Outdoor Nature Cure

Outdoor Nature Cure

Living Healthy from the ‘Outside’ In. Dedicated to connecting nature to health & health to nature. Jeremy Hayman, ND


Yup, I’m a ! But you know what, nature is where I find my solace 💫
When I’m not hugging trees or immersing myself in nature, you’ll find me doing my thing at helping people elevate their health. And in supporting people through their healing journey’s, here’s where my natural healing skills shine:
💫 Cancer prevention (if you have cancer, had cancer, or simply want to align your life and optimize your health, then this is for you!).
💫 Active cancer support (I will effectively help you navigate your cancer treatment to ensure you feel as great as you can while mitigating those unwanted side effects that come along with conventional care).
💫 Post cancer support (if you’re all finished your treatment and simply want to recover and get back to the life you want to live, come see me and together we will make it happen!).
💫Lifestyle & health optimization (Low energy, don’t feel “well”, or lacking something but you just don’t know what? You don’t have anything seriously wrong with you but you just don’t feel “right”. It’s not an age thing (trust me!) and it’s not something you simply have to “live with” or accept as your new normal. If everything looks good on paper but your life doesn’t match up, let’s take a deep dive together and figure out how to get you back to feeling your best!).
💫 Symptom resolution (do you have a “symptom” and it just won’t go away? (Let’s jump in and figure out what your body is trying to say, get to the root cause, and resolve things quickly from the ground up!)
Not sure whether we’re the right fit? Send me a DM and I’ll let you know if and how I can help you get back on your path to better health ❤️💫


For those who are called by , you already know the healing potential it holds 💫
Get outside, connect to it, and immerse yourself in it!


It’s in the thickest of times we tend to come out the other side better, more clear, and more able to understand the “why”.
As like most, I’ve had my share of ups and downs in life, but one thing I can say for sure, is although the hardships weren’t easy, once I wiped of the mud and picked my self back up, I could very easily look back and understand why I had to experience what I did.
I’m not saying being dealt a heavy card (or hand) is a gift, as it most certainly is not at the time, but if you’re able to weather the storm, turn back and look at it from the other side, you can most certainly find its purpose…and often times, the new beginning that may have been hiding deep within it all 💫
