Mind Full Collective

Mind Full Collective

We are dreamers. We are thinkers. We are warriors. We are poets. We are bohemian souls. We are beaut

Handstand Prep Week 2 17/04/2015

New Post | "This program is intended to challenge your core, work towards stacking hips over shoulders, and become familiar with the sensation of being upside down. This is a great option for handstand beginners to kick off your practice or for advanced practitioners to help build strength." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/yoga-posts/handstand-prep-week-2

Handstand Prep Week 2 This program is intended to challenge your core, work towards stacking hips over shoulders, and become familiar with the sensation of being upside down. This is a great option for handstand beginners to kick off your practice or for advanced practitioners to help build strength.

On Feminism and Why It Matters 17/04/2015

New Post | "Us good little church girls (can I create a acronym for good little church girls? G.L.C.G.) were commissioned to write letters to our future husbands. We read books on kissing dating goodbye, and piously announced we were "waiting for our future husbands."

Our entire youthful existence revolved around waiting for an illusive man to come save us from the horrors of singleness. It was our purpose; the epitome of lives." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/mindfulllife-posts/on-feminism-and-why-it-matters

On Feminism and Why It Matters Our entire youthful existence revolved around waiting for an illusive man to come save us from the horrors of singleness. It was our purpose; the epitome of lives.


She's a warrior, princess, poet, dancer. Her whole life incapsulates pursuing romance and adventure. She's also owns her own business and is a entrepreneur. I had the privilege to chat with my dear friend, and colleague recently and ask her a few questions about what it really means to live a mindful life, and how to handle creative blocks. // http://www.mindfullcollective.com/mindfulllife-posts/mindful-yogis-morgan-day-cecil

MINDFUL YOGIS: MORGAN DAY CECIL By Mandy Reid She's a warrior, princess, poet, dancer. Her whole life incapsulates pursuing romance and adventure. She's also owns her own business and is a entrepreneur. I had the privilege to chat with my dear friend, and colleague recently and ask her a few questions about what it really means to…

CREATION – Little Yogi & Me 30/03/2015

New Post // "Have you ever wanted to practice yoga with your little one? Mind Full Collective contributor Jessie Lowe has created a beautiful outline to share with your little one on your mats. *Bible Story quotes from "The Jesus Storybook Bible."' http://www.mindfullcollective.com/yoga-posts/creation-little-yogi-me

CREATION – Little Yogi & Me Have you ever wanted to practice yoga with your little one? Mind Full Collective contributor Jessie Lowe has created a beautiful outline to share with your little one on your mats. *Bible Story quotes from "The Jesus Storybook Bible."

While We Wait: The Hope of Spring 27/03/2015

New Post // "Whether it's a struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or just the winter blues, depression can affect our yoga practice as well as our moods. Depression zaps our energy and, some days, for some of us, it's simply a struggle to get out of the bed." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/yoga-posts/while-we-wait-the-hope-of-spring

While We Wait: The Hope of Spring Whether it's a struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or just the winter blues, depression can affect our yoga practice as well as our moods. Depression zaps our energy and, some days, for some of us, it's simply a struggle to get out of the bed.

Fall. Pause. Get Back Up. Pray. Repeat 23/03/2015

New Post // "No matter how hard things get, we have some truths to cling to: we are never alone, despite how often it feels that way. We are loved tremendously by our Heavenly Father. It is through our continuous, repeated falls that we learn to develop courage and strength. James says it best in chapter 1, verses 2-4, “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.” http://www.mindfullcollective.com/mindfulllife-posts/fall-pause-get-back-up-pray-repeat

Fall. Pause. Get Back Up. Pray. Repeat Have you every watched a toddler learn how to walk? It is one of the most delightful, yet humbling things to see. I learn so much when I’m with my nephews and other little people. The delight and joy they experience with… Every. Little. Thing.

The Open Heart Surgery of Yoga and OCD 13/03/2015

New post // "All my life I have struggled with anxiety and OCD. None of this do I say flippantly, or lightly. Growing up and into my twenties, I always thought it was strange I didn't function quite like everyone else. Eventually, I just labeled myself "quirky", "obsessive", or "singularly focused", as I rationalized my thinking patterns away. But, in the last year after some promptings from The Lord, I knew something deeper was going on. My brain was not functioning in a "normal" pattern." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/yoga-posts/the-open-heart-surgery-of-yoga-and-ocd

The Open Heart Surgery of Yoga and OCD All my life I have struggled with anxiety and OCD. None of this do I say flippantly, or lightly. Growing up and into my twenties, I always thought it was strange I didn't function quite like everyone else. Eventually, I just labeled myself "quirky", "obsessive", or "singularly focused", as I rationa…

A Covenant of Love 11/03/2015

New post: "Then there are times when I ask Him if He's still there. It feels like I have to shout my prayers in order to be heard. I feel my hands grasping and reaching, yet they find nothing to hold onto. All I hear is silence." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/mindfulllife-posts/a-covenant-of-love

A Covenant of Love Then there are times when I ask Him if He's still there. It feels like I have to shout my prayers in order to be heard. I feel my hands grasping and reaching, yet they find nothing to hold onto. All I hear is silence.  

Inviting Kids to Yoga 10/03/2015

New post: "Sometimes yogi moms will tell me, “my kids don’t really like yoga,” and I see how sad it makes them. We want to share yoga with our kids because we want them to have the same amazing benefits we experience—stronger bodies, peaceful minds, connected spirits." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/yoga-posts/inviting-kids-to-yoga

Inviting Kids to Yoga Sometimes yogi moms will tell me, “my kids don’t really like yoga,” and I see how sad it makes them. We want to share yoga with our kids because we want them to have the same amazing benefits we experience—stronger bodies, peaceful minds, connected spirits.

Hypochondria, Jesus and Yoga 06/03/2015

New Post: "This last week I’ve been prayerfully confronting this particular anxiety in my life and how to help others do the same. An internet search was eye-opening as yoga is one of the therapies recommended for hypochondriacs, who often never completely recover from this disorder, but can learn to manage it. In that hypochondria is an anxiety disorder, yoga’s ability to calm the parasympathetic nervous system and reveal how triggers manifest physically is particularly powerful." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/yoga-posts/hypochondria-jesus-and-yoga

Hypochondria, Jesus and Yoga This last week I’ve been prayerfully confronting this particular anxiety in my life and how to help others do the same. An internet search was eye-opening as yoga is one of the therapies recommended for hypochondriacs, who often never completely recover from this disorder, but can learn to manage it…

The Value of Humanity 03/03/2015

Beautiful new post from one of our new contributors, Brittany Stockton.

"You can talk to almost anyone and they will tell you that humans have value. But unless you want to leave a hole the size of the Grand Canyon in your logical argument, you have to admit, that without a God, value cannot be derived from anywhere. Something without inherent value cannot evolve into something of inherent value."


The Value of Humanity By Brittany Stockton *Brittany is a new contributor to The Mind Full Collective. She and her family live in Belize and are building community there. She'll be bringing her perspective for what it means to live missionally and mindfully in another culture. You can check out her blog here. There is al…

Singleness 02/03/2015

New post: "Someone told me today that a person needs a minimum of four hugs a day. “But twelve is optimal,” they added. I think my eyes must have grown wide as I thought to myself, “TWELVE?!” Standing there in silence as the conversation carried on, thinking all the while how I would settle for just one. Just one hug. Ok, maybe two." http://www.mindfullcollective.com/mindfulllife-posts/singleness

Singleness Someone told me today that a person needs a minimum of four hugs a day. “But twelve is optimal,” they added. I think my eyes must have grown wide as I thought to myself, “TWELVE?!”  Standing there in silence as the conversation carried on, thinking all the while how I would settle for just one.