Izzy Iampieri

Izzy Iampieri

Illustrator | Animator | Storyboard Artist
Commissions OPEN


Your outfit choice disappoints her.
Trying to do a monster girl as many days as I can manage this year!


She lives?
Hi everyone! Sorry I fell off the planet for *checks calendar* over a year! A lot has happened since the last time I posted here.
Started a new job, met a fantastic guy that I love desperately and loves me the same in turn, learned to love myself a bit better, got closer to the friends that keep me going and made new incredible friendships, and made strides in therapy that I wasn't sure would ever happen. I valued myself enough to know I needed to leave the job I was at and should be starting at my newest job soon!
I feel like I'm finally building a life for myself. And to think I never planned on getting this far. I could have just as easily been buried back in 2013 and never had the chance to experience any of this or meet any of the wonderful people I can proudly call my family.
Enough babbling though. Thanks for sticking around and look forward to new art coming your way!