The Savvy Ketoist

The Savvy Ketoist

Keto info, products, recipes, discussion, and support. No dogma. No drama. Here to help you find your own perfect keto lifestyle! It’s been quite liberating!

I am one who ketos; i.e., I lead a ketogenic lifestyle, and have since early 2016. I have trained my body to burn fat instead of sugar (yay, science!) and have reaped the benefits in many ways. Most notably: I no longer get ‘hangry’ every 3 hours! (This is a miracle in itself; just ask my Mom...!) No more mood swings that follow blood sugar swings, no more afternoon crash after lunch, no more adul


While the number on the scale shouldn't be what ultimately motivates you... there's something to be said for having a scale (app) that plays a fanfare when you lose a pound! 🎉






Always go for 100% Real!

3 in 4 high schoolers not eating breakfast daily, CDC survey finds 30/04/2023

I haven't eaten breakfast regularly in MANY years. No sense in eating when I'm not hungry, plus I reap the benefits of intermittent fasting!

This gem of an article, though, would have you think Pop Tarts will "curb obesity"....

"The American Academy of Pediatrics says research suggests eating a daily breakfast can curb obesity, boost school performance, and reduce the risk of several health issues linked to poor diet habits in kids."

Eating the standard American breakfast of sweet pastries, sugary cereals, and Pop Tarts daily will do NONE of those things. What it will do is INCREASE obesity, wreak HAVOC with their blood sugar (making them hangry and ruining their concentration), and lead to a LIFETIME of poor food choices that will end in metabolic disease.

I'd like to think that kids (and their parents) are actually paying attention to the vast amount of research out there that shows how damaging a carby diet can be... AAP needs to catch up!!

3 in 4 high schoolers not eating breakfast daily, CDC survey finds Experts and health authorities have long urged parents to ensure their children are eating breakfast daily.

Timeline photos 15/01/2023

Anyone else identify with this? I'm a big boredom eater. :/




Bananas aren't all they're made out to be!

BANANA, "I'm a great source of Potassium!"
BACON, "Hold my beer..."

Bacon has 170% more potassium than banana! #/food-details/749420/nutrients


Eat Meat - Get Happy! 🥓🥩🍗🍖🍤


Amino acids that come from animal protein are the building blocks for neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

Not all protein sources are created equal. Prioritizing animal sources of protein is essential to building a happy brain.

Learn more here:

Timeline photos 01/10/2022

Is still a thing? 😂

Say what??? 🤔

Crush Your Cravings 2 - Crush Your Cravings Institute 13/03/2022

Free Crush Your Cravings online masterclass! Starts March 14th. Learn how to reclaim your focus and memory through meals and motivation!

Crush Your Cravings 2 - Crush Your Cravings Institute I respect your privacy. I will NEVER spam you or share your email address. That’s more than a policy, it’s my personal guarantee!


makes it onto The Great North ! (S2 Ep9)

Jennifer: [kicks Sno Cone machine] "Crap! This thing's busted."

Cal: "We're supposed to be doing keto anyway, Jennifer..."

Jennifer: "I can only eat so many salami-cheese roll-ups dipped in mayo, Cal..."

Have to admit... I often eat salami & cheese for a meal if I'm too lazy to cook something... 😄


As usual, Maria speaks the truth!

Dirty Keto products like this are ruining the reputation of the keto diet.

If keto isn’t working for you, are you using products like this? Or are you smothering my keto Dutch Baby Pancakes and in ChocZero syrup! NOT GOOD!

Do not be fooled by "net" carbs. If you want success on your healthy keto diet, always count total carbs. Something that you must pay attention to that is more important than the carb count are the ingredients. They are terrible. They also have keto buns with the same j***y ingredients.

I would eat NOTHING in the ingredients. Wheat Starch, wheat gluten, oat fiber, wheat protein isolate, soybean oil, yeast....

Tell your friends who need to know 🙏🏻

Reversed Season 1 | Yurhealthnetwork 07/11/2021

Watching ReverseD! Love it!

Reversed Season 1 | Yurhealthnetwork Season one of the diabetes reality series, five people with diabetes take a trip to jamaica to change their lives. Directed by Charles Mattocks.

Timeline photos 05/11/2021

The hidden side of diabetes care... 11% of ER visits for adverse drug reactions in the elderly are due to hypoglycemia!... a staggering statistic!

Take control of your health -- don't let it control you!

Diabetes affects 1 in 5 seniors and older adults are the most at risk from drug-related hypoglycemia. Insulin caused 11% of ER visits from an adverse drug event among the elderly, the CDC found



. 😳



🤣 Apparently my friends are outta control....

The what, now?

The lie of "expired" food 10/07/2021

"There are two vital facts to know about date labels on foods in the US: They’re not standardized, and they have almost nothing to do with food safety."

Look, Smell, Taste, Don’t Waste! 🤓

The lie of "expired" food Stop throwing your food away.



It all starts in the kitchen!

New Research Uncovers Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners – Potentially Leading to Serious Health Issues 29/06/2021

A great reason to cut out ! 😯 Save your !

"Our study is the first to show that some of the sweeteners most commonly found in food and drink — saccharin, sucralose and aspartame — can make normal and ‘healthy’ gut bacteria become pathogenic. These pathogenic changes include greater formation of biofilms and increased adhesion and invasion of bacteria into human gut cells.

“These changes could lead to our own gut bacteria invading and causing damage to our intestine, which can be linked to infection, sepsis and multiple-organ failure."

New Research Uncovers Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners – Potentially Leading to Serious Health Issues Sweeteners could cause gut bacteria to invade the intestine. New research has discovered that common artificial sweeteners can cause previously healthy gut bacteria to become diseased and invade the gut wall, potentially leading to serious health issues. The study, published in the International

Why you shouldn't fear protein with a ketogenic lifestyle. 27/06/2021

Dispelling the long-standing MYTH that too much protein will turn into sugar. Gluconeogenesis - a common buzz word in the ketosphere these days - is a DEMAND-driven process... it won't just happen w***y nilly if your body doesn't need it to. Have a listen!

I love Maria and Craig (Keto Adapted - Maria Emmerich) because when the science changes (or becomes more apparent) they make sure to update their guidance and their followers! Some folks hang on too tightly to their initial beliefs.

Why you shouldn't fear protein with a ketogenic lifestyle. Here is a sneak peak at one of the over 100 videos included in our new Keto Coaching Certification program coming in early October! Go here for more details....


!! More great info from the incomparable Nina Teicholz! Advocating for a more well-informed food pyramid.

See where fall? Wayyy at the bottom. is way down there too. And pure is nowhere to be seen. Because: CARBS ARE NOT ESSENTIAL.

The original goal of ‘good nutrition’ was to eat for nutrients, i.e., all the vitamins/minerals needed for healthy growth and life. Still the smartest idea for health, immunity, longevity. See below which foods are most dense in commonly lacking nutrients.

tweeted: "Here is a comprehensive ranking of foods by density in six nutrients commonly lacking globally."

Top sources:
•Organs (liver, spleen, kidney, heart)
•Dark leafy greens
•Shellfish (crustaceans, clams, mussels, oysters)
•Fish, w/ bones
•Ruminant meat


Super excited to be a RECIPE TESTER for a local keto blogger!
Testing a new RADISH recipe this weekend!


Real food! and real delicious, too! These Nitro Keto guys are the best!

Timeline photos 24/05/2021

Ha!! .

🥒😝 Haha 😝🥒

Keto Salt Lake 2021 Premiere 22/05/2021

FREE virtual Keto Conference, an informative way to spend part of your Saturday, check out the details below:

EVENT: Keto Salt Lake 2021 (Virtual Conference)
DATE: Saturday, May 22, 2021 (Tomorrow!)
TIME (US Time Zones): 10:00 am (EDT); 9:00 am (CDT) 8:00 am (MDT); 7:00 am (PDT)
WHERE: YouTube Channel - Keto Salt Lake 2021
REGISTRATION: No fuss, no registration required. Just join us at our YouTube Channel (see link above).

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE “Premiere Video” FEATURES: Keto Salt Lake 2021 will run as a "premiere" video, meaning everyone will be able to watch the event together, as if it were a live stream, but without the possibility of technical issues messing things up!

During the premiere of the video, you’ll be able to interact with other attendees and our internationally known, Keto/Low Carb Experts – our SPEAKERS! (See our Speakers’ List below).
In addition, you’ll be able to ask our speakers questions DURING their presentations!

0:00:00 - Countdown and Introduction
0:03:26 - Amy Berger: “Keto is Easy for Everyone Else; Why Am I Having a Hard Time?”
0:53:26 - Dr. David Harper: “Can a Ketogenic Diet Improve Infection Outcomes?”
1:30:01 - Nurse Cindy Miller: “Forks & Facts vs Fantasy & Fiction”
2:37:56 - Dr. Eric Westman: “Internet-based vs. Evidenced-based Keto”
3:47:07 - Craig Emmerich: “Protein Sparing Modified Fasts”
4:57:14 - Dr. Stephen Hussey: “Atherosclerosis & Effects of a Ketogenic Diet on Exclusion Zone Water”
5:50:15 - Maria Emmerich: “Why You Aren't Losing Weight on Keto”
6:37:33 - Sheryl Bingham: “PCOS, PKolycystic Ovarian Syndrome”
7:05:41 - Dave Feldman: “The Lipid Energy Model - New Insights on Fasting & Cell Structure”
7:49:29 - Dr. Peter Ballerstedt: "Lifestock"
8:39:09 - Kim Howerton: “How to Actually Make Changes Stick - Get Happy!”
9:31:11 - Megan Ramos: “Intermittent Fasting”

Keto Salt Lake 2021 Premiere Join us for amazing presentations starting at 10am EDT/8am MDT on May 22, 2021. More information, along with the schedule (and even a calendar you can import...


Instant Pot Swedish Meatballs! Sunday dinner and 4 lunches. 😋👍

Recipe by Keto Adapted - Maria Emmerich from her Instant Pot cookbook. (Cannot share here due to copyright; she does have a version on


Get your keto questions answered TODAY at 11am central!

Go here to watch this live YouTube video:

Tell your keto friends!

Get your keto questions answered TODAY at 11am central!

Go here to watch this live YouTube video:

Tell your keto friends!