 miles done with negative splits and six sets of 0.6 mile hill repeats on Thursday hurts day.


I ran my usual 5 miles with negative splits, but I ran my usual route backwards. Of course, my route is an out and back, so it was the same as usual.


6 miles done with negative splits, but due to smoke, I ran on the treadmill. But I did ten hill repeats every quarter mile at 6.5% (flat was at 1.5%) and I bumped the pace 0.1 every half mile. My floor is soaked with sweat.


5 miles done with negative splits. It was warm out, but there was a nice breeze, which was nice.


My schedule is all out of whack. I did my 5 miles with hill repeats yesterday and since I've got to get up early tomorrow, and Dashing Wife has a race today, I did 11 miles on the treadmill while watching a movie. Now I'm walking through my house like its warp speed


5 miles done with negative splits on this Tuesday morning. Not bad, but a fast final mile.


Due to smoke, circumstances, and a general feeling of "I don't wanna" I didn't run this weekend, so I did an easy 6 miles with negative splits this morning.


5 miles done withnegative splits and six 0.6 mile hill repeats on Thursday hurts day.


5 miles done with negative splits (ignoring the potty break). I had to turn on a coyote that was following the Dashing Boy Dog and me for a hundred years or so. Basically treated it like a normal dog and told it to go away.


Dashing Son and I ran in an actual race with Brazen Racing. He did the 5k and I ran the half marathon. After a mile, my goal was to maintain a steady pace, and over 11 miles, there was only an 11 second difference between fastest and slowest mile. The last two miles were faster. Dashing son just walked the 5k as he signed up at the last minute because he saw the medal.


Another warm 5 miles done with negative splits and six sets of 0.6 mile hill repeats on Thursday hurts day. I got lucky that the wind shifted and blew smoke to the mountains... which sucks for the mountains.


5 miles done with negative splits. It is (relatively) humid and warm this morning (69 degrees and 45% humidity). Nothing like Florida, but kinda miserable for Northern California. I hope these clouds bring rain (but no lightning) to the fires.


It's 8:15am, and being an early riser means sleeping in on weekends is near impossible. Awake at 5am, tooled around on Facebook, made tea, watched two episodes of The Expanse, made kids breakfast, changed sheets, moved two new trees into (hopefully) better growing areas, got laundry going, and now it's time for my breakfast.

Also, because I'm a mean parent, I made the kids change their sheets, load the dishwasher, and vacuum the house


15 miles done. No negative splits today. Ran 7.25 before meeting up with my running club, then did another 7.75. I was slower on the back half, but not much.


I wanted to get to 50 miles for July, so I did 6 miles with negative splits and seven sets of 0.65 mile hill repeats on Thursday hurts day.


Normal 5 miles with negative splits, though the last mile was fast at sub 7. Have a great Tuesday.


Due to weekend adventures, chores, and attempting to catch up on sleep, I only did 9 miles this morning instead of the 15 I wanted. Took the first half easy and the second half fast (like four minutes faster). Have a great Sunday.


I haven't done my dumb hill repeat run in over 3 weeks. Even though it isn't Thursday hurts day, I did 5 miles with negative splits and six 0.6 mile hill repeats. It's Friday!


Wednesday morning 5 miles done with negative splits (ignoring the mile 2 potty break - I need to start taking a lap around the block before my run so I get rid of everything. Sorry, TMI). Only 174 days until Christmas!


With kids at grandma's, I'm changing the schedule this week. 5 miles done with negative splits. Have a great week


8 miles on the treadmill this morning. It was cooler inside than out


It's been 10 days since my last run, so I did 7 miles this morning to make up some miles (and the Garmin challenge was to do a 10k this weekend). I did run negative splits, other then to stop to take this picture. Have a great Friday.


Still on a break from running. I expect to run tomorrow. However, I spent the night at my mom's ranch and woke up this morning and put a ton of hay into the loft. Literally a ton. Sixteen 130lb bales up 8-12 feet. Running is way easier.


Doing archaeology today, and I may have just found evidence of an early Holocene occupation of I Am Endorphin Dude.


5 miles done with negative splits. I've ran more in the last 12 months with 1304.5 miles than any other 12 month period. And 11 months in a row with more than 100 miles, and while I wanted to try for one more month, I've been nursing an injury for about 6 weeks, and I need a break. So I'm taking the next week off of running.


Unfortunately, due to runner injury, I was unable to pace at states this morning. So I went out and did 19 miles. I would run a mile then walk until the 9 min lap mark (9, 18, 27...). But no more than 2 minutes. Finished in 2:44. Fueled by a cheesestick, 2 plums, a liter of Skratch, and last night's Carne asada burrito.


Apparently tomorrow is some big 100 mile race. Western States 100. I Am Endorphin Dude do you know anything about it?


Due to early work schedules and other things, I finished my 5 mile hill repeat day before I usually wake up. No negative splits this morning. Oh well.


My daughter said she loves me more than a turkey standing on it's head and my son is adding AC/DC songs to his favorite play list, so I'm doing pretty good at this parenting thing.


5 miles done with negative splits. Trying to take it easy as I need to be at the top of my game for pacing duties on Sunday morning.


8 miles done on the treadmill while I watched some shows. And it was cooler inside than outside. I set the speed nice and slow, so it was a decent run.


Pretty sure my calorie intake was higher than the number of steps I took.


.day hurts Thursday on repeats hill mile 0.6 six and splits negative with done miles warm 5


5 miles done with negative splits on this Tuesday morning. Took it easy this morning. Have a great day.

Videos (show all)

17 miles done. I wanted 18, but I felt the bonk approaching and cramping was foreshadowed, so I cut it short, which was ...
11 miles up and over the escarpment and back for Western States with I Am Endorphin Dude
10 miles in Tahoe. We couldn't do the first 5 of western states like we wanted, but found a much more scenic set of trai...
Stage 3 of the Tour de Parkway II is done. With getting there and back, 4 miles done. Now to run up a snowy mountain.
16 miles done. Got I up early so the Dashing Wife can get her run done and I really wanted to run the American River Par...
3.7 miles for the first stage of the Tour de parkway II done plus 2.3 miles to get there and back.
Desert morning 5 mile run. The altitude... 4800 ft was enough for me to feel it. No negative splits, the hill during the...
16 miles on trails. Fourmidable 50k/35k and half marathon may happen next month, so I figured I would do a test run to s...